69: Special MEGA CHAPTER!

Museum of the Jaune Multiverse

Ruby was messing around in the Clone Wars Juggernaut, it was a good thing it was disabled so no one can just drive it or blast a hole in a wall

Ruby: this is so AWESOME!!!!!

Penny: the engineering of this vehicle is a marvel of science!

Yang: Ruby get out of that thing!

While she holds a turkey leg

Blake: let her enjoy herself Yang we all took a verbal lashing that would last a life time and I doubt it's the last.

Nora was messing around with some of the Display Weapons like the BFG good thing it has no ammo as it is extremely dangerous

Ren: Nora you do remember how dangerous that Gun is.

Nora: yeah but it doesn't have ammo, I guess Spectre Jaune doesn't want anyone messing with it but it really is a COOL Big gun.

Yang: wonder how is Weiss doing.

Theatre Showers


Pyrrha: you want to talk about it?

Weiss: I'm sorry about when we first met, I was a horrible person....I was like...

Pyrrha: don't compare yourself to that man, if anyone can consider him a man at all.

Weiss: thanks Pyrrha you're such a good friend.

Pyrrha: and friends don't abandon their own. ( She remembers her betrayal in Jaune Rex)

Weiss: I wonder what everyone else is doing.

The Guys were enjoying the Paintball shootout with Qrow getting the most heat from Ironwood

Hazel was contemplating his Life choices as Watts was reading through his notes

Whitley was hanging out with Spectre and had guy talk

The Ladies was enjoying the Hot Springs with

Summer, Kali, Raven and Willow - Team SKRW aka Team Screw

Salem: *moan* this is so relaxing!

Kali: I know right ? Kuo Kuana is well known for these springs, can't believe Spectre was so kind to give us this.

Willow: I still can't believe we all got together again after all this time.

Salem: hold on you all know each other?


Summer: yeah, we all went to the same Academy.

Salem: hold on even Schnee?

Willow: my father sent me to beacon to utilize my Glyphs and have a form of self defense.


Raven: hey Cath why are you so quiet?

Salem: what's wrong?

Kali had a mischievous grin

Kali: oh is it about you're Semblance?

Cath: shut the fuck up you mangy Cat.

Raven: you're a Cat too you know.

Salem: what is this about?

Summer: ooooohh....Catherine had a unique effect on women.

Salem: I don't follow.

Raven: she has a curse that attracts women to her.

Salem: oh?

Summer: well it was until she married John we all decided to move on but that flame is still there. And funny enough it seems to pass unto our children.

They look to a Red Cath sinking in the water

Then a screen comes to life for them to show an alternative world where Jaune was a Girl and was trapped in a Harem with all the girls in the rwbyverse

Summer: wow she looks a Lot like Cath.

Kali: and it seems our children have their Claws in her.

Raven: reminds me of the old days.

Willow: oh the good old days. I really loved Cath then.


Then Neptune was reading now in the 41st Millennium with NDGO nearby enjoying the café Sun was working out in the gym and Ghira was enjoying the Library

Coco and Velvet was enjoying the shooting range as they check out the available weapons for testing as Coco used the Doom Quad Chaingun while Velvet was taking pictures of Relic of the Knight from the Jaune Branwen world

Daisy was keeping on guard for any hooligans

Cardin was talking to the Ace-Ops trying to become more of a proper man as he talks to Marrow and Fiona joins in

Harriet was checking out the armor and weapons in the Armory as Elm found a Sentinel Hammer from the Jaune Slayer world

Vine was meditating as per usual while Ozpin, Port and Oobleck were enjoying a cup of coffee

Robyn, Maria, Klein and Pietro socialize about their time in different Kingdoms and their adventures

Saphron was looking through a change of clothes for Adrian that Spectre provided as Terra feeds Adrian who was getting hungry

Then Spectre calls them all to return to the Theatre for the next viewing

And they all went back to their seats as Spectre came in

Spectre: alright, this is another Special world.

Ruby: is it the Jaune Training world?

Nora: or the Jaune Friends world!?

Spectre: it is a MEGA Special world.

Weiss: I don't know what to feel about this.

Blake: it might be fun it might be crazy, hey it's the Multiverse.

Spectre: now you're getting it.

Yang: enough with the suspense and start it Specty!

Spectre: alright keep your bra on sheesh.

The Screen now comes to life as we see Nexus City once more as the Jaunes were at their usual business Training

Jaune Arc was now handling the swordsmanship training with Jaune Sparda although he did get the occasional scabbard slap

Jaune Sparda: so you're attainment of Power is complete?

Jaune Arc: Yes now I'm refining my skill.

Then another breach opened and two individuals came out

One was a Jaune in robes and a cape while the other was a brown haired girl also in robes

Jaune Knight: what is this place?

Amber: I don't know master.

When the Teacher of the Force looks around and saw Clone Troopers he went into survival mode and ignited his Lightsaber and took the Form II Stance

Jaune CT: Jedi!? HOLD ON! HOLD ON!!!!

He then went in between his brothers and the battle scarred Former Jedi as he removes his helmet

Jaune CT: we're not your enemies.

Jaune Knight: what the hell!? Why are you?

Then the other clones removed their helmets as it continues to surprise the Purge survivor

Jaune Knight: alright explain!

Yang: he's beginning to sound like Weiss there for a second.

Weiss: What does that mean?

Yang: why are you so Cold Weiss it's just a opinion.

Weiss: you're entitled to one but keep it to yourself.

Amber: is that me? I'm alive here?

Spectre: yeah and you're that Jaune's Student.

Glynda remembers this Jaune to be close to her as she then blushed

Jaune CT explained in his world Order 66 never happened and to make sure all the inhibitor chips in all his brothers were removed just in case of any malfunction, Jaune Knight was apprehensive at first but sensing no deceit he trusted his other version and was welcomed into Nexus City

Amber: amazing a Multiverse....is this related to the Force, Master?

Jaune Knight: no but the Force is strong in this place.

Jaune Mando: hey we saw the rift who's the new.....a Jedi?

Jaune Knight: a Mandalorian? Wait that Armor.....Din?

Jaune Fett: that's my father.

Jaune Knight: alright this is getting.....

Another Nexus Portal Opens and Four people

The girls were in Casual Attire while the Last One well

Nora: hey it's Rex-Rex Jaune!

Pyrrha: now your just copying that little Tora guy.

Spectre: ( I'm sure Tora would get along with her amount of energy or he would be uncomfortable at the attention.)

Neon: More like Harem Jaune.

Velvet: WHAT!?

Coco: he does have 3 waifus already.

Blake got more ideas

Jaune Rex: whoa! Is this another strange world!?

Pyra: like the one where we met Shulk and Fiora?

Mythra: don't look now guys we have company.

They look to the Jaunes and their eyes widen

Nia: what the hell!?

Pyra: Rex their all Rexs!

Then a Dinosaur screamed in the background


Nia: what was that?

Mythra took a stance just in case of attack as Jaune Arc walks towards them

Jaune Rex mirrored the action as the rest of his party got ready due to a past experience

Jaune Rex: is this some sort of trick?

Jaune Arc: no I'm real as real as you are.

Jaune Rex: I fought against a challenge that took every Regret, Shame, Hate and Despair to help me through my Past.

Jaune Arc: I did as well.

Qrow: man these guys sure have some baggage.

Raven: you have experience in that, so what advice can you share?

Qrow: I don't need to these guys have it sorted out.

Tai: what a cop out.

Then another Rift opens and more people arrived as a young boy with Broccoli Hair stood up

Dekiru: Ow....what happened?

Harriet: who's that? It can't be Arc.

Vine: it seems the Multiverse are also pulling others that have a close bond to him from their respective worlds if the ones with Jaune Rex is any indication.

Dekiru: what is this place?

He then panics as he realized he was with someone when he was pulled to this world by accident

Dekiru: Jaune-san!!!

Then another individual lands next to him

Jaune Iron Man: Izuku on your guard we are in uncharted territory here.

Ruby and Penny had stars in their eyes

Pietro was at the edge of his seat with note book in hand

Watts was close in following

Penny: Mr. Spectre, what is that?

Spectre: a new world where Jaune is set in a world filled with heroes.


Yang: man Ruby sure does love her heroes.

Blake: more like a certain Blonde Hero in particular.

Yang: well she has some serious competition.

Reese: what's that on his chest.

Arslan: must be the source of its power.

Spectre: correct that is the Ark Reactor, an invention of Jaune when he wanted to help the people who told him in.

Cath: took him in?

Spectre: being stranded in a different world he had no home, no family and no friends until he met two people who helped give him a place to belong.

He snaps and shows both Inko and Izuku Midoriya

Cath: that's nice of them... But...

John: where's the Father?

Spectre: well that is a story for another time, shall we continue?

Jaune Iron Man: what in the heck is this!?

As he sees himself multiplied

Dekiru: uhhh Jaune-san why do these people all look like you?

Jaune Iron Man: Tony?

Tony: it seems Stark's Theory on the Multiverse may be not that ridiculous after all.

Jaune Arc filled the Two Heroes in about their current predicament

Dekiru: Amazing there's so much Heroes here.

Jaune Fett: not all of us are heroes.

Dekiru: then you should be!

He gave them a 1 million watt smile

Maria: man that kid is so pure.

Yang: reminds me of Ruby when she was small.

Spectre: still small.

Ruby: HEY!!!! Spectre!!!!

Weiss: wow that was the first time you dissed Ruby.

Blake: well I believe it was bound to happen eventually.

Jaune Branwen: I guess he hasn't met Slayer and Kratos.

Jaune Iron Man: please don't be a downer.

Jaune Mando: well if that's it and no other guests I guess let's welcome you to Nexus City.

Now we come to a familiar sight

*Inspired by SXR123 - Godzilla 2019 and T-Rex and The Perfect Guests! (Ft.DevilArtemis)*

It was Nexus ( Winnie Hut General) Hospital

( It's a joke don't roast me)

Oscar: so Reborn, I know the last time we were with Rex didn't go so well but I think you two should make up.

Nora: woohooo! It's Super Friends.

Spectre: and much more.

Summer: well last time we ended with that Dinosaur just elbow drop Reborn into oblivion.

Ruby: well if they just talk about it maybe it'll be okay.

Weiss: you're unbearably naïve.

Then we pan to Reborn laying down on a hospital bed badly beaten

Cath: I'm gonna make that T-Rex EXTINCT!!!!!!

John: whoa easy there honey.

Cath: get in my way and you're road kill.

John sat back down

Tai: I wouldn't want to be that guy.

Raven: you're still whipped regardless.

Tai: Hey! I.....

She gave him a glare as he shrunk

Qrow just laughed he wasn't the punching bag this time

Terra: I can't believe you inherited that Temper Saph.

Saphron: It's one of my best qualities.

Then someone else said something

Adrian: No.

Saphron looked at her baby boy betrayed

Terra was now laughing at her

Oscar: you'll be fine.

Later at Rex's Home

Jaune Reborn: I was perfectly happy at the hospital.

Oscar: It's gonna be okay Reborn, I'm sure he doesn't remember kicking your ass dinosaurs aren't very smart.

Jaune Reborn: if he utters one word about it I'm kicking him in the face.

The door opens and and we are greeted by our friendly neighborhood dinosaur

Rex: Kiss me....

Then Reborn promptly kicking him in the face

Penny: but mister Rex didn't even mention it.

Mercury: maybe he's still sore since last time.

Emerald: well that's true, wow Merc you've been more social than you usually are.

Mercury: well I'm not an edge lord like those versions of....

Then Portal opens and he can see Summoned Swords and Chaos Spears at the ready and he takes it back

Mercury: I'm sorry, I choose life.

Then the portals closes

Tyrian: hahahahaha!!!!!

Rex skidded across the floor then hits a wall as we are introduced to another creature

Godzilla reading a very Large newspaper

Nora: Ooooh he looks so COOL I want to ride him into battle.

Spectre: be careful he has Atomic breath.

Sun: you mean his breath stinks?

We then see another version of Sun in a different screen as a Godzilla looked down at him and Roasted him with a breath

Sun: I take it back please don't roast me.

Blake: well now that is really......

Weiss: scary?

Yang: awesome?

Winter: really?

Spectre: that guys is called Godzilla the King of the Monsters.

Raven: hold one there's more of him!?

Spectre: he's the only one, there are other types of Kaiju.

Kali: ahh giant monster, nice use of ancient Menagerie language.

Clover: reminds me of the Leviathan.


Spectre: don't compare that cheap knock off to the real deal.

Maria: damn.

Jaune Reborn: alright we're even now.

Oscar then approached and got on the couch greeting the King

Oscar: whatup my zilla?

As he throw gang signs

Godzilla: *growl*

Oscar: no? Hey have I ever told you the time I learned to grow and shrink like you guys?

Reborn was about to smack Shin Godzilla with a sword

Jaune Reborn: what?

As he turns to them and Shin Godzilla CREEPILY stretches and contorts and tries to bite him

Shin Godzilla: *ROAR*

Then Reborn looks back and Shin Godzilla returned to his default position

Jaune Reborn: !?

Coco: MAN! That was CREEPY!!!

Neo: even I found it creepy.

Roman: creepy as fuck.

Adrian was hiding from it by holding onto Terra's chest as he whimpers

Terra: Shhhh there there Adrian, you're Father is gonna kick that lizards but.

Saphron: GET HIM JAUNE!!!!

Oscar: welp see in Rex's world a guy comes in roars and gets big.

While he was saying that Reborn was staring and inching closer to Shin Godzilla to see if he moves

Oscar: Then Rex screams and he shrinks.

Jaune Reborn: what kind of Acid induced Adven....


He looks to a hole that looks like a picture and then to the side to see Rex standing at the ready

Rex: let us Fight like Man vs Tiny Baby....

He didn't get to finish as Reborn rushes in with a punch that knocks Rex down and he continued the onslaught with rapid punches in Rex's gut as he Screams

Ruby: awww poor Rex.

Whitley: well he did ask for it.

Neptune: dude where's your sympathy?

Whitley: in a block of Ice in the Freezer.

They look at him perplexed not more than Weiss and Winter

Willow: where did you learn how to joke?

Whitley: from my brother from another mother.

He high fives Spectre then low fives and Bro Fist

Elm: well it looks like they were bonding while we relaxed.

Harriet: you shooting at the Range relaxing?

Vine: we all have different ways to unwind.

Ren nods with his meditating buddy

Oscar: alright G-man, I'm giving it a shot.

Godzilla just returns to reading his Newspaper

Oscar: *ahem* AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Then he grows into the size of a Giant larger than Godzilla

Qrow: what the hell!?

He looks to his Flask and it was still full

Ironwood: you're not drunk it's real. And it's like being on Acid.

Then we see Reborn having Rex pinned down with his foot while he was holding and charging a giant Cannon aimed at his skull

Jaune Reborn: what the? What the hell is happening?

Oscar: Hey Rex.

Rex was shocked and screamed as he shrinks into nothing

Oscar: see that? I told you.

Jaune Reborn: I.....He?

Oscar inspects himself and...

Oscar: Hmmm....

Jaune Reborn: what?

Oscar: I'm not going back down.

Jaune Reborn: down where?

Oscar: I'm still a Giant Reborn.

Jaune Reborn: ARE YOU REALLY?

As he looks at him with his hand above his brows trying to focus his view as he was Looking at his Crotch


As he saw nothing , not even a small bulge on Oscar's pants

All the Guys in the Theatre: DAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!

The Girls were mixed with their reactions as the Immature ones Laughed out Loud, The Younger ones didn't understand, and the Older ones were shaking their heads

Oscar: Ha Ha Very Funny, seriously I have to drop a shit and if I can't get out of here. Your All Drowning.

Jaune Reborn: okay so how do we reverse it.

Oscar: well it ends in Rex's world after he screams so I have no clue.

He then sees a girl near his foot with a sword

Oscar: oh it's the Female Version of you Reborn.

Jaune Reborn: what the fuck?

Jeanne waves at him and stabs Oscar's foot

Oscar: OW! Oh I get it now you want me to deflate like a balloon...AGH!

As he Explodes and the Screen was White

Arslan: well that was something.

Neon: HAHAHAHAHA It was Hilarious especially the D joke.

Neptune: nothing can heal Oscar from that kind of burn.

Spectre: He deserves it.

Then the Screen came back as we see the world out in the woods

Oscar: Reborn it takes 10 minutes.

Jaune Reborn: I don't need one.

Oscar: everyone needs a Pokemon at least once in their life.

Jaune Reborn: OK FINE! Oum. How does this work?

Oscar: alright so first you beat the shit out of them till they stop resisting. Then you trap them for eternal servitude in these balls.

Jaune Reborn: Oum Almighty that sounds HORRIBLE!

Oscar: I know and children love it.


Spectre: this is based on a video game world, relax no Real creatures were harmed.

May: I find that hard to believe.

Spectre: believe what you want to believe, I just state what's real and that's it.

Oscar: look at there I'll catch you an innocent looking Jiggly Puff.


Reese: why does it sound like a grown ass man?

Neon: I have no idea.

Spectre: (for comedic purposes.)

Jaune Reborn: Riiight.

Oscar: now you want to take the Pokemon into consideration, Jiggly Puff isn't that strong of a Pokemon.

So we can take it easy and use something basic like Mew Two.

Jaune Reborn: what the....

Oscar: Mew Two use Aura Sphere!


He then blew Jiggly Puff the F up

Roman: Holy Shit!!!!

Neo: a little bit over kill over a cute little thing.

Sun: dude that was too far!

Neptune: with how unpredictable this world is, I understand the over kill.

Jiggly Puff: Ahhhhh!!!!! You broke my f*king legs! Oh Oum!!!! Please! Please Show Mercy!!!

Oscar: alrighty, now that we broke his legs it's time to capture it and take him away from his family.

Nebula: I'm beginning to hate this guy.

Dew: even Vacuo isn't that cruel if you die you die. Prolonging the suffering is just Evil.

Spectre: don't worry he's only like that to Jiggly Puff.

Octavia: well he's still an ass for doing that.

Gwen: if he does it for the lols then that makes it so much worse.

Spectre: don't worry.

Oscar: remember Reborn this is the most important part, make sure you look into his eyes before you assert your dominance.

Jiggly Puff in the background: I have family man please! Let me go you wont see me again! I promise!

And the Screen went Dark

Nora: awww is it over?

Spectre: it's a transition Nora relax.

Then we return the Reborn's Arena when someone Clad in Black Robes

Oscar: uh hey Reborn is that a cosplayer?

Jaune Reborn: wha?

Then a black robed man child came in and demanded something

Kylo Wuss: You know why I'm here.

Qrow: I can guess who's gonna be in this. Don't you Glynda?

Glynda: how should I know?

Spectre: drop it Qrow before you become an Origami.

Oscar: WOW the movie was that BAD huh, well we'll do a Kylo Ren episode.

Nora: an Impostor Renny!

Ren: I'm right here Nora.

Pyrrha: it's just a similar name Nora it doesn't mean it's our Ren.

Kylo: the map to Skywalker where is it?

Jaune Reborn: oh the Map wait one second I have it here.

As he reaches behind him and pulls out a Middle Finger

Jaune Reborn: gotcha bitch!

Cath got angry but John grabs her and restrains her and covers her mouth before she even gets in her tirade

Elm: haha Nice!

Harriet: Elm!?

Vine: what a Vulgar reply.

Marrow: maybe it's not unfounded.

Saphron covers Adrian's eyes from this vulgar version of his father

Terra: and this is supposed to be his therapy session.

Spectre: you do notice he's more talkative and social?

Saphron: yeah?

Spectre: he had no social interaction for 10,000 years this is almost tame compared to other insane immortals.

Ozpin: now that is a cause for concern.

Spectre: well at least most immortals don't have reality bending abilities, and even if they do I am only one Guardian from a multitude of Guardians of the Multiverse. Let them try.

( A Jaune Multiverse separate project known as Jaune Multiverse (MHA X RWBY Reacts) is in the works )

Then Oscar drew a Lightsaber from nowhere ( probably his own ass)

Oscar: How did you find me?

Kylo: I sense great fear in you Jedi.

Jaune Reborn: Jedi?

Oscar: it's true Reborn I was once a Jedi Padawan and now I'm the last of my kind.

Jaune Reborn: Nope, NOPE. I'm pretty sure DUMBASSES still exist.

Qrow: ahahaha Burn!

Yang: Hahahah nice delivery.

Blake: a whole lot better than you.

Weiss: it's bearable and indeed it's somewhat funny.

Neon: aww just be honest it's hilarious!

Winter: indeed a whole lot better than the drunk's snark.

Ironwood: indeed, even a hard ass like me found it funny.

Tai: hey comedy is my shtick bub.

Raven: No.....no it never was.

Then a Elegantly Robed Jaune was beside him

Jaune Knight: Good one Reborn.

Jaune Reborn: your welcome.

They gave each other a high five

Oscar: the Jedi will never stand down from the truth, All women are queens!

Kylo: if she breathes she's a Thot!

Jaune Reborn just looks on uninterested while Knight was shaking his head

Jaune Knight: believe me Reborn he's no Jedi and he has no connection to my world.

Jaune Reborn: Believe me I know.

Then we transition to the next day

Jaune Reborn: What the Hell?

Robyn: ok what is this gonna be?

Maria: knowing this world it's gonna be weird.

Jaune: I have seen some shit in my life and trust me I have seen some shit but you....what even are you!

Then we pan and zoom into a kid with light blue hair and was covered in......Hands

Neptune: okay Other me here is creepy but this is WHAT THE FUCK!?

Marrow: are those hands real!?

Spectre: ( I don't have the heart to tell them.)

Shigaraki: hello, you can just call me Shigaraki.

Then we see someone we haven't seen in a long while

Adam: and I thought I was Edgy.

Jaune Reborn: Adam? Where did you come from?

Adam: I was grocery shopping.

Jaune Reborn: you do groceries?

Adam: I'm just Moody not anorexic. Anyways what's with this weird guy?

Shigaraki: I've come to invite you to join the League of Super Villains.

Yang: sounds like the typical bad guy group in those cheesy hero shows.

Spectre: those Cheesy Hero Shows are pure entertainment and has Lessons and Values to teach children compared to the Social Media Today who gives us a Pile of Shit and plaster it with Entertainment.

I take Cheesy compared to Edgy and Depressing Nightmare Fuel Trash.

Blake: wow you really hate Media today?

Spectre: I lived long enough to see the difference of the Golden Age and the Dark Age and believe me we are living in the Dark Age.

Ozpin: agreed and good observation Spectre.

Salem: a whole lot better than you did Ozma.

He does his typical thing to cope....drink Coffee

Jaune Reborn: NOPE I pass.

Cath: good job Jaune.

Adam: yeah me too.

Ghira: wow an Adam who doesn't want to be a villain? Color me shocked.

Sienna: you and me both.

Ilia: who would have thought.

Spectre: he's just edgy.

Yang: like Blake?

Blake then sprayed her making her run for it

Shigaraki: what? Why?

Jaune Reborn: uhhh cuz you're a Freak, and your League of Evil probably sucks.

Shigaraki: but I worked hard to build my League of Evil.

Jaune Reborn: congratulations you want an applause?

Qrow dropped his flask

Qrow: did he just....

Yang: make....

Tai: a pun?

Summer: Oh Oum.....

Raven: here we go again.

Adam: heh he can probably do that himself.

He states as the two Super Friends Laugh

Ilia: pinch me Blake, am I dreaming?

Kali: adam cracking a joke and laughing? Now I've seen everything.

Blake: are we on catnip?

Ghira: no and Ilia saw it too kitten.

Jaune Reborn: ah good one.

Shigaraki: always laughing everyone's always laughing at me they all laugh until I wash the floor with them.

Jaune Reborn: you know speaking of washing, when you use the bathroom do you wash all of your hands? Cuz if you don't that would be extremely unhygienic.

Shigaraki: if you make one more stupid remark, I'll erase you.

Adam: he's giving threats now? How brave, guess we really have to Hand it to the kid.


Jaune Reborn: Relax Adam can't you see you're pissing the kid off...Oum he can barely Handle It.

Shigaraki screams off screen


While the whole Theatre were either groaning, cringing or somewhat accepting of all the jokes

Weiss: good thing that's over....

She looks to Spectre

Weiss: is it over?

Spectre: yes.

Then another day in the life of Reborn as another guest waltzes towards his Arena

It was another Jaune with a a stubble wearing a Track Suit with something shining on his chest

Weiss: why isn't he in his armor?

Spectre: he is.

Weiss: what?

Jaune Reborn: oh? another variant I'm unfamiliar with.

Jaune Iron Man: alright let's get this started.

As he approached Reborn and pressed something on his chest

Penny: what kind of technology is that!?

Spectre: Nano Tech.

Pietro: Nano Tech?

Spectre: Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and application of extremely small things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering.

This Jaune unlocked this to use Nano sized Particles that respond to a Neuro-link system to create his suit. These Nano Particles are housed in the chest piece and within the Nano fibers of his Track suit to disperse the weight.

These Particles can be rearranged to take other shapes or forms.

Ruby: what kind of shapes?

Spectre: he can form parts of his suit into different weapons.

Ruby: WHAAAAAAT!!!!!!? I want Nano Tech!!!!!


Spectre just ruffles both their hair

Watts: impressive.

Harriet: so what makes this Arc different from his other variants?

Spectre: He's a competent fighter due to training but his special Trait is he is a certified Genius with a 300 IQ.

Pietro: That's Amazing maybe I can sit down and have a coffee with him and compare notes.

Weiss: t..t.tt.t 300 IQ!?

Yang: Man now that is Smart.

Oscar: hey I know you, You're Iron Man! Can I get you're autograph?

Jaune Iron Man: sure why not.

He signs it as he looks around

Jaune Iron Man: so is standing here all you have to do?

Jaune Reborn: no there comes the occasional idiot that stumbles here and fights me.

Jaune Iron Man: so like a tournament?

Jaune Reborn: no.... I don't want to talk about it.

Then the Music can be heard at a distance and Reborn looks up

And sees a Bus strapped to a Hot Air Balloon

Jaune Reborn: Oh No no no no! You've have got to be fucking kidding me!!!!

Mercury: what's his problem?

Spectre: you're about to find out.

Jaune Iron Man: what's wrong?

Jaune Reborn: it's those Damn Kids!

Terra: what!? Does he hate children!?

Spectre: not those kinds of kids, the worst kind.

Saphron: what do you mean worst kind?

Oscar: what?

Jaune Reborn: you know those stupid squeakers that plays that stupid game.

Oscar: you mean Call of Duty?

Jaune Reborn: Oh no those kids grew up, these guys are the New Generation of Ass Holes.

Yang: ah those kinds of players suck.

Sun: tell me about it.

Neptune: aren't you the one who rage quit because you got your ass kicked by 'said' squeakers?

Sun: I didn't Lose!

Spectre: sucks to suck.

Ruby: skill issue.

Oscar: so blow them up.

Jaune Iron Man: What's wrong with you?

Oscar: My Aunt dropped me on the head as a kid.

Jaune Iron Man scanned the bus and realized their not organic people it seems like....video game avatars?

Jaune Reborn: it's the Multiverse. Even so I can't I'm on probation.

Oscar: damn it if only we had someone else who can blow them up for us.

Jaune Reborn: And yell something bad ass while they do.

Robyn: that's rather specific.

Maria: it's what the young generation do.

Then Jaune Arc came swooping in like a fighter Jet and Blows up that Annoying Bus


Oscar: was that good enough?

Jaune Reborn: Perfection.

Blake: I can feel some malice in that. But why?

Spectre: We Hate Simps.

Penny: um what's a Simp?

Spectre: someone who is desperate for the attention and affection of someone else typically a woman.

He then looks at the Reader

Spectre: ( RT and Simps RUINED RWBY.)

He looks to the Iron Man

Jaune Reborn: so what do you want?

Jaune Iron Man: I want you to train with my Partner.

Jaune Reborn: and who is your partner?

Then the same green haired cinnamon roll walked in

Dekiru: hi.

Jaune Iron Man: this is Izuku Midoriya, Hero Name: Dekiru. It means Able to.

Jaune Reborn: Hello.

Dekiru: you really look like my Friend Jaune-san only without the facial hair or the wings. ( Man he reminds me of Hawks.)

Jaune Reborn: alright do your worst.

Dekiru: ummm...

Jaune Iron Man: just do it Dekiru and we'll see what you need to improve on.

Dekiru: okay.

He charges up Full Cowling 13%

Yang: whoa now that is cool!

Nora: ooh Lightning!? Can he be my new best friend?

Spectre: only if you don't break him.

Weiss: so this Hero World what is Jaune's relation to it?

Spectre: after a freak accident made by.....You, I'm sorry.

Weiss: Me?

Winter: it was an accident right?

Spectre: yes. He was blasted to a world known as Earth on a country name Japan with his intellect he studied their history and multi languages for 4 months and caught up to High School and enrolled into U.A Academy a prestigious school dedicated to training the future generation of Pro-Heroes.

Glynda: sounds like the Huntsman Academies.

Spectre: but they are Public Servants not Mercenaries.

Ironwood: I guess more oversight on the Huntsmen and Huntresses is in order, they should cooperate with local authorities on their missions.

Ozpin: not all of them will comply it's depends on the person.

Cardin: you need to make disciplinary classes sir to reign in jerks like me.

Ruby: and troublemakers like us.

Spectre: you're learning I'm so happy.

Winter: umm Spectre can you continue on what happened to Arc?

Spectre: he face rampant racism in the other world.

Cath: WHAT!?

John: why did it happen because he's a half breed?

Spectre: there are no Faunus on Earth but the World are composed of People who have Quirks.

Penny: but Quirks are just personality and character traits.

Spectre: it's the designated name for the powers that the people possess there like you people with Aura and Semblance.

You guys should have a Semblance Registry.

Ironwood: that would be good but it will lower the effectiveness of huntsmen against criminals if their Semblance is known.

Spectre: and people like Emerald with Illusionary Semblances that led to the Breach in Security and the Framing of Yang during the Festival is okay?

Emerald just looks down but received the Bonk from Yang but she toned it down a little

Glynda: he does have a point but it affects both Huntsmen and Criminals. So it's an even trade we just have to train our students to overcome any obstacle.

Spectre: and that's the lesson in the My Hero Academia World.

Ruby: ooh that's a cool name for that world.

May: uh guys? Look!

Dekiru: Alright! DETROIT SMASH!!!!

As he Punches Reborn sending him flying as he recovers and lands on his feet

Kali: like any cat.

Neon's tails swishes and Blake's ear twitches

Jaune Reborn: ( WHAT THE!? This Kid!!!!)

He looks at Jaune Iron Man who nods

Jaune Reborn: ( I see he trained him.)

Alright any last words boy?

Jaune Iron Man: in fact he has two.

Jaune Reborn: What?

Dekiru then flew at super sonic speeds to his target

Dekiru: ONE FOR ALL 40%, GO BEYOND! PLUST ULTRA!!!!!!!!!

And he punches him in the Dick

Jaune Reborn: ARRRRRGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then an HUGE Explosion erupted and the screen fades to black

Ilia: why there of all places?

Neon: it's a boy's weak point.

Arslan: yes but still.

May: it's a cheap shot.

Reese: in a fight anything goes.

Yang: just 40%!?

Spectre: The Power of One For All is too much for his small developed body to handle if he goes higher or dares use 100% it will back fire with him breaking a Limb for just landing a Single Strike.

Clover: a Backlash of that degree that power may be Impressive but it's worthless if you Lose your Arm using it.

Vine: Sacrifices are costly and yet to push forward like that, this boy is truly Hero Material.

Marrow: and the fun thing is Jaune Arc trained him too.

Elm: but man a punch in the dong that's just horrible for any guy.

Tai: I'm still wincing.

Roman was crossing his legs as well

Neptune: damn.

We come back to a Mansion in Nexus City

Robyn: well now what's this?

They see the Schnee Insignia on one of the sides of the mansion

Willow: oh? We have a home in Nexus City?

We then see Reborn and Oscar in the gardens

Oscar: so this is Jaune Saiyan's place.

Jaune Saiyan: what are you guys doing here?

Coco: nice set of duds, he looks like a King.

Spectre: he is the Prince of an extinct Race so be respectful.

Velvet: what!? What happened?

Spectre: it will be shown in his World but to let you know his Planet died due to endless War.

The Circle and Cabal all looked at each other and nods to affirm the peace

Neo: I feel bad for him as the sole survivor of Mt. Glenn, I know what it feels like to be alone.

Roman pats her head

Oscar: we came for the BBQ.

Nebula: now that he said that I'm Hungry.

Gwen: let's get some food and sit back.

Neptune: good Idea I'm hungry too.

Dew: c'mon guys.

Octavia: just don't make a mess guys were guests here.

Spectre: it's alright I can snap the mess away.

Emerald: that's convenient.

Jaune Reborn: I was forced to come.

Then we hear Neptune moaning in the background

Neptune: OUM DAMN IT! I'm not even there!!!!

Everyone just jumped at him yelling at the top of his lungs

Nebula: man he's got it rough than the rest.

Arslan: yeah.

Jaune Saiyan: and who invited you?

Then we see a Goku in the terrace of the mansion

Goku: hey Guys! What's up!

Jaune Saiyan: of course he did. So is the rest of your posse here as well?

Then Jaune Arc in a Shark suit

Jaune Arc: hey guys.

Jaune Saiyan: I blame myself for that one.

Jaune Arc: oh snap, no way The Prince? What is up my Saiya-jin!

He then gets punched away sliding on the floor

Jaune Saiyan: you two dumb bells get two stacks of ribs and you get broken ribs!

As he kicks him

Fiona: why is he hostile to the Shark Guy?

Spectre: he doesn't know who's underneath and even if he does it's to toughen him up.

Jaune Reborn: Dope, does he realize that Arc is one of us?

Oscar: probably not, probably he thinks he's a racist shark.

Then they all went to the BBQ and enjoyed themselves with Jaune Arc quickly recovering and adapting

Weiss was there enjoying her time with her daughter while Jaune picks Elsa up for upsies

Weiss was surprised to see a version of herself without a Scar now she wants to see the Saiyan world

Willow smiled at her Grand Baby

Winter smiles at the loving family

He puts Elsa back down as she walks towards her mommy

Elsa: Mama!

Weiss: come here dear let's get you washed up.

Jaune Saiyan sees him eating with half of the Shark Suit off

Jaune Saiyan: didn't I say broken ribs?

Jaune Arc: I broke em.

Jaune Saiyan: You Wise Ass.

Coco: boy Jaune can be sassy at times.

Velvet ears twitches

Pyrrha: there were instances when he gets like that.

Ren: do you mean when he doesn't get his coffee?

Pyrrha: oh not that....please Ren we don't want to relive the horror of Jaune not getting his coffee.

Ruby: it can't be that bad?

Spectre had a glint in his eyes

Then the day passed and new nonsense appears on a constant basis

Now we see the insides of a Pokemon Center

Oscar: alright were finally here, The Pokemon Center.

Jaune Reborn: oh great, what's this place for?

Oscar: well I taught you to catch a Pokemon and I also taught you to battle one but it's very important to heal your Pokemon after every battle.

Jaune Reborn: so that's why you brought me here to heal Heal Pokemon we haven't even battled today Oscar, Jiggly Puff is fine.

Jiggly Puff: yeah bro I'm chillin.

Then Oscar hits him with a spiked bat

Jiggly Puff: oh my fucking ***!!!!!

Jaune Reborn: Oscar what the hell!?

Oscar: relax Reborn he'll be fine, it develops Character.

Then he winds up and *Smack*

Jiggly Puff: I can't feel my fucking legs oh my oum!

Reborn just stares then looks at the audience

A Few Moments Later

We see a beat up Jiggly Puff staring Oscar dead in the eye

Oscar: see he's good as new. He's healed and ready for another battle. It's important to heal your Pokemon, they appreciate you for it.

Jiggly Puff: I hope you burn in hell!

Jaune Reborn: yeah and that Jiggly Puff just loves you.

Sun: no he doesn't.

Neptune: it's called sarcasm look it up.

Neo: wow he became sassy.

Roman: well these worlds are a huge wake up call and I mean for all of us.

Oscar: yeah and I'll show you how to get one to evolve.

As he pulls out a Glock

Jiggly Puff: ah shit he's packing heat!

One Moment Later

They were outside Reborn is wearing an Ash Ketchum Hat

Jaune Reborn: Oscar I think I learned everything I need to know about Pokemon. I think I can take on a Gym Leader.

Oscar: whoa now Reborn we have just begun okay, youryou're Jiggly Puff hasn't evolved yet.

Jaune Reborn: we'll maybe I have faith that my Jiggly Puff can take on the Gym Leader.

Jiggly Puff: damn, you hear that? That's what you call trust mother fucker!

Oscar gives him the side eye then turns and pulls out a bat for another smack

Willow: oh that poor thing.

Whitley: leave it alone you hooligan!

Winter smiles at the family getting more comfortable with one another

Jiggly Puff: Oh Oum! my fucking legs! Oh shit not again man. Oh fuck....

Oscar: and that's called character development.

Ruby: that's called bullying you big fat jerk!!!!

Yang: well there she goes. But I agree I hate bullies.

Cardin: if that's the case what stopped you from kicking my ass Xiao Long?

Yang: ah....

Blake: yeah join the party Yang were all guilty.

Velvet just fidgets

Coco then bonks Cardin over the head

Cardin: I deserve that.

Weiss: we deserve that too.

Jaune Reborn: Oscar.

Oscar: look Reborn if you're Jiggly Puff can't handle my bat breaking it's legs three times in a row how.... Hold on one second.

As he smacks him again

Fiona: Stop it!!!!!

Penny: that boy has an odd sense of training.

Pietro: don't follow his example honey, please.

Penny: yes Father.

Oscar: I don't think he's ready to face the gym leader.

Jaune Reborn: Oscar don't you think you're being a little you know...

Oscar: what? Is this too Gentle?

He asked as he pulled out a gun again

Jaune Reborn: What!? Oum No!!!!

Then he shot Jiggly Puff repeatedly

Oscar: well that was productive see you tomorrow Reborn.

Then we fade to black

Maria: well that escalated in 2 seconds.

Robyn: that kid shouldn't have a gun.

Qrow: especially with his obvious brain damage.

Ruby: I feel bad for Jiggly Puff.

Then the next day

( Rest in Peace Slick Goku )

They were teleported to a different Planet

Jaune Reborn: alright why did one of most gangster furries in the multiverse dragged me to Namek?

Slick Goku: if you call me a Furry again I'm gonna break your legs.

Oscar: I really like this guy Reborn.

The the Prince arrives

Jaune Saiyan: if your both done, can we get on with this.

Jaune Reborn: well well the Prince himself and what trouble you can possibly be in.

Jaune Saiyan: to be simple chicken wings, we need you and that idiot boy to help us.

Oscar: you unfortunate soul.

Jaune Reborn: yeah couldn't you have seriously thought of better options?

Slick Goku: Ey Man word on the street that you deal with this type of bullshit on the daily. They're no one better but you.

Jaune Reborn: alright what's the problem?

Slick Goku: the apocalypse.

Ozpin blew his coffee as he coughs he asks

Ironwood: that can't be good.

Glynda: what tipped you off genius?

Ozpin: is it Salem?

Salem: why is it that when something bad happens it's automatically me?

Ozpin and Spectre gave her a stare

Salem just crossed her arms and huffed

Oscar: well shit, we have been through apocalyptic events already.

Jaune Reborn: yes this is indeed facts and I can only replace the Arena so many times so I want it not destroyed this time if possible.

Ren: he did see the end of his world, literally.

Pyrrha: I'm worried about him.

Nora: fearless Leader doesn't deserve that kind of pain.

Spectre: no one does.

Jaune Saiyan: well this one is really really bad.

Jaune Reborn: okay how bad we talking?

Oscar: are we talking The Avatar the Last Airbender Bad? Or are we talking Dragon Ball Evolution Bad?

Slick Goku: They're both SHIT!!!!

Oscar: yeah well personally I think that Avatar at least tried with the direction.

Jaune Reborn: Oscar you can't be Fucking serious!?

Oscar: what? It's my opinion.

Elm: are they talking about movies?

Vine: I believe so yeah.

Clover: man I wanna watch a Jet Fighter Movie.

Spectre: uhhhh.....

Jaune Reborn: and it's Fucking Wrong.

Jaune Saiyan: can you idiots shut the hell up and listen!? We need your help stopping an ancient Evil. Something that's too great for Me and that Clown over there to handle.

Jaune Reborn: and their name is?

Then the Screen fades

Ruby: WHAT!? That can't be it!

Spectre: hold your horses here's a cookie.

Ruby: yay!

She then gobbles them down

We now return to the party

Jaune Reborn: Just grab Goku's ugly ass face and let's go waste this mother fucker!

Saphron: jeez this Jaune is really that hard with the slurs.

Terra: I hope Adrian isn't like that when he grows up.

Adrian blew a raspberry at them

Terra: Adrian! stop.

Jaune Saiyan: fine, and for the record I'm fucking beautiful.

Neptune: well that came out from nowhere.

Sun: says the guy who compliments himself looking in a mirror.

Neptune: well I'm done with that Phase, and your one to talk mister My Abs are fabulous.

Roman: ooh Burn.

Neo just giggles at the roasting fest from time to time as she got more popcorn

Then they teleport to a desolate waste land

Slick Goku: this place looks like shit.

Jaune Saiyan: that's him the once ancient evil none as Shrek.


Jaune Reborn: so somebody mind telling me why are we encountering this guy now?

As Oscar waves at the audience

Nebula: hold on can he see us like that Doom guy?

Neon: best not tempt fate.

Pyrrha: yeah let's not.

Jaune Saiyan: the seal that used to imprison him has weakened due to the abuse of this area, so now he's your problem!

Shrek: hey you chuckle heads! What happened to my swamp!?

Nora: uh oh he's angry.

Ren: this might be bad for our heroes.

Blake: you sound like a story teller.

Ren: yes I wrote an amazing piece.

He looks to the Audience especially the True RWBY fans

( All Hail Monty )

Oscar: welp looks like we got his attention.

Jaune Reborn: your Swamp? This place hasn't been a swamp for years it was destroyed a long long time ago in another Story far far away.

Shrek: you mortals destroyed my swamp? Then I'll take your heads as reparation.

Yang: well that got dark pretty fast.

Weiss: I believe it's a common thing in this Multiverse.

Jaune Reborn: okay I think he's pissed.

Oscar: now what?

Jaune Reborn: let's get a feel for his power.

Jaune Saiyan: Enough of this!!!!

AS he transforms into Super Saiyan and blasts towards Shrek with a Kick to the head but it didn't even faze him

Shrek: so your the first to die.

Arslan: WHAT!?

Yang: now that's some bullshit.

Ruby: but he was one of the strongest....

Spectre: like I told you Ruby no matter how strong or fast you are there will be always someone ahead of you, the one thing you can be the most of...

Blake: is the most prepared.

Spectre: good good, now here have some smoked salmon.

Blake took the plate and enjoyed herself finally ignoring her Cat like urges but the Smut will linger on

As he charges an attack and sends him flying past the Super Crew

Jaune Saiyan: well he can handle a Super Saiyan.

Slick Goku: Dope, my turn.

As he turns Super Saiyan Blue and charges a powerful Kamehameha

Sun: a what? And why do I get the feeling that there is something up with that guy?

Spectre: ( because your a Discount Son Goku and Monkey King that your only appeal is abs. )

Slick Goku: KA - ME - HA - ME -


As he blasts Shrek straight to the face

And he emerges unscathed

Nora: C'MON! What does it takes to Hurt this guy!?

Shrek: you call that an attack? Let me show you the true power of an Ogre!!!!

As he blasts Slick away as he crashes back to the ground

Jaune Reborn: fuck your turn Oscar.

Oscar: well here we go.

As he charges up and dashes towards him only to be mildly punched and gets knocked down

Oscar: Well so much for working as a team....

Shrek: oh? So you can watch I destroy the rest of your world.

Then as a different man with odd clothes was now facing the Ogre

Salem: what is happening?

Spectre: to put it simply it's a fusion of Jaune Saiyan and Slick Goku.

Penny: fusion?

Spectre: they joined bodies and transform into a Stronger Version than the sum of his parts.

Pietro: What an interesting concept.....fusion.....

Spectre: ( why do I get the feeling someone is thinking of Power Rangers?)

Shrek: hmmm impressive light show however it doesn't matter how many times you change your look inside you bleed the same!!!

As he powers up

Slick Jauku: I'm neither Jaune nor Slick Goku I am Slick Jauku and I'm the one who is gonna fuck you up!!!!

And the two Titans duke it out

Then Slick Jauku Powers up and became a deeper shade of Blue

Shrek: are you serious? Another color change? How about you stop changing outfits and HIT ME HARDER!!!!

Slick Jauku: well if you say so. KAIO KEN!!!!!

Shrek: Kaio what!?

He then vanishes and teleports back in front of Shrek as he gave him the mother of all gut punches as and blasts him away and then he prepares for another attack

Slick Jauku: GALICK.....GUUUUUN!!!!!!!!

Sun: garlic?

We then see Shrek in space as he coughs out blood

Tai: really he punched him so hard he's in outer space in just a couple of seconds!?

Qrow: what? you jealous.

Tai: no.

Summer: yes he is.

Raven: he so is.

Shrek: okay that one caught me by surprise, the hell is tha.....

He was then engulfed in light and the surrounding area on the ground crumbles

Mercury: man I don't want to be him.

Tyrian: Bravo good fight everyone well done!

Watts: sit down you psycho!

Slick Jauku reveled in his victory giving the two a thumbs up but it was short lived as Shrek returned upon entry and crashed in front of our hero and Blasts him away grinding into the ground as he was knocked out


Marrow: Man what does it take to Beat this guy!!!?

Harriet: man this is getting intense.

Shrek: see you idiots are already at max power hehe as for me I'm just warming up.

Gwen: REALLY!?

Klein: this is not looking good I hope Reborn has something off his sleeve.

Shrek: if I can't have my swamp, no one can.

As the Environment reacts wildly to the ogres power

Jaune Reborn: so is this the part where we help out or what?

Oscar: I'm tapped out.

He exhales from the floor

Jaune Reborn: damn it, I guess I'm supposed to buy time.

Oscar: yep.

He the charges his Aura to the Max and used his Replica Magic and summoned multiple weapons and engaged Shrek

Funny enough Shrek humored him and stood still receiving blow after blow but as Reborn continues to hit him his Replica Weapons just shatter upon contact as Shrek yawns

Shrek: you done?

Jaune Reborn: uhhh...

Shrek then cracks his knuckles and smiles my Turn

Shrek beats and batters Reborn

Cath: STOP!!!!!

Saphron: C'MON LITTLE BRO!!!!!

Terra shielded little Adrian's eyes

Adrian: Papa....*sniff*

John: let me at em let me at em!!!!

As Tai, Qrow and Ghira holds him back

Ghira: this isn't looking too good, I hope Jauku recovers faster for his sake.

Oscar stood up and looked at the downed Slick Jauku

And Reborn gets floored

Oscar: if you guys aren't too busy taking a nap! We need your HELP!!!!

Shrek: any final words?

Oscar: I am Hilarious and you will quote everything I say.

He then looks to the side as we see a Bald Man in a Suit

Oscar: did I nail it?

Takahata101: NAILED IT!

Yang: wow I love saying that too.

Shrek: what the hell is even going on!?

Then a pillar of light erupts from the distance we see Jauku came out and he had Silver Hair and Silver Eyes

Ozpin: hold on is that Silver Eyes like the Tribe?

Spectre: no it's an extremely difficult technique that even Gods of Destruction have a hard time attaining.

Salem: what is it?

Spectre: no it's an extremely difficult technique that even Gods of Destruction have a hard time attaining.

It is called Ultra Instinct, an ability to allow the body to autonomously react, counter or attack without the need of thought.

Oobleck: that is interesting, it's like when a bug lands on you, You don't have to think it but your body just slaps the area where it was.

Spectre: yes take that and crank it up to 11.

Port: my word! Truly a Master of Instincts!!!!!

Shrek: it can't be....

Oscar: Master Ultra Instinct!

Slick Jauku made quick work of Shrek with a Gigantic Blast like he was nothing

( Imagine what Gogeta did to Super Broly )

Shrek: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Mercury: WOW just like that!?

Emerald: I wouldn't want to be caught in that.

Roman: you and me sister.

Then the screen fades to black

Spectre: well this is a special part as we see what's it like in Reborn's world

The scene transitioned to a lush grass land

Jaune Arc walks and finds the ruin of a walled City - Formerly known as Argus as a Tower was built there

Jaune Reborn: before we go inside I want to show you something.

They walk through the empty streets as building were somewhat still standing and some looks like was rebuilt

Jaune Arc: this is Argus....

Saphron and Terra's hearts drop knowing they were all gone and Jaune was left to live in this hell hole and he chose their home town to stay in, it might be for the memories or the guilt

Jaune Reborn: I restored it myself Archeology is one of my hobbies.

They walk upon the graves of the Cotta-Arc Family

Jaune Arc was shocked to see

Jaune Reborn: you should go see your Son one day......I never had a chance to say goodbye.

Adrian was beginning to cry as both Saphron and Terra comforts him

Adrian: *sob* Papa.....*sob*

Jaune Arc: why are we doing this?

Jaune Reborn: so you won't make the same mistakes I did. First we Lost Yang....then Blake.....then Weiss and finally.....

He looks down as a single tear fell

Jaune Reborn: Ruby...

Jaune Arc: you love her?

Ruby blushed in her seat

Spectre: you guys need to sort this out your Jaune has yet to develop such feeling but he is seeing the possibilities with the variants he has met.

The girls all looked at each other for a moment then back at the screen

Jaune Arc: tell me did we get HER in the end?

Jaune Reborn: eventually it took me years of turning every rock and crevice of this World and when I cornered her....I saw a different part of myself.

Then it went dark....

Jaune Arc: and?

Jaune Reborn: She paid the price...bit by bit....piece by piece and when she had nothing left I burned her alive and kept healing her while she burns until my Aura couldn't heal her anymore.

She burned for 6 days.

Jaune Arc: good.

Jaune Reborn: it was never for enjoyment....it was for closure. Remember that. We don't want you becoming an evil version.

Jaune Arc: yes, I promise I won't. What now?

Jaune Reborn: lunch?

We now cut into the Kitchen of Reborn's home as he whips up a meal

Jaune Reborn: sorry about the mess I try to tidy up a bit.

Arc looks at the collection of Remnants History in the Estate

Jaune Arc: you did all this?

Jaune Reborn: every bit, I have a long time to tinker. You have to keep busy or you'll go mad.

Ozpin: indeed.

Salem: what he says is the truth.

The others took the lesson and decides what they will do in the future

Arc picks up a book on Life Strategies Coping with yourself

Jaune Arc: self help books? You don't seem the type.

Jaune Reborn: I read whatever I can find, anyway I've got issues with the End of the World and all.

Hope your Hungry.

The two then have a good Lunch break before they return to the bullshit

Arc was just enjoying the spread

Jaune Reborn: like it? I grew all the food myself, House Garden View.

Then the windows fade and shows a massive crop outside the Tower

Jaune Arc: some Garden.

Jaune Reborn: I spent quite a Lot of time rediscovering the principles of Agriculture, something to do.

Then the screen went dark

Pyrrha: that Jaune has it rough.

Ren: you think? He spent 10,000 years alone and all he had for company is himself.

Nora: yeah the hilarious adventures was a good change for him and I think he doesn't mind.

Pyrrha: I hope he is, but we'll be there for him.

Ren: yeah, for Jaune.

Nora: for fearless Leader!

The Arcs smiles at the loyalty of Jaune's team family

Then we cut to Oscar on a field looking ready for a fight

Oscar: alright let's see how far you're training has come Reborn.

Jaune Reborn: Jiggly Puff you ready!?

Jiggly Puff: JIGGLY PUFF!

Oscar: Glockachu are you ready!?

Pikachu pulls out a Glock

Jaune Reborn: COME ONE!

Oscar: Glockachu Pop a cap in his ass!!!

Jaune Reborn: Jiggly Puff Dodge!

Oscar: shit he's too fast!

Jaune Reborn: that's right Oscar my Jiggly Puff is fast enough to dodge bullets that's right your guns won't do any good.

Oscar: oh yeah!? Glockachu use intimidation!

Pikachu just flips the gun sideways


Qrow: really that's all?

Winter: with the amount of ridiculous moments we have seen this is nothing.

Jiggly Puff: oh yo man this shit just got real pass the Piece.

Reborn just stares at him

Jiggly Puff: please tell me you have a Piece?

Annnnd Reborn just gave him a Peace Sign

Raven: that's not what he MEANT!!!!

Spectre: he doesn't use guns so why would he be packing?

Summer: you have point there.

Oscar: you fought well Jiggly Puff but now unfortunately you must face my two legendries my Ak-47 with Extendo Mags.

Jiggly Puff: Oh man! Not the fucking Extendos Man!!!!

Elm: damn I really want to go back and play COD.

Marrow: me too.

Neptune: you guys play COD!?

Sun: let's join a Lobby!

Dew: count us in!

Octavia: well Smoke you Monkey boy.

May: oh I want in I wanna go on a shooting spree.

Penny: oh I played that game before, but I didn't have a party.

Ruby: you can join us Penny!

Penny: sensational.

Oscar: do you have any last words before I end this Pokemon Battle?

Jiggly Puff: uhhh Star Platinum?

Oscar: really Star Platinum, yeah not gonna lie those are really some stupid last words.

Until a muscly dude appeared and gave Oscar a Punching Barrage


Yang: man I wanna learn that!

Blake: *sigh* all brawn and no brain.

Weiss: isn't that obvious on day one?

Jaune Reborn: well that was one hell of a plot twist but at least we won.

Jiggly Puff: you right man, we wasted that mother fucker! I don't want to stop here man I wanna keep training, I want to become stronger and I'm gonna promise you I'm gonna evolve mother fucker!

Jaune Reborn: let's do it together Puff Daddy.

Jiggly Puff: you damn right would you do the honors man?

As he hands him a Bat

Arslan: uhhhh.

Neon: no way.

Reese: he's a masochist!

Jaune Reborn: It will be a fucking privilege.

And then the screen pans to the sunset as we hear a smack and AH! my fucking leg!

May: I guess you were right Reese.

Now we are taken to a floating Island

Blake: it's like those Fantasy novels.

Weiss: I wonder what mess they'll get themselves into.

Yang: you worried your husband will get in the crossfire like last time?

Weiss: Yang Xiao Long I swear I will Shave you BALD!!!!

Spectre( BALD! BALD! MY EYEEEEEESSSSS!!!! - he looks into another universe where Cardin pranked Yang by shaving her bald )

Cardin: why do I suddenly feel like an asshole?

Fiona: must be your imagination, just don't think about it.

Oscar: behold Reborn the Master Emerald!

Penny: is this related to the Ultimate Lifeform Story?

Spectre: why yes Penny but we won't see him here.

Ruby: awwww.

Yang: what's the matter Rubes disappointed?

Ruby: Weiss I'll hold her down and you shave.

Weiss: with pleasure.

Yang: okay! Okay! I'll cut it out! Hah?

Everyone just groans at the pun except for Tai

Jaune Reborn: yeah that looks Super Tacky.

Oscar: what!? It's the source of Ultimate Power.

Jaune Reborn: the source of Ultimate Power? And it's just out here!?

Oscar: of course not it's guarded by furries.

As a wild Faunus Sonic and Tails appeared

Kali: it's good to see more Faunus on screen.

Sienna: we have seen Branwen here and there.

Ilia: it's nice to see them get along.

Jaune Reborn: what the hell are they gonna do? No Ki, No Guns and definitely No Women. So what are they gonna do?

Sonic: I mean we have chilidogs.

Reborn just slaps it away while Sonic had an existential crisis

Fiona: well that's rude.

Cardin: I've seen worse.

Velvet just glares at him but he was trying to improve so she let it go but Coco wasn't so forgiving

Jaune Reborn: fuck your chilidog. Oscar why are we here? Because if they need help guarding this thing, I refuse.

Tails: actually we have Knuckles for that.

Jaune Reborn: what?

Then the Real Knuckles arrives behind him

Reborn turned while he had a panicked expression on his face

Whitley: hey doesn't that guy look familiar?

Willow: now that you mentioned it I feel like we have seen him before.

Winter: Oh! It's that stubby little creature that keeps clicking.

Ruby: awww that cute little guy...wait his name is Ugandan Knuckles!

Blake: and it seems like Jaune has some PTSD because of it.

Ruby: why? He was a nice guy.

Knuckles: hello. I am Knuckles the last of the Ech.

Jaune Reborn: I DON'T KNOW THE WAY!!!!

Oscar: relax Reborn relax it's okay sorry he has this thing with Echidnas.

Knuckles: I totally understand I am extremely intimidating.

Jaune Reborn: stop fucking clicking....stop fucking clicking...

Oscar: relax Jaune he's not gonna Meme you he's harmless look at him he's what are you doing Knuckles?

Knuckles: forgive me I'm attempting to solve this...what is this?

Oscar: A Rubrics cube?

Knuckles: The cube of Rubik a worthy opponent indeed our battle will be Legendary!

Jaune Reborn: Put that Fucking thing down or I Swear to Oum!

Oscar: okay Jaune it's clear that you're experiencing a Mental Breakdown sooo I think it's best we leave.

Cath: what has that Ugandan Knuckles done to my son!?

Spectre: he Meme'd him so hard he has Trauma.

Mercury: damn and here I love Memes.

Tails: I can help you guys off the island if you'd like.

Oscar: nah it's okay we'll manage, c'mon Jaune.

Knuckles you guys sure? Do You Even Know the Way?

Reborn was walking away until he heard that Memorable Question annnnd...

Oscar: Jaune....

We hear the question Echo and Then we can hear glass breaking

Neo: uh-oh... this is gonna be good.

Roman: boy get ready for you ass whooping.

Jaune Reborn: Do I Know the Way? *chuckle* Do I Know the Way? Haha


As he charges up an attack aimed at the Red Echidna


Then the world slowed down and only Sonic was moving

Ruby: hey it's like Shadow's Chaos Control!

Spectre: he's not using it he's using his pure speed but as you can see the world is still moving not frozen.

Ironwood: he's right so it's just fast enough to slow it down not full on stop it. Impressive.

Sonic: *sigh*

He looks to the sky and saw a chilidog but it was Jaune Arc flying to him handing him one

Jaune Arc: for the homie.

Oscar: so okay full disclosure I kinda knew Reborn would freak out but I wasn't expecting that it would be this bad.

Sonic: well at least I still have you Chilidog.

Oscar: really?

Sonic: I am at peace.

Salem: It's like Ozma and his damned Cocoa.

Glynda: and Ozpin and his damned Coffee.

Knuckles: haha! It is done! I have solved the fabled Cube of Rubik I stand over your Relic young man. Do you here me Reborn? I have dominated you're Cube of....

He didn't get to finish as he was blasted away

Mercury and Roman: DAAAAMN! That's Hot!

Neptune: More like Scorching.

Then we transition to a Pokemon Arena

Oscar: alright Reborn now we're going to test everything you learned.

Jaune Reborn: okay sweet Jiggly Puff are you ready?

Jiggly Puff: Jiggly Puff.

Maria: well he appears more confident.

Raven: must've trained really hard.

Oscar: Juan are you ready?

Juan: Ci.

Jaune Reborn: alright Jiggly Puff use Mega Kick!

Jiggly Puff: jiggly puff!

As he leaps into the air and descends upon his foe


Oscar: Juan Dodge and use Latino Thunder!

Juan: Psyche Pendejo! Pikachu!!!!

He then sends a stream of Electricity and hits Jiggly Puff and it was super effective

Oscar: okay seriously that was pathetic have you learned nothing?

(Play Naruto OST - Sadness and Sorrow )

Jiggly Puff: why can't I evolve? I've gone through all the fucking training man it's been like 2 months?

May: oh a Time Skip? And 2 months? Man that Jiggly Puff sure can work.

Arslan: nothing beats hard work.

Harriet: how about talent?

Clover: it's no substitute to discipline.

Jaune Reborn: uh maybe we are not hitting Hard enough?

Jiggly Puff: get the bat Jaune.

Jaune Reborn: I got it.

Jiggly Puff: ooh my fucking legs!

Juan just looks in shock as his fellow Pokemon gets a beatdown

Juan: I'm sorry Amigo forgive me for asking but why the bat?

Jaune Reborn: so check this out Juan Oscar found the secret to cheating the system it's all about how Pokemon work think about it really think about it you either kick someone's ass or get your ass kicked and after all that damage where do you go?

That's right you heal up at the Pokemon Center and you repeat until you evolve but this new process is a whole lot faster thanks to the brilliant mind of Oscar Pine.

That and I hit way Harder.

Juan: oh yes this is true but he's a Jiggly Puff yes?

Summer: uh-oh.

Kali: I don't like where this is going.

Raven: don't tell me.

Willow: oh boy here we go.

Juan: and Jiggly Puffs uses Moon Stones to evolve no?

Jiggly Puff recovers with an angry expression

Jiggly Puff: I'm sorry what?

Summer: I KNEW IT!!!!


Oscar: welp see you tomorrow Reborn!

Then we found ourselves in the woods with a Tied up Oscar in a chair

( Play Bleach OST - Never Meant to Belong )

Oscar: ugh. Where am I?

We then se Jiggly Puff readies his Piece

Jiggly Puff: we knew this was coming.

Oscar: well well Jiggly Puff.

Jiggly Puff: you two-legged ass deceitful minor ass mother fu...

Oscar: whoa whoa! Calm down I have deceived no one I did what I said I was gonna do I made you stronger.

Jiggly Puff: you said that you would help me evolve man!

Oscar: okay it's a work in progress.

Jiggly just cocks the gun

Jiggly Puff: Bullshit! You a con-artist!

Oscar: that I am not my method works Jiggly Puff okay I beat the shit out of you with a bat, I heal you and then I do it again rinse and repeat you get stronger and I get paid we're both happy.

Nebula: that is a painful way to improve.

Octavia: and people complain about our survival of the fittest traditions.

Jiggly Puff: but you failed to mention that I needed a Moon Stone!

He pulls out a Bat and swats Oscar in the face

Oscar: ow what the fuck! Okay it must have slipped my mind I'm sorry!

Jiggly Puff: do you have any idea what it's like man? You broke my fucking nubs!

Oscar: well I mean...

Jiggly Puff: I had to roll around like a...like a crippled ball of sadness man! Imagine not trying to drown every time it fucking rains because you can't walk so you just fucking roll everywhere man.

Saphron: for a cute little thing he can cuss like a sailor.

Terra made sure to keep the Noise Cancelling earmuffs on Adrian

Oscar: alright but your literally the shape of a ball it couldn't have been that hard for you.

Then in rage Jiggly shot near Oscar but not hit him

Jiggly Puff: THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!!!

Marrow: whoa whoa!

Elm: talk about hostage taking.

Oscar: you're right I wanted to make sure you're the best level you could be before you evolved.

He cocks the gun again

Jiggly Puff: Muthafucka I'm Level 3!!!!!

Oscar: Oum damn it okay...

He pulls out a rock

Vine: I do believe he's gonna trick him.

Clover: if he does he's a dead man.

Oscar: here take the Moon Stone!

He throws it at him as Jiggly receives it

Jiggly Puff: wai what!? *crying* Finally it's the best day of my life!

Oscar: by the way I like you're cut G.

As he slaps him and he takes the Moon Stone and evolves Jiggly Puff into....

The Screen went Dark

Coco: hey we wanted to see what he evolved into!

Spectre: don't blame me it's the Multiverse showing you it's just a transition relax. Are you're period?

Coco blushes and sits back down

Velvet: not so funny huh?

Then the screen now shows back to Reborn's Arena

Oscar: so what's the plan?

Jaune Reborn: Oscar what happened to my Arena!?

It was converted into a Pokemon Arena

Oscar: holy shit would you look at that, what? What? Don't look at me I can't afford this shit.

???: Surprise Muthafucka.

Then they look to see a big Jiggly Puff?

Oscar: is that Jiggly Puff?

Then he get stoned in the head knocking him down

Wiggly Tuff: Jiggly Puff is no longer my name man, I have evolved Muthafucka. I'm Stronger Thiccer and 10x more deadly.

Ruby: I would have prefered Jiggly Puff.

Yang: me too.

Blake: me three.

Jaune Reborn: okay...but did you have to replace my Oum damn ring!?

Oscar: don't worry Reborn I've got this covered Juan!

Juan: buenas aires senior Oscar perdoname for today I am off, please leave me to my Latino activities.

As he plays Super Smash Brothers

Oscar: well there goes that plan.

Wiggly Tuff: ready to get your ass whooped?

Oscar: do it pussy no balls!

Cardin: man these guys are nuts.

Yang: oh you haven't seen Neptune yet.


Cardin: what crawled up his ass?

Jaune Reborn: Oscar he is a Pokemon.

Oscar: oh right right No Pokeballs!

Wiggly Tuff: be careful what you ask for.

Then the screen was blinded by a white light and Wiggly Tuff got Swol

Oscar: what the fuck they make steroids for Pokemon!

Then Oscar finally got his Ass Beat and the last thing we see is Oscar in the Hospital then the screen went Dark

Salem: it seems Wiggly Tuff finally got his revenge.

Ozpin: a well earned revenge.

We return to the Reborn Arena as Oscar was chilling on a pile of guns

Oscar: hey Reborn.

Jaune Reborn: what the? Oscar where di you get all those guns?

Oscar: a Faunus version of you sold them to me for carrots.

Jaune Reborn: I'm sorry what the fuck?

Oscar: check it out.

They look to a building obstructing the arena

Jaune Reborn: ah Oum Damn it! How are people trespassing into my property!?

We the see inside to see a Jaune with rabbit ears

Velvet's ear stiffens and fidgets

Coco: oh? Are you going into heat?

Velvet: do you want a pie in the face?

Coco: okay there Feisty....

Jaune Bunny: ahh what's up doc?

Jaune Reborn: first you trespass into my property and you sell a bunch of illegal weapons to my pet Idiot!? Do you have any idea what you've done!?

Jaune Bunny: well I assure you sire we conduct full background checks.

We see Oscar rampaging outside with a chainsaw

Neon: well this has just gotten more chaotic. Who's that?

Spectre: Jaune Bunny aka Bugs Bunny who just fools around and especially get into a fight with a duck Faunus known as Neppy Duck aka Neptune Duck.

Neptune: I'm afraid to ask....

Spectre: they're a slap stick comedic duo.

Ruby: oh I love those kinds of cartoons!

Jaune Reborn: you took advantage of my Idiot's blood lust! I want him to return all the weapons and I want you to return all the money back.

Jaune Bunny: does you're idiot have a receipt?

Jaune Reborn: how the hell should I know?

Oscar: oh hey Reborn, hey do you have any Napalm?

Jaune Bunny: 2 carrots please.

Oscar: lit see ya later Reborn.

Jaune Reborn: what? What are you doing!? You have some balls pulling that shit in front of me. I will not ask again.

Jaune Bunny: alright doc you convinced me, can you do me a favor at least give me some feedback.

As he pulls out a towel

Neo smiles at this

Jaune Reborn: uh what?

Jaune Bunny: does this smell like Chloroform to you?

As he shoves the towel in Reborn's face

Roman: oh shit can't believe he fell for that.

Neo: oh what will he do next?

Reborn was knocked the fuck out

Jaune Bunny then made his exit while he wiggles his eye brows

Oscar was outside aiming at a dog but he didn't realize who it was when Jaune Bunny tapped his shoulder he looks back at him and shoots the poor dog

Oscar: oh hey Bugs how are you doing?

Jaune Bunny: I don't mean to disturb your activities doc but I gotta bounce. I can't help but notice that you're a fan of explosives I uhhh wanted my shop to go out with a bang

Saphron: hold on Jaune is still in there!

John: he'll be fine.

Adrian: ahahahah Papa bunny funny!!!!

Terra just tickles him to get his attention away from the ongoing violence

Jaune Bunny: would you do the honors?

Oscar: oh hell fucking yes! ah YEET!

As he threw the grenade and blew the shack to kingdom come

Oscar: YAAAAAAY!!!!! Where the hell is Reborn? He's missing all of this.

Jaune Bunny: see you later doc.

Oscar: bye Bugs.

As we hear Reborn screaming as he crashes back to terra firma

Oscar: oh hey there Reborn, you missed the fireworks. Reborn? Reborn?

Sun: man he got the shit knocked out of him.

Neptune: so that version is much more of a trickster.

We return to the Arena as something crashes on it and we begin to hear Heavy Metal Music

Jaune Reborn: holy shit who is that?

Jaune Arc: he's Aggressive that's what he is.

Oscar: oh Oum now that's someone you don't want to mess with.

Jaune Revorn: ahahah please Oscar I'm sure we can take him.

Oscar: uhh we? Sorry but there is no we in this one. See you later Reborn

Nora TRAITOR!!!!!!

Ren: Nora Calm down please and let's see where this goes.

Pyrrha: this is gonna be brutal since this is Jaune Slayer were talking about.

Jaune Reborn: what the? Traitor! No matter I've dealt with this type before I'll be fine.

Mercury: famous last words.

Emerald: well say goodbye to your limbs.

Amber: well this is getting from bad to worse.

Jaune Reborn: alright Mister whatever your name is BRING IT.

Then the scene shakes zooming into their faces but Jaune Slayer walks past him

Jaune Reborn: uhh hello? The fuck!?

Port: oh? I thought it was gonna be a challenge match.

Spectre: he's not the one he has beef.

Penny remembers something

Penny: the dog Oscar Shot!

Ruby: what is it Penny?

Penny: that dog is Slayer's best friend!

Spectre: well rip Oscar.

Oscar: uh hi?

Jaune Slayer: RIP AND TEAR!

Oscar: uh what?

Jaune Slayer then began punching him into a bloody pulp

Adam: hey is he gonna tell anymore jokes? Or is he gonna beat Oscar for the rest of the day?

Oscar then went flying hitting glass

Jaune Reborn: yeah it might be the rest of the day.

Adam: cool I'll stay and watch.

Oscar: Oum damn it guys don't just stand there HELP MEEEEE!!!!!

Harriet: well he gets what he deserved.

Elm: he's boned.

Jaune Slayer was starting up his Chainsaw

Jaune Reborn: well sorry Oscar this is the end for you.

Oscar: Oum Damn it Jaune! AGHHH!!!!!!!

Chainsaw ripping was all that can be heard

Arslan: well one good turn deserves another.

Reese: he deserved it for shooting poor Isabelle.

The World opened up to a sky scraper in Nexus City as our Heroes take a break

Jaune Reborn: let me remind you if something bad happens to you I won't save you.

Oscar: ahh the City you smell that Reborn?

Jaune Reborn: what? Air?

Oscar: nothing like it Reborn you just take in the Musk you know?

As he inhales loudly

Robyn: what is wrong with him?

Fiona: he's like on drugs or something.

Klein: well that is not weird in this world.

Jaune Reborn: what is wrong with you!?

???: and Cut. Alright guys good job. Let's wrap it up.

Jaune Reborn: is that Arc?

Jaune Arc: hey guys what are you doing in the city?

Jaune Reborn: Oscar's bright Idea of an adventure what are you doing?

Jaune Arc: I do have other interests you know, in fact I'm directing a Movie.

Weiss: what?

Velvet got interested when Jaune said he had other interests

Coco: my Jauney boy has some interesting hobbies.

Ruby: Ooh! I wonder what it is?

Raven: better not be a Western.

Yang: what's wrong with Westerns.

Raven: it's all you and Tai would watch I want some other shows damn it.

Tai: not our fault they're classics.

Qrow: Moderation would go a long way.

Tai: said the man who Drinks like a fish.

Qrow: I walked into that one didn't I?

Summer: you made your bed now sleep in it.

Jaune Reborn: you're directing a Movie?

Jaune Arc: yeah the Next Godzilla V.S King Kong!

Oscar: NO WAY!

Jaune Arc: oh yes way, and it's dropping soon.

Roman: what the actual fuck!?

Neo: this is interesting.

Winter: a Monster Flick? You got my attention.

Cath: aww my little baby boy is showing his creative side.

Saphron: yeah he's always been the artistic one.

Terra: he made his own book right?

Saphron: yeah what was the Title?

Spectre: ( OH SHIT!!!!)

Before he could silence them they were able to blurt it out

Saphron: ah! Ninjas of Love!

Blake looked at them with wide eyes and so does Kali

Blake then pounced on them

Blake: Can you get Jaune to sign my book!?

Cath: we can do better we can give you multiple fresh Volumes since we have a lot since it's popular in all the Kingdoms.

Blake: I am not worthy.

As she bows down and Kali just laughs

Jaune Reborn: Arc what the fuck is wrong with you!?

Jaune Arc: Reborn this is a Masterpiece.

Jaune Reborn: Arc if you release this Film I'm sending you to the Hospital.

Jaune Arc: that's alright I'll be Rich enough to cover the Medical Bills.

As Reborn kicks him off the roof


Spectre: don't worry he'll be fine.

Oscar: alrighty then see you tomorrow Arc!

Then we transition back to the Arena a few days Later

Jaune Reborn: well look it's the Daft Punk wannabe.

We see a Man in a Tuxedo wearing a strange looking Helmet

Salem: now who is that?

Spectre: the Main antagonist in the My Hero World.

Ozpin: I guess, he's like Salem?

Spectre: No he wants to destroy the System that the Governments put in place and become the Supreme Ruler of the World.

Ruby: what's with the weird helmet?

Spectre: to hide his Identity.

Ironwood: I guess he's still at large?

Spectre: primarily on their world yes.

All For One: I've heard many things about you Reborn, including your lack of manners. My Pupil Shigaraki returned to me mentally scarred.

Oscar: you're saying that kid wasn't mentally scarred before? He literally looked like a crack head.

Jaune Iron Man: what the hell is he doing here?

All for One: I've decided that the proper form of action is to come recruit you myself.

Jaune Reborn: and if I refuse?

All for One: I would destroy any significant form of joy within your Soul.

Oscar: I mean jokes on you he's already dead on the inside.

All for One: are you going to join the League of Evil or not?

Jaune Reborn: look I appreciate the offer but the answer is still no. What do you need me for anyway?

All for One: I need you're teleporting abilities for the most Evil, Unforgiving, Diabolical Plan in human History.

Jaune Iron Man: oh what could it be.

Oscar: Oh my Oum your gonna Ban Anime tiddys.

All for One: I said Evil not Insane.

Jaune Reborn: yeah Oscar everybody loves Anime Tiddys.

Oscar: right right.

All for One: I All for One shall replace the clean drinking water of every innocent man, woman and child with Gamer girl bath water.

The Girls: EWWWWWW!!!!!

The Guys ran to the toilets to puke

The more sturdier men just look on with visible disgust

Amber: hold on his name is All for One? That's a dumb name.

Spectre: remember Dekiru's quirk name is One for All, they are based on what the quirk does.

Amber: so what do they do? We know One for All can be passed down and the accumulation of knowledge, wisdom and strength is part of it.

Spectre: think of the opposite as their names are exactly what they are.

Amber: so All for One is the power to take?

Spectre: exactly.

Reborn looks at him with the utter disgust

And then we transition to All for One burning on the ground

Oscar: was the fire necessary?

Jaune Reborn: Oscar just let me have this one.

Jaune Iron Man: I'm practically enjoying this.

Then the next day approached and they get another visitor

Dekiru came in response to All for One's arrival

All for One: Jaune Arc.

Jaune Reborn: what the hell!?

Blake: how!?

Yang: he just keeps coming back!

Jaune Reborn: didn't we blow you up last time?

All for One: oh it's gonna take more than just fire to kill me I'm alive and well, you may both have defeated my last Act of Evil but this time I thought up of a more Devastating, Unforgivable Plan.

Jaune Reborn: which is?

All for One: I All for One shall change the time that it takes to skip an Ad from 5 seconds to 8 seconds. And there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop...

Dekiru: Ad Block.

Pietro: is he even serious?

Ironwood: all his plans are so superficial.

Spectre: he's just playing around.

All for One: what? That's not fair, fine then I All for One an even more Devastating, Unforgivable Plan.

Jaune Reborn: which is?

Emerald: he looks so done with it.

Mercury: yeah I've seen two bit thugs more evil than this guy.

All for One: I will give everyone an itch not an intense itch just one that bothers you enough to lose focus on what your doing and every time you go to scratch it it moves.


Jaune Reborn: you sick Monster!!!

Jaune Iron Man: oh that's it your going down!

Dekiru: I'll help!

All for One: oh and why stop there? I'll raid Area 51 replace everyone's toilet paper with single ply. Hell I might even return Ugandan Knu.....

He was once again on fire and on the ground with Jaune Iron Man and Dekiru roasting marshmallows over him

Roman: well rinse and repeat with this idiot.

Neo: I don't know I find his addition to be more comedic relief rather than threatening.

Oscar: thank Oum you stopped him Reborn.

Jaune Reborn: we have standards Oum Damn it we have standards.

Then the scene transitions to another planet

Oscar: so why are we here on Namek?

Jaune Reborn: vacation remember?

Oscar: okay but we have one major issue Reborn, the Wi-Fi is slow. What the hell is going on?

Cardin: well that sucks.

Whitley: everything revolves around the internet.

Jaune Reborn: the Wi-Fi? Oscar that's a fucking Gameboy why would you need Wi...you know what never mind. If the Wi-Fi is slow that could only mean one thing.

Oscar: Jaundice is using it to watch RWBY P*rn?

Jaune Reborn: what? No! All for One.

Oscar: Oh.

All for One: Congratulations Jaune you have figured it out, I All for One have slowed Planet Namek's Wi-Fi permanently.

Jaune Reborn: I have to hand it to you All for One your a Special kind of Evil.

All for One: I'd like to think of myself as a rip your finger through the toilet paper kind of evil.

Oscar: well Jokes on you All for One I don't wipe!

Everyone in the Theatre: DISGUSTING!!!!!!!

Jaune Reborn: EW! What the Fuck!?

Oscar: tell us how do you keep surviving after every Encounter?

All for One: I already told you Fire cannot kill me my will to fill this world with tiny acts of evil cannot be stopped.

Especially not by Stupid True Protagonist and his Unnecessary to the Plot Under-age friend.

Jaune Reborn: oh you said the word.

All for One: I said what....ARGH!

As he is sent to the ground with a hard slam as Oscar appeared and

Oscar: I am a Main Character!!!!!!

Jaune Reborn: ( no you aren't.)

Oscar: Kamehame suck my fucking ****!!!!!!

As he sent a beam at All for One

Willow: well that was uhhh....

Winter: from 0 to 60 in one second.

Whitley: he must really like to feel important.

Spectre: many people do.

We then arrive at a Camp in the forest

Raven: looks like the Bandit Camp.

Jaune Reborn: something is wrong Oscar.

All for One: so we meet again Jaune Arc.

Oscar: All for One you persistent bastard!

All for One: I have returned and this time am sure my Evil plan will go through without fail.

Oscar: do I have to beet the shit out of you again?

All for One: that will not be necessary Oscar, you'll be far too busy crying before you could even lift a finger.

We see Jaune Arc swimming in the River

Yang: what the heck is our Jaune doing down there?

Spectre: enjoying his vacation unlike these two.

Neon: sucks to suck.

Jaune Reborn: what have you done this time All for One?

All for One: this time Jaune Arc I have thought of an even more Devastating, Unforgivable Plan. I All for One set off everyone's Alarm clock 5 minutes early and every time you go to snooze it, it gets Louder.

Dew: now that is just petty.

Gwen: how low can this guy go?

Jaune Reborn: you sick bastard!

Oscar: I won't let you get away with it All for One we can all just shut off our mobile devices and shatter your Evil Plan.

All for One: not before I shatter you're heart Oscar, you see this conversation is just a distraction while my real is taking place as we speak.

Jaune Reborn: No...what have you done!?

All for One: I All for One have remaked and ruined all your Childhood shows with political correctness.

Oscar: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yang: now that's just evil.

Weiss: why can somebody be so cruel.

Blake: sometime people love to watch as the world burns.

Oscar: you have no idea what you have just done!

All for One: well I'm pretty happy at the results, I might even pour myself some Milk and Cereal as a reward.

Oscar: that sounds pretty good.

All for One: in that order.

Oscar: NOOOO!!! Who pours Milk before the Cereal NOOOOO!!!!!

Spectre: well I put my Bowl last.

Then everyone was looking at him in shock

May: your a cereal killer.

Spectre: and that's how you do a pun.

We now comeback to Reborn's Arena

All for One: Jaune Arc!

Oscar: Mike.

Jaune Reborn: Mike?

Cardin: Oh I see where this is going.

Fiona: huh?

All for One: I'm sorry Mike?

Oscar: Mike.

All for One: what?

Oscar: Mike.

All for One: who the hell is Mike?

Oscar: Mike fucking dick bitch!

Jaune Reborn: hah! G********y!

All for One: hilarious, speaking of dicks I All for One apologize for being a dick.

Oscar: finally something nice for a change.

Then we see a girl in a pony tail and red skin revealing tight suit

Kali: wow now that is a skimpy outfit.

Spectre: actually it complements her quirk. She can make any object as she understands the chemical composition using the lipids in her body. So for larger objects she need a larger exposed part of her body to make it.

Pietro: fascinating......

Penny: I really want to see this My Hero World.

Spectre: all in due time my friend all in due time.

All for One: do you think if I offer you this Anime Waifu will it makes thing even between us?

Oscar: yeah I think this makes us even.

All for One: is it possible you find her attractive?

Oscar: yeah what's it have to do with any....

All for One: sexually?

Robyn: oh boy here we go again with the horn jokes.

Oscar: ummmm yeah....

All for One: well that's a shame Oscar because I All for One have taken the entire world's Anime Waifus and transformed them all into traps.

Oscar: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Guys in the Theatre: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

The Girls: really?

We come back to the Reborn Arena only to find a familiar irritant plaguing it

All for One: Jaune Arc.

But we see Reborn sitting on a toilet doing the business as he used the newspaper to cover himself

Jaune Reborn: Oum damn it! Why do you keep coming back at the worst possible time!

All for One: I can never be stopped, you see Jaune Arc I All for One have done it again thought of an even more Devastating, Unforgivable Plan.

Jaune Reborn: and that's cool and all but can you tell me later when I'm not taking a shit!!!

The Younger girls all tried to peak to see Jaune's package and good thing it was covered enough to keep prying eyes from seeing

The Adults just chuckle at Reborn's predicament

All for One: I All for One this Anime Waifu hostage until you agree to pay me Ransom.

As the girl had bright purple hair and it was twisty

Oscar: a hostage? That's you Evil Plan?

All for One: what? well yes. Yes that is my Evil Plan.

Oscar: you really think she's the only Anime Waifu? Why would we care if you hold her hostage?

Nejire: if you save me I'll show you my Anime Tiddys.

Then Oscar Buffed up like Broly


Reborn made a copy of himself using Aura

Jaune Reborn: go help Oscar.

As he returns to Nature calling

Reborn Copy: do I have too?

Weiss: he can do summons?

Winter: and sentient too.

Willow: what you two jealous?

Weiss and Winter: No.....

Jaune Reborn: You Will Do whatever the fuck Jaunedice smokes and tells you to do Oum damn it go beat up the retard.

Reborn Copy: ohhh fine.

All for One: ahh! ooh! Gaah! Oum!!!! argh!!!

Nejire: a promise is a promise.

Reborn was next to her with shades on and he was laughing

Cath: young man! I did not raise you to be a pervert!!!!


We then get to the Arena covered in snow since it is the Holiday Season

Oscar: Merry Christmas Reborn.

Jaune Reborn: awww Oscar you shouldn't have.

He then paused as he saw the contents of the gift

Jaune Reborn: why did you give me a gun?

Oscar: you never know Reborn, you never know.

Jaune Reborn: Oscar I can blow up Kingdoms.

Oscar: I don't know Reborn you can't beat the power of a gun.

Ruby: Thank You!!!!!

Spectre: your still gonna get unarmed combat lessons.

Ruby: phooey.

Jaune Reborn: Oscar what are you talking about!?

All for One: Jaune Arc.

Jaune Reborn: holy shit it's All for One.

Oscar: All for One your back!

All for One: indeed I am and just in time for Christmas.

Jaune Reborn: alright what Fucked up Unnecessarily Evil Plan do you have this time All for One!?

All for One: oh no Jaune, I All for One have been on my best behavior however I cannot the same for you two.

Sienna: him? On best behavior? Don't make me laugh after all the shit he just pulled.

Jaune Reborn: is that supposed to be a threat?

All for One: foolish Jaune I brought the big man himself behold my brand new Partner in Crime Santa Claus!

Oscar then took a shot and we pan to see Santa Claus on the ground unalived

Oscar: told ya.

Jaune Reborn: Oscar WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!?

We then comeback after the Holidays as a New challenger steps in the ring

???: No need, I'm already here man.

Jaune Reborn: Shaggy!? You never should have come here! I have gone through significant power ups.

Jaune Arc: and I even have a Shark suit!

Jaune Reborn: get lost Arc.

Jaune Arc: oh....

Shaggy: like this is the beginning man like bear witness to my max power man!


Oscar was punched into the distance

Nora: WHAT!? What is that power!!!? I want to play with it.

Ren: Nora No.

Nora: Nora Yes!

Pyrrha: this is concerning.

Oscar: ahhhhh!!!!

Jaune Reborn: Oscar!!!! What the hell just happened!? That's Shaggy!? That Punch it was so fast I couldn't even see it with my own eyes.

Shaggy: you're fucked dude.

Jaune Reborn: he's so strong...what do I do now?

Shaggy: your trash man.

As he sucker punch Reborn to a nearby hill

Then we see Arc with his Shark Suit facing off with UI Shaggy

Jaune Arc: haha I'm a Shark!

Shaggy: and who are you supposed to be man?

Jaune Arc: my name is Jaune Arc and I'm the serious one here.

Shaggy: are you coming at me or should I come to you man?

Jaune Arc: alright you bought this upon yourself, behold my Armored Shark Form!

Haaaaaa!!!!! HA!!!!!

Ghira: it's just his armor on top of the suit.

Kali: hehehe for the serious character he sure is doing a good job making us laugh.

Jaune Arc: it's over Shaggy not only that my Shark Suit is at Full Power, I have the fucking Drip on my side as well!

Shaggy: like no dude.

He then blew Jaune Arc away with a Ki blast we then see Jaune Arc shirtless

Jaune Arc: damn you that was my favorite Shark Suit!

Shaggy: does it really matter man? Pretty soon you and your friends will all die. Now you wasted enough of my time with your shenanigans dude, it's time to die man.

As he went in with a finishing blow Jaune caught it with one hand

( Play DBS OST - Ultra Instinct Revived)

Shaggy: is this your trump card Ultra Instinct dude? You don't stand a chance man.

Jaune Arc: we'll see about that.

He then transformed changing his hair and eyes into silver

Ozpin: he has it too?

Spectre: it's only temporary you don't have to worry that he ahs all the power.

The two was evenly matched until the engaged in melee as the area shakes at the force of their blows as they dodged and blocked without one of them getting a clean hit against the other

Evenly matched they kept the fighting until the two decided to stop and face each other

Jaune Arc: (Oum Damn it even Ultra Instinct isn't doing anything.)

Penny: they're evenly matched? This is phenominal!

Pietro: such god like power on display.....

Watts was also taking notes

Hazel: unless they can break the stalemate they won't get anywhere.

Shaggy: you should give up man.

Jaune Arc: I'm gonna stop you, I know there's a way.

Shaggy: I got nothing to lose man.

Jaune Arc: what?

( Bleach - Never Meant to Belong)

Shaggy: A Man with nothing to lose can't be defeated, he can't be stopped he becomes an Unstoppable Machine and grows into something More.....

Jaune Arc: what are you talking about?

Tyrian: BOO! Get back to the fight!

He was then knocked out by a frying pan

Shaggy: the sacrifices man, like first Abandoned my Heart.

We then see Velma laying dead on the ground

Shaggy: and then I knew my Transformation was complete.

Jaune: yeah but you didn't expect me to stand in you're way huh?

Shaggy: no there were more...there were more...

He states as he closes his eyes and we see the dead bodies of the Mystery Inc. crew and finally Scooby

Hazel looked at the scene shocked killing everyone close to you to attain power was even beyond his desire for petty revenge

Jaune Arc: Abandoning your Heart so that you have no weaknesses? That alone is a Weakness you've let go of everything that you love and now look at you.

There's nothing Noble of what you are, You're nothing but a Dead Man with Stupid Selfish Power.

( The same kind of Power that Cinder wanted)

Shaggy: and yet here I Stand dude Confident with Selfish Power.

Jaune Arc: I'll show you something Stronger the Power of Trust, The Power of the Heart, The Power of Friendship...

Jaune Reborn: Oh my fucking Oum you are so Cringe!

Oscar: fucking seriously.


Everyone jumped out of their seats due to the outburst

Jaune Arc: you aren't the only Dead Meme that comes around here to harass all of us.

Shaggy: and that's supposed to mean something?

The we meet an old friend we haven't seen for in years

Ugandan Knuckles: HELLO MY BRUDAHS!

Shaggy: well well well if it isn't the Legendary Ile like what's he gonna do Spit on me?

Then the two fused into Jauckles and let loose an Explosion of Epic Proportions

Qrow took a swig of his flask

Salem: well that was easier than I thought.

Ozpin: are we sure he's gone?

Spectre: oh he is....for now.

Jauckles: HAHA we won the fight my Brudahs!

Then the Screen went Dark once again

We then come back to Reborn and Oscar just chilling at the newly repaired Arena with Jaune Iron Man and Dekiru helping

All for One: Jaune Arc.

Jaune Reborn: oh for fucks sake All for One?

Dekiru: All for One!!!!

Oscar: Oum damn it and we thought we have seen the last of you.

All for One: please do you think I All for One would give up so easily? I have returned and this time I have thought of an even more....

Jaune Iron Man: yeah yeah yeah we get it you've thought of an even more Devastating, Unforgivable Plan it's gonna fail just like the others.

Dekiru: how many times are we gonna teach you this lesson old man!?

Ozpin: like how I had to deal with Salem?

Salem: like you Ozma?

The two clashed as lighting sparks between their eyes

Spectre chops them both on the head and have them behave

Oscar: Roast him Comments.

All for One: you're all Fools, you see Jaune this was my plan all along to ride the clout of the Jaundice Community.

Jaune Reborn: no wonder its 15k words long! You son of a bitch!

All for One: as you can see my plan worked now everyone knows who I am.

May: the most petty villain.

Reese: The most constant thorn in the heroes side.

Neon: the butt of many jokes.

Yang: a source of infinite nonsense.

Blake: the most annoying villain ever.

Weiss: and the most convoluted planner ever.

Ruby: and the Biggest MEANIE EVER!!!

Nora: A Big Fat Jerk!

Neptune: a moustache twirling villain.

Amber: a dick head.

Nebula: wow everyone is just going in hard.

Sun: that's what she said.

He then got a slap from Glynda

Robyn: kid grow up.

Maria: let him stay in ignorance we can't correct stubborn mules like him.

All for One: which means I have won.

Oscar: you spent 10k words annoying us for clout?

All for One: indeed I did Oscar and it's time for the Finale I have been waiting this whole time for the right moment.

Dekiru: so now's the right moment?

All for One: Correct.....

As he did the Frieza pose

All for One's voice changed: it's time....

Jaune Iron Man: hold on a second that voice is familiar.....

Then he transforms while blinding everyone with glaring lights

And we see the man behind the mask

All For One: I miss fighting the Jaune Arc of my world since he is my Opposite wielding One for All.....

Dekiru: me...?

Jaune Iron Man: it can't be......

Then the scene went dark

Coco: hey come on what gives!?

Spectre: we are at the end of the story as we will se you Jaune end this Chapter with a Song

We are now in a Bar with many of the Jaunes either Relaxing or serving the customers

Jaune Branwen: I can't believe you fell in love with that brat.

Jaune Shadow: tell me about it when we first met it was nothing but racism.

Jaune Saiyan: I guess I'm the lucky one.

Jaune Arc: ....yay.

Jaune CT: c'mon you're not the only one she screwed over.

Jaune Fett: join the club.

Weiss: I'm afraid to ask......

Spectre: they're talking about you.

Weiss just hides her face behind her hands as the rest of team RBY comforts her and joined by Willow, Winter and Whitley

Jaune Arc stood and headed for the stage

Jaune Spartan: oh boy he's gonna sing it out.

Yang: hold on he sucks at singing right?

Saphron: he stinks when he is nervous and anxious but he is a Pro when he is more emotional.

Listen to this first


Jaune Arc stood in front of his other selves and bared his heart out

As he Sings

I don't deny, I show no happiness You may know a little kid who's run away

( It shows Jaune going to Beacon)

And who got hurt while he chased his dreams.

( It then shows Jaune falling in love at first sight with Weiss)

I know in a way, It sounds familiar I love you more than I could even describe

( It then shows Jaune constantly messing up in asking her out)

Couldn't even say it , oh my words stumble I know we, I know we walked away.

( Now it shows Jaune pushing Neptune towards Weiss)

But I let it all Let It all go Time and again,

( It was the Beacon Dance as he stood at the balcony alone)

I'm a fool. I'm no good at all.

( It shows Jaune with a Drink in his Hand as he looks down into it )

All that I got is a love that wont go away Knowing I can't even drink it off,

( Then it shows Weiss' image in the drink as a tear dropped and rippled the image

I'll recall All the memories. They will never die..... I'm such a Fool......

( He then looks at the Broken Moon with a Sad Smile with tears in his eyes )

I'm such a Fool..........

Then the screen finally turned off

The guys were all offering a toast as they drank to respect the heart broken youth

Cardin: man.....just wow.

Fiona was wiping her face with tissues.

Ilia was also sent to tears

Kali was so impressed at the singing

Robyn: that poor boy.

Maria: good men like him are hard to come by, and I should know. I'm still single.

Willow looks on with a sad smile to see a good man slip through her daughter's fingers like she did.

Winter just shakes her head sad for her sister

Whitley was looking at Weiss in worry

The Young girls all looked to Weiss who was crying seeing and hearing the true thoughts of the goof ball who vehemently asked her out

It was never about the Money or the Fame....It was Love....True Love.

Spectre: well I'll let you guys contemplate at what you all saw. And Weiss don't be too hard on yourself.

Just tell him you want to just to get to know each other and it will work out. We are kind to a fault most of the times.

Don't rush into a relationship and just enjoy your time together.

Weiss nods as she was embraced by many of those who cared about her

Spectre: a little advice on love 'Just he Yourself'.

Weiss nods and sniffs

Ruby: I want it too......

She whispered

Blake: I want to get to know him more....

Yang: he really is fun to be with.

Saphron was wiping here eyes as Terra was blowing her nose

Adrian: im sach a foo....

Cath was recording the whole thing

John smiled at his son

Pyrrha: he really is such a hopeless romantic....just like me.

Ren: you'll get your chance.

Nora: yeah You Two are cute together!

Spectre: alright guys just do your thing and relax I need to take a nap.

Next World: Jaune Saiyan

Chapter End
