Volume 1 Chapter 10

"WAIT WHAT?" Cole asked.

"Are sure it is her? Maybe you took mistook her for a grandmother." Jay said to Lloyd.

"Oh yes, and old grandma who came from above the ground which was filled with flood to the underground prison to say Hai to my dad and to feed birds there." Lloyd said it sarcastically.

"What if it is her twin sister?" Cole said.

"WHATEVER YOU SAY, IT IS HARUMI!" Lloyd burst into anger.

"Then...What should we do?" Kai asks.

"I will think of a plan." Lloyd said as he goes to his tent.

"Then I guess we all will train."

Everyone left and Lenni was the only who was standing there, she went to the tent where Lloyd was there.

"Ummm Lloyd... Is it ok if I come in?"

"Sure." Lloyd replied.

She went to the table and sat opposite to him. "You are really good at this." She said to him and he raised his head to her.

"What do you mean?" Lloyd asked in confusion.

"You keep your composure cool even though this hits you more hard." Lloyd was silent after hearing Lenni's comment.

"From the rumors I heard, you and the princess was really close, I can't imagine what you must have gone through when you saw her dying. And now... you act like she is another villain so its all normal."

"I- wow... how did you figure all of that?"

"I am an RJ remember? I talk to so many people saw by looking at them and the way they talk, I can figure it out."


"Anyway I will leave, so that you can focus on the planning." Lenni said as she gets up from her seat, before she could go out Lloyd asked.

"Even you have something in your mind for a long time right?" Lenni got surprised and she turned her head around to Lloyd.

"How do you know?" She asked him.

"Lucky guess? You are an RJ who is really young so that you are not able to tell about yourself to the media."


"We know very less about you...."

"I think it is ok if I talk about it then..." Lenni said as she sat down.

"It was long time ago... when I got lost in another country..."


"Where am I?" It was young Lenni who was 3 years old. She was walking around the road on her own. She saw a Blonde woman who was walking to her direction. The blonde woman saw Lenni in despair, so she went to her and asked-

"Are you lost dear?" Lenni nodded.

"Do you know where your mom is?" 

"No... I don't know where she is..."

"Do you know her phone number at least?"


"It's ok, you are a child... Come with me and I will take you to my home, and I will call your mom." The woman said as she reached her hand out to Lenni. Without a second thought Lenni kept her palm on her hand.

They both walked through the streets, the woman told Lenni that her name was Fiona and they both were talking to each other about themselves.

They at last reaches the house and Lenni saw that it was a really big Mansion, she took her first step in and saw four kids running around the house. Fiona clapped her hands and all four of them stood in a line. Lenni saw how all the kids were so obedient, which means that Fiona is strict.

"Who is this girl?" one of the boys John, asked.

"Lenni why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Ummm, My name is Lenni... and I am from... Ninjago."

"She is so boring..."

"I can't believe that she is going to stay here." One of the kids, Lora said it.

"I am sorry but... I am only going to be here until my parents come and pick me." Lenni replied.

"Lenni, come with me, I will show you where you are staying." Fiona said as she took Lenni's hand and Left the room. They reached one of the bedrooms and Fiona gave Lenni some other warm clothes to wear.

"Thank you very much!" 


"Even though it became a week, my parents still did not come to pick me up" Lenni told to Lloyd who was listening carefully.


Lenni walked into the living room where Fiona was, she was very nervous to even talk. But she gathered all the guts and asked.

"I know this is kinda rude... But when are my parents gonna come."

"Well, what about...Never?!" Fiona said to Lenni.

After hearing that Lenni was very surprised... What is going on? Wasn't Fiona happy to help her? Why is she still keeping Lenni with her?

"Why...?" Lenni asked.

"You will see..." Fiona replies. By then the door bell rang, and Fiona went to the door and opened it. It was a middle aged man with so many papers in his hands. Her came to the living room and saw Lenni, He took his hat and made a small bend.

Fiona clapped and the other 4 children came to the room and stood in a line, Lenni went to the line and stood there too. The man sat on the chair and asked Fiona-

"So which child are you selling?"
