Pawnee Zoo

Leslie and Olivia were standing in front of a crowd, of mainly toddlers, and a few adults at the Pawnee Zoo. Sun shining and a big banner hanging over the enclosure that read 'Tux and Flipper'. April was to the sisters right, in a bridesmaid dress to one of the penguins as Leslie was about to officiate their marriage.

"We've  been spending the summer doing a lot of zoo promotions." Olivia explained pointing to all the penguin merch around the two sisters. "Parrots live a very long time. So we had a birthday party for a parrot that turned 60.Chimpanzees are very smart, so we had them graduate from college. And they like to fling their feces, so we were hoping that they would fling their hats. But they just flung their feces..."

Olivia trailed off, haunted by the thought of what happened that summer. But thankfully Leslie picked up where her sister left off.

"The Pawnee Zoo recently purchased two South African black-footed penguins, Tux and Flipper. And as part of our zoo promotion, we are going to give them a marriage ceremony, because they mate for life."

"Tux, do you take Flipper, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Leslie asks the penguins as the crowd becomes very quiet. And of course they didn't answer, because they're penguins, Leslie helped them out.

In a high pitched voice Leslie said "I do! I do!" imitating the penguins then continued.

"By the power vested in me from the Department of Parks and Recreation, I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

The crowd cheered and the Knope sister looked off into the said crowd. Till they heard so unreserved 'oohh's and 'aahh's. To turn around and only find the two penguins... consummating their marriage, as Olivia would put it. Leslie in good nature laughed it off and said.

"Okay, well, at least they're married."

"Are they making babies?" One of the little kids asks, and the local zoo keeper answers the kids' question.

"Well, not those two. Those are both boy penguins."

"I'm sorry?" Leslie asks, confused.

"You didn't know that?" Olivia asks Leslie in a different form of confusion.

Leslie the zoo keeper explains. "Tux and Flipper are both boys. So you should have pronounced them husband and husband, technically."

"That's awesome." April says in a positive way, which is surprising because April is never positive.


"People in this town don't really like their government employees being activists." Leslie said. But Olivia has no such reservation.

"I told them to suck my dick. Government and politics go hand in hand. They're all just hateful bigots." Olivia says with no reservations.

"Last year, a garbage man was suspended for wearing a Live Strong bracelet." Leslie explains the extent of how stupid these people are. And Olivia next to her sister is boiling in rage.

Later that day after the wedding Leslie was in the break room gluing pictures of the wedding into her scrapbook. She also forced Olivia to cut them to size, Jerry came in holding a cake with two penguins on it.

"Hey, Leslie, Olivia, some guy who owns a gay bar sent you a cake." Jerry explains setting the cake down in front of the sisters. Tom took it upon himself to read the card.

"Pawnee has a gay bar?" Leslie asks cluelessly.

"Yeah. The Bulge." Ron interrupted their conversation. Causing the whole brake room to look at him curiously. "It's behind my house." Ron explains.

"The Bulge is a gay bar? Uh, the nights I've wasted my time there." Leslie comes to the realization and talks to herself.

"Again, you didn't know that?" Olivia asks incredulously. "You're a government official, and it's crazy how much you don't know about this town." Olivia points out the irony. Tom then reads the card out loud to the rest of the room.

" 'Leslie! Olivia! Hey, girrrrrrrrl!' With eight R's. 'Thank you for supporting the cause of gay marriage. 'You rock! The boys at The Bulge.' " Tom reads

"They thought that was a political gesture? Okay, nobody eats that cake. Tom? Step into my office." Leslie now panicked and walked to her office. Not noticing Olivia and Jerry eating said cake they were just told not too.

"That's also my office." Tom protests weakly.

Olivia holds out a slice for Ron to take, and after a moment of intense staring. Ron pops the cake into his mouth.


Olivia and Leslie were walking down the hall to go back to their office after lunch. Olivia did have to come up with an excuse as to why she didn't eat that much. Of course it was because of the cake, but Olivia couldn't tell Leslie that. Their conversation was cut off when April was holding onto a dude's arm, and that dude was holding onto another guy's hand. Olivia and Leslie stopped walking in mild confusion.

"There they are. Olivia! Leslie!" April gets the sisters' attention with the two duded in tow.

"This is my boyfriend, Derek, and this is Derek's boyfriend, Ben." April introduces her...boyfriend, boyfriends, to the sister who is now even more confused.

"Hi. Hey. Oh! Wait, sorry, what's the situation?" Leslie asks, trying to be polite.

"What do you mean?" April dead pans back to Leslie.

"How does this work?" Olivia asks point blankly.

"Derek is gay, but he's straight for me, but he's gay for Ben, and Ben's really gay for Derek. And I hate Ben." April explains it like it is not complicated.

"It's not that complicated." Derek says jumping with excitement to be in Olivia's and Leslie's presence.

"You hate ben?" Olivia asks April pointing at this ben character. But before she can get her answer Leslie interprets her.

"So what can I do for you guys?"

"They just really wanted to meet you two,  because you guys kind of like their heroes now." April explains pointing to the now two giddy and excited duded to her right.

"No problem! Happy to support the gay community." Olivia says as Leslie's panicked face only grows more and more. Olivia is shaking hands with April's boyfriend and April's boyfriend's boyfriend, at the same time when Leslie finally stops gasping and can speak.

"No! Olivia's got it all wrong. Oh, oh, April, please, it was just penguins. I'm a public servant, and I'm not allowed to take a political stance." she pleads.

"But you did, and it was awesome. None of the other politicians ever take a stand, and it means a lot to the whole gay community.  and we're gonna have this party tomorrow night at The Bulge, and we had something to ask you two. We really want you to be the guest of honor." Derek and Ben ask for a poster with Olivia and Leslie on it with the word 'Knope' at the bottom.

Leslie, benign and somewhat amoral, is swayed by the flattery. "Who made this?" she asks. And Derek and Ben motion to themselves.



"Color printing Leslie." April and Olivia answer for Leslie


Leslie and Olivia were in their office. Olivia tries to convince Leslie to go to the gay bar and fight the powers that be that oppress so many people. What caught Olivia off guard is when Ron came through their office door leading a woman. Ron barely does any work at all, which is the surprising thing.

"Leslie, this is Marcia Langman from the Society For Family Stability Foundation." Ron introduces her.

"Oh, hello. I love your top." Leslie says not knowing what was in store for the sisters.

"Oh, thank you so much. I was just hoping you had a moment to discuss the events at the zoo yesterday." She asked very aggressively, staring daggers at the sisters.

"Well, I have nothing to do with this, so..." Ron notes and slinks away from the room. Olivia wished she could do the same.

"Well, what can I do for you and those fine people at the SFSF?" Leslie asks the butcher for their organization name.

"Well, you could resign, if you're up for it." Marcia laughed, but she was definitely not joking.

"Oh, you're serious?" Olivia asks, raising her eyebrow. Olivia can already feel her temper rising at this woman.

"When you performed a marriage for gay penguins, using taxpayer money on government property, you were symbolically taking a stand in favor of the gay marriage agenda." The woman says condescending. And Leslie is quick to jump in.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but hold on a second there, Marcia. That was not my intention, at all."

"Well, why else would you marry penguins?"

"Because I firmly believed that it would be cute. And it was."

"Leslie, are you married?"

"No. Not yet, Marcia." Leslie stutters in embarrassment. "Soon, probably. I have a plan, but, no, not now. Not dating anyone yet. Focusing on my career."

"That doesn't matter." Olivia says firmly, trying not to lose her job. "It's a human right, why should anyone be denied it?"

"I thought so. So you couldn't possibly understand, but when gays marry,  it ruins marriage for the rest of us." Ignoring the very valid point Olivia made.

"How!" Olivia finally can't take it anymore and jumps to her feet.

"So, either you annul the wedding, or I'll publicly ask for both of your resignations." Marcia openly threatens the sister and turns around to leave. "You know what? I'm so terrible with directions. If I'm headed to the parking lot, do I make a left out of here, or do I go right?"

She asks like she just didn't belittle the rights of a whole group of human beings. Olivia's hands clenched into fists, not trusting herself if she opened her mouth, not to curse the woman out and attack her.

"It's a left, yeah." Leslie says not believing what's going on."

"Thank you. Annul the wedding!"

"Leslie, hold onto me." Olivia says darkly and quietly

"What why!" Leslie says panicked knowing where this is going because Leslie knows her sister.

"Because if you don't I might run out there and rip that cunts' head off." Olivia sits in rage. Leslie runs up behind her sister and with both hands holds onto Olivia's shoulders.


As blaring hip hop music played and fluorescent light flashed, Olivia, Tom, and Leslie walked into 'the bulge'.

"I can't believe this is a gay bar." Leslie said as she reflected on her many nights here.

"Yeah, especially with that heterosexual cowboy greeting us on the way in." Tom corroborated Leslie's story.

"You both just walked past a pride flag!" Olivia couldn't believe how obvious they both were.

As soon as April, Derek, and Ben spotted the Knopes' they grabbed their hands and forced them on stage. Olivia was a lot more willing than Leslie.

"They're Leslie Knope and Olivia Knope and she wants to recruit you!" April yelled into the microphone and the deafening cheering was even louder if that was possible.

Olivia grabbed the microphone, not really thinking, riding off the high of not cleaving the FSFS woman's head off and yelled "We ride at dawn bitches!" Causing the screaming to get louder, April to hug Olivia, and Leslie to start hyperventilating.

When Leslie snatched the microphone away from Olivia, Leslie just gave her sister a horrified look. "Sorry I got carried away."

"Okay! Well, I wanted to tell you that I wasn't really trying to take a stand when I married
those penguins." Leslie Tries and fails desperately to tell her side of the story but the crowd starts to chant over her.


"You're chanting my name." Leslie's horrid look slowly begins to turn into a smile. And just like Leslie took the mic from Olivia, Tom snatches it from Leslie.

"The Knopes' 'in the building, y'all! Let's get wild!" Tom says starting a riot.


"And the hardest part about living in this pit is probably keeping my suit pressed. And the rats. It's like a freaking rat parade every night. I just want to be close to her house, because I need to protect her. 'Cause there are some weird people that live around here." Andy says after being caught living in the pit.

Olivia after driving Ann back to her house after a crazy night of partying at the bulge. Was about to drive off when she saw movement down in the pit. Worried and confused she walked closer to see. But not too close to end up like Leslie.  Only to see Andy hanging a suit up on a makeshift tent.


"Oh, hey Olivia!"

"Do you live in this pit?!"

"What?" Andy laughs. "Yes." he says, still smiling.

Olivia grapples with the reality that Andy doesn't seem to mind. Andy looks down from looking at Olivia to get on his knees to carl into his tent.

"This is great! The rats aren't very talkative. Do you want to come in? I'll give you the tour." He says like the tent had three floors. Olivia slowly walked into the pit and stood right next to a crouched Andy. She so badly wanted to say something sarcastic, but remember that she was trying to turn over a new leaf. And slowly and shamefully Olivia crawled into the tent with Andy.

It wasn't so bad there was just barely enough room for the two of them. Their was a lamp illuminating his dorky face.

" I don't know what to think. I know he and Ann are broken up, but this is a new low. I don't want him to die out here." Olivia says while looking at the sad tent and then to Ann's house. "And I don't want him to do anything weird to Ann. So... this is by cross to bear as a best friend." Olivia walks away from the camera slowly and crawls back into the tent.

"You still smell nice, even covered in dirt."

"We talked about this Andy."
