chapter 18

After I slept with Brook we fell asleep in his bed.

I woke up to my phone making way to much noises. So I open it to see the guys talking in the group chat.

Jack: who slept with Brook last night guys

Andy: I thought you did

Jack: nope so I'm assuming it wasn't you

Andy: nope and also not Mikey because he was with me.

Rye: also not me

Me: hey guyssss

Mikey: I think we have found out who slept with Brook

Me: ha ha yeah about that

Jack: tsss he's the first one that gets to sleep with you

Mikey: uhm I already did before Brook

Jack: wait when and why

Andy: he was her first boyfriend you idiot

Jack: he was I always thought they were just friends

Rye: sometimes I get so worried about him

Mikey: same must be all the hair spray that went to his brain because he spayed it into his mouth

Jack: hey I'm not that stupid

Me: no you are not babe maybe a bit naïve.

Jack: yeah right

Andy: so babe

Rye: which one

Andy: uhg y/n babe

Me: haha yeah

Andy: you have had a date with Rye but now it's my turn so I will take you out today

Me: okay just a casual outfit?

Andy: yeah just come and get a sweater from my room because that would look so darn cute

Rye: and no one is allowed to wear your clothing. You just think it will look cute on her huh?

Andy: maybe

Brook: awwww she's blushing

I glare at Brook and he just smiles at me and give me a kiss and then just pushes me out the bed "go on your date Fovvs has been planning this for so long" "yeah yeah and you don't miss me to much okay" I say and give him a kiss and start getting dressed. I feel his eyes on my back while I put on my clothes "stop staring ya creep" "you're just so pretty" I roll my eyes and walk to Andy's room. I knock because I have been raised right. I hear Andy say come in so I open the door and see that he's sitting on his bed and he's looking at his phone so I clear my throat and he looks up and starts smiling. I see his staring at my chest so I just cover my stomach with my arms, and he gets the hint and opens his closet and says "pick a sweater". I look through his closet and see this sweater

I turn to Andy "uhm is this one okay" I say holding up the sweater. He smiles and nods so I just put the sweater on, and even though Andy isn't that tall it's still very oversized. He grabs my hands and looks into my eyes "you look so pretty" I can't help but blush, which makes him smirk "do I make you shy babe" "pfft me n-never" He chuckles "so if I do this you won't mind" I was about to ask what he mend when I felt his hand on my cheek and he presses his lips against mine. It wasn't a soft kiss yet it also wasn't rough, I feel his tongue on my lips and I open my mouth and we make out for a bit and then he pulls back "I usually don't kiss on the first date" I laugh at that.

I drove to where Andy guided me, we get into the little old school dinner and I see a roller-skating ring and I look at Andy "Andy I can't do that I don't know how to" "I will teach you babe". We put the roller-skates on and get into the ring. Andy holds me hand but surprisingly I feel very stable and that's good because Andy loses his control and falls over, I starts laughing and I can't stop I'm literally crying and Andy just give me an angry face and gets up and starts chasing me.

Roller-skating was a great idea and right now we are eating some curly fries and drinking some cola. "Andy you're so amazing you know that right" he looks at me weirdly "I guess why" I shrug "you sometimes seem so hard on yourself and you shouldn't because you're good enough" he smiles and gets up to sit next to me and pulls me into a hug and whispers a thanks. After that we went back to the house to find the boys all asleep on the couch so Andy and I smile at each other and take a picture and lay a blanket over them.

Andy and I are sitting in his room and I look at his guitars "do you want to learn how to play the guitar" he asks me "I know how to play my mom taught me". He give me a guitar and sits down on his bed so I sit down next to him and start playing my mom's favorite song, I didn't notice I was crying until Andy gently brushes the tears off my cheeks "I know that it is a lot but I know how strong you are and if you ever want to talk then just come to me or to one of the boys and also if you don't want to talk just come to us because we..." he couldn't finish it because I hear a voice from his doorway say "love you" I look at the doorway and see all the boys standing there. They all hug me and may have kissed me but that's not that interesting and I don't remember what happened but I think I fell asleep in Mikey's lap.

New chapter done

