Chapter 3 - Study Date! and Beach Date????

This shop had everything, from notebooks, sketchbooks to planner, pens, pencils, calligraphy pens etc. We ran around the shop picking out notebooks for our three classes and getting pens and pencils. For stretching class, I picked out a spiral notebook with a blue ombre effect on it. For dance, I picked out a purple ombre spiral notebook and for hairdressing, I picked out a black sketchbook with silver floral design, it had a pocket for pencils on the inside and was small, compact and thick. We both got a set of pencils, erasers and pens. We bought it and went back to the apartment to drop off things. I took out my old notebooks that were for last year. I basically emptied my bag and put in the new things along with the reusable stationary from last year. My bag now had my laptop, three notebooks, a reading book, a planner and my stationary in it along with my wallet. The small pocket hadn't changed much, it was still the same stuff.

"What drink do you want?" I called out.

"I'll buy one from Starbucks." Jayde called back.

I contemplated, should I bring my own water? Or should I buy the glorious hot chocolate at Starbucks? Hot chocolate won. Jayde didn't change but she went to the bathroom as I was organising my backpack so while I changed, she changed her supplies. I put on a comfortably, loose shirt and put a jacket with a hood over it (blue, of course), after that I wore black leggings. As we walked to Starbucks we passed a tech shop.

"Hey, they have headphones, we've both been needing a pair each." Jayde stopped me.

"But-" I protested before I got a text from Holly.

Holly: Going to be late! Got some extra work to do!

Jaylene: That's ok :) work hard!

"Told you so!" Jayde elbowed me smugly.

I laughed and we walked in.

"Look at this pair!" I gasped as I saw a set of cat headphones, they were black with blue lines on them, they had a pair of cat ears at the top and they looked super cool!

Jayde gasped as well when she saw a pair of earphones she liked. They were painted in rose gold, and were very simple.

"Those are both good quality headphones ladies." The shopkeeper said eagerly.

"I'll take these." I pointed to the cat ears.

"Good choice!" He commented.

Jayde and I both paid for the headphones we liked and went to Starbucks. As we waited for Holly to come, I bought hot chocolate and Jayde bought coffee. We sat down at a table and, while sipping our drinks, tested our new headphones and did our homework. I wrote down my planned work-out sessions:

Workout Session

1. Cycle outside!

2. Dance!

3. Gymnastics!

After working that out, I sketched Jayde's hair as she contemplated different dances. Halfway through we heard Holly call out.

"Hey! How was your first day!" I greeted.

"Tiring and interesting!" She replied.

"Mine was tiring too! And I made a new hairstyle and put it on my 'victim' a.k.a Jayde." I joked.

"Jayde? How was your day?" Holly turned to her.

Jayde didn't hear Holly and continued thinking about an idea.

"She still needs to have an idea for a project we're doing." I explained.

Holly nodded and went to get some juice.

"Any homework?" I asked as I finished sketching off the braids and starting on the bun.

"A bit, we have to translate all this stuff in different languages! Thank goodness we can use translation websites!" Holly plonked down and opened up her laptop to start.

I laughed. "I still have to sketch out Jayde's hairstyle."

I took some hair decorations out and added a few pins with small, fake diamond flowers on them and stuck them through the bun. I also added a glittering hair band around Jayde's head. About an hour later Jayde was writing furiously down on her dance notebook, I was finishing off the sketch while listening to music and Holly was typing vigilantly down.

"Done!" I cried.

At that moment I spotted two guys from Jayde's and I's dance class enter Starbucks.

"Hide me!" Jayde and I both say at the same time then laugh at the fact that we said something at the same time. The two guys noticed us laughing our heads off with Holly looking perplexed in the middle.

"Hey! Are you okay?" One of the guys asked me.

I shook my head as I bent over.

"By the way, I'm Caleb, do you want to go out sometime?" He asked when I'd finished laughing.

"Um....." I hesitated. Why did he want to hang out with me? I was the shy, weird introvert who wore nerd glasses, didn't wear any makeup and was rumoured to not be able to dance! If anything, it'll just turn out with me leaving in a huff.

"Yeah! Why not?" I replied.

"Great! Where do you want to go?" Caleb asked.

"The beach?" I suggested. "We don't have to, if you don't want to."

"I love the beach!" Caleb replied enthusiastically.

"10AM? The beach near here? Meet there?" We made plans and he left with his friend who decided to tag along with Jayde to come with us to the beach.

"You guys have dates now?" Holly asked.

"Oh, this is the first time anyone's ever noticed me apart from you, Jayde and my nemesis at school." I explained. "So this is quite shocking. What was Caleb's friend called?" I turned to Jayde.


"Oh did you guys notice that I've signed up for Saturday tutoring classes?" Holly asked.

"Why?" I inquired.

"I need the extra tutoring on Latin, I'm struggling with that one." She shrugged.

We spent till 5:00 at Starbucks before our laptop battery died and we finished being lazy. We all went back up to our apartment and dumped our stuff.

"Cheesy pasta for dinner?" I asked, opening the fridge.

"Yes!" They enthusiastically called back.

I went to work and by 6:00, I had three portions of cheesy pasta, with spinach at the ready. We ate and prepared for bed. The routine usually went: One of us would take a shower while the other two brushed teeth, then another one would take shower while the other two get ready for bed and then the cycle would go on. I snuggled in to bed and became a sausage roll in my big duvet.

"Please make the aircon cold!" I called out to Jayde, who always stayed up later than the two of us.

Jayde nodded and after doing that, she continued to watch Netflix. 
