two hours later
7:50 pm

ill do it
seen 7:52 pm

Great! Are you free tomorrow?
seen 7:52 pm

yeh, would you be able to
drop by my house?
1 pm
seen 7:53 pm

uhh yeah sure
sent 8:01 pm


was jisung out of his mind? maybe just a little bit. he has spoken to felix, or well texted the boy since he still had yet to return home from leaving with changbin. they were currently 'arguing' over the idea of felix sitting in to spend the day with minho and jisung popping into his own apartment and pretending like he lived in felix's apartment. to be honest jisung hadn't really thought out the whole thing and was starting to realize that felix has a point.

with all the captions he ever wrote, felix would have to pretend to be the one to have wrote them all. jisung huffed and told the aussie to just forget it, that he would come up with some other plan. the male was running out of time. he had agreed to the meet before texting felix about it thinking the aussie would have his back.

"shit... wait... what if i send him my address but when he knocks on my door i pretend he got sent the wrong address. he should fall for that.... right?" jisung was pacing around the tiny space he called his home, the studio apartment not having much wall space with all his studio equipment taking it over. "fuck it, i can't think of anything else" he mumbled as he pulled out his phone and opened the notification he had received and had yet to look at.

uhh yeah sure
read 8:23 pm

great here's my address also sorry
i'm in a bit of a rush
3102 ******** road
third floor door on left of elevator
seen 8:24 pm


14 hours later
10 am

to say jisung was panicking was an understatement. he hadn't managed to sleep or eat since he sent the male his address and his stomach was doing backflips. "what if this doesn't work? what if i just outed myself? would he really believe that they sent him the wrong address?"

the red haired male was dressed as comfortable as possible, his hair a mess from running his hands through it, but it fit. it made the boy look like he had just woken up from a restless night. maybe he could actually pull it off?

two hours had passed and there was only one hour till minho was supposed to show up. if he didn't show up, well then jisung would be behind relieved. he wouldn't have to worry about screwing everything over and exposing himself as the owner of the account.

sitting on his couch, he had his knees tucked into his chest as he stared off into space, his index finger busy picking a the skin on his thumb, a habit he had when he was nervous.

his phone sat next to him, a message pre-typed ready to send right at 12:59 telling him that there was a typo and that it was supposed to be drive and not road. hopefully minho would be knocking at the door right as he sent it. or well, if he wasn't there yet and jisung sent it then that meant someone random would be visited by minho.

"what if i just send him on a wild goose cha-" jisung's words were cut off when a knock sounded from his door. he panicked and quietly but quickly raced himself the small distance to his door and peaked through the hole. there at his door, thirty minutes early, was lee minho in all his hotness.

this was perfect, that was jisung's current thought process. the model was early meaning if sent the text now and opened the door right after it wouldn't be weird.

i'm so sorry
i didn't realize i made a mistake
it's drive not road- i just moved
here and i keep getting it mixed up
with my old address
sent 12:37 pm


with the message sent, jisung logged out quickly and tossed his phone onto his bed, his hands quickly ruffling his appearance up to sell the story. he showed his steps to the door and with a somewhat gruff voice spoke.

"who is it?" he asked and before he could get an answer, he pulled the door open and was face to face with the taller male.

"what the hell-"
