Gordan *

I woke on what I assumed to be the Bifrost bridge, I was being dragged towards a large golden sphere-shaped building. A guard was gripping me, Thor and his cape swept the glass underfoot. I wondered how it always stayed clean.

Loki kneeled on the ground, breathing heavily, his tortures still evident upon his face.

"Dad," I cried and rushed, or more likely, stumbled over to him. We embraced. He clutched onto me, his sobs buried into my shoulder, tears ran down my face. We are free.

"I will never let you go," Loki swore, clutching me closer.

"Someday you're going to have to,"

"Not if I can help it," he whispered back determinedly.

An old man who I assumed to be my grandfather, strutted into the building. He barely spared Loki and I a glance before ordering. "Take him to the cells,"

"Tell me something that I can hold onto forever and never let go," I whispered into his ear.

"Let go," the whispered reply trembled. Then his words grew urgent. "Let go, Becky, let go."

Guards surrounded us in a flurry and I felt myself pried off him. I winced as every movement opened new wounds. Loki fought against them and so did I. Eventually, it took eighteen guards, and an Asgardian Prince to pry my father away from my grasp.

Thor ordered the Gatekeeper to take us back to Midgard.

"No!" I cried, fighting against Thor, yet I could already feel us being transported back.

... Several Months Later...

SHIELD locked me back into my cell, however as weeks dragged into months I was granted more privileges. Work, meals in the mess hall, showers more frequently. I had one friend, Gordan. He was my work partner, guard and comfort. He was patient, funny, kind and the balm that I needed.

Fury had somewhat forgotten my execution, I think it was better if we both left it in the past.

Bruce visited less and less, I suspected it was something about what I did when I last saw him tearing apart our sibiling hood. He never really was the same after that.

Gordan and I would spend hours in the lab, creating and programming. Sometimes Gordan would be sent on missions, as he doubled up as a Bomb Disposalist.

I love the way he joked around, how his eyes sparkled. How he came to work sporting ridiculous hairstyles, went out of his way to make me laugh.

Eventually I began to see him more than a friend. It didn't take me long for me to realise that I had fallen for him.


"Come on, I want to show you something amazing," Gordan's puppy dog eyes crumbled my defences.

"Fine," I muttered and his face lit up in a cheer, and he dragged me up the stairs.

We were standing on the rooftop, me balancing myself. Gordan had set up a mini dinner for us, candles littered the rooftop. The city view and skyscrapers alight.

"It's beautiful," I breathed, this had a wonderful view.

"Not as beautiful as you," Gordan whispered, and I looked to him. Our faces were inches away from each other.

I had never kissed someone, I wondered what it was like, if the world really did explode in fireworks. Did everything melt away, was love such a powerful drug to do so?

Nonsense, logic always snapped at me. Love is just a emotion caused by hormones flowing through the body.

But the small part of me always wondered, what was it like?

Our lips were millimetres away from each other, I looked into his eyes, full of love. I let the pull draw me closer.

"Let go Becky!" Loki's cry registered in my head.

Then the illusion faded.

"I'm sorry," The Punisher stared down at me, a sadistic smile upon his face, "I seem to be ruining something,"

Question of the Day: Would you like a sequel?

