jisung was basically drowning in his own embarrassment. in front of him sat the older boy's phone, open to his own fan account page. "it might be? but i'm sure there's a lot of fans out there who have similar styles of writing captions. this is basically one piece of hay in a haystack."

minho took some time to think about it, pulling his phone back in the process. "you're right. i don't know why i let hyunjin get in my head like that. anyways nice meeting you, i have a schedule soon near here so i'm gonna go" the male stood from the table, hands finding their way to his pockets as he spared the red haired male one last glance to the red haired male sitting down and staring at the seat  minho just got up from. without another word he left the café, heading off to the building nearby to appear for his shoot.

on the other hand, jisung was still in complete shock. he hadn't known that his big time crush knew about his account. jisung really dug himself into a deep hole and was getting dirt poured back over him by the second. cursing mentally, the male pulled his own phone from his back pocket, and quickly pulled up his imessage group chat.

three hoes in a pod

fuck fuck fuckfuvk fuckf fuckf ch k
get the fuck in here right now
before i explode
i'm fucked
i'm so ruched

what happened sung
and loL not the ruched

can y'all shut the fuck up for one second
i'm tryna record my cover and y'all are blowing up my phone so i can't concentrate on reading the lyrics
but now that i've been pulled away rudely
what tf happed

i liek yk
wanted to meet up
and i said yes
but he showed up and said that
hyunjin showed him some fan account that he thought might've been responsible for hacking me
and he pulled out his phone and showed
me the account
and out of all the fucking account s
that hyunjin could have
run into or clicked on
it just so fucking
happened to
how the fuxk
did he manage
that someone
im gonna explode
i almost choked on m y fucking coffee
right i front fo minhoe
damn autocorrect
seen 4:02

seen 4:03

y'all aren't serious right
read 4:03

i can see you reading this
you assholes
respond ffs
seen 4:03

ur straight fucked mate

jisung let out a a groan, as he let his head hit the table, causing a few people to look his way. his friends were no help and he really didn't know what the hell to do. there was no one else he could turn to, or was there. as if a light went off in his mind, jisung unlocked his phone once more and closed the chat, opening another chat with a new person.

innie please send help
seen 4:12

what happened?

what happened is that
ur lil friend
that whole hot ass meal
asked me to meet
and told me that hyunjin
told him that he found a possible
showed me my fan account
and now
i dunno what the fuck i should do
so send help
yk him best

well dang
i cant really talk in depth rn
he's next to me
we're at a shoot
seen 4:17

jisung eyes widened in panic at the others words. immediately he got up, leaving his cup on the table as he ran out of the cafe. his face was flushed with embarrassment as he made his way home. it took only about another twelve minutes of him sprinting down the paths to make it to the street across from the front door of his apartment building. what the male saw had him completely forgetting what he had been running for in the first place.

"is that felix... with changbin?? what the hell is happening there?" jisung's eyebrows knitted together as he watched from the street as they walked out of the building and into what the male assumed was changbins car since felix didn't drive.

"oh does an aussie have some fucking tea to spill today..."
