Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven : Matthias Pilot

She looked like a frightened animal caught in a set of headlights, yet she seemed so disconnected on the things happening around her.

I hold the gun tightly in my hand, keeping her hidden behind me so she wasn't caught in the cross fire, we wasted a good five minutes arguing about who was taking her. Grady ended up winning in the end because she said she felt safer with me. Does that even make sense?

I'm a bipolar asshole who has a trigger to unlock all of my emotions

Yet she felt safer with me? She barely knew me, she knew my brother and she knew Birdie, that was the only connection we actually had. My asshole brother Grady who always spent his days torturing her and Birdie, who happened to be her best friend and is our foster sister.

If only Olivia knew the real me, she wouldn't feel safe at all.

My mind switched to another topic, just anything to distract my mind. Oh god it was so hard, acting like this hot shot tough guy, I wasn't always like that, my mood - it switched within seconds it was scary.

But today when I woke up I knew immediately that something was off. Its been a while since I last had a Manic Episode which is why it felt strange to me. I could tell I was due to have one, the lack of sleep I've been getting yet I still feel refreshed.

Manic Episode was not a disorder itself, it was a side affect of Bipolar Disorder. And I always went through hell since it always last a week at a time, I was lucky enough if I got twelve hours of sleep all together in a whole week.

I felt ready to hurt someone, in fact I was ecstatic to hit someone. I felt high, like my mood was lifted into the clouds. Shaking my head I snap out of my daze and deal with the task at hand, which was to keep myself and Olivia alive.

She was looking at the wall, staring at it intensely, jumping when I lied my hand on her shoulder, waking her out of her own little world. She looks up at me with those lovely blue eyes, her blonde curls falling into her face while she bites her bottom lip nervously.

Hide how damaged you are, hide it, hide it, hide it. Dont let them see the real you, they'll run in the other direction.

I lick my lips out of nervous habit and bring one of my shaky hands through my hair, Olivia looks at me and I see understanding flicker through her eyes. Understanding of what? That I had to fight with myself every second of the day because of my Bipolar? No, no one understood the struggle because it wasn't something you could just take medication for, its a mental illness.

Olivia seemed awfully quiet and that panicked me because this wasn't like her, everything about her screamed off. Her body language was uneasily tense, and she'd jump at every noise, always looking around with wide eyes.

She was strange. I barely know anything about her, just that her father was arrested than a month later her mother was admitted into a psych word.

"Olly?" I whisper and nearly cringe at how low my voice came out, it was below a whisper and I was afraid she didn't hear it, when she doesn't acknowledge me I wrap my fingers gently around her wrist, catching her attention, "Are you alright?" I ask and it all felt odd.

I always had trouble with my feelings and understanding others, but I could tell there was something eating away at her and I didn't need her thinking about that while we were being hunted by two killing machines.

She smiles, "Just - I might start acting strange, and if I do, can you tell me? Like if I suggest anything that sounds absurd just correct me please," She whispered and all I could do was nod.

There was this uneasy feeling in my stomach that I couldn't kill, I trusted her yes. Because I knew she was a smart girl, but there was something else - I don't know, maybe I'm just going crazy.

In all honesty, Olivia Adelaide frightened me, something about her seemed so fierce, she reminds me of all this power and beauty, she was incredible in my eyes. But I'd chew on glass than ever admit that to her.

"Distract me please," Her small voice whispers into my ear when she buried her head in the crook of my neck and I knew that I didn't have to ask questions. Because I trusted her.

I crack my neck and look down on her, licking my lips nervously yet again, "Um, whats your middle name?" I ask and I feel her body shake in my arms, her laughter filling my ears.

Rolling my eyes at her I wait a bit for her to calm down, awaiting her answer as we hid away in a corner, my body shielding hers, "Avalon," She whispers out, and I felt something bubble inside me. Such an odd name, Olivia Avalon Adelaide.

I force a chuckle and feel her relax in my arms, she had her eyes closed tightly and I couldn't help but feel bad, why did it seem that whenever Harrison's men attacked, Olivia always had to be there.

"My middle name is Graham," I retort, looking out from behind the corner. I see Fox walking casually down the hall, holding the gun in a tight grip, he was walking towards us, pulling my head back I look at Olivia and keep my mouth shut, I didn't need her freaking out when I had a plan. Okay half a plan.

Ah you got me, its not even part of of plan - basically there is no plan. I'm just going to wing it.

"Matthias Graham Pilot, has a nice ring to it." She says and I cant help but smile, glancing slightly out from behind the wall I see his shadow and drop my arms away from Olivia, pushing her into an empty classroom.

I jump out and hit Fox right in the face, my fist connecting with his jaw, causing him to stumble back in surprise, also dropping the gun. I smirk smugly at him and shoot Olivia a look when I see her trying to get off the floor.

"One on one? Alright boy, lets see if your as good as they say you are," Fox mutters and I smirked once again because I already knew I was one of the best. I was good at what I do, I was good at hurting people. Which is why underground boxing was handed over to me as my job.

Fox throws his fist, connecting it with my cheek, I spit out and knee the bastard in the stomach but he never crumbled, Fox was a decent guy and I know from his fights that he doesn't go down easily. Thankfully neither did I.

He elbows me in the chest and I feel all the air escape me but there was no time for that, I move out of the way when he throws another punch, completely missing my head. A laugh bubbles up in my throat and that only seemed to piss him off more.

Fox got a few more good punches when I lose it, I had no control anymore. Its not me I promise, I start slamming my fist into his face repeatedly, bringing my leg back I kick his knee in and he drops to the floor.

He looks up at me and smiles, blood dripping from his nose and mouth, "You think your smart kid, but you ain't that smart." Fox hisses and I see the sun reflect off the blade all in one quick movement.

Biting my tongue in pain I cry out when he stabs me in the side, it was deep and he twisted it around, making the wound deeper and wider. I bite my lip to the point where it was bleeding, distraction - I needed a distraction.

I kick Fox in the head, and I get to watch as he drops to the floor unconscious. After I made sure he was actually out cold I pull my shirt up so I could see how bad the stab was, blood was pooling out of the new hole I had in my stomach.

"Matty!" I hear her shout and turn around, I smile shyly at her and curse to myself when her eyes land on my stomach, growing wide in fear, "Is this real? Did this actually happen?" The words escaped her mouth and I felt a frown cover my face.

Was this actually real?

Olivia shakes her head, I hear Grady shout saying he took out the other guy and I smirk, opening up the custodian room door, I grab some rope and tie him up, leaving him unconscious until someone came to pick him up.

She stood quietly, her gaze glued to me, and part of me relaxed, "I'll be back in two minutes, my brother Kia is here and I'd rather him not walk into the school and see this when I'm supposed to be in detention," She rambles before running down towards the main doors.

I look at my hands and inhale, they were shaking and bruised badly, small cuts scattering my knuckles. One of the things I loved most but hated at the same time when fighting : the pain.

Inhaling sharply I lean against the lockers, sweat trickled down my neck and I felt exhausted, my shirt was dripping with blood and I started getting worried when my vision blurred and my head spun. I was losing too much blood.

Not even five minutes later Olivia came back out of breath, like she'd been running, "We have to hide, there's two more guys just entering the building," She hisses and I close my eyes, breathing in through my nose, hoping I'd make it through this.

It was only a little cut

Olivia walks over slowly, raising her hand hesitantly. She tugs on the hem of my wet shirt, pulling it up to reveal the gash that kept pouring blood, her face contorts into one of fear and she drops my shirt, "We need to find the nurses office so I can stitch you up before you bleed out." She bites out, latching her hand onto mine, squeezing it tightly.

I let out a sigh, "Is little miss Olly concerned about my well being? My god, what has the world come to?" I ask sarcastically, trying to get a smile out of her, and it worked for about two seconds before her face fell and she started leading me towards the nurses office.

"Shut up jackass," She snapped, puling me along the empty building.
