Prologue - Embarrassment

Hello, I am Jaylene, you're average girl. But of course no one is average, everyone's different in their own way. I am an introvert, who loves cats and dancing, the problem is, that I can't perform. I'm too scared to! Especially after my nemesis at school, Athena, started a rumour that I can't dance. That's right, when I can perfectly do a pirouette!!! It all started on the night of prom. My dress was midnight blue with only one strap on my right shoulder, and it had a gem on the left side of my waist. Guess who was taking me to prom? You can't? Well, for one, it's my cat. I'm actually going with my friend, Holly who's bringing her cat, and Jayde. We live together in an apartment ever since Jayde and I decided that we wanted to go to the Academy of Performing Arts. Holly came with us because she wanted to learn all about language! Her university is just down the road. We owned two cats, one a tuxedo cat, who was wearing a black bowtie to honour the occasion and the other a tabby, who had a pink collar. I brought the tuxedo cat who was named Crescent because reasons, and the other was Holly's cat, named Dapple, who was the sweetest thing ever. Jayde actually had a proper date with a guy but whereas she was more outgoing, we were both introverts. 

"Hey you guys ready yet?" I called.

"Yes!" Holly called back, coming out in a simple, modest lavender dress. It had straps and had a collar that only showed her collarbone. It flowed and draped around her feet.

"Pretty dress!" I commented.

"Thanks! I thought it would be a bit much!" She blushed.

"No! You just need a necklace!" I took out a glittering necklace from a box and placed it around her neck. It glittered whenever you moved and it was swirly at the end where the jewel was. It looked like a perfectly round lavender drop sitting in a swirl.

"Thank you!" Holly cried.

"You're welcome! I have one like it too! Except it's blue of course." I fiddled with my light blue necklace.

"Jayde! We're done, how about you?" I called.

"I'm coming aiyo!" Jayde hurried down the hall in a light pink dress with a sweetheart neckline, it had a glittering belt. I took her necklace (with a light pink drop) and put it on her.

"It looks amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Now we just need to find Crescent and Dapple!" 

I got the small dog carrying bags ready and Holly plopped them in, one in each. 

I lifted Crescent with a grunt, he was heavy! Holly didn't have any trouble because Dapple was light and delicate. They both didn't meow because they'd been on 'expeditions' like this before, it wasn't anything new. We went and had a wonderful time, that was until I tripped.

A boy asked me to dance and I accepted, what I didn't know was that it was Athena's ex-boyfriend, so she was evil-eyeing us the entire time. By the end of the dance my feet were sore from the high heels. I was about to excuse myself when I tripped and fell over. Athena's ex-boyfriend helped me up and I was about to laugh it off before I heard Athena saying loudly.

"I know right! She can't dance!" 

That hurt me, but I kept it together till I got back to Holly who was eating chicken wings. 

"How'd it go?" Holly munched.

Crescent climbed out of his bag and settled on my lap, rubbing his head against my chin as if to comfort me. I smiled, he always knew when I was upset.

"Oh I just embarrassed myself in front of the entire school." I tried to say as lightly as possible but it only made me tear up. 

"Aw, come on, we're here for you! Just let it out!" Holly put her arm around me. 

That's when I started bawling (quietly of course) into her shoulder.

Jayde noticed and hurried over with a pack of makeup remover.

"I told you we'd need these!" She started cleaning my mascara up.

"Thanks guys." I smiled through my tears.

"Hey, we're always here for you." Holly hugged me, as Jayde expertly cleaned up my mess of makeup.

"Do you want to go back home?" Jayde asked.

"Yeah, but don't you want to spend time with your date?" I asked.

"Haven't you noticed, Jay? He's way to clingy." Jayde replied.

We walked the short distance back to our apartment with me cradling Crescent. 

So that's how I embarrassed myself in front of my entire year. By the way, did I ever tell you about our apartment? When you enter there's basically this big room crammed with all our beds, desks and wardrobe in there. (A lot of books too) And there were two bathrooms. One was our main one and the other emergency just in case one of us was using the other bathroom and another of us needed to use it too. Our main one had a large countertop. One side was crammed with makeup, from nail polish to foundation. The other side was filled with packets of oil absorbing tissues and cleansing things (like almond oil to clear the pores etc.) The middle just had spot removal cream, because Holly didn't wear makeup or got oily skin, only the occasional spot. I owned the left side with all the cleansing things and Jayde owned the other side filled with makeup. Our shower had two sides. One side had body gel, normal shampoo and conditioner. The other side had a specific type of shampoo and conditioner. Deep Cleansing Shampoo and Deep Cleansing Conditioner. Another door from our bedroom was a kitchen, which was crammed with fruit. Like A LOT.

How was this story? It's very different compared to my first story! Tell me what you think and what I could do to improve!!!! :)

