Volume 1 chapter 8

Lenni turned her head around and saw someone familiar... 

"Reo? You were also stuck here?"

When both Jay and Cole heard the name they turned their head around and saw a boy whose hair and eyes were as dark Charcoal. He had a delinquent look which made people misunderstand him as a gangster.

"That's Reo?" Jay whispered to Cole.

Lenni and Reo are famous, but Reo never showed his face to the public which makes him all mysterious. The only person who knew Reo was Lenni as there are partners in Radio station.

"His face is completely different from what I imagined." Cole whispers back at Jay.

"Seriously Lenni... Why did you tell my name out loud?"

"Oooops I am really sorry about that."

"This girl...." Reo gives out a heavy sigh.

"Aright, Now that everyone is here, Let's head back to the bounty." Nya said she directed everyone to the door.

They came out of the building and Nya separated the water and others went inside.

"OK NOW EVERYONE IS IN! YOU CAN LEAVE THE WATER ALONE NYA!" Jay said it to Nya in a loud manner.

"Can you... I don't know... not scream in my ears." Cole said as his anger was building up.

Jay did not reply anything to that comment, but he was really annoyed.

They took off and were going back to the Island. Lenni was walking around the bounty and saw that some of them were sleeping, She took few warm blankets and covered them. Nya saw her from far across and walked to her.

"They must have been stressed, thinking that they won't survive." Nya says to Lenni.

"Yeah... But you must be more tired."

"Don't worry I am all okay now, I took a good rest."

"That's good to know."

"By the way I was wondering, Why did Reo hide his face?"

"He told me that he wanted people to find out his face by themselves... but sadly I ruined that." she sounded pessimistic.

"So, I was wondering... What is he to you?"


Nya laughed as she heard that from Lenni. "I am sorry, the city just has rumors about you two."

"I mean... I have heard them, but I and  Reo are like... 2 years difference, so there is no way people are allowed to say that!"


Lenni sat there blushing, trying to make excuses, but at that moment nothing came inside her head.



Reo was on the bounty, he came out of the deck, cause he went there to get water, as he came up he saw Lenni and Nya talking. He was walking to their direction and before he could reach them Lenni turned around and spotted him. She blushed a little and gave him a wide smile, he gave her back a smile too.

"Hello Nya, I was wondering where we were actually going." 

"Oh...." Nya said as an idea clicked in her head. "Umm, can you hear that? Someone is calling me! I have to go, Why don't you ask Lenni?" Nya said as she left them very quickly.

"Wow, she is quick..." Reo said as he saw Nya running, Lenni was standing beside Reo, being really annoyed cause she knew what Nya's actually intentions were.

"So where are we going?" Reo asked Lenni.

"There is this Island, I don't think it has a name yet..."

"Then why don't you create a name?" Reo asked as he looked at Lenni's amethyst eyes. Lenni stood there looking at his charcoal eyes. Both of them were staring at each other for no reason.

"What are they doing? A staring Contest?" Nya said as she had binoculars in her hands.

"Hmmm a name... What about Flake Island?"

"Ah! That name! Wasn't that the name of the snowman we made a year ago?"

"Yep!" Lenni giggled.


A year back, When It was the time to celebrate Christmas, During this time Lenni was 15 and Reo was 17. They both were behind the radio station playing snow fight. As they were playing in snowy ground, A man was looking after them, he was sitting on a bench drinking hot chocolate.

That man's women came there and sat on the bench with him and she was also watching them play.

"So she declined?" The wife asked the Man.

"Yeah, I was worried about her at first, but now seeing her, she can handle herself."

"But she is still too young... and she does trust us for adopting her right? And she doesn't have anyone else to trust too!"

"She has Reo to help her out." The man replied.

"Reo? Isn't he like a delinquent?"

"He might be, but both of them trust each other a lot." The man saw both of them still fighting with snow mercilessly. 

"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? KILL ME!?" Lenni shouted as she was panting a lot and Reo was laughing at her.

"Hey kids! Why don't you two make a snowman?" The old man said to them.

"SNOWMAN! I never made a snowman before!!"

"Then let's make it then!"

Both Reo  and Lenni took an hour to make it and it was really big. The man and his wife went near them and stood near the snowman.

"So why don't you name it?"

"HMMMM I can't think of any names right now..." Lenni said as she was trying to think.

"What about Flake??" Reo suggested.

"Ah yes! Flake the Snowman!"


"Well then I will be leaving." Lenni said as she waves goodbye at him. She goes to Nya who was waiting for Lenni on the deck, Nya was actually annoyed, seeing that nothing happened between them.

"Hee hee hee." Lenni snickered and Nya got terrified.

"DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT I WILL FEEL FLUSTRATED WHEN I TALK TO HIM?? I SPEND EVERYDAY WITH HIM IN THE STATION ALONE!!" Lenni said as she was having one of those bravado smile. At this point Nya was completely annoyed.
