Chapter 11: The Road There

I woke at dawn remembering that we are leaving for the castle today. I quickly run back to the pack house and shift. Luckily no one way awake to see my unclad shape run thought the house. As soon as I am in my room I got my traveling clothes on. It was a white T-shirt, a pair of black leggings and a black leather jacket no to mention all my weapons of choice. Since I came someone took the car I came in back to the rental dealership but seeing as I refuse to ride with them they got me a motorbike. I will be riding behind them or so they think. I've gone to the castle before so I am sure I can get there myself. I grab my bag and head down to the living room were I am surprised with Logan and Julia making out on one of the couches 

"Umm could you please keep that to the bedroom if you don't mind" I say covering my eyes. When I'm sure they've stopped I turn to them to see Julia smirking at me.

"Sorry I was busy with MY mate" she says still smirking 

"I understand that he is your mate but that is no reason to almost mate him in the living room now if you please I will be on my way to the castle" I reply emotionlessly 

"No Fang you will wait until we are all ready" Logan commands. I feel the Alpha Command slide of me with no effect.

"Of course Alpha, I live to serve you" I say sarcastically bowing slightly. They both glare at me. I snicker

"I shall go get Skylar if you excuse me" I say walking past both of them to Skylar's door

Knock Knock 

"Skylar are you awake?" I yell through the door. I hear a groan and then a crash. She must of fallen of the bed

"I am now" I hear her muffed reply as she pulls herself up. I gigglely slighty

"We leaving soon so get ready" I tell her as I start back down the stairs

"Okay" she shoats. Once I get down the stairs I walk to the kitchen for I haven't had food since yesterday morning. 

"Good morning" Lucy called to me from the other side of kitchen where she was baking something "Would you like a muffin"

"Only if I can have four" I tell her as I walk to her. She laughs and gives me five.

"One for the trip" She say somewhat sadly

"Thank you" I reply 

"Will you come visit?" She asks 

"Only for you Lucy" I say. She turns around and hugs me. I freeze up for a second then return the hug.

"Mary missed you" She tells me. I hold back my tears at her words. When I got here they told me the Mary the housekeeper had passed away. She was like a mother to me and I wish I could have said goodbye.

"I missed her too" I whisper in Lucy's ear "I should have come to see her"

"No she knew you just wanted to be free" Lucy says "Now out with you" 

"Goodbye Lucy" I say as I walk out my voice forced as I try not to cry.

"Fang we're leaving!" I hear Skylar yell 

"Coming" I yell back. Once outside of the pack house I looked up. The last time I left here I never planed on coming back but now......who knows.

"Fang, get on your bike so we can leave" Logan say. I look over at the car he was in to see Julia sitting on his lap. Plasma shifted slightly in my chest at the sight. Though Plasma would probably never forgive Logan she can't help wanting him as he was her mate.

"Come on" I say to her "Lets just get out of here" She nods in agreement as I climb on the bike. I start the engine and look to Alpha Brad, he nods and starts down the drive way. I follow behind.

Normally it would take at least two days to get to the castle but Alpha Brad knows some shortcuts that he has shared with me incase I decide go on ahead. Logan was the one who said I had to stay behind them and I will be damned if I listen to him. I speed ahead of them while doing a some tricks. I whoop and laugh feeling the wind push against me. 

"Hey" I hear Logan call against the wind "What are you doing?!" I just laugh and speed of into the distance 


When I did make it to the castle they weren't far behind. Logan quickly gets out the car and walk to me. I look to him and see the anger in his eyes, any normal wolf would be scared of an Alpha being angry at them but I'm far from normal.

"What the hell was that!" He screamed at me "You were supposed to follow us"

"High Alpha Brad was driving to slow" I say casually "And I like going fast"

"I am your Alpha, you will not disobey me" He yells

"You Are Not My Alpha!" I reply at him "I have no Alpha, I am a Rouge!" I could feel Plasma trying to take control.

"So you are also my mate!" He hollers so everyone can hear him. I hear a few gasps but I am far from caring. He has never said I was his mate to anyone. No one knows, well I guess they do now.

"You Are Not My Mate!" I yells rage laced into my voice "I stopped being your mate the moment you rejected me!" With that I turn around to see a butler wait with a shocked look on his face

"Please take me to my room, I am Fang" I say politely but my anger is still evident in my voice

"Of course" He says though he looks at me worriedly. " This way" He leads me through many hallways and doors until we arrive outside of one. He opens the door for me with a sad smile. I nod and the moment he closes it I scream 

"Why does he keep hurting me?!" I yell at no one in particular. I pace the dark room of navy before stopping in front of the mirror. I look at the broken wolf before me. I hate that he can hurt me so much

"Isn't rejecting me enough" I whisper as a sob suddenly appears and as soon as it starts it won't stop. The water works come and I am bawling. I takes me too long to calm down and after my tears have dried I take a bath. The hot water soothes me and the bubbles cover me. I feel heavy and tired like I haven't slept in days. I end my bath early and climb into my bed without clothes. My eyes grow heavy and soon I am asleep


Hey guys sorry this isn't as good as it should be I had a bit of writers block but it gone now. Well anyway Vote, Comment and All that Jazz

Lily ;) 
