Metal *

"Come on, we did not just fall out of a flying aircraft carrier, explode, teleport to another world, fight aliens, get possessed, kidnapped, ripped from our safety heaps of times, kill thousands of people, save billions more, imprisioned for a total for two years for you to start to fade when you lose a little blood," Castor slapped my cheek a little to wake me from my groggy state.

"Well you can write my biography then," I murmured.

"Maybe I will," Castor said with a hint of sass, "then I make like a bajillion dollars of it and sit on my butt as you play Avengers,"

"No one has a bajillion dollars dummy," My voice sounded groggy in my own ears,

"Uh, I will," she said and stood up.

"Are you okay?" Loki looked at me with the utmost concern, it was sweet and I felt my heart swell. Just yesterday or so, I'd been mourning over his death, and now, here he was. I bit back tears and feigned nonchalance.

"Yeah fine. What happened," I went to rub my head but then realised a chain was attached.

"You were hurt by one of the Other's soldiers and fell unconscious from the blood loss,"

"Oh, rude." I tapped a hand to where the sword pierced my body, the wound was fully healed, the only remains being a cut in my clothing.

"Your body healed from the wound, however you need to escape as soon as physically possible," Loki's voice was urgent, his eyes reflecting a wild quality.

I reached out, selecting a location with my mind, a beach, with rocky pebbles and the crisp snap of salt on the wind. I summoned the energy to teleport myself there, creating a weakening in space for matter to travel through.

But it didn't work.

Every time I summoned energy to teleport away, it disappeared like my energy was a flowing river and the spring had become dry. It took me a little while to notice my glowing chains.

"I-I can't," I gasped, panting, shaking at the chains. Loki sighed, appearing defeated, his head fell back against the wall, he rubbed his face.

"Well I'm going to go and scout," Castor said, appearing unimpressed and jumped off the towertop. During my moment of attempted teleporting she'd just watched with slight disinterest.

"Is it because I wasn't connected to Castor?" I asked Loki, my words shortened by my harboured breath.

"No, I don't believe it was, in fact the chains seem to be draining you of your energy. However because your abilities are naturally stronger you should be able to weave smaller spells," Loki sighed again, "it seems it's come to father-daughter bonding time, as your Midgardians put it, in the deadliest way possible,"

I snorted.

"So what is your favourite metal?" Loki asked, not what's your preferred colour.

"Silver," I answered without hesitation.

"Just like your mother," a gentle smile worked its way onto Loki's lips, "you're a lot more like her than me,"

"Nu uh,"

"How so?"

"I always used to sabotage stuff, mostly Bruce's assignments, just for the fun of it," I chuckled shortly.

Loki rolled his eyes, "is that all?" It was a dare we were challenging the other to the worst prank.

"Nope," I popped the 'p', "I had quite a few detentions, mostly for stealing other kids stuff. Did you know, if your teacher finds your hand in the proverbial cookie jar, you're almost guaranteed to receive a suspension? I always managed to convince the teachers that it wasn't my fault. Since I was almost always 'studying', it was hard for them to believe that I actually had any time to muck around,"

Loki refused to believe that I was actually useful when it came to causing mischief, so I told him stories of my tricks.

When I was younger and Bruce was close to finishing school he had asked me for inspiration for an assignment. The student was expected to deliver a model of a chosen topic on a cellular level.

I had asked what would happen if a nuclear missile hit the East Coast of America. Bruce had spent countless nights, researching, modelling and working on presentation for the assignment. He really was truly proud of it.

However, on the second last night before the presentation, once Bruce was asleep. I had decided that the presentation could use a little more green. It was composed of all drab greys and mustard yellows.

Unfortunately for the presentation, I added a little too much green. I was lucky, if Bruce had had his accident before the assignment, I would've been screwed. He was angry, to say the least, and it definitely got a nice reaction out of him. But after that, I kind of gave up on slacking off, gathered a stiff back and worked hard on my studies.

"So what happened?" Loki asked.

"Bruce had a backup, but I don't think he was as proud, handing in a report on the likeliness of evolution,"

Loki chuckled to himself, his eyes shining once again then his smile faded and his green eyes became dull again, his voice turned serious.

"You should sleep, conserve your rest,"

So I did.

Question of the Day: What's your favourite metal?

Mine; copper or silver...

