Chapter 30

Erika's POV: Me and Adam went with the doctor to Lucas room. He seemed ok.. he was asleep.

Doctor: The surgery went well, Lucas is a tough kid, it was hard to make him asleep, but when he did, it went perfectly. He is recovering good. He can go home by morning

Adam: Thats great.. hey doc. Those people are all family. Can they come in?

Doctor: If they are really quiet.. yes they can.

Adam: Thank you. I'll be right back Erika. - I nodded and he left with the doc. I sat down on Lucas bed and held his hand. I was relieved.. but still a lot freaked out. The guys eventually came in and we all just stood there, some were whispering talking, I was just there, holding his hand and calming my self, with Jake's help..

Jake: He is Ok now..

Erika: Yeah.. - he kissed my forehead

We were there for like 40 minutes when I felt my hand being squeezed. I looked at Lucas eyes and they slowly opened

Lucas: Jeez.. you're all here

Adam: Of course they are all here

Jake: You won't get rid of us just like that.

Sunny: We were worried

Kade: Yeah.. how are you feeling?

Lucas: I'm Ok.. you should try that stuff, I slept sooo well

All: Hahahahaha

Tony: Even in a hospital bed, you still make silly jokes

Lucas: Toner... I'll always make silly jokes

Mack: Thats our Lucas. - I was silent.. then he looked at me

Lucas: What about you? Gonna say something? - I just hugged him and he hugged me tight, I heard the door closing.. we backed away and he smiled at me - I'm Ok Rik. I promise - I nodded. We stood talking for a while, the squad left, just me, Jake and Adam were in the room. It was getting late and Lucas was getting tired

Jake: We should leave Rik. He will go home tomorrow morning.

Erika: Are you going to be ok?

Lucas: Yeah. Of course I will - I hugged him and then he and Jake Bro shake - You should go home too dad

Adam: Don't even try.. I'm not going anywhere.

Lucas: Fair Enough..

Jake: We'll see you tomorrow

Lucas: Bye

Me and Jake left the room, the squad was there yet

Jake: Guys, why didn't you go home?

Tony: We didn't know if something would happen or not.

Jake: He is fine now. We should all get some rest, and tomorrow we can all hang.

Chance: Deal.

We all said goodbyes and went home.

Erika: Jake you can stay here.

Jake: I don't wanna bother baby.

Erika: Jake you don't bother, come on. Text your mom and say you are staying her tonight

Jake: *sighed* Ok. - he called his mom and told her he would spend the night. We got inside and my mom came near us

Angel: Jake. JC told me what happened are you Ok?

Jake: Yeah I'm Ok, thanks

Dani: Rik!!! How is Lucas?

Erika: He is Ok now Dani. He is spending the night at the hospital and comes home tomorrow morning

Dani: Can we go there tomorrow mom?

Angel: Yeah of course.

Jake: Sunday funday

All: Hahahaha

Eventually we all went to bed. Of course my dad didn't let me sleep with Jake in the same room so Jake stood on the guest room. But! When everyone was sleep I went there

Jake: What are you doing here? Your dad is gonna kill me!

Erika: Relax Jake, he won't see me here. I'll go to my bed in a bit kkk

Jake: Ok..

Erika: What are you watching?

Jake: Jurassic Park

Erika: Wow

I laid back on his chest and we watched the movie. But I couldn't help it and I fell asleep with Jake messing with my hair

Jake's POV: As I expected, Erika fell asleep. I would love to sleep here with her but Im bothering to much already, and I wanna live a long life. I picked her up bridal style and took her to her bedroom. I put her down on the bed and covered her up. I kissed her forehead and slowly closed the door

Dan: What were you doing there?

Jake: Ah! - I got scared - Sorry.. No, I was just..

Dan: Thanks

Jake: Huh?

Dan: I heard Erika going to the guest room. And now you took her back to her bedroom, respecting my decision. Thank you Jake

Jake: Yeah, of course - he tapped my shoulder and went downstairs. I went back to the room and laid down. A bit later I went to sleep.

*the next morning*

I woke up today feeling a bit lazy, I looked at the time and it was 9 sharp. I was feeling like a little run today.. I got up, got changed and went downstairs. No one was there so I left a note saying I would be back in half an hour. I put the note on the kitchen table and left.

Erika's POV: I woke up it was 9:30. I took a quick shower. I heard water when I passed by my moms bedroom so, she must be up. I went downstairs and no one was there. I was about to go see Jake when I saw a paper on the table. "Hey guys, good morning. I went for a run. I'll be back in half an hour or so. Don't wait for me for breakfast or anything. I'll eat when I get back.
P.S. love you Rik" I smiled reading the paper when my mom came downstairs

Angel: Hey sweetie

Erika: Hey mom

Angel: Is Jake up already?

Erika: He is out. He went for a run

Angel: Oh ok. We can start making breakfast, JC is getting up as well, Jake should be back soon

Erika: Yeah sure

We started making breakfast, I set up the table and a bit later Jake came inside, a little sweaty

Erika: Hey!

Jake: I'm sweaty..

Erika: I can see that. You go take a shower and then I'll give you a kiss

Jake: Deal - he passed by the kitchen - Morning

Angel: Hey Jake

Jake: I'm gonna take a quick shower. I'll be right back

Angel/Erika: Ok

Eventually JC and Morgan came downstairs. We finished making breakfast and Dani came downstairs

Dani: Where is Jake? - he came downstairs as well

Jake: Right here - she jumped to him and he picked her up

Angel: Dan!!! - she yelled from downstairs

We all sat on the table and started eating

