Chapter Fifteen: Related

Min Yoongi

Five Years Ago

Jimin giggles and hides his face behind his hands.

"Yah. You promised you wouldn't do that." I pout and receive a passionate kiss as an apology, which I happily accept. "Also, should I be offended?.." I mumble into the kiss.

Jimin breaks it and looks at me, shocked. "What?.."

"What? We have sex for the first time and you giggle. What am I supposed to take from that??" I joke and Jimin hits my shoulder.

"I'm sorry.. It's just that as soon as I remembered how to breathe again, all I could think was.. 'Happy birthday to me!'" I stare blankly at him and then burst out laughing.

"Hyung! Shhhhhhh!!" Jimin giggles more, clambering on top of me to cover my mouth with his hands. "My parents will wake up.. You're not supposed to be here, remember?"

"I know.. Sorry..." I pout and his lips collide with my own making me hum happily. "Oh! I was gonna say this first but I got a little carried away with prepping you.." Jimin blushes furiously at my casual mention of a very pleasurable moment for the both of us. "It was kind of my first time too... I'd never topped before. I was always a bottom..."

Jimin grins. "Well, you're incredible at being a top!" He lies his arms on my chest and rests his head on top of them.

"Probably because I spent so long being a bottom.." I chuckle to myself and Jimin giggles along before frowning.

"Why?.. You don't seem like the type to enjoy that..."

My smile immediately fades and the memories rattle their chains again. "I didn't..."

"But then wh-"

"I don't want to talk about it." Snapping, I raise my eyebrows sternly and Jimin immediately shuts up, nodding quickly. "Anyway.. I have a present for you..." I bite my lip nervously.

"That wasn't my present??" He sits up excitedly and then squeaks loudly as he lies back down. "Note to self: don't sit on bum just after having had sex with said bum."

I grimace sympathetically. "Yeah, sorry. Should've warned you about that one."

Suddenly both of our heads jolt to the door. Footsteps approaching.

"Wardrobe. Now." Jimin hisses. I nod, throwing him his pyjama shirt and hurriedly picking up all of my clothes and stuffing them into my bag as I run into the walk-in-wardrobe and crouch down in the shadows. I actually sink into them. It's a trick I learnt from a demon friend at the bar, years ago. Not that I'd ever tell Jimin that.

The door opens and a very familiar face enters the room. "Minnie, are you okay? We heard noises..." He frowns. That fucking face.

"Sorry, just... Celebrating my birthday... By myself... Just me..." Jimin laughs awkwardly.

His father frowns and pokes his head into the ensuite. "You're sure you're alone." He walks over to the walk-in-wardrobe and I stop breathing for fear that he'd hear me.

"Yep! Just me.." The boy bites his lip worriedly until his father turns around again.

"We heard moaning..." Mr Park frowns. Beom Park.

"You-... As I said... Me... By myself... Celebrating..?" Jimin's whole face is red and if I wasn't so panicked about the man that just came in, I'd be laughing out loud.

"Right... Ugh, Jimin throw your socks away once they get a hole please." He tuts disapprovingly as he picks up one of my socks and then freezes in front of the bin.

Oh shit.


"Yes, dad?.."

"You wanked into a condom?..." Beom throws my sock into the bin and raises his eyebrows at his son.

"Uh.. Yeah... Easier to clean up...?" He clears his throat awkwardly.

"Most people use a sock." Mr Park deadpans.

"True... And I normally do... But... It had a hole in it!" Jimin grins, pleased with himself, and then quickly corrects his facial expression. "Sorry, dad... I'll keep my celebratory moans down next time..."

"Next time?!" Beom's eyebrows practically fly off his face.

"I have a lot of hormones right now..." The boy gets out of bed, somehow having managed to secretly put his pyjama trousers on as well. "Good night dad, see you tomorrow, love you!" He pushes his father out of the room and lets out a heavy breath as he hears a disgruntled hurumph and then his father's footsteps going back to his bedroom.

I cautiously creep out of the shadows, and Jimin quickly pulls me back into bed, chucking my bag back on the floor. "That was so close! I did well covering it up, though, right?" He beams at me and I nod.

"Jimin.. You uh... You never told me your surname..." I mumble awkwardly.

"Oh, really?.. It's Park." He smiles and cuddles into me happily, kissing my neck.

I kind of already gathered. "Really?.. Okay..." I can't think straight. I can't breathe properly. All I can see is that face. That face and a knife to my throat, blood on my hands, in my hair, in my mouth. Not my blood. I just hear screams and people pleading for their lives. I start to shake and I fumble to find my underwear from underneath the pillow. I need to focus, to do something. That's what Hewa says. Focus on a task. I need to get dressed. Where the fuck is my underwear?.

"Yoongi..?" Jimin frowns, hand going to my forearm worriedly. I flinch and shake it off. "Okay! Sorry.. I.. What do I do? How do I help you?"

He knows. He knows how fucking weak I am. Make him think it's okay. Just calm the fuck down. "I-I'm fine."

"Yoongi... you're not..."

Shit. He hates you now. And if he ever finds out you're a demon he'll hate you even more. He'll probably kill you. It doesn't matter that you're still not nineteen yet. As soon as he finds out he lost his virginity to a demon, he'll kill you. Because he'll realise that not only are you poor and worthless, but you're also an abomination and a hindrance to society. Where is that fucking underwear?

Socks. Just start with socks. I somehow manage to vaguely pull one sock onto my foot, and I look around frantically for the other. Shit. It's in the bin. You should fucking follow it. Worthless piece of shit.

"Shut up!" I slap myself hard across my face and everything stops. The buzzing in my head dies down, the images and sounds of my past scuttle back to their nests in my brain. I hiccup and then the tears start.

Why do you always have to do that? How do you genuinely manage to fuck up anything good you ever have.

Jimin gets out of the bed and finds something from his drawers. Probably a knife to slit your throat with. I sob into my hands and hiccup again.

I feel a hand on my knee and Jimin slides the one sock I managed to put on backwards off my foot. He slips two of his own on and then puts each foot into a hole in a pair of his underwear, pulling it up to my knees and then standing, offering me a hand. Still shaking, I hesitantly take it. He carefully pulls me up and then slides the underwear into place before walking back into his wardrobe and coming out with an oversized t-shirt. He slips it over my head and then pokes my arms through the sleeves. I feel like a kid. But it's kind of nice because I don't remember anyone ever doing this for me. Not even my parents.

"S-Sorry f-f-for r-ruining your bi-irthday..." I sniff.

Jimin smiles and shakes his head. "You didn't ruin it, Yoongi."

"I-I-I d-di-.. f-f-fu-" I growl and raise my hand again but Jimin stops it.

"Don't. Don't ever do that again. Promise me."

He has tears in his eyes but is refusing to let them fall.

"B-But I c-c-ca-.." I growl again and he kisses me softly.

"You can't get your words out?.." He smiles. "You don't need to, I'll translate. Just promise me that you'll never slap yourself again. Please.. You're far too precious for that."

I shake my head. "I-I'm not p-p-p-"

"You're precious to me, Min Yoongi. Promise me."

We stare at each other for a moment not saying the words but feeling them anyway. I nod, wondering why he's so okay with this. And also how he's so good at this. And how I got so lucky.

"H-How d-d-do you kno-ow," I gulp and start getting more stressed again, hand twitching as I fight myself, not wanting to disappoint Jimin even more than I already have. Jimin's hand runs down my arm gently and intertwines our fingers.

"I used to have panic attacks.. I was afraid of heights..." He chuckles and then clears his throat. I imagine how hard that must be to deal with for a faerie. "I got over it.." He shrugs. "But not everything's that easy to get over, right?"

I nod again.

"Will you ever tell me?.." Jimin frowns slightly, cupping my cheeks in his soft hands.

"O-One d-d-day..." I purse my lips but Jimin just kisses them again. Every time he does, I feel myself get calmer.

"Okay, good. But no rush! Whenever you're ready." Jimin smiles and strokes my cheek gently before grabbing the chair from his desk and putting it under his door handle. "That should keep them all out, right?"

I cock my head, confused.

"You're staying the night."

"B-But yo-ou said I-I-I c-couldn't," I clench my jaw and in seconds plump lips are pressed against mine. "You said I c-couldn't stay be-ecause your par-rents come i-i-in early i-i-.. i-i-in-... early..."

Jimin chuckles at my fix of the sentence and I smile too, never having seen it as funny before.

"You will stay, right? All night?.." Jimin looks slightly scared but relaxes when I nod.

"I-I-I-.." I sigh frustratedly and kiss Jimin. He's taken aback but smiles into the kiss. "I'm your present, remem-mem-member?"

He chuckles again and hums happily. "I remememember."

I hit his shoulder playfully and he giggles, pulling me over to the bed again.

"So what's my actual present??" He grins excitedly and bounces up and down a little.

I grin, pulling a neatly wrapped box out of my bag and hand it to him. He smiles. "Hewa wrapped this?" I pout and he laughs more. "She did, didn't she?" I nod and he grins, kissing me.

He opens it carefully but eagerly and finds a new iPod with 'Y&J' inscribed on the back. I blush slightly, immediately thinking he might find this too cheesy, or be offended that my initial comes before his. But he beams at me but then suddenly frowns. "Did you save up for this?."

I blush and shake my head.


I smile slightly and shake my head again.

"Yoongi!" Jimin hisses angrily at me.

"W-Wanted to give you a bi-it of... m-me..." I look away, really hoping he understands the sentiment behind this.

He plugs the earphones in and his eyes widen. "Is this you?!"

I blush and nod, still not meeting his eyes.

Jimin pulls my face towards him and kisses me passionately. "You're the most perfect thing in the whole wide world, Min Yoongi." A new set of tears interrupts the kiss but Jimin just smiles, wiping them away. 
