Chapter 36

Jake's POV: We are currently looking for Lucas cause he went missing and we are still in Barcelona.

Jake: What the hell?

Ally: Is this a joke or something?

Erika: If it is Im gonna kill him!!!

Tony: We should go back to the hotel and see if he came back

Emilio: Im gonna call an Uber.

Sunny: But.. where's Lucas?

No one knows where he is, or when he left, his phone is off and the girls are starting panicking.

We walked in the hall of the hotel when we saw Lucas playing soccer with a little kid. Erika grabbed him and slapped him in the arm and the chest and the back.. and when she was going to slap him in the face he held her hand

Lucas: Yo!! Stop..

Erika: Where the hell were you all morning?!

Lucas: On the yard. With this little guy.

Ally: You could have called!!

Lucas: My phone is dead

Sunny: No shit Sherlock

Lucas: Copyright.

Jake: Dude we were worried!

Lucas: I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. - Erika was still a bit mad but hugged him, then did Sunny and me and Tony slapped the back of his head

Tony: You dummy

Sunny: Well.. it's like 3 o clock we could go to the pool

Ivan: Then we'll see u guys tomorrow..

Jake: No you guys can come too.

Emilio: We don't have swim trunks on

Tony: We have lots come on.

We all went upstairs got changed and went back to the pool. We were looking for Lucas and Ally.. we found them on the hot tub making out

Erika/Sunny: Shh! Let's go

We slowly left the hot tub area and went back to the pool.

XXX: Hmm you know where Lucas is?- it was the kid Lucas was playing with this morning

Jake: Hey buddy. What's your name?

Max: I'm Max, I'm 5. - he showed his hands with all the five fingers and counted each one

Tony: Lucas will come in a sec ok buddy?

Max: Ok

Erika: Where are your parents? - I lowered on his level just like Jake

Max: I don't have a mommy and my dad is always going with the cops so they put me in a strange house, but I ran away

Sunny: Oh my god.. - just then Lucas and Ally cam back holding hands

Lucas: Hey Max!

Max: I thought you left.. - Lucas picked him up

Lucas: I promised I wouldn't didn't I?

Max: Yeah.

Erika: What are we gonna do?

Lucas: I don't know.. we can't just leave him..

Jake: Well we have lots of space in our rooms. He can stay with us

Lucas: Would you like that? - he happily nodded his head

We all went to the boys room and asked for room service. It was getting late and Max was getting tired. I was laying back with Erika and they guys were all excited because Lucas and Ally are together now, they want to celebrate and all but we can't leave Max by him self. So Ivan had a plan

Ivan: My cousin is a baby sitter! I can call her.

Lucas: Yeah, I'll pay her

Emilio: No you don't have to..

Jake: We got it just call her.

The Twins cousin showed up and Max was sleeping, we left a card if she wanted to ask for room service. We left and went to a club where Emilio's friend would be DJ on tonight.
About 20 minutes later the Uber left us on the bar

Jake: Nice!

Ivan: He is here

Emilio: Enrique!

Enrique: Emilio! Que sorpresa! Y estos? Quien son? (What a surprise! And this? Who are they?)

Emilio: Son mis amigos de California. (They are my friends from California)

Enrique: Hi

All: Hi

We all talked for a while and then Enrique was called and the music started. We set our stuffs and drinks ok a couch area and went to the dance floor. We had a lot of fun! We met these nice kids, Kevin and Megan. They hang with us. The thing is.. Kevin and Sunny have a lot in common.. and Tony wasn't enjoying that. And the drinks weren't helping

Kevin: You wanna dance Malouf?

Sunny: Sure

Tony: Sunny!

Sunny: It's just a dance babe.

Well they indeed danced, but Tony was mad. They actually just danced it wasn't like got sexual or anything, they just danced, like Lucas and Erika did. But still Tony wasn't happy. Then.. Tony met a girl while they were dancing.. Kelly, or Kate, or something like that.. and they went to the dance floor and my lord..

Sunny: What the hell?

Jake: We tried to stop him..

Kade: He was jealous and a bit tipsy

The thing is.. the girl is basically grinding on Tony and well.. gone wrong

Sunny: What the fuck are you doing?!

Tony: Dancing

Sunny: No! I was dancing! You were almost hooking up with this bitch!

Tony: Almost.. you were acting like a bitch, all over that douche!..

Sunny: You've got to be kidding me!!

Tony: Shut up..

Sunny: What?

XXX: Tony... you have something on your lips - he wiped - Didn't come off.. - she kissed him.. holy shit

Sunny: Are you fucking serious?!

Tony: No wait. That wasn't supposed to happen..

Sunny: I'm done.. - she walked away

Tony: Sunny Wait.. - he grabbed her hand

Sunny: Let go Trujillo!! Now!!

Tony: No. Look, I'm sorry! I was jealous! I wasn't thinking but I didn't want to kiss her! I should be mad at you because you were l over that guy, you two will probably just make out anyways!. - she stared at him for a while then slapped him - What the fuck?! Are you nuts?!

Sunny: You asshole!! I don't care if you are with that bitch or with any one else! I hate you!! - she let her self go of him and ran out crying. Erika looked at me

Jake: Go. Keep your phone near by - she nodded

Erika: Come on girls

They left after Sunny and we got Tony up and got a an to the hotel.. he messed up this time.. badly
