Chapter 14: The Pain

We moved silently through the forest quickly crossing the border with no one seeing us. It help thats we were in black but thats beside the point. This wasn't normal spying this was undercover spying. The plan was we would get there and sneak into the cells and say we were prisoners. Then when no one was looking we would look for what was necessary .

"We're here"  Scar whispers to me. A shiver ran down my back as I looked up at the dark castle. I remember coming a few years ago before Alastor had power.

"It used to be beautiful" I whispered back to him "Then he came" I feel Scar looking at my back but I don't have time to explain to him how I know about the castle.

"The Cellar is this way" I say as I start to say remembering the old ruler telling me that she would put insane vampires there. I start walking over with Scar following me. Suddenly a light hit my eye and I see vampires

"Get her!" I hear someone scream just as run of in the opposite  direction of Scar. Hopeful they will just go after me. The vampires start to run after me and I know that I will never be able to out run them if I am in human form

"Fang you have to let me out!" Plasma screamed in my head as I dodge trees and rock. In her panic Plasma must have gone into fight or flight instinct. She's forgotten the plan 

"I can't" I yell at her as I jumped over a rock 

"Why Not!" She cries as I start to slow down

"We have to stick to the plan" I whisper as I ran into a dead end. I turn around only to see vampires surrounding me. The push me back into I am hitting the rock wall behind me.

"Night night Girly" One of them says as they come up to me. I feel a sharp pain in my neck then everything fades to darkness.


The pain wakes me up as I let out a scream. It echoes around the room meaning I am in an inclosed space, most likely the celler.

"Ah she's awake go and get Alastor will you" A voice says echoing around whatever room we are in. I hear a "Yes Sir" and the sound of a door being shut. I take a sniff and I smell blood, all of which is my own, and another person. I think I can smell Scar too. Damn I hope he is alright. My hands are chained to the ceiling and my feet to the ground. My next burns and my side aches.

"Oh look at you pretty thing" The voice say "Open your eyes sweetie" My eye lids slowly open. Yes I am defiantly in the Celler. Blood is covering the wall, Most of it old meaning this room is used a lot. All the new blood is mine.

"There you go Sweetie" The voice says which belongs to a young man who is deathly pale with blood covering his hands. I look down and see why. There is a huge wound on my hip and an aching pain in me neck. One of the basterds bite me! Suddenly I feel one of his sticky blood covered hands lift me head to look him in his eyes. They are black which indicates that though he doesn't need to eat but he wants too. Unless he's not a vampire which would just be creepy.

"If only Alastor didn't want you for then I would suck you dry or keep you as a blood slave" He says thoughtfully. Yeah he's a vampire "Maybe when the war is over and if you are still alive sweetie I will get you" I galre him and then I spit on him. He just smiles as he holds my head 

"Grilden stop even if she still alive she will be mine" A cold voice says "For anyone who can survive with a vampire bite will be mine" Alastor. I can never forget his dark voice but it is even worst now.

"Of course Sir, I wasn't thinking Sir" Grilden says dropping my head and turning to his ruler.

"Oh look at you aren't you afraid?" Alastor says stepping out of the shadows. I look him in the eye knowing that that will answer his question "Oh not scared, Well let me tell you something. You should be" 

"Whats her name" He yells at Grilden suddenly making me blink. 

"I don't-t K-Know S-sir" He stutters 

"Then what is your name" He says looking at me but I do not reply "Answer Me!!" I smirk at his anger 

"It seem sir that your powers do not work on her" Grilden says in awe looking at me 

"Silence!! Of course they work why wouldn't they!!" he bellows. Grilden falls to the floor from the power that Alastor cast off but I just smile. His powers don't work on me.

"I don't know-w S-sir" Grilden stammers 

"Well find out and bring the other one in here maybe he knows" Alastor commands and then turns to me "Just you wait when I know who your are or more what you are you will be scared" with that the necromancer starkes out of the room.

"Oh you got him angry Sweetie" Grilden says patting me bloody and tangled hair "Thats' never a good thing" I feel something sharp touch my neck again but this time its metal. Now they are drugging me great.

"Goodnight Sweetie"


When I next wake up I hear a shackle clank but not my own.

"Now Alex who's your friend?" Alastor's voice booms around the room

"What friend" I hear someone mutter. I smell Scar 

"Scar?" Plasma questioned 

"Yes" I reply "And Alastor, may Grilden too" 

"Ok let me rephrase who is the girl next to you!" I hear his voice again

"I can't see remember" Says who I think is Scar. Goddess he is thick. I moan in pain when someone touches my neck. My eyes flutter open. I look around and see I am in a new room. Here I am chained to the ceiling and my legs to the ground. I turn my head and see Scar with a blind fold on. I try to call out to him only to make a muffed noise. My mouth is covered with a blood covered rag. Its my blood.

"Oh you like your gag?" Grilden says sickly sweet in my ear "I made sure that you would be able to taste something no need to thank me" Goddess he is so insane.

"Grilden!" Alastor yelled "Don't talk to her remember and take off his blindfold" 

"Yes Sir" He says quickly taking off the Scar's blindfold. Scar swiftly turns to look at me. He looks at my neck which must still be bleeding

"Fa......" He starts 

"Ah so you do know her" Alastor smiling creepy "Whats her name?"

"Fang" Scar whispers angrily. 

"What's her actual name Alex" Alastor says glaring at him

"I don't know" he says looking at the floor

"What do you mean you don't know!" Alastor bellows making Grilden and Scar flinch "Is she not you friend? Companion? Lover even?" 

"NO SHE ISN'T AND SHE NEVER WILL BE!" Scar yells this time making me jump. I turn and look at him. He looks afraid almost as if he was afraid of having friends. 

"Stay strong Fang" Plasma says to me out of the blue "Something bad is coming, Logan is.." but Plasma never got to finish because an agonizing pain hit both Plasma and I. My scream was muffed be the gag but still just as heartbroken. Grilden tore off the gag just when the burning began. It felt like someone had see me on fire

"IT BURNS!" I wail as my scream continue "MAKE IT STOP PLEASE!" Tears run down my face mixing with my blood and burning my cuts. I feel something cut into my chest and new blood runs down me body. My own body is cutting it self to try and let the pain out.

"PLASMA HELP ME!"  I shriek but there Plasma was in no state to help me as she cried. She was in just as much pain as I. The burning stops but the pain is still there. I hang my head as tears keep streaming down my face

"It hurts" I moan continuously 

"Fang..." Scar  whispers "What just happened?" I look up at him 

"Logan Allen has completed the rejection of Liliafang Rouge" Plasma says speaking through me 


Hi guys I hoped you like this chapter So before I ask you to Vote, Comment, and All That Jazz I just want to let you know that I have a new writing thing up called "Story Ideas" and if there are any you want me to do sooner rather then later please let me know.

So I will see you around

Lily ;)
