
  In the room that's full of hospital machines, sitting a beautiful pale teenager.

The teenager looks about 16 years old with a pale sick complexion.

He has fluffy white hair wit a tint of blue thats make people want to pat it, cute small pointed nose, cubby pale cheek, small soft lips that attract both man and women for take a taste, and last not last his round blue eyes with a tint of violet that can make nosebleed in no time.

With just his looks, the beautiful teenager can't make people want to protect him and lock him in the room.

The teenager looks at the outside of the windows with a small smile that can make people want to worship him for a lifetime.

He looked at the bird that was flying with their partner. The room is very comfortable. Side Table with vase full of beautiful and colourful flowers, the sound of bird singing that make people's hearts comfortable, and the deem light because the sun that hides behind the cloud.

  The teenager."I hope today won't rain. It's my last day in this life time after all. I don't want the sky to cry because of me".

After that the teenager sighs and looks at the slightly open door with a pair of sad eyes peeping outside the door.

The teenager smiled and said" you don't have to peep from the door mei san. I know that you want to come inside. Just come in, please".

And after that, the nurse(mei san) came in with a sad smile on her face. Her eyes of tears that looked like it would fall anytime.

With a trembling body she says" kenly kun...Please don't go.. J-just stay a little.. Your family will be here soon".

The teenager shook his head and said, " You don't have to worry about me mei san. They won't come to the hospital just to see their dying family members. Everyone is busy so they won't come to accompany me on my last day".

The nurse's face was already full of tears and in no time all the people in the hospital that knew and were friends with him came with tears streaming their faces. Everyone mourns for the teenager's last day in this world.

In the hospital, everyone cried and screamed for his name. The nurse that always stays by his side till the end also cries in sadness. She held his arm till he closed his eyes with a happy but a little sad smile on his face.

The teenager is popular for his kindness and gentle personalities. In the hospital, he is the sun that always shines to make people happy.

Everyone in the hospital knew that the teenager was always feeling lonely because his family never cared for him. Everyone only hopes that he can rest in peace in heaven or have a happy life in the next life, but no one knows about his true feelings.

They can only see that he is sad and lonely. Even though they can only pray that God will be nice to him for giving him happiness in heaven or next life.

The teenager's name is kenly wenston. When he died, he was only 16 years old. In his face he always wears a calm and charming smile.

He was known as the lonely flower because he always looks lonely but still keeps his calm smile. Everyone in the hospital knew that his family had never cared for him even though he wanted to see them at least for the last time.

Kenly stayed in the hospital for almost 10 years even though he stayed in the hospital for that long.

He was really smart and knew everything outside the hospital. He likes to read novels about systems and magic.

He also likes to read books about many things like medicine, martial art, etc. He is also an animal lover, especially cats, from big cats like tigers to the small cat at the hospital's back garden.

He has a small body because of his illness. The illness is that it can make your body constitution weak and make your heart and lungs weak.

His life is destined to be over when he reaches 18 years old but because of some complications he died at the age of 16.

*Well that's all about him, back to the stories.

In the abys of darkness, the soul of kenly looks rather calm. Even though all the soul should be scared of darkness kenly doesn't scare at all, his look really calm at this situation he does not even flinch at all!.. Well that is what is expected from kenly the lonely flower.

Likes his nickname. Kenly always feels lonely and is already used to being surrounded by darkness. Kenly calmly looks at the suround but as he expects, nothing can be found, not even a little light can be seen.

He can't help but sigh and feel that his imaginary leg feels sour so he sits on the ground? Of darkness.

When he is about to close his eyes, a high pitch voice of a little girl can be heard and make him jump in shock.

The voice"[ Hello, my dear host!.. Congratulations on making bonds with me. The "Steal the white lotus halo" system. We will world hopping to complete the mission!The main mission is for you to steal the white lotus halo and make people see the true face of the two face white lotus!. Do you have any question host?]".said the voice with the happy high pitch voice of a little girl.

Kenly" is that so?, then basically i am only have to stell the white lotus popularity and make the bitch white lotus have a bad end right?" ask kenly with his head tilted a little as to why he dont seem panic at all is because in the past, he always read a system novel so he already understand everytimg about the rule, plot, and memories about the original body that will he take Over.

The system"[ that's right host!. If you don't have any questions, then we can start transferring your soul to the body of the first world. See you later, host! Bu bye!]". The system starts the transfer without waiting for Kenly to reply to her.

And everything became dark. Again...



*Hello everyone!I am your magical girl named amiella!... Actually I can't speak English, but I do understand English. I can read English but can't write it.. So I think it will be nice if I can write an English novel, and ta daaa!I am writing an English novel with the help of application. So I'm really sorry for the grammar error, please bear it for me. And I will upload the stories as often as I can, so you can read my FIRST English novel*

Here I will introduce my baby character and your two face bitch white lotus. *That's right, the baby is mine and the bitch is your(*´∇`*). Sorry for that joke*

Our mc in his original world.

Name: Kenly wenston
Age: 16 y.o

*Sorry, but I will introduce the others when they come okay. And I will introduce our mc first, so you are not confused. I'm really tired because I wrote this at midnight, so good bye my dear reader*...


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