Met Sessohmaru

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"What are you doing out here without Inuyasha, Kagome?"

Y/n pov

"Look I don't know who you are, but I'm not Kagome." you say turning around. "Then who are you? You look just like her." he say without changing his facial expressions. Can't he feel my demonic presence "I'm Kagome's sister. I came with her. Who are you?" " I'm... " "Sessohmaru get away from Y/N" Inuyasha yells. 'That stupid mutt I was handling this just by myself.

Sessohmaru pov

"Y/N...." My stupid half brother starts to fight me when Y/N walks in front of me surprising me and stopping Inuyasha. "Get away from him. He's evil." he says. "If he was evil he would have killed me when my guard was down." Y/N replied. "Inuyasha let's settle this later." I said taking the girl with me. What is with me? Why do I feel like I must protect this girl?

Inuyasha pov

Shit he's kidnapped Y/N. What will I tell Kagome? "Inuyasha where's Y/N?" Kagome asks me. " Don't freak out, but Sessohmaru kidnapped her." "Sit boy. Sit sit sit sit." I knew this would happen.

Kagome pov

 "Inuyasha, why wouldn't I freak out? IT'S NOT LIKE MY SISTER WAS KIDNAPPED." "Kagome, what's going on?" Sango asks. "Inuyasha got my sister kidnapped." I say as I faint

Sango pov

"She has a fever from finding out about his sister being kidnapped and her sister being a demon. Inuyasha what happened between you and Sessohmaru?" "I started to fight him after I saw him talking to Y/N because I thought he was about to kill her. Then when I was about to finish him off, she stood between me and him asking me not to kill him because he wasn't evil because it he had been he would have killed her when her guard was down. Then he flew off with her." he said.

Author pov

Meanwhile, you are clinging on to Sessohmaru afraid he was going to drop you. Soon he stops by a little girl. "Did Sessohmaru kidnap you too?" you ask. " No, Lord Sessohmaru save Rin." she said. "How dare you accuse Lord Sessohmaru of doing some thing so cruel?" a little imp said. " Shut up Jaken." Sessohmaru said. "Yes sir." he says. "Why did you kidnap me?" you ask. " Don't you know the answer to that already? I'm sure you felt it when we look each other in the eye."

Y/N pov

What's he talking about? I mean I did protect he because I felt like he was a nice guy and that he was caring, but that means nothing right? He starts walking towards me as I back up. "What do you want with me?" " I want to protect you. I feel like I need to protect. I think you are my mate." he says. His mate? What is he talking about. I can't possibly be his mate. I'm a human and he's a demon and I'm from a different period in time.

Sessohmaru pov

What was that? I can smell a demon. It smells like Naraku. Could he be after Y/N? "Jaken get Rin and Y/N away from here." " Yes, Lord Sessohmaru." Jaken replies. "That won't stop me Sessohmaru and you know that don't you?" Naraku said.

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I'll get you back Y/N.

Y/N pov

"Attack the girl and the imp." A voice says No I can't their my friends. "Do it or I will force you to do so." The voice says "I can't do it and who are you."
"Sessohmaru Y/N doesn't look good." Rin said. "What did you do to her Naraku?" Sessohmaru said. " Nothing just talk to her. Didn't you know that she is my daughter?" Naraku said.
