arc 1 chap 3

(*the female lead picture above👆😁*)

Luca and xander spend their time talking about xander's younger sister, who was also in the hospital with allergies. The sky is getting dark because the sun is setting. They stopped talking when Xander's phone rang. Xander picked up the phone and said good-bye to Luca. Before leaving, Xander took Luca back to his room.

After that, time went on with Luca,  who was only thinking of plans to keep the female lead away from the male role. The first day of school came.

On a sunny morning, Luca looks well-dressed and cute. Actually, Luca is very nervous, but he's also passionate about putting his plan into action. Even if his family is famous and wealthy, this doesn't mean that it's all Luca's money. So he had to figure out a way to make money to make it easier for him to carry out his mission.

After breakfast, he went to school with his older sister (Lucy) who continued talking about her work as an exhausting model. Luca could only listen and give a small response with a helpless smile.

Upon arriving at the school gate, Luca said good-bye to his sister and got out of the car. He had just closed the car door and looked into a school that was going to be the place where he would spend a lot of time with the female lead to make her life in a school miserable.

All the students who saw Luca immediately whispered to their friends and screamed like Kya! Kya!, they had a deep appreciation for his beauty and cuteness.

When they make eye contact with him, they couldn't help but grab their chest to prefend for their heart to get out of their chest. Luca, who is clearly the topic that the student is talking about, can only smile and greet the students he passes.

He walked to the principal's room to greet his grandpa. That's right, Luca's grandfather is the owner of this big school. When Luca arrived in front of the principal room, he knocked on the door and came inside. As he opened the door and looked at his grandpa, he couldn't help but fantasize about his grandpa Kharisma. Luca grandpa has the aura of a giant serpent. He looks really cool and charming. When grandpa looks at luca, he(gp) smiles and gets up from his seat and walks to luca, who is still stunned.

Grandpa is really happy to see Luca come to school. Grandpa sat on the couch and signalis luca sat in front of him. Luca came out of his stupor and sat in front of his grandpa. After that, the principal called the teacher to come into the room and take Luca to his classroom to introduce him and start the class.

.In the classroom.

"Hey, all the students say that we have a new student!My friend says he sees the new student and says that the new student is really beautiful and cute!. I hope he does not lie!". Student A says.

"That's right!, I saw him too!He looks really gorgeous and cute!I don't believe that he is a boy, how can a boy be that beautiful and cute?". Student B answer.

"Is that right!?!.. The new student is a boy?!That's so unfair for a boy to be that beautiful more than a girl!, hemph!". Student B protest.

Then the door of the classroom opened. A boy that can't be called a boy came in with the teacher. All the students whisper about the cute and beautiful new students in their classroom.

" attention everyone!Now we have a new student. He is new in this area too, so befriendhim okay?. Now, Luca, introduce yourself.". The teacher says as he tells Luca to introduce himself.

"mnn.. Hello everyone!My name is Luca Cloudya. I'm bad at sport so please take care of me!o(〃^▽^〃)o"

Luca smiles his cutest smile, not knowing that makes everyone in the class go crazy for him. The teacher is speechless, not knowing what to do in this crazy situation. He told Luca to sit in the back beside the window. As time went by, Luca got bored and decided to talk to the one that sat beside him.


Well, actually Luca doesn't know what to do, so he just says hey. The latter doesn't bother to look at him and say nothing.

' hemp!, such an ignorant man, he did not even glance at me! '. Luca thought. No noticing that he is pouting. The student that looked at his pout all went red from face to ear. 'too adorable!😳'.

Asher easthon(2ml) pov.

'Wow, that's really cute, is he really a boy? , I can't believe it '. I kept looking at him and pretending to sleep without seeing him.

My heart's beating fast. What's going on with me? I had a feeling that I should keep him safe. But can I protect him? I can't even protect myself, especially how I can protect others.

You're a complete idiot asher. I have to be stronger and more powerful before I can protect him. But I can get to know him better if it's just a friend. And all I have to do first is introduce myself so we can start becoming friends.

But... Wait a minute.. Isn't he wanting to speak with me before? , and it was because I admired his cuteness so much that I didn't hear what he was saying, and ignored it. What should I do now? , he must have been upset that I ignored him!

Why don't I pay more attention to what he's saying than to his face?. I'm really an idiot. That must be the reason he is pouting. He must be really upset or maybe annoyed. Ugh!...

I'm going crazy just thinking about it. I hope he'll forgive me. It's never too late to apologize, is it? Let's hope it's true.

"Hey.. Emm.. I'm sorry I ignored you. In fact I didn't listen to you and I was too captivated by your beauty. Please forgive me for making you misunderstand." I looked at him with guilt.

What should I do if he doesn't forgive me? Ughh! He just looked at me with glowing eyes and a little smile. Nice! Well, I think he will forgive me. And he answered in a voice that would calm the heart of anyone who listened to him.

"What did you say? , pretty? What do you mean by beauty! I am handsome and not pretty! , hemph! , I'll never forgive you if you can only apologize!,as your punishment, you will be my friend until we graduate! Hemph!(︶︹︺)(。ì _ í。)". He said while pouting and blushing.

Uhh!. He's a cute tsundere. How could I turn him down?

"Ok! I will be your friend forever so that you can forgive me. But even if you don't tell me, I'll still be your  friends. Btw, my name is Asher Easthon. It's good to be your friend  ". I said, looking at his face, which had become blush with embarrassment.

"Yes, my name is luca cloudya. From now on you have to be my friend. Don't betray me, okay?". He said with a shy smile.

Uhhh it's not fair! He's too cute!.

Pov end.

Without realizing it. Bell for a break ring. After the teacher left the classroom, everyone surrounded him and asked him all sorts of questions. Like a hobby, whether you have a partner or not, where you live, etc.

And the things Luca was waiting for... were coming. The female lead. She walks up to Luca's and asks him to have lunch together. Luca then immediately started his act and followed through with the female lead(Ellya).

In fact, within the plot of this world, there is an event to be seen in detail. Just like luca was bullied by ellya and forced to pretend to be her best friend.

All bullying will start when Luca gets to school. The truth is, Luca is a timid and cowardly boy. And that made Ellya easy to bully him and force him to do what she said.

Ellya bullied Luca due to his beauty and talent. Ellya started bullying luca by scaring him with make her bodyguards rape him etc, and then she ended up having her bodyguards beat him to the hospital and died when she found out that luca talked to her boyfriend and accused him of stealing what was her. And the current luca is about to get proof of Ellya bullying him.

Now all he has to do is wait and slowly but surely, he will seize everything the female lead should have. And make the female lead's life a living hell. Yes... *You just have to wait for the next chapter.

Character biodata!.

Asher Easthon.

Age: 17 y.o. He's only a few months older than luca.
Beast aura: Phoenix Forest.
Family: father(leo), mother(Catherine), younger sister(Aliceya).
All about him: He's a quiet man, but once you get to know him, he'll be a cheerful and generous person. He's like making jokes and putting a prank at the people he's close to.

He doesn't like to play games because he thinks they make him unable to think well. He is also a good person and always helps people who are in trouble.

His face is just as handsome as the prince any woman would want. He has slightly curly, delicate and soft hair that might make you want to stroke his head.

His smile greatly endangered women's hearts and made men jealous of his good looks.

He has a 13-year-old younger sister. who is very spoilt and clings to him. His sister would always ask him to accompany her to play and not want to part with him. It's also what keeps him from having a partner.

His family was very hard on him because he was the oldest and only son. He's always getting beat up at home over some minor problems. His parents always insisted on him to be the best and therefore he became a very smart boy. In the future, he will build his own worldwide company.

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