Chapter 8: Midnight Surprises

A few hours had passed, the minimal sunlight depleting and becoming dusk. The winds from the storm were still strong, so much that it kicked up stones and dirt, a couple of tree branches tapping the window. The tapping began to escalate, shadows filling it before a familiar sound was heard. Deep wheezing mixed with what seemed like the chirping of hundreds of birds, tiny, black monsters were clinging to the window, trying to crack it and get inside to the two mages. They were not alone, as few others were being disturbed by these tiny, elemental demons wanting to get to them. They were strongest at this window, as they were drawn to something inside. Whether it was Irvine's incredibly strong magic and his plentiful pool of mana, or Lily's rare water magic and a single trinket in her possession, it would be hard to tell.
The sound only got louder at the window, though it showed no sign of cracking just yet. These birdlike creatures, made of smoke and leaves, their cores black and thick like before, only piled up, tapping the windows with thick beaks. Inn patrons awoke with screams. Braver ones beat against the glass and only made the magic monsters that much more vicious, craving to get in when the buffet was crowded. Two or three pecked at each window in the howling winds that made their wispy bodies whip around, but natural force could not make subside this dark power of elements. The window to the mages' room was almost entirely blacked out as beaks furiously pecked and tiny talons scratched at the glass.

Irvine was drawn from his slumber by their commotion and that of the other inn stayers in a panic. He awoke with a ragged gasp as if he had been deprived of air and struggled in his bed for a moment, barely able to hold himself up. He could hear screams and he held his ears, buried in his face in the bedspread, trying to tune it out whole his body shook. Some were foolhardy enough to actually open their window and as a result with pecked, made to bleed, and when they ran screaming from their rooms the little black birds took flight to a very specific door on the scent of mana. The sounds, and the violent churning in his stomach that started and the mix of burning and stinging and icy chill in his veins had the one eyed mage roiling.

"Nooo... Fuuuck..." He wheezed. Irvine turned back and glared at the mass of black little birds hungrily attacking their window.

Lily had been mostly asleep by that time, though the tapping and sounds of fellow patrons screaming shook her from her sleep. She sat up in bed, groggy gaze glancing at the window as the pecking and scratching grew louder. Sighing and shuffling to get up, the demure mermaid walking over to the window to shoot away the beasts. Her mind hadn't quite made the connection, just wanting them to go away so she could sleep. Every step closer, it became louder, so much that the glass began to shatter with each peck. Loud fluttering filled the room as those waterlogged beasts rushed to attack, wanting to sink their talons in and drain away mana. Two had managed to get their grips in Lily, the girl shrieking and ducking down, curling up to avoid anymore. They tugged at her hair, pecking her clothes and trying to yank off a silver chain from her neck. Were they interested in this shiny object? Whatever they were after, she was determined to keep them from taking it, her only connection to her roots and family. More began to swirl about, rain beginning to blow in from the holes made in the window.

"Lily!!" Irvine wheezed, a rush of adrenaline spiking through his veins that allowed his trembling arms to push him up.
Body giving off static, batting away the vile little creatures flapping around him, hungering. He pushed, stumbled, going to Lily and covering her against the onslaught of black feather smoke creatures. He laid over the water mage, the creatures now having free feast of his back. He let out pained grunts, shaking violently under the tearing of his flesh at their little claws. Hearing him call out her name, Lily looked up in time as he covered her, shielding her from the attack. She was stunned for a moment, unsure of what to do.
"Dammit... you are some kind of stupid, kid!" Irvine wheezed the sound of disturbed chirping, "Gah! Aaaha...! What fucking bad timing...!" To try brought on a storm of fresh pain, lightning bolts through his own flesh, poison in his veins that seared him to the core. He summoned electric bolts that batted some away, but he could hardly muster more.
"Hate to tell ya, kid..! My mana is working too well right now..!" It took summoning anger deep inside, to violent lashing out and bash the little bastards away and he still came back with scratches.

These bird things just keep coming and wouldn't go away, and it was making her upset. The cacophony rose in crescendo, her nerves finally at wits end as he mentioned his lack of mana. Stress and fear were coursing through her, but also something different.. he had protected her, but she needed to do the same. With a strained cry, she lifted both hands up and made a pulling motion, rain drawn inside like a magnet pulling iron. She forced the freezing cold water to pool up, catching the creatures in a large orb, preventing them from escaping.

"Now! Zap them now! Can't hold it.." She told him, breath getting short as she struggled with such a large amount of water.

Irvine gave a strained grin. He strained to reach the orb, twisting his bloodied back and thrusting his fist inside! The lightning mage growled low and summoned all of the magic strength he could muster in his state. His body sparked with charge, his jaw clenched as he released a bright electric blast, illuminating the room and drowning out even the wind of the storm with chirp of the electric current. His focus was on the water itself, directing all of his magic towards it in order to keep Lily safe. Blood started to fall from Irvine's nose as he kept a steady, mighty charge coursing through the orb, slowly eradicating the tweeting birds inside, and their black cores. Trapped within the bubble, there was no way to escape and absorb, unable to congeal into a new form much like those four-legged monsters had done.
Veins stood out along his aching arm as the bird creatures were reduces to spatters inside the water, completely destroyed by Irvine before he fell back with a flop, heaving breaths. With a majority if not most of the bird creatures eradicated, the others took off from the building, not wanting to stay and get completely electrocuted. These seemed more intelligent than the quadruped creatures they had fought, the birds understanding the source of magical flow as well as how to go to them. With them gone, she pulled herself to her feet and walked over to the window, closing the shutters to keep more rain out of the room. She gathered all of water together, disposing of it outside bit by bit until none was left, then looked at Irvine.

"Are.. are you okay?" She asked timidly, kneeling down to look over him, hands checking his skin for irritation and bleeding. She had a few bandages and some skin ointment in the bag, so he could be healed in a few minutes.
"I'm sorry about what happened, I didn't.. I didn't know they'd get in or anything." Lily apologized, leaning over him, thick tears bubbling up and dropping into his skin.

Scales and hair were coveted ingredients produced by merfolk, but not nearly as rare and potent as their tears, the scarce fluid retaining some healing properties. More tears fell in her own guilt and sympathy, running down her face and dripping from her cheek into the skin of his neck and arms. What scratches he had from acting as a human shield for the poor girl during such a harrowing experience were gradually closing up. None worse than his back, criss-crossed with cuts, thin and shallow, simply red lines that would swell and others deeper that slowly oozed blood as well as light beak punctures. Irvine barely managed to lift himself on to his elbows, and when he did he lurched to the side and heaved up what was left of dinner.

"Don't.. go crying... over... a little... spilled blood," He told Lily, and he laid a hand on her forearm. Irvine gave her a couple pats and turned to give her a reassuring smirk, his skin was pallid, eye bloodshot and dark around the edges.
"Not.. your fault... C'mon. Stop the water works and patch me up, squirt.." It was a chore to slide off his shirt, but he did and tossed the lightly bloodied garment aside. His frame was sturdy, lean muscles with a multitude of scars, not counting the fresh cuts he recently acquired.

Her tears ceased, though she couldn't help but feel terrible about the circumstances. This was the reason she paid him, to keep her safe! Why was she crying about it? Deciding that fixing him up would be a decent distraction, she went and collected the healing supplies; a roll of bandages and some thick, reddish orange creme ointment that could be applied anywhere. After applying the paste and wrapping up his torso, she looked over him, cheeks warm from her own slight embarrassment. It was her fault that they were able to break in, so of course she'd feel guilt about it.
"Irvine, I.. I'm not sure I want to sleep alone right now... The broken window is making it cold, and I just.. don't feel safe alone." Lily murmured.
She was honest, as the wind could still blow inside and make her too cold again, plus there was always the possibility of another attack. She just don't want to be alone in her sleep that night. The lightning mage groaned. Not from the request of his scared charge, but from the roiling in his own stomach and the dull ache that felt like it coursed through his very veins. He looked to Lily as he slowly lifted himself.on to his knees... And he reached out to pet her head.

"As soon as you help me with something, little lady.. Help me with the tarp. I want to--" His plan was to cover the window, but heavy thumps against the door drew his eye and ire.

Lily leaned into his hand, her childlike behavior returning. She did smile a little, only for it to disappear when their door received a few knocks. There was, at least, a human commotion outside and not reinforcements! She pulled herself closer to Irvine, shielding him for a moment. Her first instinct was to keep him from getting hurt any further, but as it was not more monsters, she began to relax again. The door clicked and it flew open, the night clerk there with a crowd of people and an official looking man. Irvine bluntly shutdown their worries. The crisis was over. The inn, however, was still without a spare room. He was given some reprieve from any physical activity as helpful patrons secured their rain tarp over the broken window, not perfectly as cold wind still filtered in, but it was better than nothing.

"Officials from the local guild branch will come to speak with you both tomorrow." The man stated.
The manager had been kind enough to keep things brief, as well as clean the floor of glass, and usher everyone out. Still, what a cluster. The fact that there had been so many to come up to their room made her wonder... Were they the only ones severely attacked? Those thoughts were washed away, however, as she glanced at Irvine, making sure he was all right. The taller mage sat on one of the beds and heaved a sigh. It had all happened so fast. He looked to Lily and gestured for her to come over as he reclined bed, making space for the second, smaller body. Following his gesture, Lily curled up next him him on the bed, knees tucked up and folding in, making her a tight ball that nuzzled right up to his warm body.
She had absolutely no ill intentions, no perverse motives. Just a scared girl wanting to feel safe and warm throughout the night. It had been a while since Irvine had experienced that sort of agony from waking up early. Really, he hoped those creatures did not make nightly ambushes a frequent tactic or else... there would be problems. He heaved a sigh and settled in with Lily next to him, providing ample space but remaining close to keep her warm against the light chill that had settled in. The rain battered their tarp, the root of the inn and made for some peaceful ambiance with the chaos over.
