chapter 4

Mikey: good morning guys y/n will be coming to studio today

Brook: wait studio

Andy: Brook I thought I told you not to say anything stupid

Brook: but that isn't stupid?

Andy: anything you say is stupid

Brook: -_- gee thanks



Me: oh yeah Andy be nice to him he can't help that he's stupid sometimes


Brook: HEYYY

Andy: hahah good one

Rye: so wait you will be coming to studio with us?

Me: yeah Brook, Jack, Mikey and I will travel together

Andy: oh okay can I get a ride Rye?

Rye: if you give me road head

Andy: This is the groups chat rye and Ok

Me: I guess that's just a.......... heads up

Jack: legit choked nice observation y/n

Mikey: sucker ;)


Me: ikr

Me: I legit choked in my raisin cinnamon bread because if it...

Rye: bro that sounds really tasty

Andy: Do you have more

Me: nope sorry but I have to get dressed because I wanna be ready on time

Mikey: see you soon babe x

I get dressed in just some ripped black jeans and a pastel purple sweater and my black vans.

Me: I'm ready guys

Mikey: okay great we will be coming your way then!

I'm waiting outside listing to some music when I see their car pulling up and stop in front of me. I open de door and get in "hey guys" I say to everyone and give Mikey who is sitting next to me a hug. "ohh you have an aux cord can I play some music" Brook passes it to me and I put 'I'm yours' on and sing along softly

Well open up your mind and see like me

Open up your plans and damn you're free

Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love

Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing

We are just one big family

And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved

Mikey looks at me shocked "you can sing why didn't you tell us" "uhm because I can't sing" I hear Jack and Brook snicker "babe you can but if you don't want to believe it I will prove it" I feel my phone vibrate

Mikey: sends video

Me: Mikey why the hell would you do that

I look at him pissed before I just turn to the window and check my phone again after it vibrates again

Andy: jeez this is good

Rye: yes indeed

Me: I don't know who is driving but someone keep their eyes on the road please

Rye: haha we are already here

Me: wait why are we not there yet

Jack: we didn't wanna say but we're kinda lost

Me: What

Mikey: yeah Brook took a wrong turn and we don't know where we are now

Jack: yeah that

Me: omg please kill me

I close the group and ask the boy the address and look it up on google maps and give my phone to jack so he can help Brook

"y/n are you still mad at me" askes Mikey with a sad look on his face. "no no I'm not it's just I never heard someone say I could sing so it's kind of weird to me but I'm not mad so don't worry" I smile at him and he looks less sad. " let's now hope that those idiots will figure out where to go" Mikey laughs and Jack gives me the finger "Thanks Jack love you too babe" We all laugh. After a while we all reached our destination.

That's it are you proud of me :)

