Chapter 65: Sacrifice

Durnehviir took a deep breath. He'd brought Marinette's parents to Dovjunaar so that they could talk about the whole "Molag Bal" situation without the risk of anyone hearing. Considering that Lila had been willing risk Paris's existence over a petty grudge meant that he wouldn't put it past her to try and sabotage the ritual and allow Molag Bal to complete his Planemeld.

"Where are we?" Tom looked around in wonder. Durnehviir had dropped them in a replica of the Forgotten Vale.

"In Dovjunaar. There is something extremely important that I need to tell you."

Durnehviir proceeded to tell them of Molag Bal, how he was attempting a Planemeld, what the cause likely was, and Strunsahtiid's plan to stop him.

When he was done explaining, the couple was quiet for a few seconds, then started arguing. Both said that they should be the sacrifice and that the other should be the Akuma to support the rest of the team.

After about half an hour of back and forth, Durnehviir was already sick of it, and blurted out "For pragmatism's sake, Sabine will be the sacrifice and Tom the Akuma!"

"Yes. It pains me to say this, but that will be the most practical plan."

Durnehviir jumped. He'd never even noticed the white dragon.

How, by the name of Akatosh, is a dragon with bright white scales able to be sneaky like that?

Tom hung his head, while Sabine looked determined.
