59: Jaune Rex 3

Spectre: so we are going back to a recent world since it has something important to teach you all how much Trauma, Pain and Emotional strain can do to a person.

Ruby: Is Jaune....

Spectre: the world where he was betrayed by the person he trusted most.

Pyrrha felt pain suddenly

Pyrrha: me?

Spectre: yes. This is to make you realize every decision no matter how much you mean well can have severe consequences.

Nora: I want to help Fearless Leader right now.

Spectre: sorry he's too busy at the moment.

Maria: so what world are we about to see?

Spectre: behold.....

The the Screen shows

A Few Hours Later

The Party decided to set up camp

Nora: Hey! It's the whatever it is! I want to hug it!!!!!

Spectre: he's a Nopon and he doesn't like being treated like a stuffed animal.

Penny: hey it's Poppi!

Pietro looks at the android

Pietro: she's just like Penny.

Ruby: Oh I love this world! It's like an Role Playing Game!

Yang: yeah it's really cool especially those fights we saw.

As Pyra, Mythra and Nia set Jaune down

Cath: he's been through a lot in this world.

Saphron: an understatement mom.

Adrian was starting to cry as he saw his Unca in bad condition

Terra: shhh Adrian it's gonna be okay. You're uncle is just sleeping.

Daisy hops around Adrian to cheer him up until Adrian started to laugh

Adrian: bun bun siwy.

Zwei joins and dog piles Daisy who just squeezes out of his grasp and the two started their game of tag again

Nia decided to use her healing abilities but he was physically fine which puzzled them

Azurda reverted to his larval state and offered his insight

Nia: I can't figure it out, there is nothing wrong with him physically, so why is he in this state?

Azurda: a person's well being is more than their physical body young lady.

Rex or should I say Jaune was tried and tested both Physically, Mentally and Emotionally during our entire Journey.

Mórag: and he is still a young man... That much pressure and pain that he carried through out our quest seems to have finally caught up with him.

Pyra: Rex.....


Azurda: that little stunt of yours was the last straw that broke the camel's back. He needs to recover... He's been put through too much as it is.

Oobleck: that is why a person's mental health is important, because the body can't live without the mind.

And Mister Arc is now at the threshold.

Port: the poor young lad needs a break a really Long break.

Whitley: felt so bad for this version, as he was subjected to an exhausting trial.

Winter applauded the young man for reaching so far

Brighid then interjected

Nora: whoa, that lady's hair is on fire!

Yang: hey I can do that too!

Spectre: only when your angry, she is like that from the beginning.

Ruby still remembered messing with Yang to the point she bursted into flames and the team collectively roasted Marshmallows because of it

Marrow: she is a very beautiful woman.

Spectre: careful there Marrow you might get burned.

Vine: indeed one must know the limits of where we can joke.

Weiss: she has a very regal look.

Spectre: she is the Blade passed down for the Royal Family in Mor Ardain.

Winter: such a lofty position, but admirable.

Brighid: Lady Mórag it may be prudent to keep watch just in case these Grimm may be lurking around.

Mórag: indeed, let's go.

Spectre: and she is Brighid's Driver.

Winter: she seems a very respectable soldier.

Spectre: Chief Inquisitor actually and yes, she is the strongest Driver in Mor Ardain a fitting pair.

Weiss: at least it's better than that dusty old buzzard.

Spectre looks to Qrow as he had his head stuck through a wall and a whiskey bottle shoved in his ass

He just snaps and heals the idiot as he stumbled to get back to his seat

Raven: have you learned your lesson poking fun at the Schnees?

Qrow: no more drink...I'm driving tonight...

Then he passes out

Raven: I can't believe I'm related to this hot mess.

Spectre: you can't choose family.

Raven: believe me I tried.

Yang: and now?

Raven: I chose to be better.

Spectre: that's good on you Rae, here have some pie.

Raven recoiled

Spectre: to eat, I won't smack you with it.

she took it thankfully

As the pair leaves to watch over the camp.

Zeke: our little chum really is a tough cookie. Many Men would have thrown the towel than endure what this little guy did.

Pandoria: yeah. Poor little Rex.

Poppi: Master Rex said his real name was Jaune Arc....

Tora: yes he did! Meh meh meh but he said he is not an Arc anymore but prefers to be Called Rex-Rex!

Nia: yeah, it's like he did what Blades do when they return to their cores.

Mythra: forget everything about the past.

Pyra: with a past like his, who could blame him. Even Jin would sympathize with Rex's old self.

Ruby: what do they mean about returning to their cores?

Spectre shows them what it is

Spectre: that is the Blade in a Dormant state, if or when a Driver of a Blade dies the Blade returns to that form and losing it's current memories with it.

When another awakens a Core Crystal the Blade within will not remember their past with their former Driver.

Willow: that's truly saddening, I drank a lot to escape my bad memories and life with Jacques, but to completely forget about someone who became close to you like it was nothing is heart breaking.

Winter and Weiss pats her back

Pyrrha was now crying that her betrayal did so much damage to Jaune's health Nora and Ren hugs her to distract her from sad thoughts

Pandoria: losing everything and even himself.

Pyra held Rex's hand

Pyra: I'm sorry Rex.

Mythra: we're sorry...I hope you forgive us.

He still laid there motionless as he was still adrift in his dream landscape

One day Later

Neptune: man took him an entire day!? How did he do his thing?

Spectre: like how nurses helped patients who are under a coma.

Maria: they won't clean themselves.

Cue noises of disgust

But the Parents especially the wives felt that the Love Pyra, Mythra and Nia had for him was enough to take care of their fallen lover

Zeke and Pandoria returns from gathering food by hunting and picking some fruits

Pyra was cooking while Mythra tried to help but was stopped by Nia and Pandoria since Mythra showcased her lack of cooking skills once that incapacitated half the party one time

Yang: whoa!

Blake: I think we found a worst cook than Ruby and Weiss Put together.

Ruby and Weiss: HEY!!!!!!!

Spectre: what? It's the truth.

Spectre then shows them royally fucking up the kitchen

Whitley: Bravo Sister bravo, even if we have a cake chef even I learned how to cook thanks to Klein.

He says while slow clapping

Winter fidgets that she eats canned foods from the army, the ones that only needs to be heated up since she is just as bad a cook as Weiss

Weiss was blushing making her face red

Klein: I need to teach you more how to cook young lady.

Ruby hid in her hood as Summer just pats her head

Yang: and that's why....

Qrow: I cook.

Raven: with your luck?

Qrow: we order out.

Tai: well at least I got back just in time to cook for the family at the very least Yang learned how to.... eventually.

Raven: how many times did she burn down the kitchen?

Tai: 6 times.

Yang: Dad!!!!

Summer: honey me and Rae will teach you.

Mórag: there seems to be a Village nearby where we landed.

Azurda: yes, I landed nearby just incase we need to send Rex for some medical help.

Brighid: how is Rex doing?

Nia: he hasn't moved an.....

Jaune: arrrghhhhhh!!!!!

Arslan: must have been a nightmare.

Neon: with all that happened who can blame him.

May: I hate nightmares.

Reese: who doesn't?

They all looked to Rex who woke up in a cold sweat

He looked up to see a Broken moon

Jaune: so it was all a dream.....

He said as he looks down

Mythra: it wasn't a dream.

He looked to where the voice came from and saw someone he cared about deeply

Jaune: so we really did get back to Remnant.

Pyra: yes, listen Rex....

She didn't get the chance to finish as Rex hugged them both

He looks to Nia and gestured her to join the hug

Nia: are you alright?

Jaune: yeah... I'm felling better.

Pyra: Rex.....

Jaune: I know Pyra, Mythra you did it for us....I'm used to this pain...I could have gotten over it in time.

Then Mythra slaps and smushes his cheeks together

Maria: that's gotta hurt.

Robyn: sometimes guys need some sense slapped into them.

Willow: not all the time to be fair. At least Arc...

she looks to John

Willow: nevermind.

John: c'mon I'm not that bad!

Cath: yes you are dear just accept it.

He sits down grumbling

Mythra: what is wrong with you!? We hurt you badly....you should...

Jaune: I could never hate you any of you. I'm just glad to have you guys back in my life......

He kissed Pyra then Mythra and Nia

They hugged it out as the others cooed

A good portion of the young girls are all emitting a dark aura all of the sudden but the blackest aura of them all was Pyrrha's

Some of the guys were foaming at the mouth

Mórag was tearing up as Brighid gave her a tissue

Pandoria was hugging Zeke's arm making him uncomfortable

Tora and Poppi was cheering them on

The trio blushed and hugged him back

A Few Moments Later

Azurda: I see you're back to your former self.

Jaune: not completely...

He looks around

Jaune: I see were in Mistral judging by the forests.

Arslan: so their in Mistral.

Reese: still sore about Haven?

Arslan: a bit.

Mórag: Rex can you give us a summary of this world.

Jaune: yeah well guys sit down and get cozy.

Everyone listened intently

Jaune: since creation there was Man and there was Grimm.

Man was the Positive force in this world while the Grimm was designed to eliminate Man as the Negative force in this world.

The dominant species is the Grimm since Man has been pushed into 4 Major cities with walls to keep the Grimm out.

Zeke: so there are only 4 Cities in this World!?

Jaune: actually no, there are outer villages which were shunned because they do not posses anything to 'contribute' to society.

Ozpin: a sad truth.

Salem: blame the people in power for judging them.

Spectre: it's fun to see you finally getting over the dominate the world and be seen as a goddess.

Salem: I have something more important to live for, and besides with worshipers like Tyrian I would rather be a normal valley girl.

Ozpin just fell over his chair

Spectre: nice going grandma.

Salem: oh it's fun to torment Ozma like this, at least he will suffer humiliation and live with it to the end of his days.

Ozpin: stop rubbing it in.

Salem: bite me.

Mórag: so they aren't allowed in the city because they are poor?

Jaune: sadly yes. I for one come from a self sufficient Village known as Ansel here on Mistral. But we never received help from the Kingdoms when Grimm attacks.

Brighid: they basically leave the villages out to die.

Jaune: yes, they see it as a waste of resources. Those in charge reminds me of Chairman Bana.

Tora: meh meh meh! How cruel!

Pyra: how could they?

Jaune: this world is filled with nothing but futility and despair..... Which negative emotions attracts the Grimm.

Guys you should look out since I know I've been a magnet with how I've been today.

They all looked around but no Grimm could be sighted

Port: that is strange and with how negative he has been there should be at least a Beowulf roaming around.

Oobleck: it must be something repelling them.

Ironwood: that would be an interesting technology to adapt.

Jaune: that is strange, all kinds of Grimm are attracted by the slightest of negativity.

Zeke: must be afraid to tangle with the old Zekekanator eh old chum.

Mercury: really? Zeke, Zekekanator? How lame.

Emerald: much better than peg legs.

Mercury just shrugs as he received that insult abundantly

Jaune: haha yeah could be.

But back to the story... There was even a Great War that transpired before the formation of the Kingdoms...

It was a colossal battle with the Kingdom of Vale claiming it's Victory.

There was once a City Expansion Attempt which ended in Disaster which resulted in the death of thousands...the place reminds of the ruins of Morytha...

Port: my word!

Oobleck: and History repeats itself, such a shame.

Pietro: even advanced civilizations end eventually.

Penny: why Father?

Pietro: nothing lasts forever.

Penny: I see....

Ozpin looks on solemnly as he saw many villages and cities fall during his long lifetime

Mythra: ......

Pyra covers her mouth in shock

Jaune: the greatest problem of this world is that we can't get along.

Zeke: reminds me of the Praetor.

Jaune: yeah.....but if Klaus wanted me to see the light of Hope in you're world maybe... I was tasked to find it here too.

Mórag: you really do always shoulder great burden no matter the odds huh. You are quite the young man.

Azurda: that's my Rex.

Cath: that's my son you flying fur ball!

John: easy Cath.

Jaune: so you know my really name, can I ask you a favor guys. Can you not mention my name as Jaune even by accident?

Tora: you can count on us Meh meh meh!

Nora: he's so Cute!

Ren: no Nora you can't have another pet.

Nora: awww...

Spectre: ( that cat lasted only 3 days.)

Poppi: Poppi keep promise!

Brighid: if that's what you wish.

Mórag: understood.

Nia: okay Rex.

Dromarch: an easy request.

Zeke: trust that the great Zeke can keep a secret.

Pandoria: no you can't.

Zeke: p..p..Pandy!

Kali: haha such a cute couple.

Ghira: this party is an interesting way to see many individuals from different ends of the world working together.

Ilia: yeah it's a nice way of seeing the possibility of co-existing.

Sienna: a lesson I will take notes of.

Spectre: that's good on you Tigress.

Sienna: huh?

Mythra: understood.

Pyra: why?

Jaune: I don't want to be reminded of the life I used to have here.....that's what I envy about you Blades...there are things we wish to forget.

Jaune's friends felt like crap at how he simply doesn't want tp remember anyone of them, this feeling is magnified especially on Pyrrha's side

Pyra puts her hand on his

Pyra: maybe you just need to bury it under more happier Memories.

Rex blushes

Robyn: aw now that's cute.

Maria: wonder who wears the pants in this relationship triangle.

The Girls now was burning with envy

Jaune: okay, so what's next?

The day passes as the Party set out on a new adventure

The Party was traveling through Mistral

Jaune: if we move through this road we will reach Shion.

Tora: what is Shion to Rex-Rex?

Daisy and Zwei wanted to play along Tora seeing him as a fellow animal

Blake: I see what you mean Nora, he is cute.

Spectre: ( he would kindly disagree.)

Jaune: it's a nice village that my....family usually visits for vacations.

Pyra: sounds like a nice place....um...Rex?

Jaune: yes?

Pyra: you said we can't call you, you're first name in public.

Jaune: yes, but if you guys want to just make sure we're in private.

Nia: ah! You want to be called that on the bed?

Rex stumbles and rights himself

Jaune: NO! When there are no one else is around. Nia why are you like this!?

Nia: it's fun seeing you like that.

Nebula: he get's flustered easily.

Gwen: a good sign from all the morbid tension he has been feeling.

Neon: yeah it was getting really depressing.

Octavia: he needs a good laugh.

Dew: that Nia girl is such a massive tease.

May: sometimes it's needed to lighten the mood and she is really on point with it.

Arslan: really? Those kinds of jokes.

Jaune: ha ha very funny.

You remind me of one my sisters with that kind of snark.

Azurda: how big is you're family Rex?

Jaune: Mom and dad and I have Seven sisters.

Then he looked back as everyone stopped in their tracks and had their mouths agape

Saphron: I love that kind of reaction when I tell someone of my family.

I especially loved how Terra reacted when she thought she might give birth to that many children

Terra: just because I wanted a child, I don't want to multiply like horny rabbits.

She felt something and looked to Velvet who was blushing beet red

Terra: sorry! Sorry! I wasn't trying to do a stereo-type.

Velvet: just because I'm a rabbit I don't want tp bust out 10 children at a time!!!!

Coco: hahahah that is so funny! Velvet is good at Multiplication!

Velvet: COCO!!!

She tackles her and a fight cloud puffs up

Pyra: wow. You're parents didn't waste time, should I be worried?

Azurda: Hohoho! Already bickering like you're a married couple, eh?

Jaune: Hey! Gramps!

Pyra: C-couple!? But really, I didn't mean to.....

Azurda: A hahahaha! It was a joke. Besides, you have to have that sort of mettle to deal with Rex.

Mythra: yup.

Nia: indeed.

Pyra: Come on, Azurda, cut it out!

Jaune: knock it of Gramps, besides having a big family isn't so bad.

Pyra: I'd love to have a family as big as yours, Rex.

Jaune: What are you talking about, Pyra? You're already part of the family.

Cath: oh?

Kali: she really isn't trying to hide it.

Willow: she really wants it too.

Summer: it's always the shy ones.

Raven: hmmm.....

As she said that Velvet's rabbit ears jolted upwards hard as she blushes

Then Cue the burning legion in the theatre

Azurda: ...so can we take this as a confession of love? Very bold of you, my boy.

Jaune fumbled around again

Pyra: Wha!? Rex, hold in a second!

Jaune: N-no that wasn't I'm trying to say!

You, Nia Mórag, Zeke and Tora too...
All of you...You're family to me

Everyone else except Mythra and Nia

The Parents in the Theatre also did the same while the girls visibly relaxed

Cath: Jaune, you idiot.

Spectre: he doesn't want to go too fast, He actually means he loves those three.

Cath: oh....

Kali: I would like to see the honeymoon.

Spectre: down girl.

As he took out a spray bottle and splashes her and she hisses and her pupils become slits

Ghira: *sigh* Blake got it from her side of the family.

Tai: oof.

Raven: well she just played herself.

Azurda: huh, so much for the Boy having backbone. Sorry you three, this one's going to be hard work.

Pyra: hahahaha! That's all right. I've got a surprising amount of patience.

Mythra: it is.

Nia: no surprise there.

Jaune: Oi! What are you two going on about? Jeez...

Nora: fearless leader is still the same.

Ren: that he is and that's why we care about him.

Pyrrha: kind and caring but a bit oblivious. It's a whole lot better than arrogant and being a show off compensating for something.

Cardin and Sun felt the hit but Neptune was okay seemingly trying to be better

They made their way to Shion and found a busy little Community

Saphron: it's been a while since we went there.

Terra: I'd like to see that place.


Mórag: such a peaceful town.

Jaune: I guess there hasn't been a Grimm attack since all those years ago.

Zeke: say little chum, is there a tavern here?

Qrow: spoken like a true man.

Winter: more like a drunk.


Jaune: over there next to the Announcement Board across the Guardsman office.

People looked at them weirdly because of

Pyra and Mythra's Glowing clothes

Yang: and people say 'my' clothes are revealing.

Spectre: that's how their attire are when they were awaken, it wasn't their choice to wear such clothes and besides it can be changed.

Pyrrha was glaring at Pyra for how similar their names are and their color schemes

Brighid's Burning Hair

The guys were the usual letches except for the husbands since they were on a tight leash

( metaphorically)

Spectre: alright stop oogling guys or do you want a boot to the head again?

The men backs away and sat back

A strange Creature that is Tora

Ruby: you're right Nora he is really CUTE!

Weiss was also finding the little inventor adorable

Elm wanted to hug the guy

Harriet also wanted to pet it

One weird Robot Girl

Penny was interested in the girl's sense of fashion thinking it was a standard for girls her age

Pietro's danger sense was tingling

Watts was observing the materials this robot is made off until a tungsten anvil fell on him for good measure

And lastly a flying mouse


Blake wanted to chase this one since it reminds her of a mouse but stamped the urge trying not to be a stereo-type

Zeke: alright I'll go right ahead!

As he goes with Pandoria following

Nia: now what is that shell head up to?

Mythra: probably gonna hit on some girls.

Qrow: my type of guy.

Tai: welcome back idiot, how's your concussion?

Qrow: getting over it.

Poppi: why would Master Zeke lay harm on innocent girls?

Tora: No Poppi he means he will make the blushy crushy with girls.

Nia: *sigh* not this again.

Maria: what in the world does that mean?

Spectre: he's laying the charm on some girls. In Tora's weird way of thinking.

Maria: thanks hun.

Jaune: I need to go to the Armory to get a new set of armor.

Pyra: you're current look is okay Rex.

Jaune: no it doesn't offer any protection and besides. aren't you curious what I used to look like?

Pyra blushed, Mythra shakes her head and Nia just pokes fun at Pyra

Saphron: oh no he's teasing back....

Terra: is it bad?

Saphron: that's the reason we stopped dressing him up...he ALWAYS get's even one way or another and you won't see him coming.

Team RWBY felt a chill then looked to Spectre who was smiling back at them like a Cheshire Cat

Jaune: there's an Inn down the road, you guys get us some rooms I'll meet you there and pick up Zeke along the way.

A Few Hours Later

Shion Inn

Pyra was enjoying her Tea with Mythra

Nia was stretching

Mórag and Brighid was enjoying a meal

Tora and Poppi was playing a game

Then a Blonde Teen clad in White Armor came in

Roman: man he looks tired.

Neo: tired of life that is. I had that look whenever I have a bad day.

Emerald: preach.

Mercury: yeah got to give it to you guys this time.

Jaune: hi guys.

Tora: Rex-Rex look Cool so Knightly!

Mórag: you look like a proper warrior.

Brighid: yes he is.

Nia: you clean up nice.

Mythra: hmm it suits you.

Pyra: yeah *blushes*

Summer: haha subtle.

Cath: like a storm.

Kali: ah young love, wish we still have those days.

The Husbands are all afraid as their hips get phantom pain and they all back away several rows form their wives

Willow: *sigh*

Spectre: don't worry you can still find love, you just gotta look harder.

Willow looked at Spectre

Spectre: what?.....*shit*

Then suddenly an alarm rang all over the village

Jaune rushed the owner

Jaune: what is happening!?

Inn Owner: A Bandit Raid! I need to barricade this place!

Jaune: damn, c'mon guys we need to help them!

Pyra: OK.

Mythra: let's show these low life's how we fight.

Mórag: Brighid.

Brighid nods as she creates her flaming swords

Cinder was staring intently at Brighid

Spectre: she is WAY stronger than you weakling.

Cinder: grrr.....


Tora: Poppi engage Q T π mode!

Poppi: okay Masterpon!

She then glows and used her red cape to cover herself as she transforms and after the light fades a grown woman stood in place of the young girl

Penny: Sensational! Can I do that?

Spectre: when you grow up, it will take years.

Penny: awww....

Spectre: hold on....

He checks her and realized her Semblance has changed due to her now human body

Penny: I grew!

Spectre: I guess your Semblance is....called Evolve as it changes your body to it's Peak Condition making you go beyond for a limited amount of time.

Penny: Amazing! Look Father!!! I'm all grown up!

Pietro: *chuckles* I see that Penny, good for you!

Maria: oh? He's using similar weapons to mine? Maybe I should teach him some tips and tricks.

Summer: I can help to Mom.

Maria: yeah it will be like old times.

Qrow felt jealous that his hero is teaching someone else

They all rushed out as they saw Zeke already beating a lot of the bandits

Zeke: alright who wants a piece!!!

Someone tried sneaking up on them but Jaune jumped high and crushed the idiot to the ground

Jaune: you already having some fun there chum.

Zeke: nice set of duds there, but these guys had to just ruin my day.

Jaune: what do you expect their bandits.

Raven: ouch.

Summer: it's okay Rae, you're getting better.

then more bandits jumped in but they had a fire set under their asses

Mórag: weaklings.

Brighid: they truly are since they prey on the weak.

As the rest joins them

Jaune: alright everybody let's go!

Mythra was accurately hitting bandits with sacred arrow keeping them away from civilians

Ironwood: where does those attack keep coming from?

Spectre: Space.

Clover: they got an Orbital Cannon.

Spectre just smiled hiding the truth

Tora and Poppi was shielding a few people

Mórag and Brighid was eliminating identified bandit leaders

Pyra was watching Jaune's back

Vernal: who are these bastards!?

Then someone walks in front of her

Raven: people who needs to be reminded when they need to reminded of their place.

Qrow: huh you're in this raid?

Nora: get ready to be served Lady!!!!

Ren: Nora calm down.

Jaune was taking down a couple of bandits as a torrent of fire went for him but Pyra came in and negated it with her own fire

Raven: so you have a similar power? Are you a Maiden as well?

Jaune: back off and take you're goon squad with you!

Raven: not after we loot the place.

Sienna: I guess the White Fang is as guilty as them?

Spectre: yes, sadly.

Ghira: Adam can't suffer enough for the damage he's done.

Jaune: then you'll go home empty handed you leech.

Raven: fine choice of you're final words.

Jaune: drop dead!

Terra had Adrian wear the noise cancelling earmuffs again

Adrian claps at his Hero back and his clothes changed to the White Armor that Jaune is now wearing and he also got foam scythes that he swung around

Saphron and Terra just aww at the little hero

Adrian: tak dat! Hah!

He then charges her and clashed his dual scythes with her Nodachi

Raven: ( his style is similar to Summer's)

He then started glowing as his Aura once again awakens

Poppi: Ether energy readings exceeds normal parameters.

Ozpin: Ether?

Spectre: it's the energy they used for their Arts, the elemental Magic you see.

Salem: so he has magic?

Spectre: it's passive, he can fuel his party members with energy to use their elemental attacks.

Salem: that is interesting magic.

Brighid: what is with this absurd amount of ether.

Pandoria: it's coming from Rex!

Raven seeing the immense power decided to back off

Raven: I see this raid is pointless now.

She then opens a portal and orders her goons to retreat

Qrow: well look it's the old Rae.

Raven: I know, just because I want to be a better person doesn't mean I wont beat the shit out of you if you pissed me off. So keep pushing Qrow you're just digging yourself a deeper grave.

Winter: I'll help.

Weiss: me too.

Whitley: me three.

Qrow now then shuts up for the foreseeable future

Zeke: that's right run you cowards!

Raven: we'll meet again boy.

As she steps through

Jaune: why you!!!

He tried to go after them but the portal closed

After a while

Jaune: is everyone okay?

Pyra: we are, but what was that Ether spike?

Mythra: in all our years we never seen that before.

Nia: yeah I felt like I could take on a small army.

Arslan: a one woman army sounds amazing.

Nora: that's ME in a nutshell.

Neon: wow that's very Humble of you.

Nora: why thank you!

Ren: don't even bother Nora doesn't get sarcasm.

May: riiiiiight.

Jaune: that was my Aura or something. Every Huntsman has it. But if that was Ether to all of you.... Then the Huntsman of this world has the capability to work with Blades.

They were interrupted by cheering as they looked around at the villagers cheering them on as heroes

Jaune didn't realize that he was smiling that didn't get past Pyra, Mythra and Nia's attention

Then news about the Traveling Band spreads across Remnant

Then the screen went black

Spectre: well that's it for now. Take a break everyone.

Then the Theatre went to their rooms and prepare for a goodnight sleep

Team Beacon Room

Pyrrha was still silent

Blake: it hurts doesn't it?

Pyrrha: yeah.

Blake: I've been learning that I should never think of myself when I try to be a better person, these worlds shown me I must think of others like Jaune always does.

Pyrrha: I do think about others, I'm even helping him!

Ren: then why do you keep him in the basics? Are trying to make him be dependent of you?

Pyrrha: No! I didn't mean to! I was just....

Yang: couldn't trust him to progress faster?

Pyrrha: I.....

Weiss: we all saw how determined and willing he is to learn Pyrrha, he just needs people to believe in him, I understand that feeling....the only one's I had was Winter and Klein.

But he had no one.

Ruby: that's why we're here! That's why Spectre trusts us, so we can all work together!

We're a Team ALL of US!

Yang: wow Rubes you being responsible now?

Ruby: I don't know...it's just something is telling me I need to do this.

Then they comforted Pyrrha and went to sleep to discuss the rest tomorrow

Next World Jaune the Ultimate Lifeform

Chapter End
