Dallas Imagine for @ZaraSambrano

For @ZaraSambrano

Ring ring. The telephone was ringing. You picked it up to answer. "Hello?... Again, really?... Dallas Winston, I swear... Fine, but I'm not doing this again. You hear me?" You sighed heavily as you slammed the phone back on it's holder.

Your best friend, Dallas, had gotten himself into trouble, yet again, and he needed you to bail him out. Normally, he would just stay for however long he needed to, but he claimed that he had something really important to do tonight. Whenever he needed to be bailed, he called you because you were the only one that could that would. The guys in the gang either didn't have the money to spare, or they just didn't want to waste time getting him out any earlier than he should.

You grabbed your things before running out of the house and walking to the jail. You didn't have a car, and the walk wasn't too bad, so you didn't mind. You got there in no time and got Dally out.

"Zara! I knew you wouldn't leave me hanging," he said, smirking, as usual. He walked over and put his arm around your shoulder.

You just shook your head, despite the small smile playing at your lips. "C'mon. I ain't hanging around here all day. I have to make dinner tonight before the boys get home."

You two walked back to your house, and you made dinner for the gang. Dally really just hung around, getting in your way as much as possible.

"Dally! Stop. It. I mean it!" you demanded. "Do you want food?!" You gave him a look over your glasses, daring him to defy you.

As always, he did. He smirked and stared right back into your brown eyes with his ice blue ones. "Nah, not really."

You were fuming. "Well, you know what? I don't care! Just move, so I can cook." With that, you shoved him out of your way.

He mocked an offended expression. "Gee, Zara, I don't see why you had to be so... rude. I mean, it wasn't necessary."

You just rolled your eyes and went along cooking. "Didn't you say you had something really important? Isn't that why I absolutely had to bail you out?"

Dally scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, well, about that.... I really just wanted to hang out with you." He leaned back on the counter next you and looked at you.

"Really?" You turned to face him. Then, you narrowed your eyes, playfully. "What you need, Dal?"

"Do I have to need something to wanna hang out with my friend?"

"Well, no, but I thought you usually went and did stuff with Johnny when you got out." You went back to cooking.

You heard him take a big breath. "Zara, I kinda.... Well, do you wanna go out later?"

You froze with shock , and the spoon in your hand fell out. You quickly spun around and looked him dead in the eye. "Did you just-"

"Yeah. I guess I did," he said, answering your unfinished question.

"Okay then." You smiled brightly. "I guess I've got a date."

Dally winked at you, trying to appear his normal, cool self, but you heard his breath of relief.

Here you go! I really hope you liked it. I kinda feel like Dally was kinda out of character, but I think he'd be pretty sweet to a girl he really likes. Anyway, thanks for requesting.

Speaking of which, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED. I have still received requests, and it bothers me when I refuse someone, so please don't request anything right now. I wouldn't say it's anxiety, but I feel really bad when someone requests and I say no. It's a personal thing, so it would mean a lot if you guys would respect that.

Anyway! Y'all are so awesome! I can not believe how many reads this book has. It's crazy! It means so much to me, and I know how often I say that, but it doesn't mean any less to me. I honestly didn't think so many people would read this. M'kay.

