Dallas Imagine for @arrows24

For arrows24 I hope this is how you wanted it.

*Dally's POV*

I sat with Johnny in the hospital room. He was asleep, but I still sat there looking him over.

He was like my little brother. I was supposed to look out for him, and this happened. I couldn't stand to stay there anymore, so I decided to get a soda from the machine.

I walked down the hallway and stood in front of the soda machine. I stuck a nickel in and pressed the button for a Coke. All of a sudden, there was a bunch of people talking, and there was a gurney being pushed down the hallway with a crowd of doctors and nurses.

I caught a glimpse of the person on the gurney. It was a girl, my age maybe younger, her hair spread out around her head, and she looked be passed out. I stared after her even after they rolled her into a room further down the hall from Johnny.

I don't know why, but she had captured my interest. I came to the hospital everyday the rest of the week, partly to see Johnny, partly to see that girl again.


You had been in the hospital for about 5 days before you could get up and do anything. You had to be rushed to the hospital after you collapsed from lack of oxygen.

You had lung cancer, and it had been getting better, so you hadn't been using your oxygen tank as often. Apparently, it had gotten worse again because all of a sudden you had trouble breathing and every part of your body seemed to fall asleep.

Now, the doctor said that even if it did get any better, you had to keep the oxygen, so when you decided you were tired of drinking water, you had to pull a tank of oxygen along.

You peeked out of the room to see if there was a soda machine near. You saw one down the hall and made your way towards it. You stood a couple steps back from the machine to see what you wanted.

You were still deciding when you sensed someone next to you and looked over at them. There stood a guy.

He was tall and wore a leather jacket. His hair was dark and kind of messy. He looked pretty tough.

"I, uh, saw them bring you in the other day," he stated.

You weren't sure what to say to that. "Oh. You did?" You finally decided what to get. You took the Coke from the opening.

"Yeah," he replied as you stepped away from the machine.

"Well, I gotta go back now, I guess," you said, awkwardly. You started to walk towards your room.

"Hey," he called after you. You turned around. "What's your name?"

"Elyea," you answered. "You?"

"Dallas. Dallas Winston," he replied.

For the next couple of days, you met Dallas, or Dally as you came to call him, in the hallway. You two would just sit next to the vending machines and talk for hours.

It didn't take long for you to fall for him. He appeared to be this rough-and-tumble kind of guy, but you could see every bit of emotion he held inside when he spoke of his friend, Johnny, and how bad he felt about him getting hurt. He told you things you could tell he never told anyone else, and you did the same.

You two had this sort of trust between each other that no one could explain.

There was a day you couldn't leave your room because they had you on some new medicine that made you nauseous when you moved around too much. You wanted to tell Dally, but obviously you couldn't get out to do that.

Just when you thought about getting a nurse to send your message, you saw Dally walk in.

"Hey, El," he greeted.

"Hey, Dal," you replied. "Sorry, I wanted to tell you that this medicine makes me sick if I walk around too much."

"No problem," he dismissed. He sat down in a chair next to your bed. He looked a little preoccupied. "I wanted to tell you something important."

You sat up a little more, adjusting the nubs for your oxygen so they wouldn't fall out (boy.. I'm sorry). "What is it, Dally?"

"I'll just get it done with," he decided. "Elyea, I don't talk about any of the things I talk about with you with anyone else. You are the only person that I could imagine ever letting myself open up to. Not even Johnny knows as much about me as you do, and he's like a brother to me. You're all I think about anymore. I love you, Elyea. I am in love with you." He looked at you with the most earnest look you had ever seen in anyone's eyes.

You were shocked. You knew days ago that you loved him, but you never thought he'd love you back. You had figured you just someone for him to talk to.

"Dallas, I love you too," you stated.

Dally stood up, leaned over you, and kissed you. You held out for as long as you could, but with the lack of oxygen as it was, you had to move away.

"Sorry," he panted. "I, uh, forgot."

You just laughed while trying to catch your breath. "It's alright," you assured him before pulling him into another kiss.

I really hope you like this one better. You're great, and I love your support of my writing. I appreciate every comment, every vote you give this book.

The same goes for every one of you guys. This fandom is literally one of the best. There is like no drama, and this fandom kinda branches into other ones, so a lot of us relate to each other w this and other fandoms. It's just great. M'kay.

