chapter 8

Your pov

We were almost back home, the car ride was a lot faster with Mikey right next to me. "Mikey why did you say all those things to the boys" he shrugs "no idea I think I was just sad that you didn't want to kiss me" I nod and just say "maybe because I didn't think you liked me" "yeah didn't think about that at the time but I'm glad you did want to kiss me and I'm sorry for saying those things about you it was very childish of me" I laugh "you it was childish but the four of you are" "we are with 5?" I smirk "Andy isn't that childish luckily, he keeps you alive". Mikey laughs "geez thanks babe".

We decided that we were going to sleep in my house because that's just a bit more peaceful. So right now we're sitting on my couch and Mikey has put his head on my lap and I'm just texting with the guys while he's watching some stupid movie.

Andy: you worm

Rye: and that says you sparrow legs

Me: what's going on

Jack: no idea they have been doing this all day

Brook: yeah it never stops

Jack: sometimes it stops

Me: omg okay Andy and Rye what's going on

Rye: Andy called me a worm

Andy: and rye called me sparrow legs

Me: now Andy why did you call him a worm

Andy: because he stole my tea

Me: seriously is this all about tea

Jack: guys just make up and keep being awesome

Brook: you can't spell awesome without me

Andy: you actually can awesom

Brook: awEsoM

Rye: Em???

Brook: NOOOO me

Jack Em..

Andy: yeah mate it says em

Brook: No it says me

Me: Okay whatever you guys are idiots and I felt like a mom

Brook: Mom Jack is bullying me

Me: maybe you asked for it

Jack: hahahah see mom is on my side

Brook: you are always her favorite it's mean

Me: God why

Andy: at least you don't live in the same house as them

Me: well I'm happy about that yeah

Rye: It would be fun if you lived with us tho


Jack: Andy you're so handsome and funny....

Andy: what do you want.

Andy: we're not getting more fish

Brook: can y/n live with us pleaseeee

Jack: please andyyyyyyyy

Rye: yes please babe

Me: pleaseee

Andy: okay but you give it food and clean up after it

Rye: We will!!!!

Me: it will probably feed you but okay

Me: And yayyyy

Brook: we will finally have a female in the house

Jack: yayy we will finally get good food

Me: hhahah

Me: ewwww Mikey is drooling on my leg

Andy: hahahha poor you

Rye: Andy also drools in his sleep believe me you will get used to it

Me: I hope so

We talked a bit more about random stuff until my eyes fell shut and I fell asleep close to the person I love.

That's it done, it's not the last chapter don't worry there will be drama coming your way soon.

