
The next day, Luca did his morning ritual and went to school. In the past week, Elya always bullied him even when he acted like he was scared and feared her. Elya wouldn't budge and would bully Luca whenever she saw him being alone.

When Luca arrived, there was a handsome looking guy with a dark navy blue suit. He has blonde hair with a pair of blue sky eyes and many bodyguards behind him.

[Host! That is the 1ml best friend!].

'hem?Why is he here? Don't tell me that he wants to kidnap me and bring me to xander'.

[yes and no host!Actually, he really loves 1ml but he ignored his feelings because of you. When he knew that the 1ml ignored him because of you, he wanted to kill you immediately. Now he really hates you and wants to kidnap you and torment you]. Solly looks at her host with fear and worry.

'Is that so?Then that's good. If he does that, I don't have to worry about this new rival of mine and eliminate him immediately.' Luca smirks when he thinks about his plan.

'[huhh.. Host is really scary]' solly saw his host's evil look and hid in her space with a trembling glowing ball of her.

Luca walked to the gate and tried to get their attention. They noticed him and stood in front of him. Luca looked at them and the guy in the middle sneered with a disgusting face.

"Are you the brat name Luca something?".


The guy Smirk and he snap his finger and walk away to the luxury car in front of the black van for the bodyguard.

the bodyguard behind him walked to Luca and grabbed his arm. Luca tried to fight back but his arm was dragged into the black car. Luca cant call for help because his mouth is closed by the bodyguard's hand tightly, which makes it hard for him to breathe.

He kept hitting the bodyguard's hand to indicate that he couldn't breathe well. But the bodyguard only gave him a glare and looked away. He felt that he was going to collapse, but before he closed his eyes. He heard the guy give the driver some address and he informs solly to send the address to xander after he gets beaten and tell him that he(luca) gets kidnapped and needs help.

'dont tell xander about the guy that kidnapped me. Let him see what his best friend does to me'.

Even tough luca is not in a relationship with xander. But he is sure that he(x) will protect him(L). After that, he gave solly a task to film the torment scene and to tell him to wake him up went he alone in that place. When he had nothing to say, he fainted.

Luca woke up but he did not open his eyes and heard someone open the door and getting close to him while muttered that he(luca) would die today. And his body will burn to ash. Luca shiver went he heard all the guy say.

"ha ha ha.. Such an interesting face you have there. No wonder xander will pick you over me. But don't worry, I'll smash your face and kill you and burn your body until there's nothing left."

He picked up Luca's chin with his forefinger and smiled.
He left Luca and left the torture room and returned with a large box full of dust.

'Solly. What's in the box?'

[huh? Oh! , in the box it contains knives, flamethrowers, razders, poison, hammers, Needl--] Before solly finish what he says. Luca cut him and said,

'wait!.. WTF! What's with all that stuff? Don't tell me all that was just to torture me?!

[huh? How can the host guess correctly?] Asked solly with his imaginary head tilted a little and innocent stare.

'Aww man! Does he want to torture me with all of it? That's too cruel!' Yelled luca in his mind.

Although Luca was arguing solly, he didn't change his expression at all. On the outside, he still ACTS like he's scared and like he would wet his pants at any moment.

After he calmed his heart and mind, Luca asked solly to talk to him while he was tortured. When that man was right in front of Luca, he gave a sadistiq smile and pulled the knife out of the box.

"Hemm.. Your face would be even more beautiful when adorned red with blood, wouldn't it?"

Luca cringe immediately at the man's mean smile and when he speaks, luca trembles really badly and begs to be forgiven and to let him go.

"P-Please... D-don't do this to me. What's my fault? I-i don't even know who you are."

"Oh! Of course we haven't been properly introduced. You never even see me, right? I'll tell you my name so you'll always remember the name of the man who tortured you. My name is Liam Golton."

Upon hearing that name, Luca trembled with fear and began to cry out for help. But the man immediately stuffed a rag in his mouth. "Shut up!" He snapped in a deep and angry tone. Luca flinched and stopped crying and lowered his head as if he were holding back his tears.

"Great. Don't you dare test my patience. Otherwise.. "He laughed cynically and then started licking the knife and spitting on it. He placed the knife next to Luca's cheek, which had become pale with fear.

Liam began pricking the edge of his knife into Luca's cheek and the red colour of blood coloured luca white pale delicate cheek. Although Solly has given him a pain immune pill, luca is still unable to calm down when a spit upon knife is shoved into his cheek.

'Hey solly! Has he gone mad? That is so gross. It's so dirty he's so disgusting 'luca piss off.

Solly could only shake his glowing ball body as if he couldn't say anything with his host absurt comment.

'[hosts are so funny. Of course the man will do everything to torment him. Should I tell him that I have a list of ways that man would do to torture him? No... No... No! host will get furious and ignore me if he finds out I didn't tell him in the first place]'

luca who feels that solly is very quiet, starts getting furious. 'Hey solly! Do you listen to what I say? Don't you dare run away! Keep me company!

[oh yes host. I hear you well and clearly. But host, don't you want any information about him?]

'Oh yes, I almost forgot about it.. Quickly give me some information about him!'

'[why do I always feel that hosts have so many personalities? When we first met, he seemed so innocent and cute. What is it now?, even though this was our first world, hosts have begun to be mean to solly.]'

[Here is some information about him]
Villian information.

Name: Liam Golton
Age: 22 y.o
Tittle: The sadistiq Villian, Demon king
Familly: unknown, younger sister(Stella 18y.o).
Beast aura: Iron lizard.
All about him from the past world:

Liam Golton. No one knows about his family other than Stella. The ignorant younger sister. Liam and Stella are not blood related to sibling. But only Liam knew that Stella was not his real sister.

Actually, his family adopted Stella when she was still a newborn baby. Stella gets abandoned in front of Golton family mansion and gets found by the head butler. The butler tells liam parent about her and his parent decides to adopt her because the golton family doesn't have a daughter.
And from that point, liam parents always spoil stella but ignore liam. So because of that, Liam really hates Stella but still acts like a good brother. He would also act to spoil Stella more to gain her trust in him. So he can use her in the future.

Even since he is still a child, Liam already understands his role in that family. Liam is the only heir for the name only. His parents love Stella to the point that they forget about their only son and heir.

One day, He didn't feel good and decided to come home from his school. He knew that his parents were already at home and talking about something important, so he peeped at them and heard what they said.

He heard that they want to make Stella the heir of the golton family and plan to send him away overseas because they think that he is being a nuisance to this family. When Liam hears that, he doesn't feel anything. He already went numb and it came to something about emotion. He doesn't feel sad about being abandoned by his own parents just for a mere little girl that comes from nowhere. He also doesn't feel angry with his "parent" for choosing a little girl that knows nothing and not even their own daughter offers him.their own son.

Liam is sent overseas for the reason of studying more to be the family heir. Actually, he is very happy even if his family disowns him. If that is so, he can be free in this world without being with that disgusting family.

When he goes overseas, he tries to search for a job and a place for him to stay. But nothing goes like his plan. He was abandoned by his own family because someone stole his spot from him. He doesn't have a place to stay, and doesn't have a job to make money.
He stayed as a beggar until he found xander that gave him a job and a place to call home. From that time until now, he still loves xander.

But he knows that xander doesn't like him as a lover, but as a friend. Only friends. So because of that, liam always tries to eliminate everyone xander cerish or interested to. He would make everyone go away from xander.

Until Xander found the FL and fell in love with her. Liam was furious and tried many ways to kill the fl. But he xander always stopped him and in the end he died when xander found out that he tried to sell the fl to brothel. He died in xander hand.

He is really the real demon king. Even though luca knows that maybe elya(fl) does something to liam that makes him do such a thing.


(A/N: *Hi guys! I know that my book is really bad but you should understand that this book is my FIRST English book. I'm only a little girl who doesn't have anything to do because of a lockdown for Covid-19. So, please be nice to me and give me some tips for making books. You may call me Bellover.^ω^. Hope ya all be healthy and keep safe! Bu bye! ≥3≤≧∇≦≧ω≦*)

Words counted 1830
