Without Company

Yay! I actually wrote and posted this when I said I would! I didn't think that I would actually do it, because I forgot about it, and was watching Netflix... Anyways...

Enjoy the story Reader-chan!!!

You hoisted your satchel higher onto your shoulder as you walked down the small dirt path. It had been a few days since you finally made it out of Leam. So far, you hadn't experienced any more trouble with Barakat and his men since the day you said goodbye to Titus and Muu. Thinking of the two made you smile. You sat against a rock laying just off of the path, and grabbed a piece of bread out of your bag. It had been a long time since you have been able to just sit by yourself and think. You were always on the run, or with other people. You took a bite of the bread.

You thought back to all the events that had happened to you on your adventure so far. You had met a lot of amazing people. They were all so great, even if they all had very different personalities. You took another bite out of your piece of bread, and rested your head against the rock you were leaning against.  

You remembered all of the recent adventures you had had with Titus and Marga. They had been so kind to you from the start, immediately welcoming you into their home and hearts. You let your thoughts wander back to Aladdin, Alibaba, and Morgiana. You wondered if they made it to Sindria, and if so, if they were having fun there without you. Your thoughts then led you to remember even further back to when you first met Judal. You two didn't along very well at the beginning, and you thought that he would finally opened up to you, until he died before he could do so. You stopped eating your bread and frowned. You missed all of the people who had helped you on this journey. You had never realized how sad and lonely it was without friends travel with.

I wonder what they are all doing right now, you thought to yourself. While thinking, you subconsciously grabbed the wooden bird hanging from your neck. This made your thoughts wander to the few memories you had of your mother.


Third Person POV

A little girl chased a butterfly through the meadow. A cheery little giggle escaped her lips as she followed the colorful insect through all of the beautiful wildflowers. She was so focused on the butterfly in front of her, that she tripped and fell right onto her face. She lifted her face out of the ground, stunned and confused at what had just happened. A soft and beautiful laugh came down from the hill at the end of the meadow. When the little girl heard the laugh that sounded like music to her ears, she couldn't help but laugh too. She made her way up that hill, following the melodious laughter. Sitting on top of that hill was a beautiful young woman, who had been watching the little girl the entire time.

"Come here," She gestured to the little girl, "your face is all dirty from falling, I'll wipe away the dirt for you. Oh, look at that, your clothes got all dirty too, and this was a brand new dress too!"

"It's okay, mom," the little girl smiled brightly, "I never liked dresses anyways. I can just wear pants and a shirt instead. That would be better for a meadow anyways!"

The mom smiled even more when she saw her child looking as gleeful as ever. She picked up a piece of wood that she had been carving.

"Look at this," she said, holding it out.

The little girl looked at it curiously, and asked, "What is it?"

"It is called a rukh. I read about them in one of my books once. It is said that they are the source of magicians power, and that they protect people when they need it most. So, in hopes that they will protect that smile of yours, I have been carving it everyday we come here."

"Wow," the little girl was in awe. "But, why do you want it to protect my smile?"

The mom smiled at the little girl, "Because your smiles are magical. They could turn the darkest heart good, and brighten anyone's day. Your smile can bring happiness to anyone or anything, so keep smiling for me. Promise me that you will always smile, my beautiful daughter, because then I know that this harsh and cruel world will always have at least a little good in it. I love you, my (y/n)."

--End Flashback--

You stood up, hands clutching the strap of your bag, a new determination surging through you. That's right, you thought. You were going to make your mother proud, and you were always going to smile for her. You walked down the dirt path, ready for whatever obstacle the world was ready to throw at you.

So, it was a little short, sorry. It was just a filler chapter, and I need to go to bed, because I have school in the morning, ugh. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it... I also won't be putting a preview for the next chapter in this time, because I am lazy, very tired, and need to get to bed. So, goodnight, I will post another chapter within the next week, I promise! Also, if you have any ideas for what name I could call me readers and followers instead of calling you all  Reader-chan, I would really like it if you could tell me. I have been trying to think of something but haven't been that successful, so I figured I would get your input! Thanks!

Goodbye Reader-chan!!! Have an anime filled day!!!
