48: Jaune Spartan 3

Spectre: I guess we're taking a break from the tongue lashings for now and just have a fun time seeing the World of Remnant be cleaned up.

Ruby: what do you mean by that?

Spectre: were gonna see a familiar world we took a break on.

Weiss: well which one is it?

Then the screen turns on to a familiar little Island

Kali: ah! Home sweet home.

Yang: I'm surprised that Blakey is not as tanned as you are Mrs. B.

Kali: oh call me Kali, and my little kitten ran away from home at an early age and was influenced by a very bad boy.

Blake just curls up into a ball

Ghira: Taurus.

he snarled as he cracks his knuckles together

Jaune and Cal proceeded to enter the forest to clear out Grimm that they drawn by negativity of upset citizens

Jaune: keep your eyes open Cal watch our six.

Cal: got it. I'm not letting another Brute smack me in the face.

Jaune: don't worry, I'll protect you.

Cal: what a gentle man.

Jaune: this is Sierra 117 broadcasting to all channels.

Whoever is out there you have registered UNSC technology.

If you are an unauthorized personnel you are to surrender the machine, if not I will pry it from your cold dead corpse.

Roman: now that is excessive.

Ironwood: if you're property was taken and it has sensitive intel in it, would you let you're enemy have it? Like miss Rose here?

Roman: if you put it that way, then no. I wouldn't.


Jaune: let's get to higher ground Cal, reception it's buggy here.

Cal: Roger that.

They made it to a clear part of the forest only to be welcomed by a large horde of Grimm

The two Spartans took their stances until a large missile hit the center of the horde

The two looked at the source to find

???: This is UNSC Sgt. Ghost, from the Hades Corps. Where the hell am I sir?

Jaune: your on my home planet Remnant Sgt. Let's deal with this current threat and we will speak more at Base Camp Charlie.

Ghost: Roger that.

The 3 began wiping out the Horde

Jaune wiped out packs of beowulves using his assault rifle while Cal is gleefully using a Gravity Hammer she requested from Arbiter

Nora: I wanna be her friend.

Ren: why is there always a violence loving girl in these worlds?

Spectre: infinite possibilities Ren, there are worlds where your the hyper active one.

Ren: I can't picture myself like that.

Smashing an Ursa's head into dust

Ghost began laying a barrage with his Assault Cannon

(Does it come with a Heavy Flamer?)

A Goliath appeared behind Jaune and smacked him away

Cal saw and the assaulted the Gorilla

She saw Jaune disoriented by the hit and picked him up

Picture the other guy as Master Chief

Jaune: Cal..... You can put me down now.

Cal: oh! Sorry Chief.

Pyrrha was staring at the screen

Spectre: Pyrrha your devolving to a yandere.

Pyrrha was surprised at that idea but realized she was becoming more possessive

Spectre: if you're gonna say you saw him first let me correct you, Ruby saw him first during the first day.

Pyrrha was sullen at this

Spectre: the rule of dibs doesn't apply to building a relationship Pyrrha don't be a child.

Pyrrha: sorry.

As the 3 finally cleared the area as Ghost asked

Ghost: who are you guys?

Jaune: I am Master Chief Petty Officer Jaune 117, Spartan II.

Cal: Cal 141 Spartan II Commando.

Ghost: Spartans?

Jaune: we're the soldiers that were made for that suit your using, although it is considered, outdated and incompatible with us.

How did you get here?

Ghost: all I remember is enacting the Cole Protocol on project Yggdrasil. Defending my platoon and detonating this suit.

Then finally blacking out, I thought I was dead until this weird looking alien came to me and told me I still have a part to play in humanity's defense.

Jaune: the librarian?

Ghost: yeah that's what she called herself.

Jaune: let's finish this conversation at the base, we don't want any eavesdroppers getting sensitive Intel.

Ghost: copy that.

As they left Jaune contacted his Uncle

Jaune: Uncle, I found your ghost, he's one of our people, who got separated from the main group. You don't have to worry about a rampaging ghost coming to Kuo Kuana.

Ghira: thanks Jaune, I'm still getting the documents for that patch of land, you were asking about.

Jaune: thanks again uncle, I'll see you later.

Kali then appeared next to Ghira

Kali: come visit more often, it gets lonely here.

Kali: it really does.

Ghira: maybe I should invite some people to our home, how about it?

He said looking at the Arcs, the Schnees and the Xiao Longs

Summer: ah that would be a nice change in scenery, Patch is quaint but I really want to go to Menagerie.

Raven: hoping to get a tan at the beach?

Summer: uhuh.

Willow: that is an interesting thought.

Winter: hope no one causes trouble.

Sienn: if they do, I will deal with them harshly.

Jaune: when I have the time Aunt Kali.

Then they said their goodbyes

Cal: you seem to be more upbeat Chief.
Jaune: I don't know what your talking about.

Cal smiled underneath her helmet

Later Base Camp Charlie

Jaune: so how goes the construction?

Arbiter: smooth, we have already set up temporary walls and activated the array, we can start inter stellar communications.

Jaune: good.

He turns around

Jaune: I believe we have to get you up to speed Sgt.

Ghost nods as he finally exited the Yggdrasil
Mark I prototype

Jaune began retelling the entire war from Reach to the New Alexandria

Ghost: so we're friends with the Covies.

Jaune: no not the Covenant. But a splinter faction. The Swords of Sanghelios.

Then Arbiter walked over

Arbiter: Jaune, we have communication with Moon Base Harvest.

Jaune: understood, Sgt. get some rest and We'll repair, rearm and upgrade your suit.

Ghost salutes and leaves for some well deserved r&r

Soldier: Sir! We're getting a transmission from the Astronomic Array.

???: This is Lord Admiral, Terrance Hood. UNSC Contingent, please respond.

Jaune: this is Sierra 117, UNSC Remnant Contingent. Reporting in.

Hood: Chief, I have been briefed by Commander Keyes of the situation. I Herby grant you command of a portion of our fleet.

I'm sending a new battle group to you along with the fully reinforced In Amber Clad.

Galia: this is fleet Admiral Galia Meir of the Preston J. Cole. Titan Class Dreadnought. Its good to serve alongside the UNSC's most valiant Hero.

Pyrrha: he finally achieved his dream here.

Spectre: hard earned and rightfully received.

Jaune: the honor is mine Admiral and it's good to see his name immortalized in a ship that's worthy of his command.

Hood: Cole is proud of all we have achieved Chief. And that's the least of it you have one Artemis Class Battle Cruiser, and 5 Nevada Class Frigates with In Amber Clad.

And our second operational Thanatos Class Heavy Battleship.

???: This is Captain Paul Esteban of the UNSC Michael Stanforth.

Jaune: good to have you on our battle group Captain. Cortana will open a portal to our Lunar Dock Base - Harvest.

Hood: Harvest? So your making a new start for us then. You are the pride of the UNSC Master Chief. May God be with you.

Jaune: he always is.

Hood: I heard that you found the Spirit of Fire. Is James?

Jaune: he's alive and well sir.

Hood: can you grant them leave. I wish to sit down and catch up on old times. Over a cup of coffee.

Ozpin: an old man's way of relaxation.

Salem: yeah it seems like your type.

Jaune: understood. But I may have to order him to take a vacation. He doesn't like doing nothing.

Hood: he always does. Well God speed Chief. This is Lord Admiral signing out.

Jaune then contacts Harvest

Jaune: Cortana you got company headed your way. And what of the Sword of Sanghelios Reinforcements?

Cortana: I didn't want to interrupt your talk with the Lord Admiral. We have a few Corvette Cruisers and Carriers with us.

Rtas Vadun has already taken command of them and added security in Remnant's Space.

Jaune: good he really is one of the best Shipmasters I have ever met.

Cortana: hmmm... Jaune I have an update on the Dragon Continent. They have cleared a Sector of land and requesting resources to build a new Colony.

Jaune: they have full authorization to do what they need to, have Red Team over see security of the construction yard.

Jaune: (sigh) I just wish there were more Spartans around.

Then new UNSC transponders began to ping out on his Holo table

The thing is it's all Spartan signals

It was one ID

Spartan 023

Spartan 453

Spartan 010

Spartan 332

Nora: yes! More Spartans! Now things will be easy!

Ren: at least Jaune get to have his friends in the Program back.

Jaune: this is Master Chief Petty Officer Sierra 117, broadcasting on an open channel. Any abled Spartan respond.

???: This is Daisy what's going on what is this planet sir?

???: This is Nicole, I'm with the others as well what is going on sir?

???: Really I've already been attacked by this black creatures the moment we got here.

Jaune: I'll explain when you arrive on the base, and please don't attack any alien you see. We have formed an alliance with former Covenant Forces.

???: What!? Did we lose?

Jaune: no, I'll explain when your all here.

???: this could be a trap.

???: Well we'll deal if it is.

The new Spartans have just arrived at Base Camp Delta

Jaune walks out and welcomed them

The Spartans relaxed when they saw all the UNSC personnel and the Spartans present

Jaune: I am Master Chief Petty Officer Jaune 117, if you would kindly give your identifications.

Daisy: I'm Daisy 023

Nicole: Nicole 453

Naomi: Naomi 010

Mackenzie: Mackenzie 332

Jaune then began to teach them the History of the War and the new Enemies that replaced the Covenant, the Halo and Forerunners

Daisy: wow, so that's why we're teens again?

Mackenzie: sucks to be you Chief.

Blake: sounds like Yang's type of girl.

Yang: and what is that supposed to mean?

Weiss: how many elbows to the gut will it take for you to learn your lesson Yang?

Yang: c'mon!

Ruby: you are a bit of a brute Yang, that's why my friends at Signal called you Tomboy.

Yang: hey I can be girly!

Spectre: no you can't.

Yang tries to grab Spectre as he dodges and escapes her grasp

Naomi elbows Mackenzie

Nicole: so are we being reassigned?

Jaune: yes, but this will be the very first all Female Spartan Team. I'll give you the designation Wild Cat.

Nebula: nice name.

Neon: I like it.

Arslan: of course YOU would.

Daisy: I like it.

Naomi: has a nice ring to it.

Mackenzie: nice one Chief.

Nicole nods in acceptance

Jaune: get your upgrades to your armor first.

As for your first assignment Patrol the outlying villages that needs help in Mistral. Use any force necessary and report back on the people you saved.

Team Wild Cat salutes and prepares for the MJOLNIR upgrades

Remnant is about to be introduced to the UNSC

Ironwood: and I know it would be disastrous.

Clover: another War with Atlas?

Spectre: the Ironwood here is greedy when it comes to technological innovation.

Watts: any smart man would.

Pietro: that's only you.

Back to UNSC Base Camp Charlie

Jaune: well all of the bases are set up now to receive those reinforcements.

Cortana have you relieved Blue Team yet?

Cortana: I have I stationed Sgt. Forge and we're constructing one of the Mk 3 Prototypes.

Pietro: these Prototypes are an interesting piece of tech especially since it is designed more of a personal combat suit rather than the tanky Paladins.

Penny: father can I get some more upgrades to my weapons since I'm a human now?

Pietro: I'll look into it but let's prioritize armor for you.

( his fatherly instincts kicking in due to Penny being a normal girl now)

Jaune: good at least Forge is gonna get an early Christmas.

Amber walked towards him with Johnson leaving Base Camp Bravo and joining to greet the new arrivals

Amber: so what's this place?

Jaune: a Slip Space Nexus, basically a place that makes portals from other worlds.

Amber just looked on until Jaune handed her a high powered scope

Jaune: we can't simply send them here where many people, even the Kingdoms can see them. So they will be entering from space.

Amber looks up looking for ships

Until a large portal opened

And ships begin to come out


1- Infinity Class
1- Artemis Class
1- Thanatos Class
1- Phoenix Class
5- Paris Class

Roman: damn now that is a lot of ships and judging how much Atlas have, their doomed.

Neo: more like it would be child's play.

The Atlasian Pales seeing the massive ships and the size of the fleet

Spectre: and that is just the UNSC, remember they have allies.

The Atlasians just gulped

Amber: woooow there so many of them!

Jaune: that's not all of them.


1 Covenant Super Carrier

10 Corvettes

Some of the Atlasians fainted it was one thing to face human opponents now it's aliens

Amber: are you going to war?

Jaune: no war is coming to us.

Ozpin: how ominous.

I need to pay Vale a visit. I need to deal with the hidden enemies before engaging them openly.

Amber stay safe okay?

Amber: I will, you be careful out there.

Jaune reunites with Blue Team and put Cal in charge of Shion

Jaune: alright Blue Team our first objective is to remove the local White Fang threat.

Sam: so basically the Insurrection wars again?

Jaune: terrorist always exist no matter the place or time Sam.

Either way we have to keep Major population centers safe. First is removing the criminal element. Both the White Fang and this cretin.

Now it was Roman, Neo, Sienna and Ilia's turn to gulp

Jaune shows a hologram of a fashion disaster in the making

Roman: HEY!!! I take offense to that!

The kids all laughed hard at the clear jab at Roman's fashion sense

Kelly: who's the chump Jaune?

Linda: somebody call the fashion police.

Fredric: I'm assuming he's a wanted criminal.

Jaune: most wanted Fred.

Kelly: for what the most poorly dressed individual?

Roman: WHY I OUTTA!!!

Then Boot to the head incoming

Jaune: enough, judging by the string of dust robberies he might aim for a bigger target.

Sam: dust? Why would people want dust? It's just dirt.

Fredric: you weren't paying attention when Chief haven't you?

It's a source of power on this planet. They use it for many things. Weapons, power and their huntsmen.

Sam: so we need to make sure he doesn't steal anymore ?

Jaune: yes capture and interrogate.

Linda: the rest?

Jaune: if they surrender spare them, if not eliminate with extreme prejudice.

Now the bad guys just got chills

Foehammer: alright Chief, staying under the radar and I'm dropping you a few km away. You can swim the rest of the way.

Blue Team jumps out and used their thruster modules to get to the docks

They remain hidden until for hours

Jaune then spots Blake on the rooftops then he sees a blonde monkey next to her

Jaune: gone for months and I'm already replaced huh.

Sun: hey don't hate the player hate the game.

Neptune: no just hate the idiot who keeps ditching his team for the lols.

Sun: c'mon where your sense of adventure?

Neptune: I left it behind along with my desire to look cool.

Spectre: great job Neptune your improving unlike a certain someone.

as he glares at the banana brain

Kelly: Chief?

Jaune: nothing, just bad memories.

Linda looks at the direction he was looking at

Linda: they're the ones who left you to rot?

Jaune:.... Yeah.

Sam: they're not your friends, not your family.

Kelly: were your family Jaune.

Linda: she's right we're here for you.

Jaune: thanks guys, but stay on mission. I'll deal with these excess baggage later.

Blue Team nods

Then a Bullhead lands and White Fang and finally Roman Torchwick

Jaune: what? Why are White Fang members working with a human, and him of all people?

Fredric: highly suspicious. HVI identified.

Nora: what does HVI mean?

Winter: High Value Individual.

Roman: I guess I am valuable.

Neo: your head is, remember your wanted dead or alive.

Roman just sweats like a pig

Jaune: hold...n...

Then Blake charges Torchwick and held her weapon to his throat

Blake: brothers and sisters of the White Fang! Why do you work with this scum!?

Roman: nobody told you? We're in a healthy business relationship.

Kelly: wow he openly admits it. We have confirmation he's with the White Fang.

Jaune: he believes he can't be captured.

Then Torchwick took the shot and blew Blake away

As she was recovering from the blast she was being surrounded by White Fang Grunts

Roman was getting ready to gloat until a banana peel fell on his head

Roman: why you damn dirty ape!!!

Sam: wow those kids are in way over their heads.

Linda: so we're we when we first fought the Covenant.

Fredric: we were fully trained soldiers, these posers haven't even finished a few months yet.

Jaune: Blue Team Fall in.

The Spartans Jumped from where they are and with a thunderous thud they stood tall

Jaune: Roman Torchwick your under arrest.

Roman: and who the hell are you?

Then some of the White Fang Grunts shivered

WFG 1: it's the demon!!!

WFG 2: there's more of them!!?

WFG 3: RUN!!!

Tyrian: huhuhuhu Look at the fear he inspires! He sure has talent!

Port: it seems he has built a reputation for himself.

Jaune: Blue Team engage hostiles.

Blue Team proceeded to kill all the white Fang who fought back

After Blake recovered she was horrified at what she was seeing

Five armored soldiers killing the White Fang who are fighting back

But she focused herself in apprehending Torchwick

Sun was fighting off Roman until Blake joined the fray

Blue Team was mopping up stragglers

Until a bullet hit a few feet away Jaune's foot

He looked towards the source only to find a White Fang Grunt shaking

But what makes this Grunt different is a kid only 11 yrs old

Sienna: ADAAAAM!!!!!!!

Ilia couldn't believe that Adam was capable of using kids for his cause

Blake just shakes in anger who was being comforted by her parents

Jaune holstered his weapons and approached the child

The kid couldn't even pull the trigger due to the fear

Jaune reached for the weapon and took it away gently, he then took of the kids mask and looks at his face

Jaune: why are you here kid?

???: They said if I didn't do as they say, they'll kill me..

His voice trembling

Jaune: where are your parents?

???: They killed them.

He points at the White Fang members

Jaune: I'm sorry about that kid...

Then he crushed the mask in his hand with ease.

Blake saw the action and wondered

Blake: (he spared a kid? The White Fang is using children!?)

Kelly! Get this kid out of here and prep for exfil.

Kelly: Roger that.

She picked up the child and fall back

The surviving White Fang Grunts surrendered while Torchwick and a few of his goons are still fighting

A shot hit near Torchwick and he looked up to see a familiar girl in a red cloak

Roman: hey Red, isn't it past your bed time?

Then multiple bullheads appeared in the sky

Then a redhead approached Ruby and asked

Penny: friend Ruby, are these people your friends?

Ruby: Penny stay back!!!

Summer: don't you dare!

as she sees Roman trying to point his cane at her

Seeing her distracted tried shooting at her when an armored hand grabbed the cane and bens it into a u shape

Neptune: man now that is some serious muscle!

Roman: Melodic Cudgle is made from high quality metals!

Neo: remember he can lift a tank.

Roman: oh c'mon! Do you know how expensive his thing is to fix!?

Jaune tried to grab him but Torchwick managed to narrowly escape his clutches as the 3 bullheads opened fire

Jaune: this is Sierra 117, requesting heavy ordinance.

???: Got you covered Master Chief.

Then heavy weapons opened fire on one of the Bullhead destroying it

Harriet: it was able to take down a Bullhead that easily!?

Elm whistles at the serious firepower

The rest of the White Fang covered Roman's escape and fired on Ghost

Then he responded in kind

Sun: multi-kill!

Then Pelicans Landed near the docks and deployed Marines

Ghost: Hades Corps. ! Show them how Marines fight!!

Marines Ura!!

Adrian: Uwa!

The parents looked at Adrian in worry, does he want to be a soldier?

The Marines charged at the White Fang

Ruby: wow, what are those things!?

Penny: how curious, it reminds me of the Atlas Paladin Prototype.

Spectre: Penny I love you but please don't compare garbage to high quality tech.

Penny: sorry.

Nora: wow we got another red-head saying sorry!

Blake: they keep multiplying.

Yang: yeah right Rubes?

Ruby: sorry?

Weiss: *sigh*.

She says as she records the battle between the Spartans and Marines

To deliver to the general later

Only one Bullhead escaped all remaining White Fang arrested

The UNSC proceed to clean up as authorities arrived to arrest the criminals

The rest of team RWY arrived to reconcile with their wayward teammate

After they said their apologies Blake then approached Jaune

Blake: why did you kill them!?

Jaune: we have our orders. They're terrorists.

Blake: they were misguided!

Blake: why am I so Stupid!?

Kali: you're still young.

Ghira: and lost.

Jaune: tell that to their victims.

Blake then couldn't talk back, during her time there, she saw the violent nature they were heading

Linda: don't talk like you understand brat. Grow up first.

Yang then stormed her way at them

Tai: big mistake.

Yang: I can take him....I think?

Qrow: where did that confidence go?

Yang: where your hair went.

Winter laughed out loud surprising her family

Qrow was speechless

Tai: she got you there baldy!

Summer was also laughing with Raven joining in

Yang: don't talk to her like that!

Kelly: or what!? If you throw a punch, you just land your ass in jail.

Fredric: grow a pair of braincells before you talk kid.

Yang was fuming as Ruby tries to pull her sister away

Sam: maybe we should arrest your friend for interfering military affairs.

???: I would like it if you don't dot that.

They all turn to see an old man

Ozpin: they are my responsibility and I do believe we have the authority to punish any unwanted behavior.

Jaune the organized his troops and gave them orders to continue the construction projects

He will undergo a solo mission

Ozpin then asks him something

Ozpin: can you please come with me.

Jaune: for what reason?

Ozpin: to discuss this incident.

Jaune: as you wish, I also have a lot to speak to you about.

Blue Team once again parted ways as Jaune went to Beacon

Jaune:(this might be a cluster fuck waiting to happen.)

Glynda: knowing Ozpin it will.

Ozpin: Glynda is your opinion of me so low?

Glynda: due to the fact that our world is in ruins because you can't keep your marriage together is a good indication of how poor of man you are.

Salem was now laughing like a hyena

Jaune went to Headmaster Ozpin's Office

Jaune was welcomed by Glynda Goodwitch

But what Jaune had expected

The room is filled with many Atlasian Soldiers and Knights and a hologram of General Ironwood

Jaune: so what do I owe this welcome?

Ozpin: I just wish to ask you a few questions about the battle on the docks.

Jaune: and this force of soldiers?

Ozpin: simply a safety precautions.


Ozpin: please state your identity and affiliation, if you will.

Jaune: callsign Sierra 117, Master Chief Petty Officer of the UNSC Navy.

Ozpin: UNSC?

Jaune: that's classified.

Ironwood: you don't expect us to just let that go.

Jaune: I don't broadcast who I am and what army is, just to brag. General....

Clover: ooh here it comes.

Ironwood was now sliding both his hands on his face

Ironwood: what!?

Glynda: James relax.

Ozpin: can you remove your helmet I wish to see what you look like.

Jaune: no.

The elevator makes it way to the office

Then the elevator doors open revealing nothing

Glynda: huh that never happened before.


Glynda: what was that?

Ozpin: must be malfunctioning.

Glynda: it was fine a moment ago.

Ironwood: please stay on topic.

I would like to know on who's authority did you get involve with the battle on the docks?

Jaune: my Authority. It was my op and strike force.

Then the elevator opened again

Ozpin: what is wrong with it today?

Port: I guess you need to call the maintenance guys headmaster.

Glynda: we keep it well maintained, unless a bunch of kids messed with it.

she glares at the students who just whistled especially Ruby

Ironwood: you do know you were operating in a Kingdom without proper authorization, with dangerous and heavy weapons, unsanctioned killings and heavy property damage.

I should have you arrested!

Then the elevator opened again

Glynda getting annoyed by it

Ozpin: now James this doesn't have to go like this. He helped in apprehending Terrorists.

Ironwood: he is the one in the reports from the survivors of the first attack!!! H e has access to unknown highly advance technology!

We could use that against our enemies!

Jaune: oh. You can forget about that general, if you touch me your gonna pay.

Ironwood: and what are you gonna do about it? Your just one man, what can you hope to achieve going to war against Atlas?

A sound echoed in the room, and it was weird

Wort Wort Wort Wort

Blake: uh-oh.

Weiss: what?

Yang: what is it Blakey?

Glynda: what is that sound?

Ironwood: who cares, you are under arrest! Men arrest this man! Arrest him!

All Atlasians pointed their guns at him


Jaune: Kelly, Tell Arby I'm gonna need a hand, and you guys watch my back.

Kelly understood the key words and left to tell the Team and the Arbiter


Back to The Present

Ironwood: well we're dead.

Harriet: why do you say that sir?

Ironwood: keep watching Hare.

Suddenly multiple shimmers appear in the office then figures begin to emerge from no where

Creatures of great height aiming weirdly shaped weapons at the Atlasians

Qrow: talk about a Mexican Showdown.

Tai: and they're severely outgunned, if those Plasma based weapons can easily tear through Aura and a person.

Elm: welp their goners.

And Blue Team surrounded the Chief

And Jaune draw his Magnum and aimed it at Ironwood's Hologram

Jaune: mine are bigger than yours.

(And he doesn't mean his Pistol)

Qrow: guess he has the bigger set Jimmy.

Winter: must you be vulgar!?

Ruby: his Pistol is just slightly bigger than a regular gun.

Blake: uh Ruby that's not what he meant.

Ruby: what do you mean?

Penny: he means his tes....

Pietro slaps his hand over Penny's mouth

Mercury: balls he means his balls.

Then he was swatted on the head with a large boot by Emerald

Ruby: he's not carrying any balls.

Weiss: well at least she is still innocent, compared to her green minded sister.

Yang: HEY!!!!

AS 1: what are these things!?

AS 2: were surrounded!

Jaune: I kindly ask you soldiers to Fuck off.

Ozpin: now, now there's no need to let this escalate any further.

Ironwood knowing his men are outgunned ordered them to stand down and leave

Jaune: I guess that settles it, I don't answer to any of you, you have no jurisdiction on me.

Ozpin: can we please be civil about this.

Jaune: and why should I be truthful to someone who hides behind lies and half truths?

Ozpin was caught off guard

Jaune: I know of you and your private war.

Ozpin became serious all of the sudden

Ozpin: can we speak about this in private? Just the four of us?

Jaune the ordered his friends to wait on stand by in the courtyard

The Elites cloaked again

And Blue Team enters the Elevator

Ozpin: Mister, 117? Is it?

Jaune: yes.

Ozpin: how much do you know about me?

Jaune then pulls out a Data Pad and turned it on and showed a holographic History of Remnants true origins

An Index world made to repopulate the world with the human species

The Faunus was just a mutation of the human DNA

The Brother Gods, who were really just AIs who's sole purpose was to oversee humanity's rehabilitation

Ozpin: that story is much more of a scientific version than our origins.

Glynda: a little less confusing than some bickering gods.

The Corruption of their protocols and became the Rulers of this planet

The experimentation of humanity to develop super abilities

The creation of the Grimm as a sub species

The personal Bio Force Shield that would be known as Aura

The trigger words to activate it

The uniqueness of super abilities that were ingrained into their DNA

And two individuals who's purpose was to become immune to the flood parasite, Salem with an undying body

And Ozma who's soul was transferred into an empty vessel in order to recover the victims of the Composer

The Planets Purpose as a Fortress World for future combat engagements

The History of the Forerunners and their technologies

The Relics failed Weapons that hasn't been disposed of

Ozpin was shell shocked beyond reason

Their history partially a lie

Ozpin: all of this....

Ironwood: you can't expect us to believe this?

Glynda: really James? You would believe Divine Brothers who acted like they were Gods.

But you can't believe they were just programs created by an ancient advanced civilization of humans?

Ozpin: will you help me?

Jaune: you will only lose, because you treated this whole war as a Chess game.

War is not a game, you have lost so many people up till now.

And I will not trust you or your General with the lives of my people

Because all you care about is ratios and results.

Glynda: Ratios and Results? I'm not following you sir.

Jaune: Yes if you succeed it may be a accepted as victory. But do you think those families of the ones that died will feel the same way.

War is not numbers, it's people and you all have forgotten about that.

Hazel felt anger at how his sister died under Ozpin's watch

Jaune: I will stop Salem my way and I will not throw away the lives of people to win.

Jaune then leaves the dumbfounded trio to process all that was revealed

Unknowingly the data pad was already hacking the Scrolls of the Headmasters and the CCT

In the Elevator Jaune contacts Cortana

Jaune: Cortana how is it?

Pietro: now that was sneaky.

Ironwood: I'm a dumbass again.

Robyn: I guess it's the common denominator in most universes right Specty?

Spectre: *sigh* indeed. ( I'm getting tired of that nick name)

Cortana: it was easy it like I'm working with caveman technology. Their protection is laughable.

Pietro and Watts fell off their seats

Jaune: collect any data and ensure that the tower cannot be used by any other outside forces.

Jaune left the courtyard but he decided to look for his former friends curious at what's been happening

Jaune entered the Mess Hall and was met by a familiar voice

???: That hurts!

Cardin: no one here to protect you now huh!?

Jaune was enraged, that bastard never changed no matter what happened and how much time ha passed

He looks at teams RWBY and PNR only to see them still doing nothing

Jaune: I was right to leave this place doesn't breed Heroes, it just makes bullies.

He walks over to Cardin

And Cardin failed to notice the looming shadow over him

(Image not mine)

Jaune then grabs the back of his head and smashes it on the table

Causing everyone to look at the scene

Jaune: you alright?

Velvet looked at the behemoth and remembered this happened before

Velvet realized Jaune did the same for her

Cardin: argh! What's that for!?

Jaune: just taking care of trash.

Cardin: oh tough guy cuz your wearing a metal suit. Huh big guy!?

The rest of RDL stood up

Then a team entered the Mess Hall

4 more armored behemoths walk to Jaune's side

Jaune: they're just here to watch, I can beat you with just my finger.

Cardin tried to retaliate until a purple glow enveloped him and his team

Glynda: Mister Winchester, I told you what would happen if I caught you bullying people again!

She looks to Jaune and gestures him to follow her

After throwing team CRDL into detention

Glynda brought him to the Auditorium, which is empty and Ozpin is waiting

Ozpin: I see that you are right, I don't know how to lead, not like you do, we reviewed your battle you are 10 times the man I ever was.

I want you to help me teach the young ones at least for a few days.

Jaune pondered the offer

Construction was under way, Territories are secured, Reinforcements have arrived, a priority individual was in his Army's protection.

Now he needs to address the hidden enemy within the Kingdom, Torchwick is a thief not a leader. He's not working alone. He doesn't have enough brains to pull his current stunts

Roman: hey! I got brains to make brilliant heists!

Gwen: yeah you got caught.

Roman: it was part of the plan!!!

Octavia: yeah keep telling yourself that bud.

Dew: whatever helps you keep your eyeliner from running.

Roman: grrrrrr......

At least with this he doesn't need go back and forth using a Pelican and arouse suspicion

And he can monitor Vale more closely and respond even quicker

Being an instructor for a change would be a nice change of pace from the constant waves of Covenant, Flood and Prometheans

Jaune: as you wish. But I will ask for accommodations for my Team as well they will stay with me for added security.

Ozpin: done, Glynda have them set up as I will deal with James.

They were led to Dorm rooms for Professors and they were settling in

Jaune contacted Cortana to send in a Suit Cradle so they can at least be casual

Linda: you accepted that teaching job?

Jaune: why not? So these kids can be toughened up if war ever reaches their doorstep.

They need to be at least ready for what's to come.

Frederic: man I can see that look on your face Jaune.

Kelly: I haven't seen that look on a long time.

Sam: those kids are toast.

(The second Coming of Mendez is about to give the Huntsmen and Huntresses of Remnant a good wake up call)

Cue Morning Military Bugle Music

Ironwood: well this reminds me of boot camp.

Clover: ugh I hated those days.

Winter: what recruit doesn't.

A loud bugle horn blew through the academy

Many walks out of their dorms

An announcement made by Glynda rang out

Glynda: through an emergency meeting it was decided to increase the academy's curriculum to enhance your skills.

Do not worry it is temporary, but it is a requirement to attend this new class. Anyone caught disobeying this change will be punished.

Your new class is called HELL.

Glynda just smiles

Port: should we be worried.

Oobleck: hold me.....

Ozpin was just sipping his coffee away

The students grumbled as they made their way to the new class

Glynda Goodwitch was found at the center of the arena but that wasn't what got people's attention

It was the 7 foot armored behemoth standing next to her that got people to look on

Team JNPR entered the room, with their newest member Jeanne Arc, despite her kind demeanor she thoroughly hates a bit of team RWBY and her team for what they did to her brother

Saphron: it's good to see big sis again.

Terra: she's a little busy after becoming a Huntress herself.

Adrian: Jen Jen! hahaha.

She transferred to Beacon to look for him all she found was Crocea Mors chipped and scratched and the Shield was broken beyond repair

She had it refabricated and upgraded to extend into a broadsword and have a Hard light feature

Ruby: ooh! Maybe I can help Jaune upgrade his gear when we get the chance.

John: please just make a new sword, we don't want Crocea Mors to be altered in any way.

Cath: we need to have a word with Jaune about it.

Jeanne was both angry and depressed at what happened and the family is divided between all the sisters and the mother against her father who basically banished Jaune without their consent or approval

The rest of the family though disappointed in Jaune's actions will not condemn him for it, but he still needed a stern talking to

But they all believe they lost him when it was reported he was missing, and his gear found damaged an covered in blood

Authorities have assumed and declared him dead

Team RWBY on the other hand was worse of after the incident Ruby seldom talk with the rest of her team especially Yang

With Yang defending herself that he was bad company, but Ruby fired back that she behaved no differently than the bullies she claimed to hate

Yang: I'm beginning to hate myself.

Weiss: join the party.

Blake: yeah it's a pity party.

Weiss although was right in the legality of Jaune's offence, it was too much to ostracize a person just for falsifying papers. She is one to talk since her family's wealth was built on slavery

Blake was no different she claims she want to make things fair for the Faunus, but she didn't lift a finger to help a fellow Faunus when Velvet was constantly harassed

Blake: I'm sorry Velvet.

Velvet: it's okay being a Faunus is hard enough without making a scene. If it makes you feel any better I was in the same boat at times.

Jeanne: hey Ruby, how you doing?

Ruby: good, but I still miss the big goof.

Jaune observed the teams and sighed

Cortana came to him with a missing persons report

His family still cared for him and sacrificed a lot to find him

It was now clear the decision to banish him was his father's, Jaune plans to meet with them to tell them his okay, later if he has the time

But how can he explain to make them to feel better, when all that he experienced was Hell X 1000 in the other world

Jaune will cross that bridge when he gets to it but first

Jaune: Greetings, I am John 117 your new field instructor, I am here to teach you sorry lot discipline.

Weiss: how are we undisciplined sir?

Jaune: I see you have forgotten already. Class let me introduce you all to the band of screw ups, team RWBY

The Team cringed as the others awkwardly shifts, they made screw ups themselves at times

Yang: HEY!!!! We're not screw ups!!! I'll punch you in the dick!

Jaune: thank you miss Xiao Long for proving my point.

Tai: *sigh* nice work honey.

Raven: your the one who raised her.

Qrow: we all have something to answer for.


Due to recent events an accident occurred on the docks. Roman Torchwick a well know and highly dangerous criminal was absconding a large shipment of Dust from the SDC.

These children in their infinite wisdom decided to take matters into their own hands. Common sense dictates that you should have called the proper authorities.

The White Fang and Roman couldn't have loaded all that dust by the time they arrive and he could possibly been caught.

Instead miss Belladonna and Rose fought him with the help of a delinquent and another girl. And at the end of the day he escaped.

You have Endangered yourselves, Undermined the authorities, Broken the Law. And failed to get results. You can't defend your actions no matter what.

If your not sure you can get the job done don't do it, you'll only make things worse.

Yang: they stopped Torchwick from stealing the Dust!!!!

Jaune: yes, but the port was still near populated areas the explosion you caused may have killed if not injured any innocent bystanders.

And the damage you did, amounted 584,000 Lien. Who do you think will pay for that? Your lucky the Headmaster is protecting you, if not your asses would be on jail not here.

Blake and Yang pales at the price as Yang is already in hot water herself

That shut up any more complaints from the team

Jaune: alright enough of that, I will train you all in hand to hand.

Ruby just nervously shifts in her seat

Tai: I can see you Ruby, you still need to learn CQC when we get the time.

Yang: no use in hiding there little sis!

Student: why sir, we have our weapons?

Jaune: let me ask you this, if you run out of ammo or it breaks? Are you gonna run and leave civilians to die?

The students began murmuring

Jaune: alright, who here thinks they can beat me?

Cardin obnoxiously raised his hand

Cardin: I do!

Coco: dead man walking!

Sun: he's so going down.

Ciel: plenty of men like him in Atlas.

Jaune: then bring your team and weapons.

A few minutes later

Team CRDL charged Jaune haphazardly

Jaune then did something Covenant like

Jaune: Cortana disengage my Shields.

Cortana: what? Why?

Jaune: I want to show how pathetic this team is.

Yang: wow never thought Jaune would be this vindictive.

Spectre: there's a lot about my past you don't know.

Yang: oh? Got anything to share with us?

Spectre: yeah you like to flirt and play around but your still a virgin.

That got the attention of all the students present

Yang was red as a tomato and wanted to strangle Spectre for outing her but she knew he can't be harmed at all

Cortana: alright shields are down.

Jaune then took out a baton and charged the cheese heads

The team tried their best but

Dove tried to sweep his feet but Jaune jumped over while Russel jumped to intercept him

But to his surprise Jaune aimed his arm at him and a line flew and pierced the loos part of his clothes


Nora: GET OVER HERE!!!! Haha! It's like a game!

Ren: calm down Nora or I'll take away your pancakes.

Nora: waaahhh! How could you betray me!

Pyrrha and Ren just laughs

He pulled Russel to him and decked him with a clothes line sending him spinning in the air

Jaune then used his grapple shot and shoot in between Sky's feet

Sky looks down at his feet and forgot the speeding train coming at him

(Cortana then plays a Steam Train audio)

Jaune: next stop, Hospital.

Then he rams Sky into the ground leaving a crater

Dove then tries to catch Jaune as he was trying to right himself from the landing, Jaune the spun around and grabbed his hands then headbutts him

Leaving Cardin alone

Cardin: useless idiots!

He then readied his mace which now glows red alright

Jaune: ( Alright Cortana document the data on how much damage the MJOLNIR armor can negate without the shields.)

Cortana: ( sure Jaune just remember if the armor does break your fixing it.)

Jaune: (sure thing mom.)

Cortana:( you dumbass.)

Jaune:(yeah but I'm your dumbass.)

Kali: that's a cute friendship.

Cath: I guess all that Jaune ever needed was some good friends.

They both just laughed within the helmet without anyone hearing as Cardin makes a charge

Jaune didn't move as Cardin then smashes the Mace into his chest

The the Dust detonates leaving a cloud of smoke

Cardin just laughs like a madman thinking he's won

Then the smoke clears and his laughing abruptly came to a halt

Jaune: I see you were not even taking it seriously. Let me make myself clear, YOU, ME as HARD as you CAN. Got it?

Cardin: crystal. As he scowls and charges his Mace to full power

Jaune looks at his chest as he finds a small scratch on it

Cortana:(I detect minimal to zero damage to your suit.)

Jaune:(I'll just buff that scratch out.)

Then Cardin screams

Cardin: this is everything I got. Let's see if you can take it.

Jaune:(Cortana engage the shields.)

Cortana:(got it Jaune.)

Then Cardin make a leap and goes for an overhead swing

Jaune then just looks at him impassively as Cardin swung down and an even larger dust cloud emerged

Cardin was about to start laughing until he was smacked in the face with an electrical baton that sent him flying

Jaune then walks out with glowing gold outline

Jaune then looks at the team who were still down and Cardin struggling to get up

They all look at the monitors to see team CRDL to see they're all red while Jaune has no damage which shocked everyone

Cardin tries to stand again but he was smacked to the floor as a heavily armored foot keeps him down

Jaune: you rushed the objective alone, YOU don't win unless your TEAM wins.

Glynda: now that is a good lesson to learn especially for leaders.

Ruby: what do you mean Ms. Goodwitch?

Glynda: your a Team acting on your own to fulfill the objective and abandoning your teammates happen often with arrogant leaders, only you and Mr. Arc are the only tightly knit teams in the 1st years.

But these lessons are needed for the rest.

Neptune: like my Leader constantly ditching our team like it's a joke.

Sun: c'mon Neptune I always come back to bail you guys out.

Neptune: No it's irresponsible and sometime Sage had to come up with plans for the 3 of us. You always fly by the seat of your pants.

Roman: the kid's happy go lucky.

Qrow: oh? Speaking from experience?

Roman: no...I had a teammate like that, he was the first to die. The school replaced him a few weeks after.

Qrow: damn.

He raised his flask as Roman raised his glass

Port: many young Huntsman fall prey to such a delusion.

Oobleck: and it repeats itself like history.

Glynda: this Jaune is highly experienced, I got to commend that Mendez. He's a good Instructor.

Ozpin: we need more like him.

He moved to the center

Jaune: remember you are a team, if you think to lone wolf everything, get out. That kind of renegade behavior is not welcome anywhere.

Jaune remembers his time in wars he may be alone on the field but he was still a part of a team

Johnson and his Marines was part of his strike force for a large portion of his life, Logistics was where Miranda was, and Cortana handled his tactics

Jaune: all I saw was a failure to communicate, no strategy, only relying on brute force, no discipline.

Now who here thinks they can do better?

Pyrrha raised her hand

Jaune: who is the leader of that team?

Glynda: that would be Miss Arc, Sir John.

Jaune: it's up to your leader, Miss Nikos or is there a leadership problem in that team as well?

Jeanne: no sir, she just loves making the choice for everyone. (She said with venom)

Nora: wow she hates Pyr-Pyr.

Spectre: with a passion, Jeanne may be a kind girl but if someone harms her family...prepare for hell.

Saphron: same old Jeanne.

Pyrrha then shrunk in her seat reminded of her Crimes toward Jaune

Jaune sighs and decides to clear some things

Jaune: let me make this clear, Mister Arc was in the wrong when he decided to fake his way into this academy.

But his actions was just the outcome from his circumstances.

Weiss: so he is still.....

Jaune: do not mince my words. His family dictates his response. YOU of all people here should understand having your family reject your dreams, SCHNEE.

Weiss was stunned at the Venom in his voice

Jeanne: uhm, how do you know this sir?

Jaune: I've met the boy and he asked me on advice on what to do before he came to this wretched place.

John: nice save Son.

Cath: nearly exposed himself.

Glynda just flinched because she did nothing to stop the beatings and harassment

Jaune: but his heart was In a good place not like any of you.

Yang: what does that mean!?

Jaune: most of you came here on selfish reasons.

Blake just got more upset

Blake: and who are you to lecture us!?

Jaune: I'm just a soldier, and someone has to address this decline of morals. I am may not be innocent anymore, but the better question is who is still innocent?

Tyrian: no one ever is even children. Especially this wretched age.

Spectre: indeed.

Everyone looks at Spectre in shock

Spectre: he's bloodthirsty not stupid.

Jaune: you yourself are guilty of hypocrisy as well as your 2 teammates, so you have an even lower moral standing.

Ruby: sir can we settle it in the arena?

Weiss: Ruby!?

Ruby: Not Me!!!

Blake: It's still you.

Yang: yeah it is.

Team WBY looks at her shocked

Jaune: ' she's growing up.'

Ruby and her team trailing behind her all unarmed as Jaune just attached his Baton on his back armor

Ruby charges Jaune using her semblance

Jaune noticed her team was in disarray

Jaune sighs again her team was still good but their relationship is torn because of what those three did to me

Ruby spun around him to gain momentum but also a distraction

Cortana: Chief build up of ice is occurring on your feet

He then looks to Weiss sliding towards him with a dust cartridge in her hand

Jaune: good improvisation.

Winter: he said no weapons but he didn't say they can't use anything else, good work paying attention Weiss.

Weiss: thank you Winter.

Jaune then raised his foot and smashes the floor and scatters the ice tripping up Weiss

Ruby then made her strike behind Jaune

Jaune's threat sensor flared and his motion tracker showed him where the attack is coming from

Neo: now that is handy.

Roman: it may help me with little Red and Co.

He ducked as Ruby flies passed him trying to kick him

He then grabbed her by the cape and swung her around and threw her towards Weiss

Tai: told you that capes were a bad idea.

Summer and Ruby: SHUT IT!

Then a blur of yellow and black attacked him on two fronts

Jaune caught a kick from Blake with his right hand and a punch from Yang with his left

Jaune then pulled them in close and headbutt them with each other Yang was staggered but Blake just used a clone and jumped back

Blake: you... You killed those Faunus.

Jaune: they made their choice when they chose to support terrorism.

Blake: they were just being used!

Jaune: tell that to the dead civilians.

Jaune the used his threat sensor to keep an eye out for her clones

Blake then used the ribbon on her hand to imitate what Chief did

Ghira: aw my little kitten is a copy cat.

Blake: daaaaaad....

Kali just giggles

She spun it around and threw it at Jaune who blocked it with his right forearm as it twirls and binds itself on him

But to prevent her from using her shadow clones Jaune must make contact

And Jaune used his grapple shot but activates the Voltaic setting and stuns her

As the line draws Jaune in and he decks her knocking her out

Jaune turns to see Ruby and Yang standing side by side

Ruby: we take him together.

Yang: I'm taking him now!!!

Yang charges and Jaune back hands her away

Ruby: Dust Dang it!

Neo slow claps

Neo: bravo...bravo, no wonder I wiped the floor with you butt on the train. If it hadn't been for your Mother you would have been a goner Goldilocks.

Yang: I was tired and I've been fighting Grimm and White Fang before I got to you!

( This is the excuse the simps gave when Yang won her death battle with Tifa and the same excuse Wiz and Boomstick gave when she was being explained during her fight with Neo.)

Spectre: excuses, excuses. You new generation are all the same.

Ruby: that's mean.

Blake: doesn't mean it's not true.

Jaune: it seems you also don't have a good handle on your team.

Ruby: they did something I didn't approve of and nothing has been the same ever since.

Jaune: deal with your personal problems privately, in the field that gets in the way.

Ruby: okay.

Ruby then went in swinging but when she land a hit on Jaune's chest

Ruby: OW!!!!! What's that thing made of!

Jaune: titanium composite over a gel layered suit.

Roman and Mercury just laughs at how wimpy she is until Summer threw the boot away and just beat the shit out of the two the old fashion way

Ruby: wha....?

Jaune then tries to turn but

Ruby: I want to make this clear Jaune is a good person. He was a hero to me. He did the right thing at the end.

Jaune: I see, he did have a good friend.

Ruby: did he say that?

Jaune: he believed it till the end.

He then turns to the class

Jaune: alright take everything you seen here and learn from it Class dismissed.

As everyone leaves one person came out to speak to Jaune

Ruby: can I ask for some advice?

Jaune: you have my permission.

Ruby: how can I be a better leader?

Ozpin: the sign of maturity.

Weiss: how so?

Ozpin: those who think they know everything are just immature children, those who ask for help and wishes to learn more are mature enough to admit that they don't know everything.

Spectre: speak for yourself grandpa.

Ozpin: yes I know I was an idiot.

Spectre: and...?

Ozpin: and a coward.

Spectre: and?

Ozpin: I like to dress like a girl, I love ribbons in my hair and I kiss all the boys.

The kids were laughing like idiots while the adults were no better

Hazel was given a scroll to record it for future documentation

Jaune: you must be prepared to send people to their deaths.

Ruby: why!?

Jaune: In war it is acceptable to spend your men's lives.

Ruby: but we're not at war.

Jaune: Battles, Conflicts, Wars? What's the difference?

But what is unacceptable is to waste said lives.

Ruby: is this really how the world works?

Jaune: yes.

Ruby: then I'll strive to make a better one. But I'll have to fix my team first!

Jaune: good, a leader must always take command, carry on Miss Rose.

Ruby turns but looks back

Ruby: you know, you remind me of Jaune...

Jaune crosses his arms

Jaune: how so?

Ruby: you both defend those who can't defend themselves.

That's why your both Heroes to me.


Summer: aww how cute. I approve Ruby.

Maria: me too. Besides I had a good friend that was an Arc.

John: oh? Could it be Grandpa?

Maria: he was indeed handsome, too bad he already had someone.

She left as Cortana spoke

Cortana: seems like you were never alone.

Jaune: hmmm..... So anything from the Fang?

Cortana: not right now, seems like they're laying low.

Jaune: understood.

Cortana: Jaune, good news I'm receiving reports from Red Team, it seems like the clearing of the Dragon Continent seems to be complete, and they're starting to build the city.

Jaune: good any further complications?

Cortana: none, but a better question is what do we name the city.

Jaune: we'll name it Reach.

Klein: to honor their fallen planet? How nice of him.

The Next Day

Jeanne heard the story from Ruby that the new instructor knew Jaune personally

Combat Class - Hell

A team of 2nd years of a currently being drilled by a certain Spartan

Coco: Yatsu, Fox, Plan D!

Yatsuhashi fought Jaune to a stalemate

Both griping each other's hands in a deadlock as Fox comes from behind

(No innuendos please clean up your dirty minds)

Jaune then knees Yatsu in the gut making him let go as Jaune jumps over Fox in a back flip

But as he lands Jaune was met by a kick in the side by Coco

Salem: a huge improvement from the first group.

Glynda: well they are 2nd years, more experience.

As he looks at her she smiled

Coco: go for it bun!

Jaune then turns to receive 3 punches to his abs and then an upper cut

Velvet adopted a martial arts stance

Cortana: (Jaune, shields at 95%.)

Sun: that did some damage!

Jaune: (better than Cardin ever did.)

Nebula: by a LOT.

Gwen: better watch out for her.

He then saw an intense glow from her hands

Jaune: good to see someone with real skills.

Coco: hey! What are we chopped liver?

Coco: yeah say that to my face!!!!

Velvet: Coco please calm down.

Jaune: you do posses better leadership from what I have encountered but it's still to early to judge.

Coco then nods to her team

Yatsuhashi charges first with Fox following behind using Yatsu's large built to mask his movements

While Coco Jumped high to attack Jaune from both front and above

Jaune observed their movements

Jaune: (hmmmm. Attacking from different vantage points, using teammates for cover and.....)

Jaune looks behind him to see Velvet remaining on guard

Jaune: (she's trying to find an opening.)


Sun: that's bad for you mister!

Reese: if he was a normal Huntsman.

Jaune then charges Yatsu head on but as he got close Jaune jumped and he grabbed his shoulders and grasped his clothes as he used his momentum and MJOLNIR armor (which weighs 1000 lbs)

To lift him while simultaneously and then lands as he throws Yatsu towards Coco

As the two crashed Coco was pinned by a disoriented Yatsu

Coco: AW! C'MON!!!!

Velvet just giggled earning a betrayed gasp from her leader

Fox proceed his attack as they trade blows Fox tried to aim for the joints in the armor but bad news for him the gel layer of the combat skin just simply negated the force as it shifts it's density to the point of attack

Fox was left reeling from the pain of punching what it felt like as metal

To be fair Jaune disengaged his shield to offer them a fair chance

As Fox recovers Velvet went in for an attack as she delivered a flurry of kicks which assaulted Jaune

Mercury: DAMN! Wish I could do that.

Emerald: keep dreaming peg-legs.

The fun thing for Jaune it gave him a challenge as the blows felt like he was being hit by a Brute with a Gravity Hammer

Shield at 72%

Coco: damn Bun-Bun!

Velvet just fidgets in place

Pyrrha was now sweating

Ruby was looking for weaknesses

Octavia: now there's someone who doesn't skip leg day.

Elm nods in respect

Marrow was excited by the intense battle

Harriet: I'd like to challenge her sometime.

Vine: improvement lies in the heart of battle.

Jaune: wow, for a shy little girl you pack a wallop.

Velvet: I have to be strong to protect those who helped me.

Jaune: is it about that Jaune boy?

Velvet ears dropped a little

Velvet: I never got to thank him for helping me l, the least I can do is , from what Ruby told me, is to achieve his dream and be a Hero to people who needs it.

That is the only way I can honor him and give thanks.

Velvet blushed at her other's confession

Unknowingly Jaune smiled

Cortana just giggled

Cortana: (jee, Chief you look cute as you smile, you should do that often.)

Jaune then returns to his usual stoic face

Jaune: (no, ma'am.)

Nora: phooey.

Ren: he does need to smile more.

Pyrrha: it may be hard since he went through a war.

Jaune then met fists with Velvet remarkably she didn't flinch

Jaune: okay that's enough. As you can see students this is how a team works. You should follow their example.

Team CFVY was given high marks unlike the fails of teams CRDL and RWBY

Coco hugs Velvet and puffs her chest in pride while team RWBY grumbled

Jaune: alright, who's next?

The Jeanne raised her hand

Jaune: Miss Arc.

Jeanne: team JNPR would like to give it a shot.

Jaune: proceed to the arena.

Nora: alright team JNPR for the Win!

Ruby: team RWBY is still the best!

Nora: you wanna go!

Ruby: you bet!

Then Specter bonks them both stopping the incoming riot

Jeanne came out first with a surprising attire

It was eerily similar to Jaune's but more armor like gauntlets and grieves with a torn cloak that has a blood like color

It appears that Jeanne took one of Jaune's old hoodies and bathed it in blood colored paint to emphasize the tears was to symbolize the beatings he received from this accursed school, while the paint was to symbolize his death due to everyone's betrayal

Salem: hmmm that's one way to spread the message across.

Tyrian: it keeps the peons in line.

Teams RWBY ,NPR and CFVY was shocked by the implications

Pyrrha walks towards her

Pyrrha: Jeanne we need a plan for attack.

Jeanne: I have a plan... Attack.

Glynda: and here we go again.

Ozpin: what did I say, kids will be kids Glynda.

As she charged Jaune

Master Chief just shakes his head

Jaune: another disaster...

As Jeanne dashed forward she met what it feels like a wall as it was plainly obvious her shoulder charge did nothing

As she was pushed away and then met with a Spartan style punch to the face

Pyrrha tried to capitalize on the distraction was met with a kick to the abdomen

Pyrrha cringed at the blow

Having crashed to the ground, enraged Nora bum rushed the Chief

Ren sighs as he tries to cover her slack

Jaune then went to grapple with Nora

Who is surprisingly strong as he looked she was holding lightning dust

Nora: eheheheheh.

Whitley: should we be concerned?

Ren: we should be.

Weiss: this is what I have to deal with on a daily basis.

Whitley: my condolences.

Using it to supercharge herself she then lifts the Spartan and throws him

Ren the jumps toward him and unleashes a barrage of palm strikes

As he reared his fist back for a final smash he was grabbed

Jaune: that tickles. Try harder Oum.

(Sorry wrong person)

He then threw Ren towards Nora as she catches him princess style carry

Jaune's threat sensor flared then he looks behind him to see Jeanne

Jeanne using her semblance to collect a massive amount of Aura into her hands

Jeanne: eat this!!! Arc Pride!

John: now that is certainly new.

Cath: that's my girl.

As she launched the ball of Aura it transformed into a lions head and engulfed the Spartan

Jaune's display beeped once indicating his shield is at 75%

The Aura shatters to reveal Jaune standing with his shield glowing

Jaune: that was good, no one here surpasses you in Aura, I John 117 declare you the strongest!

Jeanne then collapsed on the floor tired

Jeanne: that was all that I had and he's okay!?

Cath: and that's my boy!

Saphron: who are you even rooting for?

Cath: BOTH!

Jaune: alright that's about it, Class Dismissed!

Later Mess Hall

Jaune was just going to grab some food and leave but he was called out by someone

Jeanne: sir, John!!! Over here!

As she waves to get him to come over

Jeanne: sir join us.

Jaune: I rather eat in my office.

Jeanne: please I just have something to ask.

Jaune: is it about my relations to young Mister Arc?

Jeanne: yeah...

The teams mood just become somber

Jeanne: do you know where he might be?

Jaune: no, miss... Like everyone else have said, I believe him to be gone.

Jaune knowing who he was, was nothing but a shadow to what he became, a living legend, Jaune Arc the wimpy kind goofball is truly gone

Ironwood: one way of looking at it. War changes people.

Clover: and not for the best.

Jeanne just lowered her head She has been searching for months but it seems like it may be true

Jeanne: I'm sorry for wasting your time Sir....

Jaune: if it's any consolation he went in peace.

Jeanne just sniffled

Weiss: still doesn't change what he did.

Ruby: WEISS!!!!

Weiss: what!? It's true!

Jeanne was surprised

Then a pie flew into her face

Nora: shaddup ice queen!!!

Yang: oh? You approaching me?

Nora: I'm coming to you.

Then Ruby screamed

Ruby: food fight!!!!!

(The same shtick happened in Canon)

Glynda entered the Mess Hall

Glynda: children please don't play with your food.

Ozpin: Glynda, let them be.

Glynda: they're supposed to be remnant's defenders.

Ozpin: right now their children, let them play that part. They won't stay like that forever.

Jaune: believe me, let them be. I didn't have that privilege.

Glynda: how old were you when you joined as the war came.

Jaune: 6.

Glynda mortified by the age

Glynda: you were six!? That's inhumane!

Jaune: it's war, and they were desperate.

Ozpin: doesn't change that it was wrong.

Jaune: it's what kept humanity alive.

Sienna: well it's true since he and the other Spartans did turn the tide.

Ilia: yeah but at what cost?

Neo: his humanity.

Then a message came to Ozpin

Qrow- the queen has pawns

Ozpin: we have allies.

He looks at John

Jaune: that's better Oz, but she's just the beginning.

Ozpin nods

A War is coming

Then the Screen turns off

Qrow: hey Spectre, can you give me my hair back.

Spectre: what? It's a good look for you.

Qrow: C'MON!

Spectre: hey, it's what you deserve.

Qrow: just fix it please!

Spectre snaps his fingers and he went back to normal

Spectre: just don't talk shit about the other Jaune's, some of them can break realities rules.

Qrow: noted.

Raven: what? You getting shoved in a Turkey ass, Turned into a Meat Ball and Shaved Bald wasn't enough to make you be careful?

Qrow: it's what I do.

Spectre: alright on to the next world!

Chapter End
