Welcome to Ninjago City「✔」

A crab is hoisted onto a young man's boat as you can get a good glimpse of Ninjago City.

"Today on Good Morning Ninjago."

People on different boats greet their beloved home.

"Buenos días Ninjago!"

"G'day Ninjago!"


All of a sudden people are running away while a man with four arms and red eyes cackles.

"When Garmadon attacks,"

"We are there."


Business people are holding the phones in the air in distress.

"When Garmadon crashes the stock market,"

Garmadon's henchmen and generals break in from above and all the business people run away.

"We're there again!"


People are admiring the famous paintings in the art gallery.

"When Garmadon defaces Whistler's Mother,"

A strange substance is sprayed onto the paintings. Whistler's Mother paintings now has Garmadon's face on it and the other paintings have his face on each of them as well.

"We're still there!"


Out there in the ocean, there is a volcano. The volcano is also Garmadon's evil lair where he comes up with different ways to take over Ninjago City.

"We are the only news team watching Garmadon's volcanic lair. 24 hours a day!"

"This is...."

"Good Morning Ninjago!"

The words 'Good Morning Ninjago' appear on the screen.

Two people are in a newsroom, one of them with a pile of papers and the other with their hands on the table.

"I'm Robin Roberts."

"And I'm Michael Strahan."

"And we are pumped to be bringing up the news!"


"Well looks like everyone is on pins and needles, waiting for Garmadon's next attack."

The words 'Attack Predicted' appear under a picture of malicious-looking Garmadon.

"Attack Forecast!"

The map of Ninjago Island with a red dot showing where Ninjago City is and Garmadon's lair is located at the side of the map.

"Our experts predict a 95% chance of a Garmadon attack today."

Multiple red arrows point to Ninjago City as multiple heads of Garmadon come towards there as well.

"Yikes! Ninjago, you better stay inside."

The words then change to 'Stay Inside' while people walking out of a door reverses so they go back inside.

"You better stay right there don't you dare come out!"

"At least until our Secret Ninja Force steps in."

6 different machines appear, all with different elements. Water, fire, lightning, earth, ice and green.

"Thank goodness for those Ninjas."

A picture of their machines with them on them appear with the words 'Ninjas predicted to save Ninjago.'

"But, who are those Secret Ninjas, Robin?"

6 ninjas appear looking into the distance.

"We have so many questions."

"Burning Questions!"

The words 'Burning Questions!' appear on the screen with fire on the question marks.

"Fire Ninja!"

The Fire Ninja appears on the screen doing cool poses with his machine.

"Where is is he on a scale of one to awesome?"

The Fire Ninja fires away the bad guys.

"I'm not gonna lie. I'm awesome!" He says in excitement.


"Earth Ninja!"

The Earth Ninja appears doing some poses with his machine as well.

"When will he upgrade to digital?"

The Earth Ninja spins a disc on his hand with ease before putting in place so it can start playing.

"No, I would never do that." The Earth Ninja replies, in a somewhat offended way.

The Earth Ninja then proceeds to blow the bad guys away.


"Ice Ninja!"

The Ice Ninja appears also doing some poses with his machine.

"Is he a real boy or a robot?"

The Ice Ninja spins his vehicle around while freezing the villains.

"How dare you, I'm a wild teen." He says in a monotone voice.


"Lightning Ninja!"

The Lightning Ninja does some poses with his machine as well.

"Is he the bravest ninja of them all?"

The Lightning Ninja screams while being chased by multiple villains.

"We'll take that as a 'Yes'."


"Water Ninja!"

The Water Ninja does some cool poses with her machine as well.

"She's a girl and a ninja! Can she really have it all?"

The Water Ninja slides on the water while doing her mission.

"You fellas need to inform yourselves." She spoke up in a scolding and mildly annoyed tone.

"Of where we're at culturally." She finishes before shooting the henchmen.


"And finally the Green Ninja!"

The Green Ninja does some poses with his machine.

"He fights in the air,"

The Green Ninja slashes his sword at some of the flying henchmen while on his dragon machine.

"On the ground,"

He jumps of his dragon onto a building roof and starts fighting Garmadon's generals.

"And, in the kitchen with a refrigerator."

The Green Ninja is seen fighting two sharkmen with a fridge in the kitchen while holding a baby in one arm.

"But what is he hiding?"

The Green Ninja is standing heroically while looking up.

"And who is he really?"


"Also let's not forget this ninja!"

A ninja in black ninja clothing with a hood and bandana covering up her mouth appears on the screen.

"She is also know as 'Mysterio'."

'Mysterio' is seen fighting some of the bad guys, backflipping away from them and she clashes her katanas at them, keeping them at bay.

"She is, of course, very mysterious."

"And very heroic."

"But why hasn't she joined the Secret Ninja Force? Is she scared or is it that she is a lone wolf?"

'Mysterio' is seen standing heroically and being, well mysterious as she disappears.

"What is she hiding?"


"Local Birthdays!"

The words 'Local Birthdays!' appear on the screen with a cake with a candle on it.

"Celebrating birthdays today."

"Are this hot dog."

A picture of a man in a hot dog suit appears.

"This panda."

A picture of a panda appears.

"And uh-oh.."

A picture of a boy with green emerald eyes is nervously smiling with a girl next to him with [Eye Colour] eyes putting a hand on his shoulder while giving the death stares to the people staring at Lloyd with the words 'Lloyd: Son of Garmadon' underneath.

"Lloyd Garmadon..."

"The son of the evil Lord Garmadon."

A picture of Garmadon appears with the words 'Evil Lord Garmadon'.

Garmadon is evil laugh is heard as the camera zooms in on Lloyd's nervous face. "Better hope, his little girlfriend there isn't out for any blood on the occasion on wanting to please him." The joke came out from the news reporter's lips, an eased chuckle escaped from them.

"Yeah, but it sure must be tough to be that kid."
