chapter 41: everything comes with a price

Emelia's P.O.V.

Chris:"come on out Mary!"

he said as she walks through the door in ghost form all beat up, everyone gasped and stood up in shock, i was too. Chris was her father? I don't really understand tho...why is Chris so young and...alive?

Chris:"go on...tell your little friends about me."



he said as he smacked her across the room

Emelia:"wait but how are you human and not ghost form?"

Chris:*sighs*"the potionbis pretty powerful babe and guess what, I'm never gonna die.ever.but you know who can?....*giggles*"

he said as he ran up to me to push me against the wall and flew to the ceiling, choking me high up, I heard Gerard shouting and crying in pain,


I'm pretty sure he was crying and getting angry at the same time.

I started feeling nauseous and saw my feet turning our purple, the color was working it's way up to my head.

Chris:"you see your favorite color *giggles* once it reaches your forehead...your done's make time fly faster shall we?"

he said as his grip got tighter, I hear Carrie and Cece walk into the church door shouting out my name, while everyone else was panicking and leaving the church leaving just me, Chris, Gerard, mom, Claudia, Shaun, Cece, Mary and Carrie.

the purple now reached my fingers and was working it's way up to my elbow, I heard Gerard's scream get louder and louder, it's like Chris was torching him by hurting me.

The disgusting purple was already by my neck until someone shoots Chris with a glowing bright arrow, Chris was hurt and let me go from his pain, I was falling down and down and down until I fell into Gerard's arms.

Gerard:"EM?! em listen to me, don't die please!! I need you!! ill die without you!! please don't leave me here! Em baby please wake up!'

I heard him talk but I had a painful headache, I felt numb to speak, my throat was aching until I hear Cece's voice.

Cece: "hey sweetie, how you doing?" she says then puts her hand on my forehead and started healing me again, by the time she finished, I wasnt numb anymore, I felt no pain at all. I open my eyes and see Gerard's red puffy eyes with tear strains on his cheek.

Gerard:"oh thank god your awake!" he says pulling me in for a tight hug.

Chris:"NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he says, as his eyes turn pitch black

Chris:"if you can't die! then maybe she can!!!!!"

he says as he ran up to Claudia and chopped off her head

Emelia:"NOOOOOO!!!" Claudia was dead! there was no way of healing her, you can only heal someone before they die. her head feel to the ground and started bleeding and Chris burst into laughter. I was sobbing into Gerard's chest while he was hugging me.

mom:"NOOOO!! MY BABY!!!"

Chris saw her crying and ran up her to slice her head off as well

Emelia:"MMMOOOMMM!!!! NO! NO!" I was left with only Shaun in my family he was crying in the corner rocking back and forth and there goes Chris.

Gerard:"come on we have to get out of here!" he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the door. as we were trying to escape Chris shut the doors with his powers and started laughing

Chris:"where do you think you two are going? Why leave so soon? the party hasn't even started yet!"


she says, Chris turned around and started walking to her until he stepped onto her protection circle.


he says, as his eyes start glowing red

Cece:"just because you're my brother doesn't mean ill let you off the hook."

she says as she snaps her fingers and her spell book appeared then, she read off a spell.

*reading spell*

"god let this world rest in peace, let evil stay down below and protect us from their tricks, good always defeats evil as love defeats demons."

she says as he exploded with fire and disappeared down to hell, Mary vanished as well.

Everyone was gone except for me, Gerard, Cece and Carrie.

Cece:"I'm sorry about your loss"

I start sobbing into Gerard's chest again, I'm glad everything is over but everything comes with a price, and that price was my family.
