Chapter Eight - Confrontation

Kim Taehyung

"Brynn, can we talk?" Jungkook mumbles as we walk past him to the room she was apparently staying in earlier today.

"Not right now." She snaps. I frown. What the hell happened between these two? They went from getting on annoyingly well to the point that I was a little worried, to positively hating each other. Well, more like Brynn hating Jungkook.

"It's kind of urgent." Jungkook growls.

"I'm a little busy." She spins around and glares at him.

"Uh... Do you guys need a minute?" I chuckle.

"No." Brynn turns back to me and links our arms.

"I need to tell my parents, Brynn. And Taehyung too. He'd already worked it out, how long do you think it would take him to do it again?" Jungkook sighs.

"Well, we have to tell him now!" She glares at him again.

"Yah! I tried to talk to you alone, it's not my fault that you didn't listen." He snaps right back.


I blink, unsure what to make of everything Jungkook has just relayed.

"Wait, so you didn't kill anyone?" His brother frowns.

"Seriously, hyung?." Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"It makes sense." His father, Jiseok, nods. "You never stuck with the pack at full moons because your wolf never truly felt part of it. He'd already begun building his own..."

"So are you guys dating now?" I frown and tilt my head.

"No!" Brynn is quick to answer but I notice Jungkook's jaw clenching slightly.

"Do you want to be?" I ask again, looking directly at Jungkook.

"Brynn's moving to Wales." He snaps bitterly.

"You're what?." I glare at her, feeling slightly betrayed.

"I'm moving in with my aunt! It's not like I can choose where that is." She shrugs and fiddles with a loose thread on her shirt, twirling it around her fingertips.

"But you're part of his pack, you can't just leave." I chuckle, not quite understanding the situation.

"She doesn't want to be." Jungkook pushes himself to his feet and stomps into the garden inhumanly fast, slamming the door loudly behind him.

I look at Brynn, hoping for some explanation, but she just glares at the floor, clearly not wanting to answer any more questions.

Her aunt sighs and looks pointedly at Jungkook's dad, muttering, "I told you so..."

"Don't rub it in." The alpha groans. "I'll go and talk to him."

I nudge Brynn softly. "You should have told me, you know."

"You would have hated me. He's the one person you told me not to-"

"That's before I knew all this, Brynn." I chuckle, putting my arm around her.

"But I didn't know this then either! I still betrayed you with no excuse. I'm a terrible friend." She wipes a stray tear and I pull her closer, slinging the other arm around her waist and lying my head on her shoulder.

"Brynnie. You don't have to be a good friend, because you're family. You always asked me what the difference was and I think I get it now. Family screws up, believe me, I've had my fair share of it. Relatives expect you to forgive them and friends apologise and move on. But family are the people who do so much for you that whatever their screw up is, it's not important. Plus, I've also learnt that you can't help who you fall in love with." I chuckle, Nova's face immediately coming mind before I shake it out of my brain.

"I'm not in love with him." Brynn scowls at me but begins to relax into the hug.

"Mhmm? Sure..." I smirk slightly, earning a smack on the back of the head as the back door opens and shuts.

"You two will stay the night, right? It's far too late to find a hotel and we have room. As long as Taehyung doesn't mind sleeping on a sofa." Jungkook's mother, Nari, looks at me apologetically.

"He can share with me. It won't be the first time we've shared a bed." Brynn smiles, holding my hand in hers as I untangle our limbs after Jungkook's reentry. "And I've missed him. I want cuddles."

I look over at Jungkook and see him clinging to the kitchen counter with a deathly glare directed at me. I send him an apologetic look but I doubt it helps much.

Jungkook's phone goes off and he answers it, still scowling.

"They what?! But that' not fair! They can't ju-... Okay... No, I understand, hyung. I'll tell them. Oh, and tell the other's Brynn found Taehyung. He's fine. Maybe that'll help Yoongi's case a little? Okay, yeah. See you."

We all frown at the boy, waiting for an explanation as he slides his phone back into his pocket.

"This morning's trial... Well, they're not starting a war. But they've locked Yoongi up for five years. A fake witness statement from Jimin saying Yoongi got a friend to hurt him to cover up the real plan of kidnapping Jimin and killing Taehyung." He mutters grimly.

"K-Killing me?" I blink, shocked.

"You're the student everyone thought had died, Tae." Brynn frowns. "You should have seen how much blood there was, and then no sign of you for five months..."

I purse my lips and pull her into a tight hug. I should have found a way to get back sooner.


Jeon Jungkook

Three quiet bumps on my door cause me to wipe my damp cheeks.

They repeat themselves again and I frown, trudging over to the door and pulling it open begrudgingly. "What?."

Brynn blinks at my bare chest and gulps before looking up at me. "We want to try breaking into the Park's again.

"We?" I frown.

"Yes, I am here too." Taehyung smirks slightly and I grunt, annoyed at the reminder of whose arms are around Brynn tonight.

"Why? What's changed?" I sigh as I walk inside my room to pull a hoodie over my head.

"Well, Tae's been in there before. He might know stuff we don't." Brynn shrugs. "It's worth a try. I'm flying out in a few days, so..."

My whole body clenches and I clear my throat in an attempt to avoid the growl that yearns to build up in it.

"Okay. Now?" I turn back and look between them.

"Well, we can let you get changed.." Brynn goes to leave.

"It's fine, I'll go like this."

She frowns and I roll my eyes.


"It's just.. You're wearing pyjama bottoms..."

"I didn't know breaking and entering had a dress code." I glare.

"And people think your two best friends hooking up makes you a third wheel. Pfft. What do they know?" Taehyung chuckles and Brynn and I both glare at him. "So, to Jimin's?"
