Chapter 7 ~ Who Really Are You?

And this is Nicolas!

"So then let's get started" Elena was excited, slurping her drink.

[As this is rapid back and forth I will do the next part like a script]

Elena: "Ok first of all, where do we come from? Like what roots do we have and have we lived here all our lives?"
Daya: "I've lived in Australia all my life and both my parents are from here, nothing exiciting from my side."
Dennis: "I'm actually German-British other than Australian. My mom was British and my dad is German, I've lived in Germany for like the first 7 years of my life."
Skyler: "I'm French on my mom's side, my dad was Australian. So yea I am half-french."
Elena: "I'm Mexican-Canadian. My dad is Mexican and lived in Canada for a long time where he met my mom who is Canadian. I have lived here all my life though"
Dennis: "I did not expect you being French Sky"
Skyler: "Haha, nobody really does. Your German accent though, I had a feeling"
Skyler: "....a tiny bit haha."
Daya: "So what languages do we speak, apart from English while we're on the topic? I actually only speak English but I do have lots of Latin knowledge due to my science obsession. And I know some Greek, same reason"
Dennis: "Well obviously German is my first language. English is my second and Spanish is my third. All fluent. And I have pretty good French knowledge too."
Elena: "DAMNNN you are a whole dictionary."
Dennis: "Languages really are my strong suit, I'm a fast learner"
Elena: "Well English and Spanish for me, I think that's obvious"
Skyler: "English obviously and French fluently. My dad didn't want that I speak French, he found it too feminine and gay but I'm embracing it now."
Elena: "I love that! Be proud of your roots."
Skyler: "Oh bien sûr. Ummmmm favourite colour?"
Dennis: "Red."
Daya: "Yea you look AMAZING in red you really need to wear it more often"
Dennis: "Awww, your wish is my order"
Daya: "I love Pink."
Elena: "Blue definetly"
Skyler: "Didn't even think about my own answer. Does brown count? I love these beige and earthy tones"
Elena: "Of course it does. And even if you said something on the Greyscale, as an artist I really don't care. I go by visuals"
Daya: "As a phycisist, we go by definition of light so now we'll have to fight."
Elena: "Oh bring it on!"
(Both laugh)
Dennis: "Ok so whose everyone's favourite music artists? Like let's name 3. Kiss, AC/DC and Ladytron for me. I know that shocked you Elena when you first saw my room"
Daya: "Whitney Houston, Diana Ross and Cher. I love it a bit more oldschool."
Elena: "Oh Thalia, Megan Thee Stallion and Lady Gaga. Pretty diverse I'd say."
Daya: "Oh I love Lady Gaga too. She's iconic."
Dennis: "Surprisingly me too! Collective group stan!"
Skyler: "Yea I enjoy her too..."
Dennis: "What about you Sky?"
Skyler: "I don't's kind of embarassing. Sorry don't mean to ruin the mood"
Daya: "No worries, we don't judge I mean we all listen to pretty different stuff."
Skyler: "Ok so.....I'm a huge Melanie Martinez fan. I've only just started listening to her again, you know I took a long break cuz of....the things that happend."
Dennis: "That is unexpected but I LOVE IT."
Skyler: "Haha thanks. Other than that Juliette Armanet and honestly.....Lana Del Rey. Though Dalida is a close fourth. I used to hear these in secret."
Elena: "Well not anymore I hope" (smiles)
Skyler: "Nope, you can be sure about that. And speaking of that, what are our favourite songs? Mine is Soap by Melanie Martinez. Comfort song for real."
Elena: "A Quien Le Importa by Thalia. Mantra, it helps me through everything."
Dennis: "Destroy Everything You Touch by Ladytron. I just love the vibe of that song so much, it gives me chills."
Daya: "I love love love Ain't No Mountain High Enough by Diana Ross, the official Eric Kupper Dance Mix. Literally such a beautiful song, playing it all the time."
Elena: "This is so fun, in the end it was indeed a good idea."
Dennis: "I am SHOOK about so many things about you already. Favourite movie? Or movie series if you will?"
Daya: "Hidden Figures. Literally a movie that still makes me cry."
Elena: "Same, the scene where she breaks down ALWAYS makes me cry. I'm a huge Lord Of The Rings fan, but you need to watch the Extended Cut. So good."
Skyler: "Well....I don't really care how old I am, the Ice Age series still cracks me up every single time, especially the 3rd."
Dennis: "FOR REAL. That's ageless. Mine is-"
Skyler: "Oh oh, lemme guess! Saw?"
Dennis: "I wonder how you figured that out."
Skyler: "How do you always say?" (flips imaginary hair back) "What can I say, I'm a genius"
(Everyone laughs)
Dennis: "OH SOMEONE'S COMING FOR MY GIG I SEE YOU. No but for real, Saw series is literally so fun...well for me others find it rather gruesome."
Daya: "I mean which it is."
Dennis: "....yes, BUT....I don't know"
Skyler: "How about....biggest phobia?"
Dennis: "SPIDERS. I mean you remember me on that first Mako trip. I thought I was terrified before Skyler and me had our moment."
Skyler: "I can't look back at it without cringing horribly."
Dennis: "It's fine, you're not scary anymore. Spiders on the other hand, get them away from me. The tiniest ones are okay but anything bigger than a finger nail is a NO"
Elena: "I'm petrified of heights. Literally makes me nauseous, you would never be happy in a climbing park with me."
Daya: "I'm scared of dolls. No you don't understand they creep me out so badly. Ever since I was a kid I NEVER wanted any dolls. And visits at my Grandma's who collected these beasts were hell."
Skyler: "I have horrible claustrophobia. I mean our Mako Entrance works, the one from the rocks is borderline but any tight spaces or being crammed somewhere with many people is gonna end me"
Elena: "I love how our phobias are lowkey so random, like in terms of our characters. On a lighter note do you have pets, guys?"
Daya: "I have a dog! Her name's Lina and she's so sweet. I need to show her to you one day"
Skyler: "As opposed to that I have two cats. Sean and Paloma. I don't know if they like people that much but we can try."
Dennis: "That is so cuuuuute, now I really wanna see y'all's pets. I personally don't have any."
Elena: "I got a guinea pig. I named him Fufu, don't ask why the name came to me when I looked at him."
Skyler: "That is such a cute name!"
Dennis: "It isssss. And while we're at the topic of animals, favourite animal?"
Daya: "I mean it has to be dogs. Just such wonderful, loyal animals. Especially German Shepherds."
Dennis: "What did you just call me?"
Daya: "Oh. My. God. No that one was so bad"
(Both laugh)
Elena: "Oh Eagles, easily. So majestic and powerful. They're actually the 'kings of the animal kingdom' to me if I'm honest, instead of lions"
Skyler: "I'm going to quote this one ancient meme here: I like Turtles."
(Everyone laughs)
Skyler: "They're really fascinating. I love tortoises too, but turtles are my Number 1. And nooow I can even see them up close."
Dennis: "Can't even answer my own question. I love snakes."
Skyler: "I mean you're part of the family, aren't you? SORRY SORRY"
Daya: "Favourite food APART FROM PIZZA. Because we'd all say that as Number 1. I'll be so honest I love Ramen. Like Ramen Noodles, all of the variations give them to me."
Elena: "I know this might be the upmost cliché answer me to say that- well the dish is actually Texan if you do your research but it does have very clear Mexican influences. Anyways, you can't tell me Chili Con Carne is not absolutley fire. It is a classic and the way my dad makes it is just godlike. It makes me feel right at home."
Daya: "Had it before and it's amazing, I agree."
Dennis: "Döner Kebab for me. That food is so popular in Germany you have no idea, I'm starting to think it's more popular there than in actual Turkey"
Skyler: "I think it is a German invention actually"
Dennis: "Ohhh well that makes a lot of sense."
Skyler: "I've had that before, when I went to Germany once. You aren't lying when you say that tastes amazing"
Dennis: "Right???"
Skyler: "Ok guys if you think I'm saying something French, forget it. With all due respect, French cuisine is......something."
(Everyone laughs)
Skyler: "I will say, it is basic, but a good burger and french fries is chefs kiss. Especially when you go to the local burger shops instead of the huge brands."
Elena: "Before we sadly end this, cuz I gotta go, one last question."
Dennis: "Good idea, I need to go after this too. But we can do it definetly again"
Elena: "Let's do something random. Favourite ice cream flavor? I'm a sucker for Straciatella"
Daya: "Oh Caramel for sure. I just love it."
Dennis: "Might be unusual for me, but Cherry. Legendary, I tell you"
Skyler: "Welllll as the lactose intolerant person of the group, basically any fruit based ice cream is amazing. But I have to say Lemon is my favourite."

[From here on I will word it normally Again]

After paying for their drinks, everyone stood up. "This was so fun oh my god" Daya was in a very good mood, since the full moon her mood had been shifting upwards. Skyler nodded "I am not really used to doing this, but it was fun in the end" "I'm shocked about some things, like you think you know someone." Dennis grinned getting his backpack. Elena was just happy the game was not perceived as childish and actually helped the group. "Well then, see y'all tomorrow. Love y'all" And with that she left the Café.


"Mi hija, what happend? So happy today?"

Elena had just gotten home from the Café and you could tell she was in a good mood. "Holiii, yes I had a great time with friends. You know, just hanging out." "Ahhh the good old hanging out. With who? Daya?" "Yes and Dennis and Skyler" Her dad turned around. "Oh 2 guys???" "Just friends. Don't worry" "Just be careful, you never know what monsters hide behind beautiful looks." Elena didn't take it to heart, she knew her dad could be protective but he only meant her best. "These 2, when you get to know them, are actually really great People. Us four only been like......this group....only since recently."

That got her an idea. "Dad you know my class teacher Mrs. Garca, right?" "Si, I do. Why?" "You were in the parent council for a while, so you know more than me. Do you know where she lives?" Now she had his full attention. "For what exactly do you need this information?" He raised an eyebrow but seemed visibly amused. Elena was terrible at lying on the spot, she was too honest for that. "Oh um uh...." she started stuttering "How do I say this? She mentioned something of a beautiful view? I thought about going near paint. Without invading privacy of course!" This really wasn't her forté. Her dad didn't know whether to be suspicious or amused. But he trusted his daughter. "I think she lives on the Ellington Road, Number 17 I think. Near the cliff." He adjusted his glasses "But you will do nothing bad, you hear me?" "Of course not." He pulled her into a hug. "Ok I'm not gonna bother further, you have homework to do" Elena's dad wasn't a hyper control freak what grades are concerned, but he didn't want his daughter to be lazy and put effort in her education. Although sometimes annoying, Elena valued that.


"What's up with them? Aren't those these weirdos?" "I can see they built a group or whatever"

Vanessa and David, the 2 nastiest, shit-talking people of the class eyed our friendgroup from across the hallway. "I meaaaan let's see. Daya, that scientist freak that cries at everything." David started listing. Vanessa continued "Elena oh my god, she actually thinks her self made clothes and jewellery is good. That's the ugliest shit I've ever seen." "And Dennis....I don't know he's probably gay. Look at how he dresses. And just the way he talks."

They honestly didn't realize how cringe they sounded, they lacked complete self awareness. When they saw Skyler joining the group, who had been running late, they once again had a sour expression on their face. "And they're hanging out with Skyler? Like who wants to hang out with him?" "I know right. The jerk whose probably not right in the head" "Also look at them, they all wear these same necklaces." "Only they would wear cringe ass friendship necklaces"

Meanwhile at our friendgroup, Daya had just turned around "Ugh, Vanessa and David are giving us these stink eyes again" "They're insecure wannabe bullies. Let them" Elena put her hand on Daya's shoulder, reassuring her. "And besides we got powers and they....well they got delusion" Dennis hinted Daya to do something. After a second she caught on. She secretely used her power and


"EWWWWWW" David's juice bottle downright exploded in his hands, covering him and Vanessa in sticky liquid. The friendgroup had trouble not to die laughing on the floor. "You know, if you shake these things to hard they explode. Just a tip" Skyler said in his most innocent voice, trying to stay serious. Vanessa gave him an ugly face before they vanished down the hall.

"See we're famous? We got haters already" Dennis flipped his hair back. Skyler changed the topic "Are y'all coming tonight? To Xenia's party?" Xenia was probably the chillest girl of the class, she didn't really have Problems with anyone, nor did she bother getting into arguments. She threw the best parties. Elena raised an eyebrow "Are we even invited?" "Of course we are, the whole class is" Skyler said as if it was the most self-explanatory thing on the planet. "Oh I'm coming!" Daya's eyes lit up. Elena didn't share it, she seemed concerned. "Do you think that's a good idea? Room full of people? Drinks? Getting splashed?" "It's fine if you don't wanna go" Skyler seemed very slightly dissapointed. "I'm coming too" Dennis felt pumped. "Just cuz I'm going through changes, doesn't mean I'm not gonna live my life. Can't be afraid forever" Skyler did the fingergun pose "That's the spirit. Do you wanna ask Elliot if he's coming Daya?" "Great idea" She immediatly called him. After an around 30 second talk she turned around to nod and smile, hinting he's coming. "Well I could invite Nicolas too-" "Not necessary. He's helping Xenia with preparations, so he'll be there" "Nick and preparations? A match more unexpected than him and maths."

"So um 7 at Xenia's house, it is? Fine if not" Skyler fidgeted with his necklace. Daya and Dennis nodded. "Good. I wanted to go....just not alone" "Nawww" Daya felt flattered. Elena was quiet during the whole conversation. She looked a bit dissapointed. Or angry? Or sad? "You don't wanna come, Elena?" Daya gave her a slight nudge with the ellbow. Elena shook her head. "No. I'm sorry." "No need to be" Skyler understood. "Where does Xenia live again?" Dennis asked

"Ellington Road 16"

Elena almost choked on her water. Ellington Road 16? That was right next to Mrs. Garca's house. Elena saw a chance here. "Actually....Dennis you are right. Can't be afraid forever. I'm coming." Dennis was about to say his slogan but Skyler caught him before he could "We know you're a genius" "Did I ask for a lawyer to speak for me?" Both laughed, the awkwardness was slowly lifting between the two. "But I'm very glad you're coming." Dennis felt amazing.
Elena knew her plan would be risky but she was hoping this could be her opportunity.


"This one or this one?"

Daya held up two dresses. Dennis had come over to Daya, as he was strong opinionated. "Oh you're asking me the hard stuff. If you wanted brutal honesty, why not ask Elliot" "Why do you think I'm asking you?" Daya made an uncomfortable face. Dennis caught on. "Ohhhhh, I get it! Well in that case you should do green and purple." He couldn't help but crack that joke. Daya was frustrated. "Be for real now. Please?" "Definetly the pink one. It really is your colour." "Thank you, see that was easy"

She couldn't help but smile. Not only did the pink dress suit her well, but Dennis also followed her advice to wear more red. He had a 90s fit, that combined red and white and it suited him amazingly. "You think I should do open hair or ponytail?" Dennis asked a question back. "Open. Your curly hair should always be free" Dennis shook his hair to let the floof out. It was at that moment Vera entered the room.

"Can I borrow a hair tie?" "After you always lose them? Forget it" Vera rolled her eyes. "I don't do that on purpose, I'm just a bit....clumsy" Daya sighed. "Listen I'm running out of them too. Sorry sis" Vera hadn't even noticed Dennis. She got startled a bit when he suddenly said "You can have one of mine. Wearing it open tonight anyways." "OH JESUS. I didn't notice you. Um hi...and thank you" Vera seemed a bit frazzled. She turned to Daya. In a quieter tone she asked "Is this Dennis or Skyler?" "Dennis"

"Nice to meet you. I'm Vera but you probably know that" "Pleasure is all mine. Yea I have heard.....many things" He laughed while side-eying Daya. Daya rolled her eyes laughing "Wow what a way of ratting me out." "SORRYYYY"
Vera didn't seem to bother, it was her big sister after all "Anyways thanks for the hair tie. Promise I won't lose this one." She turned back to Daya "Oh and tell me everything about it afterwards. Especially with Elliot" She left the room

"So it's official now you got a crush on Elliot" "Just like you on Nick" Dennis was shook. "How- how in the world do you know that?" Daya tilted her head " couldn't be more obvious. When someone makes you act all frazzled and you stumble on your words, that can only mean one thing for you. Considering your usual self" Dennis sighed. "Caught red-handed." She sat next to him on the bed. "You got this" "So do you" "Hope for the best!"
Dennis jumped up "WELL, let's go then!" Laughing they left the house to go to Xenia's Party.


"Glad you could come. Nice outfits"

Xenia greeted Daya and Dennis at the door. "Thank you" both said simoultaneously. They came inside, the place was already pretty well visited. Dennis and Daya greeted a few people, before spotting Skyler in a corner. He looked a bit awkward, looking at his phone. When he looked up, to spot his friends, his face lit up. "Oh hey guys. You look good!" "So do you!" Daya answered immediatly. "You weren't kidding when you said you look good in brown." "Thank youuu, this is my favourite plaid shirt too." "I love it." Dennis was impressed "Is Elena here yet?" "No she said she'll come a bit later. Elliot and Nick are over there though if you wanna talk to them. Like not as if I didn't wanna talk to you, I just thought you know." Skyler was actually quite socially anxious, as opposed to his former, very confident looking image. The others found it endearing.

Before they could say anything further, Elliot and Nick spotted them and came over. After exchanging short greetings, Nick looked Dennis up and down and complimented "Your outfit is amazing." "Thank you, I'm into Fashion" Dennis replied and both laughed. "The necklace adds to it too" Elliot commented. "Right.....wait Daya got that same one." Nick realized it, like it was a groundbreaking discovery. "So do I" Skyler showed his. "And Elena does too" "Is this some sort of cult?" Nick raised an eyebrow. Daya rolled her eyes "PFFF it's moreso a friendship thing. Like friendgroup necklaces." "Damn, that group project must have done wonders" "It certainly did" Elliot commented, more or less joking. "Are these real crystals?" Nick seemed interested. "Yea we robbed a jewellery shop." Dennis smirked. Skyler added "Police almost caught us." "Why can I genuinely imagine that?" Everyone was having a good time. "No but for real, they're fake. Some sort of hard plastic or fake gemstone. We got them at a nearby sale, thought they were cute." Dennis lied amazingly. Nick bought it "WELP gotta get back to preparations. See y'all on the dancefloor"


Elena had turned up sometime later. She was wearing a dress with swirly blue colours that suited her amazingly. After greeting her friends and receiving compliments for her outfit, she went over to Xenia to thank her personally. "Thank you for inviting us all, your parties are the best" Xenia, who never really talked with much emotions but always in a genuine tone, felt honored "Ahh no biggie. I'm glad to hear you like it." Elena gathered her courage to ask an important question "Sooo Mrs. Garca lives next to you right? What is she gonna think?" "Oh I already settled this with her. She's going out with her husband" Elena eyes lit up. "Really? Like did you just go over and...ask her?" "Yuh, she's actually pretty chill as a neighbor. I think she likes my vibe. Why you asking?" "Um...just overly worried as usual. You know I've always been told I play the mother role." Xenia put a hand on Elena's shoulder "Well not tonight" "Not tonight!"

With that Elena went back to the dancefloor. She just had to find the right moment. She found Skyler in the crowd and decided to join him for the current dance. He was a tiny bit tipsy but not anywhere near wasted. "How are you enjoying the party? God I love this song, Ke$ha really makes some good stuff" Moving to "We R Who We R" Elena replied "Not really a party animal, but I love spending quality time with friends. Where are the others?" "Daya's with Elliot and Dennis is with Nick" "These two pairings seem to be often together." "Well...." Skyler put his hand before his mouth before he burped. "Scuse me. Don't you think Daya and Dennis have like crushes on them?" "Hmmm, I could definetly see that. Daya for sure. Dennis maybe? Or maybe it's just cuz they've known each other for long" Skyler and Elena both emptied their drinks. "Um soo....fuck it, wanna dance?" Skyler still tried to not let his social awkwardness show "Avec plaisir" She replied back causing Skyler to blush.


"I never knew you liked parties, Elliot"

Daya and Elliot were dancing pretty close. "I hate clubbing with a burning passion trust me. But like this is fine, because at least I know the people. The family parties we always had were very much more....let's say posh." He put a british accent on that last word. Daya laughed. "I have never been to a this type of party. Of course birthday parties" She nervously tucked her hair back behind her ears. "I must be acting pretty cringe right now" Elliot gave her a No-worries hand sign. "Pfff nothing tops the cringe fest that my sister's first full moon was." "Oh noooo don't tell me-" "I don't know if the memory was worse for her or me. So don't worry about you right now. I like you just the way you are" Daya's face turned red like a tomato. Elliot caught it immediatly "Are you alright? You're very red" "Oh um I just- I think maybe I was dancing too intense. Um I'll just take a break" "Completley fine" Elliot kept dancing while Daya took a step to the sideline. She wanted to make a move but just choked.


Meanwhile Dennis and Nick were vibing on the other side of the room. Nick was really proud of the work he put into the party preparations. As if Dennis had read his mind he said "You did a really good job organizing" "Ayyyy thanks. Was alot, but we got it done" He looked Dennis straight into the eyes which made hid heart flutter. "So how have you been doing lately? Better?" "Yea alot better." "Good. And listen if you need anyone to talk to, you know where to find me. Or like give me a text that's easier" He put his hand on Dennis shoulder. Dennis heart skipped a few beats. Dennis gathered all his courage. "Nick, I really-"

"Oh look who it is?"

Vanessa put on a snarky tone eyeing Dennis up and down. "Got yourself a boyfriend, little fairy?" David put on a tough pose, which didn't really seem intimidating since he was far from the toughest guy. Dennis usually would have snapped back, but he was like frozen in place. Nick thankfully took over. "Is it that hard for you two to mind your fucking business for once?" "Playing protector I see? Ohhh you like him?" Vanessa got closer. Nick did not move an inch "Whether he is gay or not, I really do not give two shits. You're trying to hard, trust me" David and Vanessa just laughed.

Suddenly David grabbed Dennis necklace and ripped it right off his neck. As if he was ripped out of his trance, Dennis yelled "Give it back". "Y'all really wear this ugly shit? Might sell these crystals though." Nick tried to grab it out of David's hands, but David moved faster and handed it Vanessa "Fucking thief, GIVE IT BACK" Nick was angry.

The ruckus caused Elena, Daya and Skyler to come over too. Skyler only saw the necklace in Vanessa's hands and nearly launched at her but contained himself. He walked over and ripped the necklace forcefully out of her hands. "GIVE THAT SHIT BACK" He handed it Dennis "Here you go" "T-thank you" Nick gave a quick rundown "These two just came and frankly just started harrassing Dennis, saying some homophobic shit"

"As if he'd care, he's like that too." David rolled his eyes and laughed. Daya, who had been in the background, came to defense "Not anymore. That's in the past" Skyler looked ready to explode. Daya turned to him "Sky, they're not worth it. Don't do it" "Oh he's gonna do it" David laughed. "He's probably off his meds or something"

It was like a scene in a movie
"Repeat that very fucking slowly" Skyler stared David right in the eyes who seemed unaware of what was about to happen "I said, you're probably off your meds. Right?"
Skyler didn't say another word, but fully launched at David, grabbing him and slamming him on the ground. The crowd starting becoming hectic. "SKY STOP" Daya tried to keep Skyler off David. "I don't care, I'll go to jail for it" he said as he punched him across the face.

Dennis was frozen solid again, seemingly on the verge of a panic attack. Elliot and Nick pulled him away to the sides and tended to him. Meanwhile while Skyler still tried to hit David, the unexpected happend

From behind Vanessa completely emptied one of her drinks over Skyler. It made him completely stop in his tracks. "GO" Daya yelled and Skyler immediatly snapped back to normal. He let off David and ran as fast as he could to the nearest bathroom. "AWWW SCARED OF A LITTLE JUICE?" Vanessa yelled. But Skyler was just focused on running to the bathroom. He got in, locked the door and a second later hit the hard ground.

Back on the dancefloor Nick and Elliot helped Dennis calm down while Daya explained the situation to Xenia. Nobody had realized someone was missing. Elena had used the chaos to her advantage to escape the party and go on her own mission.


The Night was luckily not as cold as Elena had imagined it. She headed straight to her goal: Mrs. Garca's house next door. All the lights were off luckily and she knew for a fact Mrs. Garca didn't have surveillance cameras. She mentioned that in a conversation in a lesson the other day.

Still Elena was extra careful. She could not be caught, especially with her reputation being the one always following the rules. In front of the house she thought "Now what?". Looking around the premise she did find a semi open window.

She created some fog with her power to make her entering the house less visible. Climbing in her dress wasn't easy, but she didn't care if she'd ruin it. She could always make more. Elena used her strength to pull the window fully open and climb in. She realized she was in the bedroom. "Freaky" she laughed. She closed the window behind her just for safety. With her phone flashlight, to not alert attention, she started searching throughout the house

Mrs. Garca had a really nice design style, modern yet with a touch of old fashion. Elena wished she had more time to admire, but she was here for a mission. If a room had answers, it would be the Office. After searching for a few minutes she found it.

The Office was surprisingly messier than she had assumed. Mrs. Garca seemed to be a little chaotic. Elena looked around the desk. Documents, tests, work sheets, but nothing that could have helped her. Elena was clueless. Maybe the folders?
She searched the shelf finding various personal data folders and folders from other classes. And then: BINGO! The biology class folder of Elena's class.

She quickly pulled it out, laid it on the floor and held her phone over it. Results of past tests, worksheets, and then their projects. She even found her own project, which made her smile for a second. And then there came a section: Mako Island. Her eyes lit up. This didn't seem likr regular information, moreso a file on many detailed infos about the island. Elena was impressed. Hiding something top secret in plain sight, instead of making a suspicious extra folder. Clever.

Suddenly Elena's blood froze. She heard a car door slam right outside the house and keys jingling. Mrs. Garca was coming back. Quickly Elena took the pages of Mako out of the folder and put it back on the shelf. She heard footsteps enter the house. In a panic frenzy, Elena opened the window to the office, but once again used her power first. The whole office looked like a giant cloud. She jumped out of the window onto the ground just as the door behind her opened. She ran as fast as she could, papers in one hand and creating fog with the other. Hopefully Mrs. Garca would believe it was just a foggy night and she left the window open accidentally. Elena quickly re-entered Xenia's house.


Skyler had dried off in the bathroom quickly, due to his power, but had no intentions on coming out. Sitting with his back against the door he was crying, he hated that he lost his cool. That was the person he wanted to leave in the past.


"Leave me alone" Skyler said. The voice from the other side said "It's me, Elliot. Can I come in?" Skyler unlocked the door. Elliot entered. "How are you right now?" "Okay. Just got a little bruise on the arm from falling" "No no. I mean emotionally." Skyler sighed. "I know I know I lost my cool but that just hurt and- AH FUCK." Elliot sat down next to Skyler. "What frustrates you?" "I lost my cool. I- I thought I had it under control, I thought I left that self behind and- and" "Sky, breathe. It's fine." He looked into Skyler's red eyes. "Baby steps. You can't change from one day to another. That full moon might have woken you up, but you still carry lots of your old self in you and that's okay. Give change time. And hey look at it this way. You stood up for a friend. A friend that is Dennis. And your old self would have never done that" Skyler slowly nodded. His eyes were still red. "Yea....that does make sense. It's hard sometimes." "And that is valid, and you got friends now. Including me. Besides you got triggered on purpose, I would have lost it too. And I usually do not do that type of stuff" "Thanks..." Skyler nodded and slowly stood up. So did Elliot. "Do you need a hug?" "Yes please." "I might not give the best ones though" "Don't worry, I do though" "PFFF" Elliot and Skyler hugged and then went out of the bathroom to join the others.


"I have never ever seen Xenia so angry"

Nick was shocked but in some way amused. After Daya had explained everything, Xenia literally screamed at David and Vanessa to get out. She did not condone violence, but after what was said she didn't bother. "For that meds comment alone they had it coming" she said.

Dennis had recovered from his panic attack and Elliot and Skyler rejoined the group. "Thank you all, I honestly do not remember half of what happend. But you really helped me." He put his hair in order. Skyler seemed awkward as usual "I'm.....sorry everyone for losing my cool. It was just the meds comment-" "Don't apologize, if I was as strong as you I would have probably done the same thing." Daya gave Skyler a pat on the back. "Honestly that was lowkey iconic behaviour." Dennis felt guilty for laughing. "Obviously not that you got triggered. The fact you gave them what they deserved" "I know what you mean don't worry. I'll gladly take that. Still I don't wanna go there again in the Future."

"Did I miss something?" Elena suddenly seemed to appear out of nowhere. It was only at that moment everyone realized she had been gone for a while. She had quickly hidden the papers in her bag that she brought to the party. "Wait wait wait. Where were you?" Daya seemed suspicious. "Can we talk about that later? It's a bit embarassing know talk about it in front of many others" "Ohhh yea of course, spare us the details. We don't even wanna know" Nick was trying to be supportive, Elena had trouble not to smile. She wasn't a good liar but this one worked. "So um...what happend here? Are you alright?" Nick gave her a quick rundown on what happend. Elena listened carefully, making worried nods at Dennis and Skyler at their respective parts in the story. After everyone ensuring her that, all is alright she nodded. "Well....does that mean the party is over now?"

"Nah we still have some time. Anybody up for 'Last Friday Night?'" Xenia seemed more fired up now as she did before the fight happend. "HELL YEAH" the others cheered like a unity.


"I'll ask you again. WHAT did you do?"

Daya's mouth stood wide open. Dennis smirked "The girl just casually broke in our teacher's house, no biggie. DID YOU REALLY?"

"Lower your voices guys." Elena hinted Daya and Dennis to speak quieter. "Of course, I'm sorry" Daya whispered. "I did. I used the ruckus to quickly vanish and go investigate." Skyler seemed to be more curious about the findings of her search. "Did you find something?" "I did" She pulled out the papers from under her bed. "In the Biology folder for our class she had a Mako part. Hidden in plain sight, very smart." "Hang on hang on. Did you see what grade I have on my Biology test?" Dennis seemed overly curious. Elena sighed. "They were on the desk. I think C+?" "OH MY GOD, that is so good" Daya looked at him with wide eyes "No it's not, how can you be happy with that?" "Becauuuuse I'm not a genius like you." "You could, if you'd study!"

"May I continue?" Elena interrupted. "Oh yes of course" Dennis let her talk. "Look at this guys." Elena pulled out documents picturing Mako Island and its surroundings. "Nothing interesting thus far. But look" She kept flipping through the pages. The following pages caught Skyler's eye. "Planetary aligmments? Full moon? And..." He flipped one page further. "The Moonpool!" "Exactly." Elena nodded.

"Soo, she knows about all of this?" Daya couldn't believe her eyes. "As far as I can see, no mention of mermaids and mermen." "Except for this here" Elena pulled out a little note from between documents. It said:

Fresh Fish

Daya Anderson
Elena Bailey
Dennis Bell
Skyler Camston

"Fresh she really could have worded that nicer" Dennis shook his head. Elena finally laughed "Indeed. But you cannot tell me this isn't what we think it is." Skyler looked up "Soooo, Mrs. Garca knows about us being merpeople. At least I think this is what the Note meant." Elena nodded. "We can certainly say now she plays a role in all of this. It is confirmed. She knows alot more and I believe we were indeed meant to become...this."

Elena put the documents away again. "Sadly we have nothing more direct as of now." "But hey kudos to you, that took balls to break into our teacher's house." Skyler was impressed. "It takes balls to break into any house. And lots of willingness to break the law" Dennis laughed. "I did not expect YOU out of all of us to pull this off. You're always the mature one, following the rules" Daya removed a hair out of her face. "I have my secrets!" Elena made a pose. "And besides, y'all wanted me to losen up with the motherly act? Here you have it" "I don't know if breaking the law is what we meant exactly but whatever helps right?" Dennis got everyone laughing.

"Well we learn new things about each other everyday. But you know what we collectively love? Swimming, who's up?"
Elena jumped up.
"ME" was the unanimous answer. Swimming was truly a shared valuable experience. The Moonpool had become like their second home.


WOOHOO another Chapter done!

Now we have a mental image for Nicolas, his name is Alexander Campbell or Acfloralstudio on social media. Check out his amazing florist work!

We got to know alot more about our characters, due to our little game at the start (which took up half the chapter)

We got to meet Vera again and got 3 new characters: Xenia, David and Vanessa. I don't know how much they will appear in the Future, but it surely won't be the last time they're mentioned

At the party emotions were high and not just the fight. Love was in the air but neither managed to make a move. Maybe next Chapter will have something like this going on? Maybeeee?

Also we know Mrs. Garca is slowly coming more and more into focus. What does she really know? And were our 4 protagonists meant to be merpeople?

Stay tuned!
