Her Fear

Y/N pov

We followed Kikyo to what look like a forest. Everything was going well till we lost Miroku. At first we thought her just got lost so I went to find him. When I did I say him asleep in vines looking like he was stuck in a nightmare. As soon as I saw this I knew what was going on. I freed Miroku and told him to look for the others while I went to find Kagome. When I caught up to Kikyo and Kagome, she had taken away the Shikon jewel shards from her and threw her into the vines. I ran at Kikyo trying to get the jewel back when I froze. Because Kagome is experiencing fear I am as well.

Dream state

"Sister you failed." Kagome said dying. " How could you. You're the reason Kagome was killed. Had you gotten here earlier she would still be alive. Now I will never be able to tell her that I love her." Inuyasha said posed to kill me. "Looks like you failed your dad." Naraku says happily with the jewel shard. "Looks like I was wrong about you. How could you possibly be my mate?" Sessohmaru says walking away. "No this isn't real. You have to be alive Kagome. Please don't be dead. You have so much to live for. Please." I hold her limpless body crying, when I feel someone shaking me.

Dream state end

"Y/N wake up! Y/N please be alright." Sessohmaru says. I get up and hug Sessohmaru. "Please don't leave. Not again.." " What are you talking about Y/N? I've been here with you the entire time you were out." he says worried. So he never left me. "Nothing it was just a bad dream. If you don't mind I'm going to go see Kagome." I looked at him as I was leaving and could tell that he didn't believe me, but I didn't care, I need to make sure Kagome was alright. While walking I saw Inuyasha and were about to say hi when I remembered my dream and continued walking. When I finally found Kagome I hugged her and started crying. She asked if I was okay and I told her was now that I knew she wasn't dead. She asked what I meant and I told her about my horrible nightmare. She hugged me and stayed with me till I stopped crying.

Sessohmaru pov

So that's why she was crying saying not to leave her again. Because of Kikyo's, Y/N was stuck in a living hell where she lost everything. When I find Kikyo, I'll make her regret hurting Y/N. "Sessohmaru, I know you are there you can come out." Y/N says. "Guess I can't fool you. Will you please come with me?" "Sure." She says running up to me. I hold her hand and take her to were I go to calm down. When we got there I pulled her into a hug and told her not to worry about me leaving her because I love her. We sat under the stars and enjoyed each other's presence till we fell asleep.
