Chapter 65

*Your POV*
Betty and I are sitting in the Blue and Gold, she's writing an Article, and I'm looking at my computer. I check to see if Martinez, the fake photographer, in case you've forgotten, posted his new gallery yet. I kind of forgot about it since Jug told me on his birthday.

I go through his website, and he did post it. And...he credited my photos to himself. I groan. "What a jerk!" I yell, getting Betty's attention. I stand up and turn around, pacing around the room.

"Whoa, what happened?" she asks and stands up.

"See for yourself." I say, and point at my computer. She goes over, and looks at the picture.

"Wait...isn't this your picture?"

I scoff, "Yeah. It is."

"Then why is it credited to..."

"Josh Martinez? Because he's an asshole that lies to everyone, about everything." I stop pacing, and go back to where she's looking.

"I'm really sorry, (Y/N)."

I calm down, "It's okay I guess."

"No, it's not. He shouldn't do that. Does Jug know about this?"

"Yeah. He's actually the one who told me, but I didn't believe him. That's part of why we were fighting on his birthday."

"I'm sorry."

I just shrug. Archie comes into the room. "Am, I interrupting something?" he asks.

Oh, nothing. Just that my dreams are crushed. "No, you're good." I sit back down at my computer.

"What's up?" Betty asks.

"It's just, Betty, I know that you said that you were okay with Veronica and me being together, but I just wanted to make sure because.." Archie starts.

"Because last time, I wasn't." she laughs a little, "But, I promise that I am this time. Don't worry about me. You don't have to."

"Great." He nods his head.

"By the way, I totally ship you two." I say, and Archie laughs.

"And you and Veronica you're.." Betty starts.

"I like her a lot. She's amazing." He says, and Betty nods. There's a slight pause, and he steps closer, "But, a little bit of me always thought,"

"You're lucky. You found your soul mate. And so did (Y/N)." I look up, and raise an eyebrow. "And I'm just happy that we're all friends." She smiles.

"Yeah, I'm glad that we're all friends, too. Anyways, Betty and I got to get going." I say, standing up, "She's got to show her article to her mom."

"Oh yeah, that's right." She laughs, "I totally forgot."

"Alright. I'll see you guys later." Archie says, walking out. We both walk out too, and drive to the Register.

We walk inside, and see Alice and Hal. "Hi, Betty, (Y/N)." Alice says.

"Hey Mom." Betty says. We both sit down. She hands her the article.

Alice takes it and starts reading it. A couple minutes pass, and she finishes. She puts it down and takes her reading glasses off. "This is, the best thing you've ever written." She starts, "But,"

"But you won't publish it." Betty finishes.

"What? Why not?" I ask.

"You're too involved in all of this! People are all going to think that you wrote it for (Y/N)'s boyfriend's dad." Alice says.

"But it's the truth." Betty says.

"It's one version of the truth, honey."

"Oh my God, Mom. You're just as bad as Mayor McCoy." That sentence made Hal stand up straight, "We're all just as bad as this whole town."

"Well the other reason we don't want you publishing this, is because there have been reports on the Southside." Alice starts.

"What?" she asks.

"Betty, not just the police are going after the Serpents. Crime is spreading." Hal says.

"And that is why we don't want you publishing this. There is real anger out there. And it needs to be focused somewhere. Right now, it's the Serpents, and we don't want it leading back to you as a target." Alice says.

"She' a point." I say, looking over at her. She nods her head, and sighs.

Word Count: 668
