Chapter 9 ~ Fish Breath

Once again no clue on who to do next sooo, here's Vera

"Hope my breath doesn't stink too much"

Daya took a piece of gum and put it in her mouth. "My lunch had lots of garlic". Elena shrugged her shoulders "I smell nothing, you're good" They both started walking.

"What have you been up to?" Elena asked Daya. "Aaah nothing much. Just being on Cloud 9...and spending time with Elliot alot" Elena laughingly rolled her eyes "Of course you are. Soon you'll see him more than us" "No no no, don't worry about that. Quality time with friends tops nothing. Especially merfriends" She laughed "It's good having a boyfriend who knows your secret" "I can imagine" Elena smiled but it slightly faded when she remembered something. "I just hope Dennis is doing alright"

"I heard my name?"

"JEEZ OH MY GOD" Daya jumped as Dennis appeared behind her very suddenly. Neither one heard him coming. "I'M SORRY." "Never do that again" Dennis and Daya laughed it off. He turned to Elena, she answered him before he could ask "What I was saying was, is that I wonder if you're doing alright." Dennis nodded "Yea of course. I feel amazing." He saw that Elena was not buying it. "Alright, it still hurts but I'll be okay" He awkwardly tugged his hair back. Elena reassured him "If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you, okay?" Dennis nodded " means a lot"

Skyler came running down the street "Sorry I'm late guys" he greeted everyone. "Did I miss something?" "Not much no" Dennis shook his head. "Other than me complaining about my sad gay issues" Dennis made a sarcastic sad face. "I'm sorry, tell me if you need something" Skyler awkwardly but genuinely tried to help

"Oh by the way, I forgot y'all don't know this. I'm pan"

Elena said it so nonchalantly as if it was the easiest thing to say in the world. The others looked shocked yet happy. "Oh my god YES FELLOW RAINBOW MEMBER" Dennis gave Elena a hug. "Eyyy that's great!" Skyler gave a thumbs up while Daya seemed like she just remembered it. "Oh right HOW DID I FORGET. Yea you told me this a long time ago, I LOVE THAT YOU'RE SO OPEN ABOUT IT"

Dennis was cautious asking "Do your parents know?" "Yea, they're chill with it. My dad wasn't so keen on it back in the day, but my mom really has a good effect on him. They're my biggest surporters" "Lucky. That's so amazing" Dennis hated himself for killing the mood so fast but Elena understood "Hey you got this. I'm sure he'll accept you, I got a good vibe about him." Dennis nodded.

Elena continued "Want some more shock? Xenia is actually my ex" "WHAT?" Skyler, Daya and Dennis said all at once. Elena laughed at the concerned faces. "We're on very good terms, don't worry. But yea we had a little something." She shrugged her shoulders smiling. Daya regained composure "You think you know somebody..." "OH COME ON, you couldn't tell?" "I thought y'all were just really affectionate friends...with like kisses...and stuff" Daya and Elena both burst out laughing.

Skyler laughed with them but then turned serious again. "Oh I totally forgot. I was gonna talk to y'all about something. What's today?" Dennis thought for a second "Umm Saturday?" "Correction: What's toNIGHT?" He raised an eyebrow looking around. Daya's eyes widened "OH MY GOD, FULL MOON!"

A gasp went through the group, everyone had forgotten. Skyler nodded "Yea um...I mean last full moon did something good for us but I don't know what will happen this time" Dennis smirked "Maybe this time we'll turn into coldblooded criminals." Daya made a disgusted face. "Please no I'm not trying to get arrested again." "Exactly so I hope we- wait AGAIN?" Skyler looked at Daya as if she was a 7-headed monster.

"Have y'all never been arrested?" Daya asked as if it was the most normal thing to ask. "" was the answer. "You are the LAST person I expected to have gotten arrested before like- FOR WHAT?" Dennis was almost frantic but also curious. Daya chuckled. "Long story short. This douchebag who was cold I gave my jacket to. And the creep kept it. Like I asked him several times to give it back and even talked to his parents, but no effect. So I broke into his house and took it back, cuz that thing was expensive. Yea um....they caught me though." She raised two thumbs. Everyone stood their mouths agape. "Honestly though? Icon behaviour" Dennis laughed. Daya nodded "I know right?" Elena was still shook. "DAMN Daya I didn't know you could do this." "You know I'm a highly emotional person and YES that does count for anger"
Skyler chuckled "Elena, you should have asked her for help back then" Daya laughed but Elena replied "No she got caught." "EXCUSE ME" Daya had trouble looking offended and not starting to laugh. Skyler gasped and tried to hide his laugh but it was no use.

"Ok but back to business, fishies" Dennis cracked his knuckles. "How do we do the sleeping over thingy? We were at mine last time, we can't do it again this time though. My dad is stressed with work at the moment and he needs his peace" Daya made an unhappy face "And you know my place is off-limits". Skyler and Elena looked at each other. "I am only allowed to have one person sleep over, preferably a girl" she said. "I can do only a maximum of two people" Skyler replied.

"Soooo they can sleep at your place, I'll just lock myself in my room alone" Elena suggested with a sad undertone but Daya did not seem happy about that. "Elena, no you don't always have to be the loner just to protect us. I'm staying with you" "But-" "No but. I insist. We're looking after each other, got it?" Elena slowly nodded "'re right". Skyler seemed content.

"So um, Dennis you're staying at my place? Is that okay?" Dennis seemed unusually awkward "Alright then" "If you're not comfortable, that's va-" "No really it's fine. Maybe it's actually a good thing" Dennis rarely got so quiet but Skyler understood why he was feeling this way. Although, the friendgroup had been doing great, Dennis and Skyler hadn't gotten some one on one time yet, to really warm up to each other.


The group hecticly jumped aside, as a truck came driving down the road and parked by the Rikki's Café. It was a delivery truck. Upon closer inspection, the deliveries seemed to be seafood. The group heard the owner and the delivery guy talking "Thanks man, I know it was a big order but you know, it's the season" was what they could overhear

"Damn almost died to our own kind" Dennis commented which resulted in various laughs. "Well then, we'll see each other at our assigned places" Daya was enthusiastic, she waved goodbye and left. Skyler looked at Dennis "I'll see you later" He gave a smile before leaving.

It was just Elena and Dennis left. "You okay?" She checked up on him. Dennis nodded but it didn't seem so sure. "What scares you?" "Me and Sky.....don't get me wrong I'm enjoying the friendship, but we haven't hung out together outside the group." "See it as a good thing though. Maybe you can talk about some things that just concern you and him. Hatch things out." "That'd just make it awkward" "Oooor it could break the ice." Dennis slowly nodded. "Ok yea. But if I'm gonna have a great time, promise me you'll have one too AND GIVE YOURSELF MORE LOVE" "I'm sorryyyyyy" Elena awkwarldy laughed and covered her eyes. "You have us! Next time you break in somewhere, take someone with you" Dennis joked. Elena played with her hair "I know, I know. I mean nothing against some alone time, but I doooo kind of need to stop isolating." Both looked at each other for a second and then awkwardly laughed. "Alright then, let's hope we still exist tomorrow" "Denniiis, don't jinx it!" "Too late" Laughingly the two said goodbye to each other.

After he waved goodbye to Elena, Dennis turned around to go home. But as fate wanted it....


He walked into someone...someone very familiar. "SORRY...oh um hey Nick" "I have to be sorry, I didn't pay attention" Both stood there awkwardly for a second. "So um, how's it going lately?" Nick asked. "Good. Could be better, but I've been worse. You?" "I'm sure you are though?" "I am, really"
After a second Nick asked "Yea well, you know, I don't want...what happend to destroy our friendship. Are you free tonight?" "Ahhh sadly no, sorry." "No worries, what you up to?" Nick was genuinely curious. "Sleeping over at someone's" "Who?" Dennis gaze went more serious, he was a bit annoyed at Nick's curiosity. With the most nonchalant tone he said "Skyler"

Now it was Nick's expression that changed. "Skyler? Really?" "Is that an issue?" "No....I just didn't expect you to so close." Was that an annoyed undertone? That was very unusual for Nick. "I don't get why you two suddenly seem closer than you and me. For your information, you hated each other's guts like a month ago." "And for your information, what I do and why I do it is none of your fucking business."

Nick was taken aback. His face turned angry. "Just cuz I rejected you does not mean you can just talk to me passive aggressively" Dennis was baffled. "What does that have to do with ANYTHING right now? Literally I just told you to mind your own business, because you kept poking and you sounded insecure and I'm not having that." "I'm just worried about you. I don't want you to do anything dumb because of your wild emotions right now."

Dennis was at a loss words. "Because I don't cope immediatly I'm suddenly unstable and irrational?" "That's a way to say it" Dennis eyes widened even more. What was Nick doing? This was not the Voice-Of-Reason, easy going, honest Nick he knew and had fallen in love with. Something had shifted. "Ohhhh. Well you have a blessed day, as will I!" Dennis started walking without another word ignoring everything Nick was shouting after him.


"Dayaaaa come in! Nice to have you here again. Been a while."

Elena's mom opened the door and greeted Daya with a smile. She was a very friendly and talkative woman. Daya entered the house after greeting her back. Elena came almost rushing. She hugged Daya and carried her stuff to her room.

After putting everything away, Elena's parents came to talk to her again. "Elena, Daya you'll have the house to yourself since we are going out. We'll leave now though since we still have something to do beforehand, business wise. We don't know when we'll come back, just don't do anything....bad" Elena's mom laughed. "No boys, no party, no nothing" Elena's dad looked at his daughter and winked. She couldn't help but smile. "Promise" she said. She hugged her parents before they left. Just one minute later the two were all alone.

"Okay tell me everything that's new." Daya sat on the couch, Elena right next to her. "ALRIGHT sooooo..."


"Alright sooooo..."

Skyler looked around his room. He obviously cleaned top to bottom, cuz he couldn't let Dennis stay in a messy room. Sprinting downstairs, he looked at the time. Dennis should be arriving any minute. "This should be the first time you have someone sleeping over right?" Rose looked like she was thinking hard. Skyler nodded " is. I was too scared back then to invite anyone over" "Hoping everything goes well then" "MOM I'm not a little kid." He put his hands on his hips. "DESOLÉE, just meaning the best" Just as both were laughing, the bell rang

Skyler opened quickly "Dennis, come in!" Dennis greeted back before entering and looking around. "Heyy hello, you're Dennis right?" Dennis shook her hand "Yes that's me. Pleasure Mrs....." "Mrs. Moreau formally, but you can call me Rose. Make yourself at home" Dennis nodded friendly. For a second there was an awkward silence before Skyler said "Well um...I'll show you my room." "BEFORE THAT" Rose interfered "I'm just gonna keep it brief. I gotta prepare for tonight. I'm going to some fancy event, you know Chéri like the one I used to attend last year." He nodded, a little bit red over his mom calling him Chéri in front of Dennis. "I'll also be sleeping over at a friend's since it's open end and quite a while away from here. I left some money on the counter, in case you wanna order something. I'll be having myself some fancy buffet dishes there, mostly seafood. Anyways, questions?"

Dennis looked at Skyler. "If you're good, I'm good" "Have fun, mom" She gave him a kiss on the cheek before she vanished into the bathroom. Skyler scratched his head. "Ok NOW I'm gonna show you my room"

Skyler's room was nothing too special, but pretty well equipped. He got a big bed, lots of shelves with movies and books and even a console. "Usually it's messier, of course I had to clean it for you hehe" "PFFF have you seen my room?" "I even slept in it, imagine" "Was it messy though?" "No comment" Both laughed and the tension seemed to lift a bit. Dennis put his stuff down. "I some good games you might like...on this console" Skyler didn't know what to propose so he awkwardly tried to suggest something. "Sure! What you have?" "Ok so we have....."


"Girl WHAT?"

Elena covered her mouth. "He did not say that to you" "YES HE DID" Daya's eyes were wide open as she spilled some gossip about some of what the class was doing. "He called you ugly...him out of all people" "I know like he looks like one of my failed science experiments" "OH MY GOD HAHA. I don't wanna laugh but it's so accurate" Both were having a great time, Elena barely recaught her breath.

"I just hope that didn't bother you too much. You know you are beautiful" Daya was surprised and totally flattered "I got a boyfriend" she joked. Elena obviously understood "NOT ANYMORE" Once again laughter set in, before Daya turned serious. "Ok but Elena. That makes me think. Um can I ask a weird question?" "Of course you can"

"What is something we've always wanted to tell each other but never have?"

Elena took a second, she indicated non-verbally that she thought it was a great question. "Wow, you're putting me on the spot haha" She then started. "I think your ambition and tenacity is something that has always inspired me but I never told you it has. Where there's a will there's a way for you. You rarely back down, I think you're stronger than you think you are" Daya put her hand on her heart. "Awww...that's so- I'm so glad to have you" "Stop you're making me teary eyed and you haven't even said anything about me yet." Daya cleared her throat.
"I have never told you how much I enjoy your completely unhinged sides. Of course you're usually the voice of reason, so mature and calm, but when you're completely letting loose or dare some crazy shit, I LOVE THAT. That break-in at Mrs. Garca's place for information? I mean WHO DOES THAT? You see what I mean? I love it when you're screwing that perfect image and be like 'Fuck it!'"
Elena laughed and kind of cried at the same time. "I totally get what you mean, thank you so much I think I needed to hear that." She quickly slid over to give Daya a hug. "Sometimes it gets hard to let loose"

"I mean considering the things we have to endure" Daya sighed. She seemed a bit upset after saying that. Elena caught on immediatly "Wanna talk about it?" "Oh just the old stuff" "We can talk about old stuff" Daya sighed

"I know I'm still a teen but still you know I've had to justify and defend myself all my life so far in everything concerning my love for science, may it be class, club or in regular conversations.....because I'm a girl. Like the misogyny is crazy and literally I thought people would be more mature by now. But no, it varied from people telling me to like more girly stuff as a kid, like laughing at me and telling me to go play with dolls" She sideyed. "And you know I fucking hate creepy ass dolls. Yea it varies from that to people nowadays acting like I'm dumb and then I'm automatically getting assigned easier tasks. Always the snarky side remarks, looking down on me, laughing, belittling, ignoring me, all that stuff. And when I do show I got it they make it a competition just to prove they're better than me" "Which they aren't" Elena threw in, Daya nodded. "Exactly. Men just hate women following their dreams and being good at it" She flipped her hair back. "Makes me really worried for the ACTUAL workfield later in life. My absolute PET PEEVE is though when someone says 'Oh you're too pretty for that'. First of all, I don't need to look a certain way? And second you're basically saying only 'ugly' girls would love this, and no girl is ugly let's clarify that" "See you DO speak a second language. You speak facts" "TRUE. But yea thankfully I got my parents." Elena didn't wanna ask but Daya thankfully continued on her own. "My dad always supports me and so does my mom. What I love about my mom is, yes she can be a hardass, but only SHE gets to be one. Whenever someone else is putting me down or acting up, trust me she will argue to the death. Practical to have a lawyer mom"

Elena laughed but then nodded sadly. "I wish my dad was that confident." "You wanna share too?" "For me also old stuff." "Go on"
"Well sadly, the harsh reality is there's obviously still lots and lots of racism and xenophobia. They see where I come from, and they already have an assumption of who I am. You know, there have been plenty occurances where I've been yelled at, heckled and been called some nasty things, thankfully I've never experienced physical violence. But what really also sets me off are the microaggressions people do." Daya was almost too scared to ask. "Um I'm so sorry to ask but what exactly is that?" Elena smiled. "No it's actually really good that you ask" She looked at the ceiling. "It's how some people express their hatred with very small, indirect, passive-aggressive actions. Clutching their bags when I step on a bus, talking extra slow and exaggerated as if I wouldn't speak English, ask me where I'm REALLY from when I say I'm from here, comparing me to some celebrity that looks NOTHING like me, just has the same background or the usual: they simply stare as if I was an alien" "I see, thank you. I hate that." Daya was actually thankful for the information and Elena gladly gave it. "So, for me it's something that of course annoys me but I've learned to live with it and not let it change me. Just how all that misogyny in the science workfield never stopped you" "YES exactly"

"I just wish....sorry" Elena started to tear up a little. "I just wish my dad could also be proud of himself. You know he of course experienced, and still does, the same things, but even worse. It made him so ashamed of himself and he...he didn't need to do that. Over the years now, my mom has really been giving him so much more confidence in himself and it helps him seeing me be proud of who I am. Meanwhile, he helped my mom not letting people take advantage of her. They are so good to each other I love them so much. Yea she helped my dad be more proud of who he is. I just wish he could have felt that way sooner." Now Elena was fully crying, Daya being there to console her. "You know he's done and sacrificed so much for me to live a peaceful life. You know my last name is Bailey. It's my mom's last name, my dad decided it would be so I wouldn't get bullied. And the name Elena too, he didn't want me to get bullied. Elena comes from the Greek name Helena and it's a sort of Italian or Spanish version of it, so it's kind of middle ground. But you see? I would have been proud of ANY name and it hurts SO so much seeing a person you love and respect so much not see what you see in them. I'm happy where he is now, but I wish it happend way sooner.....sorry for all of this" Daya shook her head. "No. No. It is really important that we talk about serious topics like this. Other people cannot understand what we're going through or where we come from so we need to talk about it to make it as clear as possible. Especially because this is just the surface, there's alot more to them. You wanna talk about something more lighter?"

Elena nodded. But then she smirked. "Ok but since we are on these topics. What is the WILDEST thing somebody has ever said to you? In this aspect?" Daya laughed. "Let's see. OH OH...fasten your seatbelt. A guy said 'Oh so all of this science stuff is just for show. You're just trying to act different' when I told him my favourite colour is pink" "Now hold up WHAT?" Elena emoted 50 emotions at once. "Exactly, like I was SPEECHLESS. The fact that you can like things that are typically considered girly AND things that are not, blew his mind apparently. LIKE WHY DO YOU CARE?" Daya laughed hard. Elena's tears were almost completely dry. "WAIT mine is so similiar though. Ok so you know my favourite dish is Chili Con Carne right?" "Yea" "So I told this to somebody. He looked me in the eyes. Deadass. And said 'Ew you're making your background your whole personality'" Daya's mouth stood wide open. Elena slapped her thighs out of laughter "THAT IS HOW I REACTED TOO." "YOU'RE MAKING IT YOUR- IT'S NOT EVEN A MEXICAN DISH" "RIGHT THAT MAKES IT FUNNIER, IT'S LITERALLY TEXAN JUST WITH MEXICAN INFLUENCES. That attempt backfired on him so badly. And like how is it my fault it tastes so good?" "I KNOW and how is it my fault pink looks gorgeous?"

"If he really wanted something true to my roots, he can gladly come around" "Mhm, serve him those Tamales you attempted to make back then" Elena's jaw dropped. "You. Got. Some. NERVE." "I got some? You had alot for serving that" "IT WAS MY FIRST TRY" "Yea I could tell" Daya teased Elena, the vibe in the room had taken a full 180 to being fun.

"Anyways people just need to mind their own business" "URGENTLY. Like let me live my life." "I don't need to be this or that, let me just be me and do my stuff. And you do yours" Daya and Elena gave each other a look before laughing. Daya took a sip of her drink. "I love full moon talks"


"FUCK congrats I almost had you"

Dennis just lost another round of Mario Kart. Skyler slightly cheered. "Yayy. Good game. Good game" "You can cheer more, I won't be TOO butthurt" Dennis joked but Skyler didn't seem to laugh. "Sorry, I didn't wanna upset you" "OH NO NO it's fine, don't be sorry. A victory is a victory" "Well then ummm what sounds like a winner thing to say? FUCK YES." "Sounds close enough. Solid 8/10" Both laughed.

While starting up the next round, Dennis took a deep breath. As if Skyler had super senses he asked "Having fun so far? You okay? If you don't like this we can do another one" "No I loooove this one. It's just-" "You and me are on good terms but still have not had some one on one time together which makes things a bit awkward. That?" Dennis wide eyes looked into Skyler's scared ones. "Sorry....that just came out like that" "No it's correct how did you know?" "I got crippling anxiety, I have gone through every possible scenario, reason, etc. mupltiple times." Skyler smiled awkwardly.

The game started. "You know, if you have any questions or you wanna talk about some things we can now." Dennis felt almost ashamed to ask a question. "Well.....ah it's kind of nasty to ask this" "Ask away" "What did- what did you hate about me so much? Just out of curiosity. Sorry for bringing this up again." "You're good that's a valid question." Skyler thought for a second.

"Ok so, I know this won't make anything better, but actually I didn't hate YOU. I hated that you were allowed to be you." Dennis nodded silently. "You got to show fear or sadness or any emotion. You could be feminine if you wanted and walk and talk the way you wanted. And seeing people supporting you and lifting you up....and accepting you for who you are. It just evoked this envy like this nasty jealousy. Why could you be anything I couldn't be? So yea basically this. I know that doesn't excuse anything and I'm really sorry"

Dennis understood. "I think this was also good for you. To just say that out loud. I get it." "Wait so the question was for show-" "Who knows? NO REALLY it was genuine" "You're so unserious oh my god" "What can I say I got lots of these in my resevoir" The game had finished. Dennis looked at Skyler who could barely contain his laughter. "What?" "....did you mean repertoire?" "WHAT DID I SAY?" "RESEVOIR" "BYEEEEEE" "HELPPPPPP" Both were literally rolling on the floor laughing hard over a stupid little mistake.

Once both found their breath again, Skyler carefully asked. "May I ask something back? You don't need to answer" "I'm prepared." "How did you know you were gay? And like since when?" Dennis raised both hands "Oh that's easy. I actually didn't know until like last year. It was the classic 'Maybe I just haven't found the right girl yet' moment. And then I......yea I fell for Nick. And with that realized I had a thing for guys. I'm scared though, yea I know me and scared, to come out fully. You know being gay is literally still hated on, shamed on, you name it." "Whatever happens you got us. We'll always defend you" "The thought of you saying that would have been CRAZY a month ago. I'm glad we...get to have this now if you know" " really...what I said earlier. I think you're actually an amazing person." "And so are you and I'm glad you're bringing it out"

For a moment there was silence. "Can I ask you a question to, and you are so free to not answer" "Bring it on Dennis" "Have you ever thought about being gay or sexuality in general?" "Hmmmm"

Skyler took a moment and thought. "To be fair, in this household I was always like supposed to be straight. Like no other option. Sooo until the last full moon the Option of being anything else wasn't even an option" He thought more. "I know I like girls for sure. Like I've had some big crushes, butterflies and all. Guys? I really have NO idea yet. I wouldn't say no perse but I've also never like crushed on a guy." He looked at Dennis. "I would say I'll have to experiment at one point maybe? I'm not able to say just yet." He smiled. Dennis smiled back. "Whatever happens, you got us. Like we said earlier"

Dennis phone ruined the heart to heart moment. "Ugh who- oh Nick again" Skyler shot up. "Wait what did he do?" "Ugh we met just after like our group meeting and he was being annoying. He seemed jealous that I was staying the night at yours rather than spending time with him" "Yeaaa I understand though. Like you're childhood besties and we are...well just good" "No he was throwing out really irrational arguments and it was kinda provoking. I told him off and distanced myself. Oh and you and me, we're friends." Dennis gave him a smile on the last sentence, which Skyler replied with too.

"Ok but how do you dump someone when you're not even in a relationship" "HAHAHAHA PLEASE TELL ME WHEN YOU FIND OUT" "Damn now I gotta do all the work for you. Friends, my ass" Skyler kept joking and Dennis kept laughing. The vibe was great "Ohh I've taught you well" "Do I need to teach you anything?" "What? Being a homophobe?" "Nah I wasn't that good at it HONESTLY" "PFFFFFFF" Both were ringing for air.



"Yea kinda" Daya answered and stood up. "I need to go to the bathroom first though before I can decide" "Yep, do that" While Daya went to the toilet, Elena stood up and went to the kitchen counter. Just as she was about to look into the fridge she saw it.

A metal tray. Very clean. Very polished. A lot of things could reflect in there. Such as a beautiful moon. A full moon. A full moon from a window Elena had not yet sealed.

She was fixated on that moon. It looked so beautiful through her eyes. As if it wanted her to join it. Escaping her few second trance, Elena felt hungry. Very hungry. Almost starving. But she knew exactly what she wanted.


Or any type of seafood. Quickly she opened the fridge and scanned the content. BINGO. Leftover salmon in the fridge. Elena pulled the plate out and almost started devouring it. In the meantime, Daya had returned from the bathroom.

"Elena? What are you doing?" The sight of her friend eating like a wild animal made her stop for a second. She barely believed her eyes. "This is so good, you gotta try. Or rather no don't. I'm so fucking hungry" "Elena stop oh my god" Daya backed up a few steps. Elena was finished with the plate but her appetite didn't seem anywhere fulfilled enough.

She looked through cupboards desperately shoving things aside. Daya watched in horror. "Elena, what is going on. Imma just grab something and then leave you to it...because-" "THERE" Elena ignored Daya and grabbed a few cans of sardines out of the cupboard. She opened them and started devouring these too.

Daya walked to the fridge not without leaving Elena out of her sight. While looking through the fridge, Daya suddenly had an unnerving thought. "Could it be? Oh god no" She closed the fridge and turned around slowly.

"Elena?" "Hm?" She was still eating the sardines. "By any chance, did you look at the moon?" "You mean that wonderful gift to my eyes?" "That answers my question" Daya sighed. The moon had now shifted a bit so that it wasn't reflecting on the tray anymore nor was moonlight directly shining in.

"Come with me" Daya dragged a reluctant Elena to the living room. "STAY HERE!" She said forcefully. "I'll see if I can find more fish and then I'm gonna call Sky" "Ughhhhhh sure if it's necessary. But I'm hungry"



"He did NOT" "OH yes Sky he did and then-"

*Ding Dong*

The boys looked at each other. Who could that be? "Let's see who that is" "Be careful, the full moon should be up already"

Skyler and Dennis went downstairs. Skyler went to the door "Who is it?" "Nicolas" Skyler and Dennis looked at each other horrified. "Is Dennis there?" Dennis signaled Skyler to not open the door. "He is, but I don't think he wants to talk to you." "I wanna apologize" Dennis signaled once again to not open the door. Skyler listened. "I'm not opening the door. Try it tomorrow again, we're kind of in the middle of something here." "Please just at least bring Dennis to the door."

Sighing, Dennis went to the door. "Nick?" "Dennis, I really wanna apologize. What I said today was really nasty and I'm very sorry." "It did really hurt" "I know. Which is why I couldn't wait for tomorrow." "...." "I get it, I get it. And I'm sure you're having a wonderful time with Skyler in there. If you could the door for one second"

It was almost automatic what Dennis did next. He was a smart, calculated, funnily sarcastic guy but when it came to Nick he acted different. He actually proceeded to open the door a tiny bit, thinking it can't hurt.

Nick gave a relieved smile "Oh thank god. Dennis I'm so sorry I-" Before Nick could finish Dennis was fixated on the full moon. "D-dennis? What are you doing?" Skyler just saw what was happening. Quickly he ran to the door, pulled Dennis away and closed it in front of Nick's face.

Nick immediatly protested "Skyler what the fuck?" "Listen, Dennis seems maybe a bit out of it. It's best if you leave him alone." "Don't talk on his behalf" "Nicolas, I promise you with all my heart I'll keep him safe. If not, you're allowed to.....I don't know hurt me?" There was silence for a second. "I won't hurt you, that's not me." Another pause. "Just....keep a good eye on him" "Will do" "Okay......then until tomorrow I guess." "Yea cya"

Nick left. Skyler turned back to Dennis. "Dennis, are you okay? Like really?" Dennis just looked at him, slightly smiling. "The moon is so pretty isn't it? So elegant and ethereal." Skyler sighed. "Anything I can do for you?" "Seafood." "What?" "I'm hungry. Oh my gooood I want seafood so badly right now. Actually I'm starving." Without even waiting for a response Dennis started walking around Skyler's kitchen. Opening various cupboards and the fridge.

"You know we could also just order something that has seafood-" Skyler started but Dennis already found something. Some left over fish filet. Before Skyler could do anything, Dennis had already started eating it like a wild animal. "Dennis, CALM DOWN you'll choke. Also you can't just eat that-" Skyler tried to stop him by tearing the plate away, but Dennis quickly froze it to the table. Skyler didn't wanna melt it as it might have turned Dennis into a merman. "Please calm down" "I'm calm, Sky. This is the absolute best thing you NEED to try this." But Skyler really was not hungry after what he saw.

*Ring Ring*

"Daya? I'm in a bit of a situation right now. Is it urgent?"
"Situation? Don't tell me, Dennis did too?"
"Yes he did. He's like crazy after fish and seafood"
"Same over here. Elena almost looks like she's posessed. What do I doooo?"
"You ask me? I'll have to see how long I can keep him fed"
"Keeping them fed definetly helps. Elena looks scary right now, but she's calm unless I- Elena? ELENA? OH MY GOD. I GOTTA GO"

Daya hung up the call. Skyler stood baffled in the kitchen, only accompanied by Dennis devouring that least piece of filet.


Daya quickly hung up. She just returned from the kitchen finding the last bit of fish-like food in a cupboard. Packaged tuna, but it shall do. But when she arrived in the living room, Elena was gone

"ELENA? I swear to god. ELENA! I got more fish for you!" No answer. No wait she could hear a faint giggle. "This girl-" She followed to where she heard the sound. Near the entrance.

She tiptoed around, then heard the giggle a second time. For a second you could think this was a horror movie. With the open tuna box in hand though, it looked rather comical.


Elena jumped out behind a corner splashing water at Daya. Daya however quickly reacted, stopping the water mid-air with her power. She put it into a plant nearby. "Nice try" Daya handed Elena the tuna. "Now stay where you are" After eating the tuna, like it was nothing Elena made an annoyed face. "Come ooooon, you want me to be more unhinged? Now it's wrong again" "Leni, that was NOT what I meant by that" Elena impatiently tapped from one foot to the other. "I'm still hungry. Let's get more fish"

Daya put her hands on her hips. "There's nothing. You ate everything" "Grab some more from outside." "We are NOT going out there" Daya slightly pushed Elena away from the door. Elena angrily struck her hand out creating fog directly in front of Daya's eyes.

She was blinded for a second. "Yes very funny. Now just you wait you-" Daya stopped mid-sentence. The fog had lifted. What greeted her instead was bright, white, iridescent moonlight. Elena had lifted the blinds to the nearest window. Daya's face went from shocked to slightly smiling. And she felt hungry.

"You know whaaaat? Let's do your stupid idea. I'm starving" Elena jumped up and down like a little kid. "Didn't I tell you?" "Oh riiiiight, I put a second can of tuna in my pocket." Daya quickly pulled it out, opened it and emptied it all at once. Elena looked a bit jealous but happy Daya came to her "senses".

"Much better. Now what place got more of this." "Oh my goooooood, the Rikki's Café. It literally got a huge delivery today." "But that's closed, Daya-girlie" The two talked almost like drunks. "You're no stranger to a break-in and neither am I, right?" Daya smirked. Elena's mouth stood agape smiling. "Ohhh are we competing now? I see" "Does it matter? We want the same thing, let's go." Both giggled and opened the door. Two fish craving moonlight zombies now started roaming the streets.


"Dennis, that's enough."

Skyler tried to forcefully pull Dennis away from the fridge, careful though as to not hurt him. Dennis was visibly annoyed. "Noooo, I'm hungry. And I wanna swim" "Guess what you're getting neither. I promised Nicolas I'll keep a good eye on you" "Fuck Nicolas. The full moon is so pretty"

Skyler just prayed he wouldn't need to tie Dennis to a chair, to keep him in the house. "Yes I agree....but we can't go outside, you know that" "PLEAAASE" "NO. Fine, eat some more seafood you can find, but we're not going outside" Dennis hastily opened the fridge and almost instantly found something of interest. Some shrimps.

Skyler could barely watch. Dennis was enjoying every bite. While Skyler thought about what to do next, Dennis thought one step ahead. Leaving the plate he walked to the door. "I can't withstand it, you need to come to your senses" Skyler ran after him "Dennis, no!"

But Dennis uses his power. The floor was immediatly iced up causing Skyler to slip. Dennis reached the door and pulled it open with full force. Skyler just watched in horror until-

Until the moonlight hit him and filled him with a warm feeling of comfort.

"I- thank you" "No worries, doesn't it feel amazing?" " I'm home." Dennis helped Skyler up. Skyler kept staring at the moon. "You were right." Suddenly Skyler looked at the plate of shrimps. Dennis followed his gaze. They both had the same thought.

In a race both rushed to get the plate but Skyler was faster. "HEY I was just eating that" "I've had nothing, lemme have something toooo" Skyler ate the shrimps all in one go and looked content. "How could I miss out? THIS IS SO GOOOOOD" "Do you have more Skyyyy?" "Nooo sorryyy.....but I know who has"

"Who? Come on, tell me!" Skyler smirked and looked at Dennis "Wanna crash my mom's event?" "I'M DOWN" "JUST IMAGINE she's got so much fishhhh there...and other good stuff" "But isn't that so far away?" "Dennis, what are we?" "Hungry" "Yes....and?" "Mermen OH MY GOD we're gonna swim?" "Follow me hihi" Like excited children both guys, completley moonstruck, exited Skyler's house making their way to Rose's business event.



Daya and Elena slowly turned around. They had walked down the street, full moon focused, and almost crashed into a man on a bicycle. After giving him a nasty stare, the mermaid duo started walking again. "You know Leni" "Whaaat" "We should totally swim afterwards." "Ohhhhh, for sure. To Mako?" "Anywhere. Alsooo there's more fish out there!" "YESSSS"

The girls arrived at the closed Café. Daya turned to Elena to ask "Sooo how are we gonna do this?" "You're asking me? You're the expert" "Yeeeaa but I got caught" Both laughed and then immediatly shushed realizing they need to be quiet.

"Are there like surveillance cameras around here? And does it have an alarm system?" "It only activates when you break in from the front. There's a back entrance, where the delivery guys always go to." "Ohhhhh, so we break in from the back, we just need to find a way the cameras won't see us." "Leave that to me" Elena smirked and wiggled her hand indicating she was planning on using her power.

In front of the back entrance, both tried very hard not to giggle. This late night adventure was fun. "Are you blocking the cameras?" "Of course, how do we get in now" They whispered. Daya pulled out a hairpin. "I always carry these" "Smart" Daya twisted the hairpin to be an easy key. She was surprisingly skilled in picking locks "Everything is a science if you make it one" She laughed quietly. The door was unlocked.

Both tiptoed into the building. Elena created her usual steam that would block the cameras from seeing anything. Daya used as few light as needed to find her way. Then she discovered it.

The cooler room. Thankfully this door was not locked. Hastily both opened the door and closed it. "There are no cameras in here, it's too cold for them" Daya explained hinting Elena she can stop with her power. Elena didn't let Daya tell her twice.

They turned on the light and scrammed to find the freshly delivered seafood. It didn't take long for them to be victorious in their search. "HERE" "Oh my goooooood" Without further ado, both completely devoured various fish types, shrimps, prawns, calamari, yes even some lobster.

"More moooooore" Daya was desperate, because she had less in her stomach, due to Elena already eating at home. Daya spotted another package of prawns. "Wow, this is good. Like we're at home" "Dummy, we ARE at home" "Noooo, Mako is our home you know that" "Right right. Is there still calamari on your side?" "Suuuure, but I want it too" "I got more lobster" "DEAL" Both quickly switched sides, enjoying every bite of their very fishy meal.

"So ummm fingerprints?" Elena randomly mentioned between two bites of calamari. "Let me" Daya put all emptied packages and other stuff on a pile. She used her power to draw water from the tab and create a large water bubble. "Step back" Daya positioned it over the pile and let it drop. The pile of things were drenched in water and a large puddle formed on the floor. The girls stepped back as to not get wet. "What about the doorknob?" "Used my shirt" "Leniiii, you're so smaaart" "I knooow, maybe we should-"


The alarm. Both looked at each other, first in shock then they burst out laughing. "Noooo, I wanted more" "Daya let's gooo" Elena created once again steam to block the cameras on their way out. They didn't have time to close any doors or turn off the lights. Once outside they could already hear people and sirens. "The water" Elena started sprinting towards the water, Daya close by. Both were laughing on their way there. They jumped in and dove off. The police arrived to a rather obscure scene in the Rikki's Café.



Both were walking down the street, heading towards the beach. "Yesss?" Skyler answered Dennis in the same sort-of drunk tone the moonlight gave them. "I'm so happy you like being a merman nowww" "I knooow I do too. How could I ever hate this? This is the best thing that's happend to me." "Me tooooo" "Isn't like your fear of waters gone now?" "Oh my god YES I didn't notice. It iiiiis" "YAY" Both were really excited, like little children. People looked at them weirdly, but they ignored it completely.

Down by the water, they jumped in. Skyler led the way, Dennis was not far behind. After some time, they arrived at their destination. Looking from a distance in the water Skyler said "Do you see this big mansion right here? There it iiiis" "And this has more fish? "Yesss" "Yippiiee- wait we need to be quiet"

Skyler dried both off by the shore. "Ok how are we doing thiiis?" "Let's see. Ok sooo the event already started, they should have eaten by now BUUUUT they always have lots and lots of these things they should be stored on the kitchen" Skyler had trouble keeping his composure. The full moon was starting to really show its effects.

Dennis giggled "Sounds goood". Both tiptoed to the back of the building. Skyler had accompanied his mother before, so he had a certain idea of the layout. "This should be heeere" Skyler hinted towards a window. Dennis stepped on a box to see what was going on inside, Skyler was pretty tall he didn't need one.

"Can you see something?" "It should be he- THERE!" Skyler pointed towards a couple of plates to the side of the kitchen. They were put on large amounts of ice. Dennis couldn't see clearly, he tried moving a bit. That however proved to be a mistake. Dennis lost balance and crashed into Skyler who bumped into the trashbin. It was like from a cliché movie. "Sorrryyy" "QUICK" Skyler took Dennis' hand and pracitically yanked him behind some bushes. He held his mouth shut, Dennis held his, as both were about to burst out laughing. Thankfully the man that checked outside only looked for a few seconds before going back in.

"Careful okay?" Both went back to the spot they were before. "We need to get them out of the kitcheeeen" Skyler looked around with a mischievous smile. "Oh I know" He saw a lineup of different sauces and other liquids aligned. Skyler used his power to heat all of them at once and...


"WHAT WAS THAT" Panicking voices and frantic movements. Everyone fled the kitchen after the explosion that caused a huge mess. "OK GO GO" Dennis and Skyler quickly entered the kitchen. The holy plates with fish and seafood were right before them. It took all power to not dive into them right then and there.

The guys started stacking the plates. "This is so fun, we should do this more often" "For sure, we're a great team." "Skyyy so glad to have you as a fellow fish" "Don't say thaaat, we might start eating each other." Both giggled like crazy and were about to make their escape.

"EY WHAT IS-" One of the men re-entered the kitchen. Skyler quickly turned off the lights but the steps approached fast. Dennis handed his plates to Skyler, because he had an idea.
He took a water bottle right next to him. The man approached and when he was close enough Dennis splashed the water in the man's face just to immediatly freeze it with his power. "AAAAAHHHHH" The man just screamed, trying to get the ice of his face. He did so, but Dennis and Skyler were long gone.
Oh and, in case you wonder: the ice didn't block his nostrils, he was not in serious danger.

Dennis and Skyler ran with their plates until they reached a safe spot. Behind tall grass, they took the foil of the plates. And there it was: delicious and wonderful seafood. Dennis and Skyler enjoyed every single bite. "Dennyyy, how could I potentially miss out on thissss." "I know Skyyy, this is literally our destination. The full moon is our destinyyy"

They continued eating, one plate after the other. "Can I have some more of your salmon pieceees" "Of couuurse, but only for some more clamsss" "Gladlyyy" They switched plates. Almost animastically, they devoured their meals. "Ok what do we do with this when we're dooone. Like fingerpriiints?" "I still have some more of that water from earlier. Lemme just" Dennis piled the empty plates, poured water on them and froze them. "I don't know what you did but hope that helps hehe" Skyler looked into Dennis' eyes. "Now" "The water?" "The water!" Completely leaving a mess behind, the boys ran for the water.


As the night progressed, the hunger for seafood got more aggressive and almost feral.

After Elena and Daya jumped into the water, they swam towards Mako Island. Under water they caught plenty of fish with there bare hands. Like wild animals, they started eating them just the way they came. Raw, unprepared, just right in the mouth. Everytime they would swim to the surface to eat, you could hear aggressive chewing.

"Eyyy that's mine" "Nooo I killed it, you dropped iiit" Elena protested that a fish Daya caught but dropped was hers. She started eating the fish but Daya tried with all her force to grab it. Elena held her back, so Daya used her power.

She formed a bubble throwing it aggressively towards Elena's face. "Are youuu-" Elena didn't even finish the sentence. Without a second thought, she used her power back. Obviously she had no plan on how it would help her. Elena dropped the half-eaten fish.

But the full moon had its effects on the powers too. Suddenly, they were way stronger. Elena created her usual clouds but they came out much more forceful. Like a wind, a wind that blew right in Daya's direction. Caught by surprise, she had trouble keeping herself above water and seeing anything. Elena stopped after like 10 seconds. "That's what you get"

"You want to really fight?" Daya who caught her composure again angrily used her power to create a water ball. Elena looked at it with fear in her eyes. Daya shot the bundle of water right at Elena. She didn't realize that the full moon had strengthened her power too.

The water hit Elena's forehead. It splashed. The force was pretty strong. Elena looked dazed for a few seconds before she passed out. Her body sank underwater.

It took Daya a second to realize what she had done. The full moon was making it hard to think clearly. Suddenly a shock wave of anxiety rushed through Daya's body, head to tail. She dove under water.

Sinking Elena made Daya almost panic and breathe in a ton of water. But she kept her composure trying to shake off the moonlight effect. Daya dove deeper catching Elena. As Daya was lighter than her, it was hard moving back to the surface. Daya used all her power, she refused to give up. And it worked. Just a few seconds later both broke the surface.

"Eleenaaa. Oh my god Leniii." She tried speaking normal. "Leni, wake up please. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Daya prayed she didn't hurt Elena dangerously.

"Are we still hunting fish?" Elena opened her eyes slightly confused. "LENI OH MY GOD. Glaaad you're okaaay- sorry, glad you're okay. I'm so sorry, I didn't meaaan- mean to hurt you" "I told you: tenacity." Elena slightly smiled, Daya laughed in relief "I'm okayy, sorry that fish was youuurs." "Fuck the fish."

Both awkwardly looked at each other for a second. "I'm still hungry...but tired." "Let's go home" "We are home. Isn't Mako our home?" "Yes it is. But we need to go to your human home. We can't sleep here." "Right.....let's go." Both made their way back to Elena's home, not forgetting what just happend.


It happend very much during the same time. Dennis and Skyler were out at sea, looking for more fish to eat. Like Elena and Daya, their behaviour turned almost posessed. They killed fish and ate it raw and like animals.

"This is such a good spooot" "Sky, you were genius for this ideaaa" Both devoured another fish each. It was disgusting to watch, but they didn't care. Dennis caught another fish and went to the surface to eat it. The fish however didn't seem to go out easily and wiggled out of Dennis' hands. He tried to catch it and almost hit Skyler.

"Carefuuul" he said. Dennis and Skyler were now really close to each other. Dennis seemed mesmerized. "Oh my god Skyyy" "Whaaat" " smell really good. Your mouth it smells so good" Both had very extreme fish breath, up close they could smell it. Skyler seemed charmed. "Thank youuu, oh my god but so do you"

"You look so beautifuuul in the moonlight. Like so magical" Skyler added. Dennis blushed "Oh my goood, stop it. Thank youuu, you are literally so beautiful too." "I'm nooot" "You're kidding Skyyy, you are one of the most gorgeous people I've ever seen" "Ohhh...that's soo sweeet"

They were getting really close. "You smell sooo good like fish, I could eat youuuu" "I mean you caaaaan"
Without a second thought, the two mermen leaned in.

Their lips touched.

It was a kiss. A very passionate and long kiss. Both really were going at it, tongue and everything, they were driven by the smell of fish out the other's mouth. Skyler grabbed Dennis hair gently going through it while Dennis put his arms around Skyler holding onto him. The kiss was so passionate you would have thought they just confessed their love.

When they finally let go of each other, it took a second for both to realize what just happend. "Oh I'm sorryyy" "No no it's my faauult" Dennis and Skyler apologized back and forth. "That...that was a great kiss though" "Yeaaa you're good at this". The atmosphere was sort of awkward.

"I'm really tired. Hungry too but I can't hunt anymooore" Dennis groaned. Skyler nodded "Let's go home" "To Mako?" " my place. You know Mako is our home but only in merman form." "Right okayyy" Both awkwardly smiled before making their way back home. Secretly both still thought about what just happend.


"Heyyy wake up"

Elena gently shook Daya awake. "Daya wake up, I um....I remember like almost nothing" Daya shot up in bed, looking a total mess. "HOW LATE IS IT?" "9:30 AM, totally fine time"

"Oh my god.....I only remember you being posessed. And then you made me somehow look at the moon...and then it's a blur. I just know you had like an inhuman obsession with seafood." "Ohh shit. Yea I only remember going into the kitchen and I must have seen the full moon"

Their stomachs made a sound. "Uh, I think I'm a bit sick from...however much we ate" Daya looked at her belly. Elena squinted her eyes. "Were we at sea?" "Huh?" "I think I remember...." Daya's eyes widened. "Wait....I almost killed you" "No you didn't, just hit me very hard I think." Elena felt her forehead. "You saved me though" "I'm so sorry I would never wanna hurt you I-" "Daya, absolutely no worries. You were under the moonspell" Elena put her hand gently on Daya's shoulder and they calmed down.

They slowly got dressed. Elena's parents already sat at the breakfast table. "Good mooorning, how did you sleep?" Elena's mom smiled friendly. Both sat down. "Great great" "We've been catching up on some stuff"

"Did you eat the salmon in the fridge?" Elena's dad asked. Elena froze in place, Daya looked terrified. "I mean..." Elena started, but her dad started laughing "I knew you couldn't resist" Nervously both girls laughed in relief.

"Speaking of that though, did you hear the news? Somebody broke in the Rikki's Café last night" "WHAT?" Daya's eyes widened. Elena's dad continued "Yes yes. Terrible. Weirdly no money was stolen. But the storage looked a mess. Someone ate all the seafood and left a mess. The cameras appear to show nothing...some mysterious fog is covering every lens, my friend told me. Creepy if you ask me."

Elena and Daya looked at each other in terror. Elena's mom joked "Do you know something? You have a look like you did it" Elena quickly recomposed herself. "No no, we just...we love to go there so of course it's a shock" The conversation might have ended there, but inside both girls' minds the thoughts were racing.


"Good morning sunshine"

Dennis got awoken by Skyler. "Let's not stand up too late" Dennis slowly opened his eyes. He sat up in bed, holding his head. He could only utter one word.


Skyler did not seem surprised. "I only remember seeing Nick and then...I don't know much it's so blurry. Like damn I have been drunk before but never this extreme" "You were moon posessed. And I think so was I" Skyler smiled awkwardly. "I know you were like craving seafood reaaally badly" "Did I somehow...make you posessed?" Dennis made a desperate face. Skyler laughed. "Yea you did. But no worries, it's not your fault. You were moon posessed" "Still...I opened the door for Nick and started this all, I'm really sorry."

Skyler sat up straight. "What happend happend. You're fine, okay? We're still learning how to figure all of this out" He rubbed his tummy. "Ughhh that was definetly too much. Thankfully I haven't needed to puke"

Dennis nodded and stood up. Suddenly he stopped and turned around. "I do remember something though. Were we at sea?" "Yea I think I remember parts of that" "And um....did we-" "Wait so it really happend?" "Did we ummmm"

Both said simoultaneously "Did we kiss?"
Distress and realization made themselves appearant on their faces. "Sky, oh my god I'm so sorry" "No I'm sorry I ummm I don't know why it happend" "Shit shit ughhh this Nick drama had me totally fucked up" "No no no I was probably the one starting. I don't know maybe I got curious" After some more back and forth apologizing, both just looked each other in the eyes. "Sky, can we forget this happend? It was a full moon, we were pretty out of it" "Of course we can. And please don't tell the others" "Oops already did" Dennis joked to lighten the mood but Skyler was serious "Sorry sorry. Of course, nobody has to know"

After getting dressed both went down for breakfast. Rose wasn't home yet so both decided to make some breakfast themselves. While eating, Rose finally arrived back home. "Good morning, you two. Slept well?"

"Never better" Dennis shook his hair. "Morning mom, how was it?" Rose sat down at the table "Was what? Oh yea terribly boring" Skyler laughed. "Oh shit that bad?" "The only exciting thing to happen honestly, was someone breaking in and stealing some of our seafood"

Dennis choked on his coffee. Skyler patted him on the back. "You okay Dennis?" Rose was concerned. "Yes yes, thank you." Both boys gave each other a sideeye that said more than a 1000 words. "Ok I'm glad. Back to the event, yea some sauces exploded in the kitchen and when the chefs fled the kitchen, apparently someone stole the plates with seafood. Even threw ice in one of the chef's face. Pretty much the only exciting thing to happen" Rose laughed but Dennis and Skyler were like frozen solid. Rose looked up amused. "Everyone is fine, no worries. It's not like it's your fault" "Who knows?" Dennis tried to nervously joke, thankfully Rose was amused by it.


"This is a disaster if I've ever seen one"

The group had gathered at their usual spot in the park, giving each other a briefing of last night. Just like the guys kept the kiss a secret, the girls also decided to keep what happend at sea to themselves.

"We robbed the fucking Café, literal police is involved" Daya was frantic. "I mean thank god I somehow sabotaged the cameras. They're clueless to what happend. Still, that could have gotten so wrong" Elena sighed.

"Nous somme dans la merde" [We're in deep shit] Skyler mumbled. "We crashed my mom's event and iced over someone's face" "I did that. I mean he wasn't hurt but my god" Dennis sat down on the grass.

"We really really need to be more careful. The first full moon might have been generous, but this one was a danger" Elena looked at the others nervously. Dennis put his hand on his forehead. "I called Nick earlier, just to talk things out. Thank god he didn't press further. I was literally moonstruck right in front of him."

"The full moon is no joke" Daya thought out loud. "It must wield serious power, we acted like we were posessed. There's some grander force that we have yet to understand"

In an attempt to lighten the mood, Skyler asked "Apart from everything full moon, how was your night though?" Daya answered "Pretty fun, and yours?" Skyler was hesitating to answer but Dennis took it upon himself. "Amazing, 10/10" while smiling from ear to ear. Elena gave him a friendly 'I told you so' stare.

The group seperated shortly after. On their way home Daya suddenly stopped Elena. "Elena, can you do me a favour?" "What is it?" "When you get home...please tell your dad how proud you are of him" Elena stood still for a second but then nodded and smiled "I will, promise. I will"

"Wanna go grab something at my favourite burger place?" Skyler suddenly suggested to Dennis who was about to leave as well. "Sorry dumb idea for-" "No for sure, are you kidding?"

"Oh wow nice, it's right this way" After they started walking, Dennis added "I know it's hard, but no need to apologize. I know what happend but that's past. No need to put yourself beneath me or the others. I'm just as flawed" Skyler silently nodded.

"You got more of that wisdom in your resevoir?" "FUCK YOU HAHAHA" "I COULDN'T RESIST" "Why don't you speak German for a change?" Skyler thought a second. "Oh wait wait. How does that song go? Es rappelt im Karton ton ton ton ton" "NOT THAT SONG OH MY GOD SKYYY" Both could barely walk out of laughter

The full moon had once again brought everyone closer together....but at what cost?


And there we have Chapter 9!

Sorry it took so long, it's been a while and a lot happend but as you can see by the amount of words ALOT is happening.

We now know how Vera looks like, because she is Daya's sister, she needs to look a bit similiar to Rêve and Ava Max in that picture, especially with the brown hair looks like she could be a slightly younger Version.

I wanted to highlight Daya's and Elena's respective struggles in this Chapter, as I felt I was kind of focusing too much on Dennis and Skyler. It was kind of tough to balance as I wanna address these problems but still keep the very light and fun vibe of H2O alive. Yet each of the characters stand for a different type of struggle and I hope to build a bit more around it. (Daya misogyny, Elena racism/xenophobia, Dennis homophobia/toxic masculinity, Skyler mental health) Obviously some overlap too, but these are more like which one they are affected by the hardest.

We learn some more random trivia too. Elena is pan, Daya was arrested once, etc. I love adding the most random facts to characters. AND we have some relationship drama. Nick and Dennis fight, while Dennis and Skyler build a friendship. What do you think?

We also have a full moon this Chapter. What did you think about this effect? The enormous fish fever, which was in the original H2O but not as a full moon effect. How did you like it?

And what do you think about the dangers they caused and got themselves in? And what about Daya's accidental attack on Elena and Skyler and Dennis kissing? Things are getting a bit out of hand. Let's see what happens next chapter.

Stay tuned!
