Chapter 3: voices in my head

*whispers* "we should go upstairs" said my friend Julian, i responded with a choppy answer,"Good-idea" (running upstairs with Carrie chasing us) "let's go in here!"said Julian, "phew! i think were safe" said Julian (pounding on door) all of a sudden the pounding stops, it's so quiet you can hear the crickets outside. "Well that was close! we could've died!" Said julian "what was that! Or what was in her?" said julian, i stayed quiet, i couldn't speak, i was too scared to even move. watching my friend being possessed by some demon was an image i would never forget! It was night time about 3:00 am, me and julian were tired but we didn't wanna sleep, we just stayed quiet for almost 4 hours with dry tears in our eyes.

It started getting more late, julian fell asleep but i didn't, i was alone. i decided to just go to sleep since nothing was happening, i close my eyes and hear someone whispering my name in my ear, i had my eyes wide open and i follow my name into the kitchen, i see a note on the refrigerator from mom and dad it said "hi honey! this is mom and dad were gonna be gone for a while were taking a trip to new york, your brother is in charge, you listen to everything he says ok!?:) love you baby bye!" I was terrified. everything i tell my sister and brother think im crazy, i'm alone, the time i needed my parents the most is now and they can't be here, all i have is julian but right now she's sleeping so i'm alone for now.

I head to my room and julian was GONE!!! The one person who believed me in tonight's scene and now she's gone, now i'm really alone...what am i gonna do?
