Path Three

okay, so that's it, don't allow me to go look at fan art anymore. I am getting too pumped up at some of the things I see. This for example:

You realized that the path you had chosen had lead you back to Leam. It was strange how it lead you back there, because you felt like you just made some giant circle or something. You even recognized the town you were in as one of the towns Titus had given you a tour of during your stay in Leam. You knew that this town was close to the capital city, so you had some hope that you could get there before Barakat caught up to you. You were navigating through the town, trying to remember which street lead where when you decided to check behind you. You had lost Barakat and his men a day or so ago, but you weren't sure how close they had gotten to you since then. You weren't able to see them yet, so you felt a sense of relief knowing they weren't directly on your tail, yet you didn't slow your pace, worried that the gap would shorten if you did so.

--Mini Time Skip--

It took you a day, running day and night, to reach the capital of the Leam Empire. Within that day, your pace had slown down, due to your lack of rest, food, and water. During that time, Barakat and his men had made up lots of ground. So much, that you could see them behind you. You were starting to worry, because you were losing energy fast, and if you didn't get any rest or help soon, you would definetly get caught. Even so, you kept running, using your remaining energy to try and get near to Titus's home. You knew that you wouldn't make it there, but you still wanted to try, and you hoped that maybe Titus had decided to take a walk today. To your disappointment, you knew that he wouldn't seeing as he had usually been to busy to do so. The only time he really went out on walks was for business. You were losing hope fast, but even though everything in your body was screaming at you to stop and give up, you kept going.

I did not get this far just to give up and be captured. After all the people I met gave me hope and helped me out so much, it would be rude to not keep trying, to not keep trying until I physically could not move! I will keep running and keep escaping as long as my legs will still move. I encouraged myself, remembering all the things everybody had done for me. Giving up isn't an option for me right now. Giving up to these men only means my freedom's death. I won't give up as long as I live.

It seems that some god must have heard my inner thoughts and had been touched by it; Either that, or they took pity on me, because I saw a group of familiar red colored hair. All the hope that I had lost came rushing back as I felt a surge of adrenaline, and ran towards the group. One of the Fanalis must have seen me coming, because I saw their lips move, and their hand gesture in my direction. The leader of the group turned around, and I was filled with relief when I realized that my guess was right. It was in fact Muu Alexius who turned around. His eyes widened as he saw me run at him and wrap my arms around him. I started to cry, feelings of relief and terror rushing trough me. It was then that my leg gave out, the small burst of adrenaline gone. Muu luckily caught me, and looked down at my limp figure, concern in his voice.

"Are you okay, (y/n)?"

The other Fanalis had been surprised when I hugged Muu, but seemed even more surprised that Muu knew me. I couldn't speak, seeing as I was still crying a river, and I just barely shook my head. he grew even more worried when he realized I was saying that I wasn't okay, and looked away from me, having a hunch about what was happening. His hunch was confirmed when he saw the group of large men run towards their group. His grip on you tightened, and you saw his eyes narrow. Muu knew exactly what was happening, but the rest of the Fanalis were as confused as ever. After all, the only Fanalis corps member you had met was Muu, so they probably had no clue who you were, why there was a group of very large men running towards them, or why you wereclinging to Muu like your life depended on it. The men had reachedthe group of Fanalis, and Muu pulled you even closer to him. The men took a moment to catch their breath before Barakat spoke.

"That is my fiance right there, and I would like it if you could hand her over to me. She was kidnapped a long time ago, and we have been looking for her since. Her family and I have been so worried about her."

The Fanalis corps members looked even more confused than before. They saw that Muu showed no sign of moving, and questioned him.

"Muu, why aren't you handing her over?The sonner you hand her over, the sooner we can get back to work," a very large and scary Fanalis said, seeming irritated at the delay in work.

Muu didn't respond, but just glared at Barakat.

"Please, sir," Barakat continued, "We will pay you handsomely if you do."

Muu didn't respond for a moment, still glaring at Barakat before responding.

"I have no intentions of turning her over to the likes of you."

"Fine, then I hope you don't mind if we take her by force."

One of Barakat's men went to punch Muu, but he dodged it. This made the other members of the Fanalis corps, who still didn't completely understand the situation, to start attacking Barakat and his men, furious that they had tried to hurt their leader. Muu quickly helped you sit down a little way away from the fight, before running to help out his friends in the attack.

It took only a few minutes for the Fanalis to beat up all of the men, Barakat included. Muu walked over and picked you up, seeing as you were too weak to stand, and started walking back to Titus's palace. You could tell that the other Fanalis wanted to know what was going on, but that they refrained from asking questions, assuming that they would be answered later. You were nearing the palace, and you told Muu that you could walk again, but he refused to put you down. When you arrived at the palace, you could see Marga and Titus out in the front gardens. The group of Fanalis caught their attention, and they looked up from what they were doing. Muu then put you down, deciding it was a good time to do so, and Marga's eyes lit up.

The little girl came running towards you. You kneeled down, so that you could get to her height, and because you were still very tired, and opened up your arms. You both embraced each other, and she nuzzled her face into your neck. you couldn't help but smile at the little girl's actions. You looked at Titus, who hadn't moved an inch since he first saw you. He was staring at you, as if he didn't believe you were actually back. You smiled and motioned for him to come over. This small action was enough to break him from his trance as he started to slowly walk towards you, tears forming in his eyes. You kept hugging Marga with one arm, but held the other open for Titus. You managed to stand up while still holding Marga, although you wobbled a bit in the process, and pulled Titus close to you. You wrapped your arm around him, and he wrapped one of his around you, and the other around Marga. Suddenly, you all started to cry tears of happiness. It felt like a giant family reunion. The type where one of the parents has been missing for a long time and finally returned to the family. 

You did feel like a family after all, like you and Titus were the parents to Marga, and you wanted it to stay like that. You wanted to stay with your new family, because you felt happy and safe in their arms. At some point during this dramatic scene, Muu and the other Fanalis had left, probably to go continue the job that you had interrupted. You pulled back from Titus's hug a little bit so that you could give him a kiss on the cheek, happy that you were home with your family. You only wished that Muu and the other Fanalis had stuck around a little longer, so then you could compare the color of Titus's blush to the color of their hair.

--Time Skip--

It had been about a month since you had arrived back in Leam. You had lived happily within this time. You and Marga had gotten even closer, and you loved to spend time with her, almost acting as her mother. You loved to spend time with her, and were so glad that she was back in your life. She was one of the lights in your life; one of the things that made your smile bright and angelic. You were happy you could hold her close to you again. 

The other light of your life was Titus. You two had also gotten closer within this time, and you were pretty sure that you were starting to love him more than anything else in the world, well besides Marga, because you loved them both equally. Titus had even began to teach you magic, but each time your cast a spell, something bad would happen. One time you were using water magic, and it was going pretty well until you lost concentration because of the adorable happy face Titus was making, causing the ball of water to splash down on you two.

You found it nice that Titus would try and make as much time as he could in between his schedule to spend with you and Marga. Overall you all seemed like one big happy family, and you all wanted to stay like that for the rest of your life. Luckily, you had no plans to go and have another adventure anytime soon. You were going to stay with your little family, happily enjoying life, and smiling just as your mother had asked of you.

Total Word Count: 1759
