Chapter 9: Do You Know What We Are Fighting?

"Come on! Pick up the pace guys" I yell at the people lagging behind "Only one more kilometer to go!" We have been training for two weeks but with hardly any progress. When we do make it back from our run around the border everyone is out of breath, well not me of course but the others are. They've hardly trained in the past. Logan has been slacking off as Alpha. Not to mention that he hasn't shown up to any of the training sessions

"Oh come on we run this everyday I expected you to get used to it" I say disappointed as they bend over trying to catch their breath. 

"You should be training our wolves not us" I hear someone yell 

"If you can't do this in human form what makes you think you can do it wolf?" I ask 

"You just don't want to train us in wolf form because you can't shift" He yells out again "You just some girl who likes fooling people" 

"Yeah!" Some others say. Everyone here is an idiot. Do they really think the King would send some one who couldn't train them correctly? Do they think he'd let me lie about something like this 

"You think that I am not training your wolves because I might not have one?" I question. They nod their heads 

"Then you are wrong. I can shift whenever I want. I just don't need. My job is to get you ready for what we are fighting against" I call out "I know what we are fighting, do you?"  I look around but no one meets my eyes

"We are fighting vampires and necromancers" I say loudly looking down on them "And they will not fight fair. They will use the undead and just a single bite from them can kill you. They will use walkers who have no mind and will kill anything and never stop charging until they are all dead. They will send armies of vampires to slay us. They will not hesitate to kill us, whether we fight or not and if you are not ready at all times, in any shape or form we will die"

"Then what's the point, we are all going to die" Someone else screams

"Because if we don't fight who will protected those we love? But how can you protect them if you can't protect yourselves!? If you can't fight in human form how will you fight in wolf form?! We must be ready for everything!" I shout "We are proud and we are strong and we will win. As long as we are ready. As long as we have hope and something fight for, We can overcome anything! " 

"She is right!" One of them yells "If we don't fight who will protected our love ones? Nobody!" They all cheer 

"We need to work our hardest to protect our land, Our home!" and with that they all start running again 

"You really are an amazing leader" Alpha Brad tells me later that night as he sees the improvement and higher moral of the pack.

"I just know what we are fighting" I say shrugging


"Today is the first day of wolf training" I call "Now that we are ready in human form it is time to see if you are ready in wolf form" Everyone nods and looks proud. In a matter of weeks after my speech everyone was ready to fight just about anything

"Now your Alpha has been kind enough to let me in your pack link so I can be in wolf form to" I tell them despite the fact that it took me ages to get Logan to agree. "Please pair up with someone you think is of the same skill level so I can see what levels you are all at" everyone quickly pair up and shifted to their wolves. There was now a sea of browns, reds, whites, and greys but no black. Soon all eyes are on me.

"Time to come out Plasma" I say in my head. I start to feel me body changing to wolf and soon I am looking down on the others. Over the years my wolf has changed. What once has a vibrate green now is now dark and eerie. I am even bigger then one I first shifted and much stronger. Their eyes are wide as they stare up at me. I'm probably bigger than most Alphas

"Now if you're quite done staring at me lets get to work" I mind link them. They quickly nodded their heads and started to fight. They were quite good but not good enough. Soon I have them in groups and have started to train them to there skills. 

"Alright we are done for the day" I link them. They sigh in relief and everyone is shifting back. I shift quickly and pull some shorts and a tank top on. I start walking back to the pack house when my step-brother choses to speak to me. Blaze hasn't talked to me since our fight. 

"Um Fang can I talk to you?" He asks looking down 

"Is it important?" I reply

"It is to me" he says

"Alright" I sigh "What is it?" 

"Look Fang, I know I was really horrible to you in high school" He starts "But I really want to have a brother/sister relationship with you" 

"Why?" I say confused

"Because you're my sister. And I want to protect you" He states this as though it is obvious. I stare at him

"No" I respond turning and walking away from him

"What!?" He calls after me "Why not?!"

"Because you're a shitty brother. You having said sorry for the shit you put me through. Also I don't need protecting" I reply turning sharply towards him "Did you really think that just asking me would work? I'm not your sister. Just like your mother isn't my mother. Maybe if you hadn't made me hate myself for existing, maybe would could of had a nice relationship. Maybe if you hadn't made me feel like an outcast in my own house, I'd like you. But you didn't so I don't"

He stare at me for a long time before looking down

"I'm sorry" He whispers

"No" I reply turning once again "You're not"


Hey guys!!! I know its short don't judge me!

Please Vote, Comment, and All that Jazz and I will see you in a bit

-Lily ;)
