War for her love begins

Inuyasha's pov

With help from Kagome and Sessohmaru, we stopped Y/N from killing Koga. We asked Koga to leave while we explained what happened when they had met so he wouldn't get killed. After he left, she was being held in Sessohmaru's arms as we told the story because she wouldn't let anyone else except her sister, who isn't strong enough to hold her down.

Timeskip brought to you by Miyoga

Y/N pov

"Kagome, let me get this right. He kidnapped you because you could see jewel shards, then he tried to court you, almost got you killed multiple times and he likes to bother Inuyasha." I say acting mad. "Yes." Kagome gulped after speaking. "Cool, as long as he doesn't try to get you killed again we're fine." "Just like that you're fine with it?!" the mutt said surprised. "As I said before, mutt. If they aren't a threat to Kagome then there's no reason to attack." " I ain't a Mutt." Inu yelled. "She really is like me. You were right, Mutt." Koga said. "Hi onii-san." "What did you call me?" he asked. "I called you onii-san. You are married to Kagome right?" " No." he said with his face turning bright red from being called big brother. "Oh, well I'm still going to call you onii-san." "Onee-chan" Kagome says embarrassed and everyone laughs. he says sitting down next to me. I move closer to sessohmaru. "Koga, stay away from my mate. Can't you see that she is mine not yours." Sessohmaru says angrily. While I made me happy that he cared about me, I was mad because I don't belong to anyone.

Kagome's pov

 "Sessohmaru, I wouldn't have said that if I we're you." "Do not tell this Sessohmaru what to do." he said. "I tried to warm him." "What do you mean?" Inu asked. "The last person who called Y/N theirs was almost beaten to a pulp." Everyone except me, Sessohmaru, and Koga turn around to see a deadly aura around her. "Sess~ohm~aru." she said walking to him. You could practically see him shiver in fear. "Yes, Y/N." he said to afraid to move. "I DON'T BELONG TO ANYONE." she yelled as she moved to attack them. That's when I intervened. I moved in front of her because I knew she wouldn't attack. She stopped and fell to her knees. "I did it again, didn't I, Kagome." she asked as she cried. "It's okay sis. It wasn't you." I hugged her as I tried to comfort her. " Sango, can you take Y/N to the river nearby here." Sango nodded and left with sis, while I was left to explain what happened.
