Being Dangerous and Reuniting *

Where am I? I thought to myself as I scanned my surroundings.

"Hello?" My voice croaked. Hoping for a response in the vast, barren space. I was in the centre a massive crater of some sort. It was probably a few miles in diameter, the edges were cracked and blistered like flames had washed over the bowl. I wore a torn dress, silvery blue.

I don't wear dresses, I thought frantically to myself.

Before my eyes, the dress glowed and then shifted to a more normal outfit. Clothing one would wear at home or on movie days.

"What the?" I whispered to myself.

My breath started to quicken, as I looked around at my surroundings, I stumbled up to the edge of the bowl and crawled up the side. The view before me was depressing, structures had been decimated. All that was left was rubble.

You've done this, a voice taunted in my head, the same one that had persisted throughout the past few days.

"Who are you?" I cried out aloud and whipped around, surely I was growing insane.

You've killed hundreds of people, it persisted. With barely a thought, they died, the another thought their remains burned to ash and floated away on the wind.

"Leave me alone!" I cried and whipped around again.

"Miss? Are you alright?" A middle-aged man approached me, hand outstretched as a gesture of friendliness.

"S-s-stay away from me! I'm dangerous!" My urgent voice faded, "I don't want to hurt you,"

"It's going to be okay, my name is Phil. I know your scared but you can come with me,"

"Where are we going?"

SHIELD base. Special cell. The scientists will have to run tests on her. Don't let her get angry. She's like the Hulk.

"A special cell? What tests? I'm not a Hulk," my voice trembled. My cousin was the Hulk. Did he know Bruce? Were these people going to hurt me? Bruce had told me to be wary of them but I'd never expect-

"I'll explain Becky, on the way, we need to get you out of here,"

"I can't go anywhere, I might hurt you," the hysteria in my voice evident. I shuffled back to the edge of the crater.

A single shot sounded, I felt something pinch my shoulder and saw a dark sticking out of it.

My face contorted into a state of anger, my hair paled to a silvery blonde. My form shifted until I was in a skintight suit, rippling with silvery blue hues.

In control again. The voice sung and threw a blast of some kind at the agent.



My cries echoed in my ears and I jolted awake. Scaring the agent next to me, he put his hands in the air in surrender.

"I'm sorry," I muttered and he turned away.

Best not to ride with freaks.

His thoughts stung me a little.

The plane was close to landing. Fury's agents had come and picked us up in the desert. They took me to a safehouse, I'd waited for a few days until I'd been transported to a airfield. Now we were on our way to another SHIELD base, from the thoughts I'd read, it was a flying airbase. Worry picked away at me per normal, the amount of people that could be hurt...

The plane jolted and slowed to a stop. It was another ten anxious minutes before the quinjet was loaded into the parking bay. The agents marched out and I casually followed.

"Becky Banner?" A penciled agent asked. Each step was accompanied by an impatient click.

"Yes?" I asked, slinging my SHIELD-snatched laptop under my arm where it sat comfortably. A duffel bag was over my shoulder, in it, a small amount of scavenged possessions from over the years.

"Come with me," she snapped, spinning on her heel and stalking off. I rolled my eyes and followed. "You will be meeting on the bridge soon, in the meantime, I will take you to your room,"

I followed the SHIELD agent to my room. It was grey and the same hexagons were imprinted on the walls. I dropped my duffel bag, not ready to unpack and call this place home.

Five minutes were wasted pacing as I waited for Clip to return. She was a clipped person, nothing more than a stick. She was one of the many agents who seemed like there was nothing more to her than her job.

Clip returned and I found another excuse for her nickname. Her heels clicked as I followed her to a new destination, the lab.

I froze as we turned another metallic corner. I was finally going to see him.

Good for you. Castor snapped.

Had he changed? Had he found a cure? How long had it been since his last Hulk incident?

The first look I'd had of him was distantly down a hall. He appeared tired, his eyes were weighed down but he hadn't been working for long enough for his 'science work symptoms' to show. He still had curly brunette hair, a few strands of grey salting it. His eyes were a soft brown, filled with loneliness but there was still the sparkle of joy that I'd see in his eyes when he'd be discovering something.

I ran the last few meters into his arms.

"Can't breathe," he gasped after a few moments and I let him go with an apology.

"We're together again," I breathed into his shirt.

A/N: And another chapter there, very short, I'm sorry about that. Please comment and vote.

Questions of the day: Would you marry Loki?

