Chapter 3: Getting Ready

"I take it we need provisions? Can you cook?" Irvine asked her, starting to steer her towards the road back to Woodmoore.

"I can cook a few things." Lily said, looking up at him as they went back. Hard labor didn't sound too bad, as she could use her water to push heavy things around and pick things up since she had very little upper body strength.
"What about you?" The mermaid asked as she walked alongside him, tilting her head some as he was still a considerable height above her.

"Not at all. The closest I've come to actual cooking is frying rabid animals with my magic, for contracts. And those two jackasses." Irvine replied.

He glanced down at her, noticing Lily's face was one big open book with the word "worry" written over, and over, and over.
"The whole point of me training you is to toughen you up for that sort of thing, to deal with slavers and backstabbers like Ernest. I won't be by your side twenty-four seven."

Their travel brought them back to town, to the market place where the mermaid had earned her coin purse and Irvine turned to his shorter companion.

"Buy things. Food. Whatever. I'll cover some expenses and be here to make sure they don't rip you off. Only essential." He told her. "We'll only need few minor supplies," He told his charge as his lone eye also searched for the places he had in mind,

"Ration boxes. A tarp and pitons for when it rains.. Its not like you and I have camping equipment, but we don't need much. It'll be coppers at best, I'm not trying to screw you over." She still needed to pay him his daily fee after all.
"Non-perishable foods for the road are essential. Vendors and traders cross every road daily so shopping for food won't be difficult.." Turning his head, Irvine peered over his shoulder with a half-lidded eye, his gaze holding a sort of bored and indifferent glance. Not cold or mean, more or less checking that his charge was still there and had not been distracted by something shiny.
"I'd like to visit an apothecary too. For medicine, stuff for poison... That would be such a stupid way to go for you and I just can't abide by that." He told her, much to her dismay. 

This guy was so blunt in his words! Her slate blue eyes scanned the area as she slowly relaxed, more comfortable with so many people around, as odd as it sounded in her head. Surely nothing bad would become of her in broad daylight, out in public, so why worry? When he explained the things they would need, she understood, having never really put much thought into that sort of thing. Lily pulled her wallet out, ready to make any purchases so long as he oversaw the spending. She'd buy what he suggested, taking his word for it as he seemed to have better knowledge of the supplies.

"Rations.. Tarp and pitons.." She repeated to herself over and over under her breath, beginning to head towards a large stall.

If she didn't remind herself, her attention would easily slip away, gullibility made her an easy target for shady dealers! Lily bought a bag to carry their supplies in for only two silver, then began to purchase the goods he had suggested. Dried meats, wrapped cheeses, and enchanted bottles of fruits that wouldn't rot were what she bought, as well as a couple of loaves of bread. All of this seemed non-perishable to her, and would make meals easier than having to hunt. As for medicine... She had no idea where an apothecary was, as there was no stall around with such wares.
"I got us some food, and water shouldn't be a problem." She reported back to him, lugging the bag with her. It did have straps, though she was careful not to get it snagged on her hair. It took her many years to reach the length it was, and she wasn't about to lose a single strand to some brass buckles and leather straps.
"About the medicine, though.. I'm not sure where to look." Lily explained, turning her attention up at his face, though she didn't make eye contact.

Her eyes would avoid his, a habit she'd need to break soon. Irvine eyed his companion for a moment, not a word said as his lightly scarred hand reached toward Lily and he gently urged the pack off of the girl's petite shoulders. He slung it onto one of his own without issue or a word about it, rolling his unlit cig from one corner of his mouth to the other and then back.

"I've got a different place in mind. The owner and I have.. a rapport." He nodded his head again in that manner that encouraged her to come along. Without a word, she continued to follow him, adjusting the bag to make sure nothing fell out or off of it as he took it with him.

On the way they picked up the few minor camping supplies like their tarp, some feet of rope and pitons to anchor the tarp in case of rain. He liked the rain, the moody season was upon their lands and he could feel the first of the clouds brewing while the sky outside was a cloudless blue. That kind of clear weather sucked for hangovers.. it was far too bright. He also helped himself to a couple packs of cigarettes. His traveling buddy was buying, after all. It was a few copper in all plus, a map, because what kind of idiots went out into the world without a map? Food and fresh water were in good supply, he had a flask of booze on his person should another sort of thirst need quenching, and their general camping supplies were set.
Lily was a bit surprised he just took the pack without a word, letting him do so, freeing her arms a bit to pick up anything else. After buying the tarp and pitons, it was a bit obvious on her face that she disliked having to buy cigarettes for him. She had never really liked the idea of smoking narcotics, as it ruined lungs and skin, as well as teeth and other vital parts of the body! Sure, magic could undo and erase it, but magic was not always available. That left the apothecary and the building he was headed toward was... obvious.
A single floor building, the outside was once a vibrant magenta, surely, but the elements had dulled the color and made it chip and crack. the shutters to the windows outside were a fresher shade of bright green, akin to jade. The window glass was dirty, murky with dust. The door seemed brand new, but one could only imagine why such a rundown hovel like the Red Weaver before the pair needed it. Opening the door released an air of stagnant and stale smoke mixed with sweeter aromas like honey and vanilla. Both mingled in a fashion never meant for such extremes of scent, the inside had a light smoky haze, and the smell was surely overbearing for the poor untrained lungs of a nonsmoker. Irvine, however, was like a fish in water and as straight-faced, unperturbed as ever. As they entered the building that seemed stained with time, Lily was immediately off put by the strong aromas and overwhelming smoke. She coughed a good bit before settling, using her bandanna to cover her face.
It was dark, candlelit, where the dirtied windows, and other that could not be seen from their initial view that were boarded up, let little actual light in. There were shelves lined with jarred oddities, free floating or packed into liquid. Shelves of vials, candles, sacks of herb and some were sitting around stuffed in crates. A bell chimed above their heads and from out of sight walked a woman. She wore several long scarves, sequined and shimmering on her body in the dim light, fashioned around like a rainbow shawl that hung down over her stomach. They even wrapped over her head to hide her hair from view. Her skin was dark tanned, wrinkled with a bit of age, and her nose longer than most and hooked. Her magenta robes, glowing in comparison to her building, dragged along her floor as she glided up to Irvine, standing roughly Lily's height in comparison. She looked up at the one-eyed lad through eyes so narrowly squinted that little more than the slight shine of her eyes could be seen. Her rather bony hand brought her smoking pipe to her lips where she took a deep drag and exhaled a steady stream of lavender smoke right into Irvine's face. Seconds of it, where his head was positively lost in the haze before she was even done. Lily waved smoke away from her own face, drawing the bandanna down as the woman promptly blew smoke directly into her bodyguard's face.

"Excuse me.." She managed to squeak out, holding back a cough.
"Do you have medical supplies for sale? We just need a few things." She finally coughed up, eyes starting to water at the sheer amount of smoke and fumes surrounding the room.

Madame Zara turned her narrowed gaze to Lily, jewelry jingling about as she tilted her head and gazed at the girl for a few wordless seconds.

"Anti-toxins mostly. Cheap, for snakes or spiders. And my usual, old woman.." Irvine said in the lingering haze around his head.

"Got more business, worthless?" She asked in a grating voice from years of smoking.
The colorful and chiming woman turned and plucked vials and herbs from her shelves without looking. She went behind her front desk and brought up a small back, glass clinking inside.
"Three gold for all of it. Take it or fuck off.." She told them, setting three neatly wrapped packets of herbs and three vials down of a murky green substance with what looked like some sort of algae clinging to the glass, before taking another long drag and filling her lungs.

"Best deal I've ever gotten. You must be lucky." The newly appointed bodyguard said to his charge as he ushered Lily forward to pay. 

She nearly jumped when the woman looked at her, eyes averted once more until she heard Irvine speak. A part of her was relieved he knew what they needed, though she was not as pleased to hear such vile language float about the smoke. She gave a soft whimper when he urged her to pay, money jingling in hand as she put the money on the desk. Already, three gold was gone from her previously thirteen, and after buying provisions and equipment, she was left with even less! She only had about eight gold left now, striking anxiety back into the mermaid's heart. She truly hoped she'd be able to pay him for the trip.

"Is this really all we need?" She asked quietly, reaching up to tug on his sleeve, wanting Irvine to know she was speaking directly to him.

He waved off the lingering haze and looked down at his charge, giving her a nod. "Mm.." He grunted as he took what as paid for, packed it away and nodded to the proprietress, whom exhaled a stream of the same lavender vapor in reply.
"We've got the bare necessities. We could use a bit more of maybe something to help replenish mana. The old bat probably has a healing potion or two," to that, Irvine received a rough grunt as confirmation, "but you have to pay me. Start light and we can always get more. Like I told you, there are merchants and caravans moving all across Elestrona."

He had Lily lead their way out with a hand gently placed on her back, "I appreciate the deal." He told Zara.

"Keep her safe. You could use the company." the old smoker told him in her time ravaged tone before the door to her shop shut and she was left alone in the gentle glow. Irvine sighed. He checked the one sack meant for him and nodded. 

"Six vials. Old hag was being damn generous today." He murmured to himself as the left the Red Weaver.

Lily huffed a small sigh of relief, glad to be out of the hazy building. Her lungs weren't quite large to begin with, as breathing required two sets of passages for her. She tucked away the packets and fastened the bags before turning to him, curious about what exactly she had just purchased for him. Still, it was none of her business, though she would ask eventually. She needed to trust him more, and that would take a little longer.

"If that's all, then we should start heading south. I recall Port Hollifern being at the southernmost peninsula." She said, turning those grey-blue eyes to him, a smile gracing her lips.
"Thank you, by the way." Lily added as she walked a few steps, wondering which direction was south. She hadn't moved ten feet and was already lost again. Irvine's hand came rest on top of Lily's head and her bodyguard oriented her on the right path. Lily's body swiveled into the right direction, cheeks warming at the feeling of his hand on her head.

"No problem. Seems like I made the right choice.." He patted the girl's head silken locks and set off towards the southern gates with her.

They were out of Woodmore, officially on their way to Hollifern Bay with a substantial distance to cross on foot. That would be a lot of days to get paid. Their journey beginning, she found herself more at ease now that she had someone big and menacing to call a bodyguard.

"So, can you use magic or what?" Irvine asked his petite charge, bringing up his hand with fingers curled and spread, making a slim bolt of electricity dance between his finger tips before creating an electric circle across them. As he asked about her magic, her face lit up, that smile returning.

"Yes, I can. It's.. not strong, but I'm trying my best." She said as she pulled out her leather water pouch, popping the lid open and commanding a stream of water out, floating up into a ball in her palms. She wasn't quite able to change its state, but could make it into shapes and control a decent amount, up to half her body weight.

"Hm.." He nodded. "How lucky. All you have to do is soak whomever decides to mess with you.. and I can zap them a little harder." Irvine said with a smirk. It was the first time his lips had turned up into sort semblance of a smile.
"Your most useful tool is going to be a whip. I've met a couple water magi before. I'll teach you how control it a little better." Better his charge knew how to defend herself. It made for less for himself worry about.

Lily listened to him, looking down at the water in her hands as he spoke. A whip? She had used water as a prehensile tool before, able to grab things from far away and bring them to her. She hardly thought about using it as a weapon, though. Testing out the idea, she spun the water into a long, thin strand, about as thick as her thumb before letting the base of it cling to her hand.

"Like this?" She asked softly, showing him the liquid weapon as it glistened in the noon sunlight, a light smile on her face. She liked seeing him smile, as it made him just a tad less scary. Anything to lighten the mood around this guy.

"Already got the hang of controlling it like that, I see.." He said with a nod. "I've seen water magi practice by keeping water as a blob and extending like a whip from that. Might be a bit advanced for you." It was just a thought, however. Any form she could use defensively was useful.
"As long as you can actually defend yourself if you need to," Irvine told his charge, "it's less hassle for me and I can keep on getting paid." His single eye drifted to the sky and simply watched it as they went down the often beaten path.

"My magic isn't that strong yet. I have to keep it in a reserve, otherwise I wouldn't have any." She said, opening her pouch back up and putting the water back inside. She, too, looked to the sky, then back down towards the road out before them. It seemed this journey would be long, and silence would make it just uncomfortable.
"If you don't mind me asking.. What kind of work do you usually do?" She asked quietly, looking up at him now. It didn't seem like he was always a bodyguard, offering lost and defenseless young women protection from one place to another.

"I hurt people," He said, so casually at that.

This was a book, this man, whose covered was bruised and beaten and cracked with words written across the front that were crisp. That could be judged from first glance, his bloody pages held a factual story.

"People who hurt other people, mostly anyway.. I was a bouncer for pubs, threw out mostly drunkards and a few blokes off their asses looking for a fight because they're just mad at the world.." He lit his cigarette finally and took a long drag. Slowly, let the smoke inhalation burn before he blew.
"Was a long time before I knew I could get paid for hurting people too.." He smirked to himself. He eyed Lily out of corner of his one, up and down.
"What did you do? A maid, gardener?" Irvine questioned, noticing her get up. Not quite fit for adventuring.

The girl's first initial instinct was to take a step to the side, just a bit further away. She couldn't hide how terrified she was of that thought, but she was paying him to protect her. What would he do if she said she didn't have money, just abandon her at some pub or inn for others to pick off? Paranoid thoughts sprung up in the back of her mind, though she brushed them off as just that--thoughts.

"I.. Yes, a gardener.. I grew a field of flowers, and sold them to get the money I needed for this trip." She explained, forcing herself to relax.
He seemed blunt and logical, and would have made it known what his intentions were from the start. There was no reason to be afraid, she told herself over and over.. But why was she still so skittish?
"I guess I do look kind of like a maid, huh?" She said with an awkward giggle, looking down at her clothes, the plain brown skirt and white blouse covered with her apron, the bandanna holding her hair out of her face and her knee high boots, waterproof and made to walk through deep puddles and streams.

"A bit... I would wager a bad one at that," Irvine told her, blowing another stream of gray vapor from the corner of his mouth away from the shorter girl.
"You strike me as the clumsy type.. You try and all that but make a bigger mess than when you started." He said bluntly, not even concerned with any sort of slight his words might cause. He just kept looking up at the sky. Her bit of distance taken did not go unnoticed and he uttered a simple detail.
"I don't mess with women like that. You look like you'd crack if I stared too hard, even." He said on behalf of her worried demeanor. 

A small huff came from the young woman at his side, a slightly smug smile on her face.

"I'm not as clumsy as you think." She said with a nod, a bit proud of herself that he misread that tiny bit of information about her.
Though, she was a bit topheavy, given that her hair did weigh her down in some cases. Bundling it all up into a braided bun would only make it worse, so she left it down for even distribution of weight. His next comment, though, stung a little. Could he really blame her for being so scared? She didn't exactly fit in with the tough crowd scene. Hell, she'd fit the bill if placed in a dollhouse, not a bar!
"Sorry, I'm just nervous. I hardly meet new people, so meeting the right ones isn't always easy." She explained, fingers idly fiddling with a long indigo lock of hair.
"You're not all that bad, though." She added with that same smile, glancing up at him. Irvine only shrugged his shoulders.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me. I've known a couple others like you. Hell, I wouldn't take offense to you being afraid of me the entire time from here to Hollifern." He dropped his nearly spent cigarette into the dirt and stamped out half burnt tobacco. He looked down at his charge and their eyes met.

"But you're safe." He told her.

This would be an uneasy partnership, but he had an obligation uphold as Lily's hired bodyguard and would not let her down. Lily did her best to relax more, as his words calmed her after a few minutes. His intentions were right out there, this blunt but honest man, so she could let her guard down around him. Another deep breath, and the tension dropped in her shoulders, steps becoming less rigid and more natural. Just as she began to relax, a crack of thunder boomed from the sky, making her jump and cling to his coat sleeve.
The storm was beginning to roll in, rain pattering in sprinkling drips across the glades and forest. Irvine, however, was unperturbed. The gradually intensifying patter of drops across his face and eventually his shoulders was pleasant, but then it stopped. Lily reached a hand up, using magic to prevent water from touching them so long as she didn't break concentration. He could see the rain parting, just a touch, around them. Around an invisible force more like, and his gaze drifted down to Lily. Was she concentrating...? or pouting? The trees up ahead would provide some protection before it got any heavier, so that was their safest bet right now.

That tarp would come in handy sooner than she thought! The pace he took toward the small cluster of trees was leisurely, the lightning mage able to set up their tarp to stay dry. He was in no rush. Lily did her best to keep rain off of them for as long as she could manage, her arms dropping as they settled in a small cluster of trees. The sound was at least a pleasant one, even the beastly rumbling of thunder over head that followed every snap of lightning. The flashes danced across his face, his eye drifting to each one before they appeared in the dull gray sky. The storm brought a small smile to his face. Lily had become somewhat fatigued from her mana usage, though as they rested, she noticed him smiling. She was about to ask him if he liked the rain before something odd caught her ear. That didn't sound like wind or rain, though it did have some familiarity to it... Just what was it? Little did they realize the danger at their backs. 
