Chapter Tweny Two

Chapter Twenty Two : Matthias Pilot

The room was extremely dark and I felt bile rise in my throat when I couldn't find Olivia, my eyes search the room and I let out a shaky sigh when I see her curled up in a ball next to me. We were no longer in the van, yet a dark room with cement floors.

A door creaks open and suddenly the room fills with light, Olivia jumps next to me, wiping her eyes with her hands. She was privileged enough to have her hands cuffed in front of her, they probably thought she was to dumb to realize she had an opportunity to escape.

"Matthias Pilot, long time no see," My head snaps up and my eyes meet with his dead blue ones, his blonde hair longer since the last time I seen him. I scowl at him and he glances over at Olivia who now sat there completely alert, her eyes were wandering around the room and Harrison chuckled, "Logan wanted me to tell you something, he said something like 'tell Olivia its three hours over due' , now what could that mean?" Harrison drawls out, smirking at Olivia.

Her face drained and she started chewing on her bottom lip as her eyes began to water, "Guess this will be fun then," Harrison whispered and he looked back over at me, a taunting look on his face.

"Its nice seeing you again Red." He snapped, leaving the room again, but this time the light was left on. Red was the nickname he first gave me when we met, apparently I was always code red to him, meaning extremely dangerous and had to be under a watchful eye so I wouldn't kill him.

Harrison Ashmore, a twenty seven year old man who hates my guts. I killed his brother on accident and now he wants me dead. Wilfred Ashmore simply got in my way when I was holding a gun because he jumped me. So in all honesty it was his fault I shot him.

Olivia was sobbing and biting on her lip nervously and when she looks at me it felt like a wave of hurt washed over me, she had tears slipping down her face and this broken look on her face, "I-if I say a-anything, promise you'll let me know? Anything that sounds completely bonkers o-or irrational. Actually just don't listen to anything I say please." Her voice was shaky and my heart clenched but I nodded anyways.

"What was he talking about when he said pills?" I ask and she stares at me, her eyes filling with more tears.

She shakes her head and brings her hands to her face to wipe the tears away, "I'll be fine, I promise," She whispered back and all I did was nod. I trusted her, I knew she'd tell me if she really needed to.

I sit there for a few minutes, my eyes closed as I was trying to build a plan. My smirk never wavered before when they put the handcuffs on me, I'm thankful that they didn't check my neck because they would have seen my chain. And the key that dangled on my chain.

And what does this key unlock? It unlocks police handcuffs, first time I was ever arrested I stole a pair in case I needed them and let me tell you they came in handy, they helped me break out four times.

The plan was quite simple with a good few steps.

Step One : Get Olivia to grab the key off my chain and unlock the cuffs.

Step Two : Get Olivia to scream for help, a man will come and when he does I'll attack him. Grabbing his gun and keys to the building.

Step Three : Make it out of here alive.

And that's exactly how it happened, Olivia got the key from around my neck and unlocked my cuffs, I grab the key from her and unlock hers. After I went over the plan with her she agreed but wrapped her hand around my wrist, pulling me back to her, "I may go bonkers, promise to keep me on track?" She whispers and I nod, pecking her lips.

Olivia screamed and I couldn't help but smirk when the door opened and in walked Logan, I hit him from behind, knocking him to the floor, I laughed loudly and jumped on top of him, "You don't know how happy I am right now," I bite out, punching him in the face, I'd switch fists every so often to make it equal damage.

He was unconscious yet I was still beating him, "Matty!" Olivia exclaimed softly, tugging on the back of my shirt. I grunt out, standing up after grabbing his gun and set of keys. I also found a knife on him and pass it over to Olivia.

She shakes her head, chewing on her bottom lip, "Is this actually happening? Is this real?" There was that question again, I had no idea what to say because I'm not even sure what it means.

I make my way over to her slowly an tug on her wrist gently, puling her into my chest as I hug her tightly, "I'm real, this is all real. Hold on Olly, I'll get you out," I whisper, kissing the side of her head. She shakes her head and pulls away so she could look up at me.

"You mean you'll get us out," She mumbled, standing up on her tippy toes she kisses my nose.

Rolling my eyes I pull her into my side and peak my head out the door, glancing both ways the halls were empty. We make our way quietly and step inside an empty room, I snicker and pull out my phone that was half charged, dialing his number I bring the phone to my ear and wait patiently for it to stop ringing.

"Yeah?" He asks, yawning and I frown, pulling the phone away from my ear to check the time, 2:21am.

I sigh out, "Found myself in a jam, might not make it tomorrow for family dinner," I bite out, I hear Olivia whisper and look over at her. And when my eyes meet her I see the terror in them.

"Where are you? And do you know where Olivia is?" Judah mumbles out, I hear a door open in the background and Micah's voice, he was asking the exact same question Judah just asked.

I sigh out, and almost drop the phone when I hear another shout, "Matthias where the hell are you and where's Olivia?" I hear Nikolai shout and it was comforting hearing my brothers voice. He was more of the father figure growing up.

Glancing over at Olivia she sat there staring blankly at the wall, her body slightly shaking, "We were ran off the road by Harrison's men, they took us," I retort, my grip around the phone tightening as anger coursed through me. This was just between Harrison and I.

I hear a shout and someone cursing under their breath, "Are you or Olivia hurt?" Nikolai asks and my heart was pounding in my ears.

"We're fine, but Olivia needs these pills and she's three hours over due and I'm trying to stay calm but its really hard right now." I mutter, keeping my voice low so Olivia wouldn't hear me. I couldn't let her know I was scared. I had to get her out of here, and get her those pills.

I hear him breath in deeply and whisper, "Matt you have stay calm, for the both of you, Callum is working on the location right now. Hang on," Nikolai says. My head shot up when I heard the door to the room creak open, I end the call quickly and slide the phone back into my pocket.

My hand wraps around Olivia as I tug her into me, ducking behind table. I peak around the table to see a man standing there with a gun tightly grasped in his hands as his eyes swept around the room.

Olivia pulls me back and I sigh out relief when I hear the man starting to walk away until Olivia does the impossible. She sneezes.


The man stops walking away and I curse out when I hear his boots slap against the floor as he approaches the table we were hiding behind. I bite my lip and jump up with Olivia hidden behind me, I take the shot before he can even think about taking one. The gun shot echoing through the quiet building. The man drops to the floor and I snatch his gun from the ground and pull Olivia along with me.

We had to get it. They defiantly heard the gun shot, she holds onto my hand tightly and I push her into another empty room, she was mumbling to herself and shaking her head, and when she noticed me staring she immediately shut her mouth.

My mind was racing and I had to calm down before I had a break down, I pull Olivia into my chest and lean in, kissing her lips hard. I had to taste her lips, they calmed me down. She squeaks out and places her hands flat against my chest, kissing me back.

I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her tightly in her arms, get her out. We pull apart and she looks up at me while smiling softly, yet it wasn't her usual bright smiles that reached her eyes. This one looked forced and it didn't reach her eyes.

"Are you ok?" I whisper and all she did was nod her head, running her hand down my chest, she reaches for my hand and intertwines our fingers.

A loud bang sounded from the end of the hallway causing her to jump, her eyes searching around us quickly. I never wanted this for her. She deserved a normal life.

"We'll make it out, I promise," I whisper, kissing her forehead before pulling away. I poked my head out the door, my eyes darting around the hallway which was empty.

I pull her out, keeping her behind me as we looked for a way out.
