call ongoing

"listen when I said it was awkward... it was more like i was awkward. i mean he was completely fine he even seemed like i dunno like he genuinely felt bad. i still can't believe it happened though. like... why me? i mean i should be freaking out cause y'know? but i'm more just like confused? cause like what did i do?"

"i dunno why he did it but he doesn't just do those things to do them. he always has a reason so trust the process hyung. i'm sure whatever he's planning is stupid but anything he does is stupid. what i'm trying to say is pay attention and don't get caught up in overthinking things too much"

"you're telling someone who's constantly overthinking to not over think. anyways i gotta go... chan is calling me to get to the studio"

"ooo tell him I said hi!"

"no- you literally got off the phone with him before i called"


"bye innie~"

call ended


before the call

jisung really didn't want to turn around. he was really hoping that what he was experiencing was just a figment of his imagination.

"han jisung..." minho's voice was soft, quiet. how did minho know his full name? "yah, han jisung." this time his voice was much more forward and closer. turning around jisung was surprised to see minho so close to him, a hand reaching out to what seemed like it was aiming for his shoulder.

"sorry.. uhm. how can i help you?" jisung avoided eye contact, moving past the taller male and heading towards his small kitchen, the older boy following like a little kitten wanting attention.

"i wanted to talk. about the call." lee know was resting against the counter as jisung reached for his fridge, obviously pretending to be searching for something behind the opened door.

"okay. we can talk about it. but what's there to talk about?" jisung finally grabbed a bottle of anything he could drink and stood up, closing the fridge door. once more he hesitated to turn around, but he didn't even feel like doing so anymore when a shiver ran down his spine.

"i don't hate it." lee know was testing everything right now. Having moved to stand straight behind the male after he closed the fridge door. "i'm actually curious... about one thing" he spun the male around, trapping him against the fridge door with both of his arms.

"i... uhh..." jisung was malfunctioning. the male was close... too close. he could smell the others cologne and feel his breath moving his hair as he titled his head down to avoid the eye contact.

"do you actually like me or is it all for show? hmm?" minho was staring down at the male, his eyes focusing on the others hair, almost wanting to touch it with how soft it looked. shaking the idea from his head, he bent his knees slightly, lowering himself and trying to catch the others gaze which was stuck to the floor.

"i... i don't know... as a celebrity sure... but what do i really know about you to like you like that... plus who doesn't say they like you.." jisung was so close to crying from nervousness but he didn't want to make a fool of himself so he held himself together. however when the model caught his gaze the boy looked up abruptly, bumping his forehead into the others.

small noises left both of their mouths from the sudden strike. "sorry.. sorry i didn't mean to.. are you okay?" all signs of nervousness vanished as he reached for the model who had backed up, holding his forehead. the model looked up slowly, a small grin on his face before he let out a chuckle.

"are you always this clumsy?" the model stood up as he ruffled jisung's hair. hesitating for a second, he proceeded to grab the others wrist and pulled him to his small couch to sit and get comfortable.

the two spent about an hour getting to know each other, all signs of nervousness and anxiety leaving the both of them as they played games on jisung's ps4. that alone had the two playfully pushing each other and throwing punches in fake anger.

two hours later

"well as fun as this was i gotta get going." the model stood from the couch, heading towards the door, this time the squirrel like boy was in toe like a little puppy. there was an obvious sadness in his eyes, not wanting the male to leave although the knew the boy had a life of his own.

"i'll see you soon han jisung." turning on his heel, the male stopped in the doorway, causing the other to crash right into him. minho wrapped an arm around the others shoulder a small 'woah' leaving him as he was shocked from the sudden bump. the two stopped breathing from the closeness. quick decisions could make or break a moment. and that's exactly what lee know did. make a quick decision and in the end he didn't regret it.

"i like you han jisung. you're interesting." another quick decision and then he was gone, leaving jisung standing in his own doorway in complete shock.
