Chapter 6: His True Colors

"When we get there, I wanna get something fresh and hot to eat. Not a big meal, just something to warm me up a little." Lily made her minor request, her slate-blue gaze staring straight up at him, making eye contact this time. 

The taller man looked down to meet her gaze and replied, "Ah, I don't see why not.. Haven't had a real, hot meal in a while myself."

So it would be a welcomed rest stop when they reached the next town. It was not long down their watery path that they came upon a pair in an unfortunate bind. A man and a woman, a farmer and his wife, with their wagon drawn by a single healthy steed. The wagon was missing its right front wheel, broken off, and the other side was sinking into the muck, making it lean. The sight of the elder couple and their bogged down wagon made Lily a bit wary. She could be naive and trust them, but who knows what kind of disguises criminals would use in order to gain the trust of travelers.

"Ho! Ho there!" The man called out.
He was a fellow of age, maybe fifty years give or take with tanned and weathered skin. He was dressed in a simple ensemble of a black jacket of white tunic and brown trousers that were frayed around his ankles. He waved them down.
"Please, young fella. Could I bother ya in helpin' me and the missus out of'r trouble here?" He took off his straw hat, off of his balding head and his eyes pleaded something fierce for some compassion. "Please! I'd be on my knees beggin' ya iffin' I thought I could get up offa this ground!"
His wife was of equally advanced age. She had her hands clasped together in front of her chest, wrinkled faced set in a deep frown and eyes pitiful. Irvine rubbed the back of his neck as he approached, standing a head taller than both and looked over what needed to be done.

"Lemme guess. Need your wagon lifted so you can throw on a new wheel?" He asked simply.

They both nodded vigorously and the man piped in, "Me and the missus on our way into Bardale up this here rud. Dang ol' wheel up and snapped. I gots me another, but the wagon sank down and now we're stuck!" His plea got through easily, the lightning mage shrugged off his jacket and the pack to have Lily hold.

"I'll do this and you two just need to give us a ride to Bardale. We're headed that way." He said as he bent over to tighten his laces.
It seemed Irvine offered help without much thought besides needing a ride, so Lily slowly began to relax and watch. She held onto his cloak and the bag, keeping an eye out for anyone that could be hiding nearby to ambush them. It was a match made in heaven and the farm and his wife agreed instantly and thanked him countless times. Irvine stepped up, grasped the wagon post and blew a deep sigh.
"Be quick about it, Gramps.." He told the farmer, who was already standing at the ready with the new wheel.

Irvine grunted, arms bulging and veins popped up on his temple, neck and arms as he lifted the wagon on the tilted side. His body actually started to spark from the exertion. It was enough, though, as the old man quickly made the easy repair. The sound of crackling static caught Lily's attention, the mermaid turning her gaze back towards the wagon and her bodyguard lifting it. It looked like quite the strain, though deep down she was impressed he could pull it off. It gave her more peace, it seemed, as he was very capable of protecting her from anything. Using her free hand and some of the water on the ground, Lily pulled the mud apart so that the wagon wouldn't be stuck, giving the steed less work to pull the wagon out of the muck.
When the wheel was added and the wagon back down on the ground, she used some clean water to wash away any mud Irvine might have gotten on himself. It wasn't too much energy used, just a few waves of her hand and the mud was gone. Once cleaned up and ready, she'd have his coat and the bag waiting for him should he want to take them back so soon. The elder woman pinched Irvine's cheek, actually bringing a bit of blush to them. Lily had glanced over when they thanked him, eyes catching that faint blush on his face. So he did have other facial expressions! It made her grin though she quickly hid it with her hand, clearing her throat for a moment.

"What kind of business do you have in Bardale?" She asked politely, curious about these people they'd be traveling with for a short time.
As one small time gardener to what appeared to be farmers, it was a good idea to get to know others of the trade. The man clapped the young fellow on his shoulder and then turned to the little miss that addressed him.

He gave a chuckle and said, "Oh, well me and my wife here were on our way into town to sell our produce. Eyup! Me and my son and daughter work fields mornin' till night working on various harvests through the year. And every year is kind!" He helped his wife on to the front and he hopped up himself.

Lily understood the idea of harvests, though she was curious what kind of plants were harvested in the middle of spring. There were a few that were planted late fall and could grow in the winter, and these people seemed like honest and hardworking folks, which made all of their produce just that much better. No magic or any kind of special growth, just good ole hard work.

"You two jus' hop on in there and we'll be on our way!" The old man motioned to the back. There certainly seemed to be no ill intent, no ulterior motives, no bandits or slaver tricks to deal with. No, they had a free ride into now!

Irvine collected his things and waited to help Lily into the back with produce crates before hopping on himself. With Irvine's help, she climbed into the back of the wagon, sitting down with her knees curled up to her chest. This seemed like a decent exchange, plus they could relax for a little longer.

"That was really nice of you." She commented, her smile still on her lips as she made herself comfortable.

"Yeah, yeah.." Her bodyguard sighed.
Irvine too made himself cozy, back reclined against the crates with legs outstretched and arms behind his head.
"Don't go talking about so much, eh? Can't have you thinking I'm some nice guy.." He said this with a bit of a smirk tugging at his lip. "They seemed nice. Couldn't just let a sweet old couple like them get mugged on the side of the road."

They watched the damp countryside slowly roll by the tick of the creak of the wagon wheels down the dirt road, looking out at the scenery, Lily's eyes rolling a bit yet she remained smiling. It was good to see this side of him, what little he showed. She could relax knowing he really wasn't that bad of a man after all.

"Honest and hardworking people are the best kind of people there are." Lily said, the rhythmic trotting of the horse and the occasional bump in the road made for a comfortable ride.

They sloshed puddles, made the occasional squelch as they passed through thicker, muddier patches. More than once it took another combination of Lily's magic and Irvine's strength when the ground was too muddy and a wheel slipped and lost all traction. The seldom breakdown was bound to happen as they traveled, but neither Lily or Irvine minded giving them a hand. It seemed like they'd need a new wagon before summertime, however.
Bardale was just up the road, the large gate wide open for travelers and merchants, caravans and peddlers, anyone who had stock to sell or was looking to make a trade. Once they had arrived at the main gates, Lily looked to her bodyguard, ready to hop down and immediately begin searching for a tavern to grab some food. She remembered his suggestion that some towns would offer jobs, so it seemed likely they could do a bit of work to keep up their supply of gold. Irvine shook the hand of the older man and woman, accepting their thanks with a nod of his head and plenty was given to Lily in kind for her efforts with her magic.

"It sure was a heck of a blessin' that you two came along when ya did. We got passed ova by 'nother couple o' adventurers. Real official lookin' types too.." Old Man Jed told him.

"Not a problem. Got us a free ride into town," Irvine told him.

They shook hands once more, and he was offered some of their wares - Some of the ripest, orangest oranges this side of Elestrona, beets, cabbages, mint, carrots, and more.

"Quite the uh.. selection." Irvine commented bluntly.

"We found mighty perfect land! Can grow whatever we like given the season!" Jed said proudly while his loving wife patted his arm, "Iffin' you want any, take your pick now else its all gonna be gone by days end, hohoho!" The man gave a jovial laugh and Irvine chuckled.

"Nah. Nice offer, but this is your livelihood.. Plus, I'm not much of a vegetable person.." And that started quite the mess for him when Miss Charlene give him an earful about eating properly. Certainly gave time for a certain curious, inquiring mermaid to sample the local delicacies while her bodyguard stood there dumbfounded.

"Warm soup sounds good right about now." Lily commented aimlessly, the smell of cinnamon and strawberries in the air. A bakery was just around the corner, a young woman handing out samples of their newest confectionery delights.

"Try Rhys's Pieces of Heaven! Soft cakes filled with cremes and topped with fluffy icing! Each bite packed with delicious strawberry creme!" The woman called out, holding a tray of small, round cakes with pink icing on top.

The lively town of Bardale just about matched the energy the older couple gave off, and seemed more up to Lily's speed. The market was to the east of town, several buildings and stalls in an open circle to make it easier to sell their wares. The residence of Bardale was rather spread out, a few smaller shops here and there while the Guild building stood tall in the center of town. A branch of Grand Magia, with employees who helped and protected the citizens in need. Quiet, manageable, and easy to navigate, she quite liked the town they had arrived in. She wandered over to the bakery, Hershel and Rhys's Patisserie, to try the samples. The woman held out the tray for her to take one, glad she was able to draw in new faces with her sales pitch.
Lily took a bite of the small cake, face lighting up with joy. It was sweet and soft, the cake moist and perfectly baked! The frosting was also soft, not crumbling or smearing with every bite. She took another to bring to Irvine, pink frosting still on her lips and a bit on her cheeks. Walking over to where she had last seen him, she found him being lectured about balanced meals and eating healthy, which may just be irrelevant at this point! Jed was kind of enough to help him out of the jam his words had landed him in. He heaved a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck, but still smiled as the couple ushered their horse slowly through the streets toward the merchant circle. Getting lectured like that as a grown man.. was different.
