Magical Mysteries

I do not own these characters


When the world came into focus,the shadow they were standing in was a school (it looked like a school anyway) named Magical Mysteries. They weren't wearing their school uniforms they were wearing a gold,navy and silver uniform. They looked at their bags."My name is Brass Beauty apparently," Katelyn said quite happily,"The daughter of Sleeping Beauty".Then Nicole piped up,"I'm Brair Beauty, also Sleeping Beauty's child, we're twins awesome!""I'm Forest Huntsman, son of the Huntsman!"Travis remarked when he looked at Katelyn, she rolled her eyes."I'm Rupert Rider, son of Rapunzel..."Dante mumbled glumly.

"Come along now children,"said a voice behind them, it was a tall,fair-haired professor wearing a forget-me-not blue robe."Come on,get a move on the housing ceremony is about to start!" He said, his brown eyes glittering in the sun. They followed him into a massive hall with two long tables down the edges, with the teachers table was at the top along the wall, strange thing is that all the plates were empty."Another year has begun at Magical Mysteries, now you will called up and you shall pick out one. The two houses are Royal and Rebel, some families have stayed in the same house for eaons," the headmistress said from the top of the long room." Like the Beauty's." A boy behind Katelyn snickered. The head continued," Others switch pick their own destiny. Now for the houses, Brair Beauty!" Nicole hesitated, then she went up to the front."Royal!"Nicole picked. Katelyn went next, she knew that Nicole wanted her to go there but being a damsel in distress, just wasn't her thing.

"Rebel!"she called out.There was great admonishment in the hall while Travis did the get in there sign.Nicole didn't look too pleased and Dante wasn't even paying attention(he was to busy staring out of the window).

Later on that night in the Rebel common room, Travis was watching Katelyn push her now blacky-orange hair behind her ear. Katelyn's hair was up in a ponytail but it was falling in her face. Man! She looked cute when she was reading. Katelyn suddenly said, " We need to make up with the other two."
