Johnny Imagine for @JohnnyIsLife3

For JohnnyIsLife3

You were walking arm in arm in the middle of your two favorite boys, Dally and Johnny. They were your best friends. You and Dally had dated before, but it just didn't really work. You two were really great friends though.

You were all walking to the Curtis brothers' house. You made them link arms with you, and they didn't argue. Those two seemed to never put you down. They were such good friends.

As you reached closer to the house, you skipped ahead of the boys, letting go of their arms.

*Johnny's POV*

I watched Annebeth skip away, her arm slipping out of the link it had with mine. And Dally's. Her brown hair was flowing out behind her, and she turned her head to look at us, her green eyes bright with joy. She was always just so happy.

"Come on, boys!" she laughed, motioning for us to hurry.

I laughed and shook my head slightly. "We're tryin'! Don't rush us. It's not like anything special's happenin'."

"Yeah, why're you in such a rush anyway, huh, Anne?" Dally questioned, smiling. He and Annebeth used to date, and I kind of think he still likes her a little.

"No reason. I just really want some chocolate cake," Annebeth replied. We all laughed.

We reached the Curtis house. We walked in, and Annebeth went straight to the kitchen to get a piece of cake. Dally and I sat on the couch in the living room. As usual, Mickey was on TV. Soda and Steve were at work, and Two-bit went with Pony to the library.

Anne came back to the living room with her cake and sat down in Darry's chair. Darry was in the kitchen, but it's not like he'd have minded anyway. He has a real soft spot for Annebeth. I think everyone does, though.

I looked at her every now and then. I found it funny how she was so engrossed in the TV and managed to eat her cake with out much of a mess at the same time. I watched as she laughed to the silly parts of the show, and her face would just light up with amusement, and her laugh was adorable. Gosh, I like her.

Dally noticed my staring and nudged me in the arm. I looked at him, trying to look innocent. He raised an eyebrow. I just looked away. I couldn't tell him I liked Annebeth, especially if he still likes her.

Later, we were basically doing the same thing we'd been doing since we got there. Dally got up suddenly, pulling me up with him.

"Johnny, we're gonna have a talk, okay?" he said quietly to me. He turned to everyone else. "We'll be right back."

I followed Dally outside, and we sat down on the sidewalk. We sat there not saying anything for a while.

Then Dally spoke up. "So you like Annebeth." He looked at me, but I just looked at my shoes and the edge of the sidewalk. "You can't pretend. I already know it. Why didn't you just tell me?"

I stayed silent for a second longer. "Well, she used to be your girl, and I kinda thought you still liked her. I didn't wanna get in the way or anything."

Dally laughed. He laughed. "Johnny, you wouldn't get in the way of anything. Anne and I are just friends, okay? If anything, she's more of a sister than anything."

"Really?" I asked. Dally nodded. I thought for a moment. I was going to ask Annebeth out.

*Your POV*

I was kind of worried. Dally was having a talk with Johnny outside, and I didn't know what they were talking about. I hoped it wasn't anything bad.

They finally came back into the house. Dally had a slight smirk on his face, and Johnny looked kind of nervous and sat down next to me.

He glanced at me a couple times before speaking. "Uh, Annebeth, could I, uh, talk to you. Over there," he motioned towards the kitchen. Darry was sitting in the living room now.

I followed Johnny into the kitchen. He looked really nervous now. He coughed a little, like he was clearing his throat. "So, um, Anne, I wanted to ask you something." He looked up, in thought? Maybe he was just gathering his words.

"Uh huh? What is it, Johnnycake?" I asked, encouraging him to continue.

"Well, I've liked you for a really long time, and I just wanted to ask you to be my girl. It's alright if you say no," he said quickly. Then he mumbled something about Dally or something. His face was a bright shade of red.

I didn't even have to think about it. I flung your arms around his neck and pulled him in a hug. "Yes! Of course, yes!" I kissed his warm cheek, and I swear, his face got even redder. Gosh, he was adorable.

Here! I really hope you like it. I'm sorry it took so long. Like really. I had most of it written and then I was stalling on like the last couple paragraphs. That's kinda why it ends so abruptly. M'kay.

