Chapter 8 ~ Stupid Cupid

I didn't know who to do next so here is Mrs. Garca for you!

"Hey heyyy, how's it going"

Daya came swimming into the moonpool where Dennis was already relaxing. "Well at the moment not at all, cuz I got no legs." "How's it swimming then?" Daya chuckled. "Going alright." Dennis looked a bit stressed. "Stupid crush won't leave my head." "Yea I get that. Stupid Cupid doing its job. Sadly too well" "STUPID CUPID, rhyming icon honestly" Both laughed.

At that moment something nearly came shooting through the underwater opening, closely followed by another. Elena and Skyler laughed and teased each other. "HA finally beat you!" Elena was triumphant. Skyler looked proud. "Good run, good run. You've been training for this" "You can tell?" "Well I mean you're pretty well built um...well I didn't mean it like that- I um-" Skyler looked frazzled, Elena grinned. "You're so adorable when you do that. No really thank you, it's such a compliment somebody sees my physical efforts" Skyler put on a charming smile "How do you say 'You're welcome' in Spanish?" "De nada" "HA. De Rien in French. Well, de nada"

Dennis cleared his throat indicating Daya and him were still present. Both turned around "I don't mean to interrupt your lover's quarrel, but you interrupted our deep philosophical conversation about emotions." Daya added "What he means to say is 'How's it going?'" "Yea that's what I said" All collectively laughed. "I'm great, to be honest. No complaints" Elena let the sun from the vulcano opening shine on her face. Skyler responded with "Good actually. I was feeling kinda shitty after my therapist appointment yesterday, of what happend at Xenia's party. But it's better now" "Right. Always baby steps" Daya adjusted her position. "Yea Elliot said that too." "ELLIOT?" ".....yea he consoled me when I was in the bathroom. Don't worry, I'm not stealing your man" He awkwardly laughed at his own joke but thankfully Daya took it with humour too. "No, I didn't know he could also give such good advice. Wow he really is amazing" Daya caught herself thinking out loud. Skyler chuckled.

"Well are you both gonna tell them?" Daya looked confused. "Tell what to who?" "Your feelings. Like you to Elliot" He nodded to Daya. "And you to Nicolas" He nodded to Dennis. Dennis mouth was agape. Skyler panicked. "Oh my god, are you not- I'M SO SORRY I just assumed-" "NO NO it's true.....but how can everyone tell?" Skyler akwardly fidgeted with a rock he found next to the pool. "I think you just show very much...signs? Like you are usually so sarcastic and funny and when he's around or mentioned you're kinda flustered and awkward." "I guess so. I mean he's we-" "See? Kinda like that." Elena swam over to him.

"I'm gonna tell him" Daya suddenly threw in. "I mean he found out I'm a mermaid the hard way, how much worse could it be?" Elena smiled "That's the spirit. I mean, I hope it is." Dennis seemed unusally quiet. "I gotta go. I forgot I had something" Before anyone could respond he was already underwater and diving out of the moonpool. Everyone looked at each other. "I kinda blew it, didn't I?" Daya scratched her head. Skyler held his hand up "Nah I think I did" "Neither of you did." Elena shook her head. "Emotions are a difficult thing. Especially love. Give him space." Daya and Skyler nodded, but Daya still seemed to be a bit sad. Skyler swam over and gave her a hug. Daya appreciated it, she immediatly felt better. "You really give the best hugs" "Thank you." She got out of the hug. "Do y'all have crushes at the moment?" "No not really. Like it's not like I don't have the time, I'm just not into love right now" Elena shrugged her shoulders. "Currently on a self-love journey, so also no" "Oh um sorry for asking by the way, curiosity killed the cat" Daya laughed awkwardly. Skyler didn't seem to bother "PFFF no worries I- WAIT CATS. OH MY GOD I FORGOT TO FEED THE CATS, GOTTA GO SORRY" Skyler hecticly dove off, Daya and Elena followed laughing.


"That was close"

Skyler got home just in time to feed Sean and Paloma, his two cats, who already meowed at him angrily. He pet their fur "Sorry again guys. I know you love the fish taste but I was out there being one myself." A voice behind him made him shrug.

"What do you mean by that?" Rose looked amused "MOM OH MY FUCKING GOD. You scared me" "I'M SORRY CHERI" "Ahhh I was just saying stupid stuff. You know, gotta entertain the masses" He nodded at the cats. "I see" She laughed.

*Ding Dong*

Skyler and Rose looked at each other. "Who could that be?" "Only one way to find out" Rose went to open the door. "Oh hello Rose" "Eva! Nice to see you, what's the matter?" "I hope I'm not bothering." "Not at all" "Oh I was just around and I've been meaning to ask you something. Just regarding the last parent council session we had. Some school things." "Of course, you wanna come in?" "If you're already asking? Sure." Both laughed. Eva came in.

"I don't know if you're familiar, but this is my son Skyler" Skyler turned around and met a familiar face. "Oh um hello Miss Anderson" Rose looked a bit confused. "Oh you know each other?" "Yes I am friends with Daya, you know?" Eva nodded and added "She's my older daughter." "Oh I see!" Rose nodded and smiled.
"Oh I almost forgot" Eva signaled someone to come in. "This is my younger daughter Vera" Vera entered "Hello, I-"

It was at that moment Skyler's eyes met Vera's eyes. Both froze in place. Vera recognized her savior's face and Skyler's mind went blank trying to think of an explanation. Luckily Eva interrupted the awkwardness. "Veraaaa, darling, it's rude to stare" Vera snapped out of it "Oh- I just thought I'd recognize you from somewhere." "Oh ummmm..maybe you've seen me around school."
Rose didn't seem to notice anything odd "Eva, coffee?" "Oh for sure thank you. It won't take long. You two can make yourselves aquainted if you want to" Rose went to prepare coffee while Eva sat down at the table. Skyler went to Vera and whispered "Can we talk outside real quick?" "Sure"

Outside Vera was almost in tears "IT'S YOU? The one who saved me from drowning?" Skyler looked a bit panicked "Sshhhh please keep your voice down. He looked around but nobody had heard anything. "Yes it was me, but please keep this a secret." "Why? You literally did something heroic, I wouldn't be standing here without you. Why didn't Daya tell me anything, she's your friend?" "I um.....I don't know. Listen, keep it to yourself it was me." Vera squinted her eyes. "I just don't get it. You were amazing out there, I still dunno how you swam that fast." Skyler didn't know what to say. Vera smiled "Ohhhh I get it, you're embarassed. Your shyness is kinda cute?" "WHAT? It's not that, I just....I can't tell you the real reason" "It's fine, it's fine I got you" She giggled. "I like it when guys are a little more awkward" "That's not-" At that moment the door opened. Rose said goodbye to Eva "It went quicker as expected. Thank you again Rose" "Anytime Eva" "Come Vera, let's go home" Not without a last semi-seductive glare, Vera left with her mom.

"You're really red, are you blushing?" Rose had to surpress her laugh. "N-NO oh my god. It was awkward conversation. You know, social anxiety" "D'accord, d'accord. Understood. You gonna come back in?" "Y-yea sure"


"THIS is a catastrophe"

Skyler was nervously walking around, while Daya seemed pretty chill about it. "She's been texting me non-stop, asking if we wanna hang out over the last few days. It's so weird, sorry to say that." "I honestly think it's cute" "I could see that, if I wasn't a fucking-" He looked around to see if anyone was listening "If I wasn't a fucking merman" Daya saw how much it bothered Skyler. She tilted her head. "She can barely remember it, it's easy making her believe she hallucinated parts of it. Sky, it's normal she thinks you're her hero. You can reject her if she actually follows this through, and if worst comes to worst you contact me." "Yea.....sounds good. Ah I don't know. I'm bad at this." Daya gave a reassuring smile "You got this" "And so do you" "Reminding me of that, I need to go. Meeting up with Elliot for a.....let's call it an inofficial date." She nodded towards the picnic basket she was carrying. "Good luck" Skyler smiled and gave Daya a hug, then they parted ways.


Dennis sat alone at the beach. His mind was absent, he was just starring out onto sea. His confident facade always faded when he was in his feels, he was a very emotional, caring human deep inside. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

"Mind if I sit?"

A very familiar voice ripped him out of his trance. "Oh um sure" His heart skipped a beat as Nick said right next to him. "Another one of these days where I wish I could go surfing but am stuck with family" He laughed awkwardly. Dennis tried his best to sound normal "Right. As if there was sabotage going on" But he didn't seem really convincing. "Hey, you alright?" "Yea it's nothing" "Dennis, you're not fooling anybody" There was a pause. "'s just- do you know that when you have a secret and you wish you could tell people but you simply can't?" Nick thought for a second "Maybe. I don't feel it like you do of course." Dennis kept silent. "I don't know how to word this, you know I suck. Maybe the right time it will come out naturally? And you don't gotta tell the biggest one, maybe one below" Dennis sighed. "Ok well-"

"NICKI! Oh my god we gotta go!" Nick rolled his eyes "COMING SIS" He patted Dennis on the shoulder. "You got this, whatever it is" Then he ran up the hill to his big sister, who dragged him with her. Dennis was left alone, frustrated. "Right time then? Okay" Dennis stood up and left the beach.


"Caramel Ice Cream, cuz I know it's your favourite."

Elliot and Daya were sitting comfy on the picnic blanket. Both had brought some stuff. When Elliot pulled an ice cream bucket out of his cooler box, Daya nearly lost it. "Oh my gooood thank youuu. You did not seriously bring a cooler box though" "I'm rich, of course I did." The vibe was great, both were laughing. Daya pulled out a small bowl covered with foil. Elliot let the sun hit his face, so he had his eyes closed. Daya leaned over to him. "I know you love to snack these" He turned to her and raised one eyebrow. "Don't tell me you-" He raised the foil and his expression softened. "Aww thank you." "I know you could live off of Pomegranate seeds. My kitchen was a mess though, it squirts everywhere." Elliot made an amused face, Daya closed her eyes and let out a sigh . "Don't" "I do. That's what she said" "PFFFFF" Elliot tried to eat some, but he had trouble not laughing. Daya shook her head laughing "Next time you're cleaning my kitchen" "Oh I'd gladly help you with that, don't worry" "Oh would you?" Daya raised an eyebrow. The weather was sunny and peaceful, the vibes were really happy

A butterfly flew near Daya, she held out her finger and the butterfly landed on it. "Aren't they just beautiful?" "Not as much as you" Daya's heart skipped a beat. "W-what?" "You know I'm brutually honest so you know it's true." Elliot gave her a smile. She smiled back. "I just don't know what to say I-" "Oh does that make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry then-" "NO NO that was sweet" A moment of awkward silence ensued but Daya had an idea.

"Talking about butterflies and compliments. Do you have a crazy crush story?" Elliot laughed. "ME? Oh I do, but I'll let you go first" Daya was laughing before she even started the story. "So you remember Carlos?" "Yes I do, oh my god don't tell me-" "Shh Shh it gets funnier." Both tried hard not to laugh. "Well I was crushing on him and one day I was tryna make a move. So....I told him I really liked his hair and he simply said 'thank you'" Elliot suddenly realized where this was going. "Wait...oh my god" "The very next day HE COMES TO SCHOOL WITH A BUZZCUT." "THAT'S WHY" Both were laughing and Daya coughed trying to regain air. When she had calmed down she said. "I think.....that was the most humbling experience of my life" Elliot wheezed. "I'm so sorry that is VILE"

"Now your turn" Daya giggled. "It was less crazy for me and more for her actually. You remember my sister Emma has her Trio, and one of them is called Rikki" "Ohh you like older girls I see you NO I'M SORRY" "PFFFFF. Anyways I was in my tryhard era and tried to impress her and almost drowned. But she saved me. And I remember I was like OBSESSED with her, I bought so many gifts. Poor her, to be honest. So she rejected me at some point and I was so sad I hid in like a friend's plant thingy? Plantation? I don't know, but it had like sprinklers" Daya's eyes widened. "Oh shiiit" "So she came to get me and we got locked in there and her friends got us out with zero time to spare. Trust me we were RUNNING for our life. It made a whole lot more sense after I learned she was a mermaid." Daya nervously laughed. "Oh god that sounds WILD" "IT WAS AND THE WORST PART IS MY CRINGE BEHAVIOUR" He shook himself.

"That reminds meeee. Skyler is going through something similiar at the moment you know?" Elliot was confused. "DID I NEVER TELL YOU?" ".....noooo, but I'm intrigued" "Remember the rainstorm? Shortly before the emotional full moon?" "I do" "My younger sister Vera stole my boat and managed to crash it not far from Mako. She would have drowned if Skyler didn't save her." Elliot looked shocked "That is crazy." "Well now she found out who he is, like he never told her his name when they were out there, and she seems to be oblivious." "Does she know he is-" "No. He told her to not tell anyone and she takes it as he is just a bit shy. Well she isn't obsessed, but Skyler fears she will be." "Poor guy" Elliot laughed but felt a bit guilty doing so. "ANYWAYS now I need some of this Caramel Ice Cream" Daya rubbed her hands


Elena sat on her bed looking through Mrs. Garca's Mako file again. She wanted to make sure, no detail would get overlooked. She read the list of names over and over again. She checked the full moon documents for more evidence. Nothing new came out of it though. Elena was a bit desperate. "Why do we have to unravel this mystery in like 800 steps before getting somewhere?" She exhaled very loudly. "UGHHHHH"

"Maybe a juice will help." She thought to herself, so she went to grab her money and head out to the Café.


Skyler entered the Rikki's Café and looked around. He didn't really have plans, so he thought to get a drink. Suddenly he spotted Elena sitting at one of the bar stools so he went over. "Heyy Elena" "Oh hey Sky. What brings you here?" She asked with genuine curiosity. "Nothing really, I just felt like a drink right now. You?" "Mrs. Garca's Mako file. I want to find new information so badly but UGH NOTHING. Came here to clear my mind." Skyler gave her a slight pat on the shoulder "Hey don't overwork yourself, okay? You're already doing more than we do, including breaking the law" Elena smiled in a tired way "Thank you. That's sweet. Still I'd love to find anything to help us." She sighed.

"And what will that be for you?" The Café employee caught Skyler completely off guard "Oh sorry. A Freshmaker please" "Will do!" Skyler was about to pay when a voice from behind him chimed in. "Oh let me." A hand gave the worker the money while Skyler had to sit there and close his eyes for a second to process if this was actually happening.

He knew who it was. "Vera! Umm thank didn't have to do that." "Pfff for you I'll gladly do it." She winked. Skyler felt awkward. "How's it going?" Vera asked without noticing Elena at all. "Um quite good" He scratched his head. He was trying to divert the attention. "You've met Elena right?" "Oh I didn't even see you, heyyy" "Heyyy Vera, everything alright so far?" As Daya and Elena had been friends for longer, Vera of course knew who Elena was and vice versa. "Yup! Couldn't be better."

"You really don't have to do these thi-" "Oh please, you saved me I gotta pay you back somehow." Elena'a eyes widened. She remembered what Daya had told her about the rainstorm events. To release Skyler's suffering a bit she asked "Oh yes I remember your sister telling me about it. How have you been holding up? Did it cause any like lasting damage?" Vera thanked the waiter for her drink and turned back to Elena. "I'm alright now, I had to stay home for a bit, but nothing serious....well except nearly dying. Thank you for asking" Elena shrugged her shoulders and smiled "You're welcome."

After finishing their drinks, the three went outside. Vera went first and stood in front of Skyler crossing her arms and looking curious. " you have anything planned?" Skyler tried his best not to sound annoyed. "I do actually, sorry. Got homework." "Subject?" "History" "Oh I can help you with that" Skyler looked visibly more upset. "No thanks. I can manage" Vera didn't seem to loosen up. "Oh come on. That's my specia-"

"I SAID FUCKING NO" In his anger Skyler flailed around with his hands accidentally hitting a water bottle on a nearby table. The bottle flipped over and spilled its contents onto Elena. Skyler turned around in shock to look in Elena's equally shocked face "I'm so sorry" "Meet me you know where" she said calmly before taking off running. You could say bolting. Thank god the water was nearby and Vera couldn't see between the trees.

"Why is she running?" Vera looked confused. "That doesn't concern you. Leave me alone Vera, you're being a creep." Vera stood there frozen. Skyler was out to meet Elena at Mako.


"I'm so sorry about that"

Skyler arrived at Mako where Elena already was. Elena gave him a comforting smile. "It's fine, it wasn't intentional" She changed to a concerned expression. "How are you holding up though?" "I don't know, I feel bad for yelling but she is driving me nuts." "You need to tell her it's not working Sky." "I knooow, but it's kinda hard." He looked awkward.

Elena asked "Trust yourself. What would your old self do?" He raised an eyebrow. "Call her ugly and ask who she thinks she is?" Elena awkwardly laughed "Ok yea terrible idea." She thought. "Just talk from the heart. Like the first full moon" Skyler nodded. "Mhm. If she isn't seeing the writing on the wall, gotta make it visible myself, huh?"

"Yes exactly that- wait. Make it visible THAT'S IT" "That's what?" Skyler was confused at Elena's sudden reaction. "I gotta test something with the file. You're a genius, Sky." Confused but flattered he said "I guess I really am coming for Dennis' gig" Both swam out the cave.


"I'm having like the best time"

Elliot sighed happily an laid back on the blanket. Him and Daya had eaten most of what they brought. "Me too" She closed her eyes and enjoyed the birds singing and leaves ruffling.

The moment felt right. It was the perfect vibe. "Elliot" she started "Hm?" he answered. "I um.....this was amazing. made me realize how much I appreciate the time we spend together." She opened her eyes and sat up. As did Elliot. "I do too. Like alot"

"It's.......ok you know what fuck it. I like you alot Elliot and I have had this for a while." She took a deep breath. "I wanna be with you. I like you like a lot lot" Elliot looked at her for a second before he slightly smiled and looked down. "You know, it's funny" He picked a little daisy. "Oh god shyness doesn't suit me at all." He looked her in the eyes. "I've been feeling the same way."

Daya's heart jumped. "R-really?" "Yes. Yes I do! OF COURSE I WANNA BE WITH YOU" Elliot was grinning wide. Without further ado, Daya got closer to him. He knew exactly what she was going for. It happend

Their lips touched. It was a romantic and calm, long kiss. Both felt their hearts pound. Elliot gently slid his fingers through Daya's hair and she smiled through the kiss. When they finally stopped the kiss, they looked into each other's eyes. "Wow" she whispered "THE Elliot Gilbert as my first boyfriend" He made a joking flirty face. "The pleasure is all mine actually." Then both bursted into laughter. As they held hands they watched the sun slowly set.


"Sorry about earlier, I'm now fully here for you"

Nick met up with Dennis later the afternoon, after their conversation earlier got interrupted. They were once again meeting at the beach. Dennis heart felt like it was gonna jump out of his chest. "You know" he started "I took this by heart." Nick looked curious about what he meant "What exactly?" "It doesn't have to be the biggest secret. It can be one below"

Nick smiled. Dennis loved it when he did that. "I genuinely don't give the best advice, but when people take it it's flattering" Nick was joking around. Dennis watched the sun slowly setting. "You remember our wild adventures at this beach?" Nick nodded heavily "OH YES I do. Oh my gosh the nostalgia" They continued walking. "Ever since I moved here we have known each other and been friends" "Riiight, these memories last forever" Nick seemed to enjoy the moment.

Dennis gathered the courage. "Nick" He stopped. "You know....time kind of changes the way you feel about things and people." They locked eyes.

"I- I like you. More than just friends."

It was out. Dennis froze in disbelief over just saying that. Nick looked down. "Oh my god...I had no idea you felt this way." His Voice sounded like he was about to cry. Dennis chimed in "I'm sorry-" "No....I have to be sorry. I um...I don't feel the same way unfortunately"

Dennis' heart sank to his stomach. As if matters couldn't get worse Nick added "And I have a girlfriend." He scratched his head awkwardly.
"I see" Dennis couldn't think of anything different to say. "Well I guess this was an epic fail." He laughed awkwardly. It was a coping strategy that Dennis convinced himself would work.

"Dennis, I don't see you any differently. You're still my friend." Nick seemed really nervous now. "I know. It's just...I'm just stupid" Dennis started slowly walking away "Well, see you around then" His voice slightly cracked. "Dennis wait!" Nick walked after him, so Dennis walked faster. "Dennis wait please, you're not stupid. All of this is okay." Suddenly Dennis stopped. He turned around "Best of luck to you and your girlfriend. No sarcasm, I mean it. I'm gonna be okay, could be worse, you could have called me names" He laughed but Nick wasn't buying it. "Dennis..." But Dennis was already walking away fast

He had his back turned, so that Nick wouldn't see the tears running down his face. He felt dumb and ridiculous. Once he was out of eyesight, he ran into the water. He just wanted to swim a while to clear his mind.


"Oh thank god you finally picked up"

Daya finally checked her phone to see like 10 missed calls from Skyler. The sun was already setting, and Daya enjoyed the moment with Elliot. "Oh my god, I'm SO sorry. I totally forgot this while on our da-" "It's fine it's fine" Skyler interrupted her, he sounded nervous. "You know where Vera is?" "Did she finally leave you alone?" "That's the thing, she's nowhere to be found." "WHAT?" Daya shot up, causing Elliot to look concerned "What happend?" he asked but Daya was too focused on Skyler's words.

"I was at your house to talk things out. We had a little...altercation? But your mom said she came home to grab a few things and leave the house in tears, after that she hasn't seen her. Her phone is off too" "Ughhh, this girl." She sighed. Skyler felt sorry. "I don't wanna overdramatisize it, maybe I'm worrying too much." "Sky, no it's valid. She does this kind of stuff. Where are you right now?" "The Park. Looking for you. I'm by the dolphin statue" "You're almost at where we are, keep walking."

Two minutes later Skyler was out of breath after coming running. "You okay, Sky?" Elliot looked concerned. "Yea yea. I'm just...worried. I didn't mean to set her off" "She probably needed to hear it" Daya seemed annoyed at her sister. "I know where she might be. She has her spot." "Lead the way, please" Daya was about to say something but Elliot caught her train of thoughts "Leave the packing up to me. Go find your sister." "But-" "No but. You prioritize what's important. Besides if it wasn't fine you'd know" He gave her a reassuring smile before giving her a quick kiss on the lips. She seemed re-energized. "Let's go" she said to Skyler as they started walking. "I knew you could do it. You two make a really cute couple" Skyler gave her a slight pat on the shoulder. Daya was still blushing "Thank youuu, AH I wish I could be happy about it right now" Daya laughed nervously.


Dennis was swimming with no real destination. The moonpool was not an option right now. He tried to get his mind off Nick and his words. It all seemed so perfect in Dennis head...and then it would all pop like a balloon? Whenever he went to the surface to get air, he would cry uncontrollably. Dennis was out there for quite some time, almost an hour. He got exhausted so when he reached the shore, he decided to lay on one the large rocks that were more flat shaped. He thought he was alone until a familiar voice behind him almost made him jump...if he could jump in this state.

"Dennis, is that you?"

He turned around so fast his neck hurt. "Vera?" Indeed, Vera was sitting on the sand. She could only see his head? Trying not to be suspicious, Dennis put on his usual personality. "Fancy seeing you here. You brought wine?" "PFFF, we can't even drink that." "Oops the German jumped out there" Vera laughed for a few seconds before she returned to her sad state.

"I came here to clear my mind" "HA me too!" Dennis was trying to hide his nervosity. Vera couldn't see him like this. "I just feel guilty." "What for?" "I like someone and in my head it's perfect? But he doesn't like me back." Dennis laughed, Vera looked outraged. "Are you laughing at me?" "No it's just funny. I just had the same thing" "OH"

Both laughed. It was awkward but kind of heartfelt. "Yea but I think I crossed the line. No I don't think, I did" "Did they tell you no?" "Yes he did. I didn't want it to be true, cuz in my felt so right." "I get it." Dennis felt really sad for her. "I think you two should talk it out. Maybe you can still be friends." Vera nodded slowly. "How about you?" she asked. Pfff, childhood best friend. He didn't feel the same way and has a girlfriend" "Oh noooo, I'm so sorry" "It's fine, it was dumb of me to think it would work. I'm a bit delusional"

Vera shook her head. In an unusual mature tone. "No it's not dumb. I guess like with me....things can feel right but just aren't meant to be. Right?" Dennis thought for a second. "Yea right. I mean at least he doesn't see me differently." Vera still thought about what she said "That was unusually smart of me" she noted. "That could have come from you" "Well some things aren't meant to be, right?" "HAAHAHAHA RIGHT" Both laughed.

"Oh before I forget it, I still have your hair tie." She stood up and started walking towards him. "Oh um give it to me later" Dennis panicked, he knew he couldn't flee. "Just so that I won't forget it" "NO REALLY I got almost nothing on" "That's fine, closing my eyes then" She put a hand over her eyes and carefully inched closer. Dennis thought this was the end.


A familiar voice echoed over the beach. Daya's voice. Vera turned her head, to find Daya and Skyler almost running. Dennis used the chance to slide off the rock and into the water.
Daya hugged her sister, who awkwardly hugged back. "Next Time tell one of us. Not that we have another shipwreck." "I just wanted a place to myself, is that wrong?" Daya shook her head. "No. least give us a signal. I was just worried." "Yea...I know. Sorry." Vera looked to the rock again where Dennis just was. "Dennis you still there?" Daya and Skyler looked at each other. Vera was confused. "Dennis? DENNIS? I swear to god he was here a minute ago, we had a whole talk." Skyler slapped a mosquito before it could bite. "Probably used the moment to dry off somewhere?" He instantly regretted saying that, it sounded so weird. But Vera bought it. "Yea he did say he had barely anything on and I caught him here by surprise soooo" She gave Daya the hair tie "Can you please give it back? I never get to it and you're closer" "Of course, sis" Daya smiled and took it.

"Well then, I'll let you two talk. I'll just to back there" She pointed the direction where they came from. After she left Skyler and Vera stood there for an awkward moment. "I'm really sorry, I didn't wanna scream at you" Skyler started but Vera shook her head. "No no, you don't need to be sorry. I do. You said no and I needed to listen. I kind of....imagined something in my head that was perfect and couldn't handle the reality that it wasn't" "It's fine, cupid can be a real asshole sometimes. regret calling you a creep" "No you were right. I'm really sorry. Some things just aren't meant to be." Skyler sighed. "And about me saving you...I wish I could tell you but I just can't." "You don't need to. You have your reasons....I respect it" Vera was about to cry. "It's fine. We can still be friends" Vera nodded in tears. "Just having Deja Vu right now. From that line" "You wanna hug it out? I give great hugs" "Sure, maybe I now understand the hype Daya makes about them." Skyler cringed "DOES SHE?" "YES" They hugged it out. "And she was right, wow you do give great ones" They both went back to Daya, who greeted them smiling.



Daya's mouth was wide open. The group gathered in Dennis' room, where he had just told them what went down between him and Nick. Dennis hated crying, but he couldn't help it. Elena provided him with tissues and Skyler had put his arm around him. "I know I said I'm fine, but I guess I'm not that good at lying after all" he tried to joke but quickly realized it wasn't working. "It's fine, you don't have to force yourself to be okay" Elena reacted calmly. Dennis sniffled some more

"I just don't get it, you're a great guy." Daya shook her head. "Why wouldn't he want you?" "Because he's got a girlfriend and generally doesn't feel the same way." "Yea but still..." Skyler shook his head. "Daya remember me and Vera. You can't force feelings. It's hard but it is what it is" Daya looked down quiet for a second. "Yea you're right. I'm sorry." Dennis signaled her it's okay. "I just really really wanted this for you" Dennis smiled through the tears. "You're sweet"

With one final use of the tissue, he sat up straight and wiped the tears of his face. "On another note I'm glad it worked out for you. Like really, at least you kissing enough for the both of us" Daya awkwardly giggled "Thank youuu, I'm so happy too" "YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME YET. Oh my goood so proud of you." Elena jumped up from the bed and hugged Daya tightly. "I knew it would work out" "You should have seen her grinning on the way home yesterday!" Skyler pointed out to Elena who looked like a proud mom. She finally let go of Daya. "I wanna know EVERYTHING though, no detail untouched." "When you reveal to us what you wanted to show us"

"OH YES, I forgot" Elena rolled her eyes at herself and pulled out the Mako file from her bag. "While you were running around fighting off love, I finally discovered something." "I'm stealing your genius gig by the way, cuz something I said gave her the inspiration" Dennis played annoyed "Can't have my man, can't have my gig, what can I have?" Everyone laughed "You can have piping hot tea. Check this" Elena pulled out a document and put it in front of the others.

The document was one they had seen before, but last time there was less text. "Skyler said something about making writing visible. I thought that empty space on this page was suspicious sooo, what I did was the old candle trick where the heat makes it visible." Dennis whistled an impressed sound "Wow that's fierce. Can I see it?" "Go ahead". He took the document and read it, the others reading with him.

"I know I am putting them in danger but as long as they work together they can manage anything. Their parents can know NOTHING. I just need these 4 to become who they're meant to be."

"That is somehow more anticlimatic than I thought" Dennis gave the paper back "Nice effort though" "What does she mean by this though?" Skyler looked at the others. Daya knew. "So our project was bullshit, this was all a set-up" Elena nodded "Exactly" Daya laughed sarcastically "Unbelievable, the fact she'd do this" "But....not without any reason though" Skyler was thinking hard. "What does she mean by 'meant to be'? Like is this our destiny?" "And also" Elena added to what Skyler said "I wonder what she means that our parents shouldn't know? Like obviously we don't want our parents to know, but she is making it sound like they could know something in general."

"All we know is that if we want real answers, Mrs. Garca is the key. She'll give us answers no matter what" the determination in Daya's voice was abundantly clear. Elena nodded "We need to think on how to get her" Skyler raised his finger "Preferably without a tail fiasco though" which did lighten the mood.
Dennis shook his head.

"Wow this is worse than a heartbreak"


Aaand another chapter is done!

I know she doesn't appear in this chapter, but this is my image for Mrs. Garca. It's funny, cuz I had a mental image of her for the longest time and then figured out who I'm thinking off: It's Marisol Nichols, who I know from Saw Spiral. Funnily enough her character is called "Garza" with her last name there so maybeeee that was an accidental influence hehe.

What a chapter full of love, heartbreak and emotions. Some people will be happy for Daya and Elliot, others heartbroken for Dennis and Nick. We shall see though how it all develops.

A big insecurity while writing, imma be honest is, I'm afraid these characters all sound the same. Writing is challenging because you don't have a voice saying it in the tone you have in your head. I am trying my best though to enhance everyone's unique character

What is the mystery behind their transformation? What did Mrs. Garca do and why? So many new questions.

I'm especially hyped for next Chapter cuz it's another FULL MOON!

Stay tuned!
