Chapter Nine - Candid

Min Yoongi

I grit my teeth hard, grinding them together in annoyance. I had really hoped it wouldn't come down to this.

"Yoongi?" Daehyun frowns, understandably confused. I don't normally come to find him, for obvious reasons.

"I..." I purse my lips slightly, not wanting to admit this. "I need you." I look away, slightly embarrassed.

"Well, all you had to do was ask." He smirks and takes a step towards me.

"No. Not that." I roll my eyes. "I need to meet a visitor and I don't know who else is... We both know that's where most of the bribing goes down. I need protection."

"And what will you give me in return." He raises his eyebrows, still smirking.

"This was the whole deal, Daehyun. Don't go back on it! You don't get to fuck me whenever you want and ask for specific things when you have to do your side of the bargain." I glare, practically growling.

He sighs, almost disappointed. "Very well..."

I nod curtly and we walk together.

"Who's visiting, then?" He looks over, seemingly genuinely interested.

"Jimin..." I grit my teeth. Do I want him to know? Of course not, but I can't exactly hide it once we're in there.

"Oo, the boyfriend." He wiggles his eyebrows and I feel sick. I don't want Jimin to know. My mind wanders back to when I first ever told him.

"I.. I used to give myself to people... For money..."


"Like.. Like I gave you myself for my birthday?.."

"No. Well, nothing like that, no emotion. It's just a service..." I shrug.

"But sex." He's slightly angry and to be honest, I get it.

"It started off as just blowjobs, but eventually.. Yes..."

His jaw is clenched and after waiting for him to speak for a while I give up.


"D-Does this change anything for you?.." My eyes flick over his face, trying to translate his features.

"Just.. You've done stuff with me..." He looks down at his hands as they pull at a loose thread on his shirt. Does that make him feel dirty? Or is he jealous that I've had sex with a lot of people? "Is that why you don't like it when I give you expensive stuff? Does it feel like I'm trying to buy you? Fuck, I mean.. Did you even enjoy it? It's just work for you..."

"Daehyun.. Can we keep this a secret? I just..." I purse my lips, not knowing what to say.

"You don't want your boyfriend knowing you're letting guys fuck you for protection? Don't worry, I get it." He chuckles and slaps my back hard.

"Thanks..." I mumble, not sure if my decision to hide it from Jimin is the right one. I don't even want to see him. Well, of course, I want to. But, I don't want him to know how hard it is for me in here. I don't want him to feel even guiltier. None of this is his fault.


Park Jimin

I bite the inside of my lip nervously. It's been close to six months since I last saw Yoongi and, if I'm honest with myself, I'm scared. I don't really know what I'm scared about, exactly, but I'm so anxious. Does he blame me? Was I wrong about him still loving me even though I got him sent in here? Does he actually hate me?

The door opens and my head darts to its direction. Yoongi. And someone else, someone I don't know. He looks around his mid to late thirties, hair dark and slicked back, a five o'clock shadow giving him a pretty tough and rugged look. I frown slightly when the man's hand brushes Yoongi's back. It tugs at something in my stomach. Something I didn't know existed. He's not here with Yoongi, is he? I blink up at the demon, tears automatically brimming at my eyes and any feeling in the pit of my stomach washing away in seconds. "H-Hyung..."

Yoongi gulps and clenches his jaw as he sits down opposite me, grimacing slightly..

"Oh my god. You really do hate me..." I blink, tears spilling yet again.

His lips part slightly and his eyes widen. "Baby, no..."

"Of course you do. I was an idiot to think you wouldn't. I got you put in here, I'm the reason you're not at Pharawa-"

Yoongi's finger gently presses against my lips. "You did nothing, Chim Chim..."

"No touching." A guard growls at me from the other side of the room.

Yoongi's jaw clenches and his hand retreats.

"No, wait!" I fumble in my pocket, running over to the guard and shoving an envelope into his hand.

As I slide back onto my chair, Yoongi chuckles. "You never were one for subtle..."

I blush and shrug slightly. "Well, I'm sorry if I'm eager; I haven't seen you in half a year." I grumble.

"Come here, then." Yoongi bites his lip nervously.

"I-Is that allowed?" My eyes widen in shock and he laughs again.

"You've just payed for the guard to be blind, baby. Anything's allowed." He smirks slightly and I feel heat radiate from my cheeks before nodding eagerly and scooting onto the bench next to him, on his side of the table. He winces as I bump into him, making me frown again. "Hyung, wh-"

"So, can I join you two now?" The man from before slips onto the seat I've just vacated.

"Daehyun." Yoongi purses his lips, smile immediately falling.

"Is this a friend of yours?" I smile and look at the man.

"No." Yoongi snaps at me, making me jump slightly.

"Come now, Yoongi. I'm not that bad." Daehyun chuckles. "You're Jimin, right? He talks about you all the time. In fact, I never stop hearing your name." The man looks at Yoongi pointedly as I grin and I cock my head, not understanding the joke.

"Hyung?" I frown more as I see Yoongi's eyes shining more than usual.

"It's nothing." The demon has yet to unclench his jaw and I worriedly slide my hand over his, head resting on his shoulder. I feel his shoulders relax and smile, cuddling his arm.

"I missed you..." I mumble, intertwining my fingers with his.

"I.. Jimin..." Yoongi's voice cracks and I look up immediately.

"Yoongi? What is it?" I turn on my seat, practically straddling the elder. He winces and I immediately pull myself away from him. "What happened?. Why are you hurt?." I glare, ready to fight anyone who dared touch my demon.

"I'm sorry..." A tear finally falls and I wipe it away quickly, cupping Yoongi's cheeks.

"Baby, tell me." I cautiously shuffle closer, not wanting to cause him pain again. "Tell me where it hurts..." I stroke his cheek, eyes wandering down every inch of skin I can see, trying to find any sign of bruising or broken skin. They linger on his collar, a faint yellow band of bruising around his neck. It's old, but it's still just about there. "Who did this?." I growl, my own jaw now clenched. I trace it lightly with my fingers and Yoongi flinches.

"I.. Chim..." He collapses into my arms, sobbing into my neck. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"What? Why would you need to be so-"

"Because I'm a coward!" He pushes me away from him and a few people turn their heads, watching us. "Because I couldn't just die like a fucking martyr, I had to let him be right!"

He's still sobbing and I'm shushing him, trying to get him to calm down. I recognise the symptoms: quickening breath, shaking hands, eyes darting in every direction but mine. He's about to have a panic attack. Without a second to spare, I press my lips firmly against his. But unlike any other time, he pushes me away.

"No! I don't fucking deserve that, Jimin! I don't deserve you!" He sobs again and I purse my lips.

I push myself to my feet and walk back to the guard. "How much will it take for you to get everyone else out of here and leave us alone for a while?"

"Jimin, stop spending money on me. I'm not fucking worth it, okay?." Yoongi snaps.

"Then sit down and shut the fuck up, Yoongi!" I snap back. He blinks, shocked.

"But..." He gulps, complying and wincing as soon as he meets the bench.

My mouth drops. He wouldn't... He didn't... 
